195 resultados para HARVESTMEN ARACHNIDA
"Issued May 28, 1898."
Made up set; supplied title.
From Wood's reference handbook of the medical sciences, revised edition. Vol 1, p. 428-437.
From Wood's reference handbook of the medical sciences. Vol I, p. 502-516.
"The section on the Crustacea is written by Dr. W. T. Calman, that on the Arachnida and Myriopoda by Mr. A. S. Hirst, and the portions dealing respectively with the Onychophora and with the Pestastomida ... by Mr. F. Jeffrey Bell." - Pref.
We inferred phylogeny among the three major lineages of the Acari ( mites) from the small subunit rRNA gene. Our phylogeny indicates that the Opilioacariformes is the sister-group to the Ixodida+Holothyrida, not the Ixodida+Mesostigmata+Holothyrida, as previously thought. Support for this relationship increased when sites with the highest rates of nucleotide substitution, and thus the greatest potential for saturation with nucleotide substitutions, were removed. Indeed, the increase in support ( and resolution) was despite a 70% reduction in the number of parsimony-informative sites from 408 to 115. This shows that rather than 'noisy' sites having no impact on resolution of deep branches, 'noisy' sites have the potential to obscure phylogenetic relationships. The arrangement, Ixodida+Holothyrida+Opilioacariformes, however, may be an artefact of long-branch attraction since relative-rate tests showed that the Mesostigmata have significantly faster rates of nucleotide substitution than other parasitiform mites. Thus, the fast rates of nucleotide substitution of the Mesostigmata might have caused the Mesostigmata to be attracted to the outgroup in our trees. We tested the hypothesis that the high rate of nucleotide substitution in some mites was related to their short generation times. The Acari species that have high nucleotide substitution rates usually have short generation times; these mites also tend to be more active and thus have higher metabolic rates than other mites. Therefore, more than one factor may affect the rate of nucleotide substitution in these mites.
Os opiliões (Arachnida: Opiliones) são aracnídeos com ampla distribuição geográfica, sendo a maior parte das espécies registradas na região Neotropical. Esses organismos possuem baixa capacidade de dispersão, alto grau de endemismo e sensibilidade às mudanças ambientais, também participam da ciclagem da matéria orgânica do solo, visto que muitas espécies possuem o hábito alimentar detritívoro. Dada a importância desses organismos, objetivou-se com esse trabalho prospectar a fauna de opiliões em remanescente florestal localizado no município de Plácido de Castro, AC. Foram utilizados dois métodos de captura: armadilhas pitfall (captura passiva), dispostas em dois transectos, e procura livre noturna (coleta ativa). As armadilhas pitfall consistiram em copos plásticos de 500 mL, contendo uma solução de formaldeído a 1% e gotas de detergente neutro, sendo recolhidas semanalmente. As coletas ativas mensais foram realizadas por quatro pessoas, em um esforço de coleta de 1 h. As espécies de opiliões capturadas foram: Paecilaema marajoara, Paraprotus quadripunctatus, Taito kakera e Cynorta sp. (Cosmetidae); Geaya sp. (Sclerosomatidae) e quatro adultos e um imaturo, pertencentes à família Manaosbiidae. Todos os opiliões registrados nesse levantamento foram capturados pelo método de ?procura livre noturna?, sendo os gêneros Geaya e Cynorta, bem como a espécie P. quadripunctatus, registrados pela primeira vez no estado do Acre.
Longiperna Roewer, 1929 is revised and new records of distribution are presented for the Brazilian Costal Atlantic Rain Forest (from Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarina states). The following new synonymies are established: Longiperna concolor (Mello-Leitão, 1923) = L. zonata Mello-Leitão, 1935 and L. heliaca B. Soares, 1942; Longiperna coxalis (Roewer, 1943) = L. areolata B. Soares, 1944; Longiperna insperata (Soares & Soares, 1947) = L. paranensis Soares & Soares, 1947 and L. curitibana Kury, 2003. Two new species are described: Longiperna kuryi sp. nov. (type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Parati); Longiperna trembao sp. nov. (type-locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte).
The harvestmen subfamily Hernandariinae is reviewed and a new classification is proposed based on cladistic analysis using 67 morphological characters. The subfamily is composed of six genera and 23 species and occurs in south-southeastern Brazil, Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina. Fourteen new combinations are proposed: Hernandaria armatifrons (Roewer, 1917); H. una (Mello-Leitão, 1927); Acrogonyleptes granulatus (H. Soares, 1966); A. pectinifemur (Soares & Soares, 1947); Acanthogonyleptes alticola (Mello-Leitão, 1922); A. editus (Roewer, 1943); A. fallax (Mello-Leitão, 1932); A. fulvigranulatus (Mello-Leitão, 1922); A. marmoratus (Mello-Leitão, 1940); A. pictus (Piza, 1942); A. singularis (Mello-Leitão, 1935); A. soaresi (Mello-Leitão, 1944); A. variolosus (Mello-Leitão, 1944). Seven synonymies are proposed: Proweyhia Mello-Leitão, 1927 and Metaxundarava Mello-Leitão, 1927 = Hernandaria Sørensen, 1884; Apembolephaenus calcaratus Soares & Soares, 1945 = H. armatifrons (Roewer, 1917); Sphaerobunus Rower, 1917 and Paraproweyhia Soares & Soares, 1947 = Acrogonyleptes Roewer, 1917; Paraproweyhia curitibae Soares & Soares, 1947 = Acrogonyleptes exochus (Mello-Leitão, 1931); and Melloleitaniana curitibae B. Soares, 1943 = Acrogonyleptes spinifrons Roewer, 1917. Three species are revalidated: Acrogonyleptes granulatus (H. Soares, 1966), A. pectinifemur (Soares & Soares, 1947), and A. spinifrons Roewer, 1917. Seven new species are described: Hernandaria sundermannorum sp. nov. (São Paulo State, Brazil), Hernandaria anitagaribaldiae sp. nov. (Santa Catarina State, Brazil), Hernandaria zumbii sp. nov. (Santa Catarina State, Brazil), Hernandaria chicomendesi sp. nov. (Santa Catarina State, Brazil), Acrogonyleptes cheguevarai sp. nov. (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil), Pseudotrogulus pagu sp. nov. (São Paulo State, Brazil), Pseudotrogulus trotskyi sp. nov. (Paraná State, Brazil).
Evaluation of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community as a tool for monitoring a reservoir in the Pitangui river basin, Parana, Brazil. Benthic and nektonic macroinvertebrates play an important role in the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems and their distribution is influenced by chemical features of the substrate, vegetation composition, and water depth. Knowledge on the fauna contributes to the assessment of water quality and development of biodiversity conservation activities. Different biotic factors affecting the invertebrate community were evaluated in the Alagados reservoir, the main water source of the city of Ponta Grossa, Parana. In five different sampling points, 18,473 specimens of aquatic or semiaquatic macroinvertebrates were collected, belonging to 46 taxa of the phylla Annelida (Hirudinea and Oligochaeta), Mollusca (Gastropoda), Platyhelminthes (Turbellaria), Nematoda and Arthropoda (Arachnida, Crustacea and Insecta). This community was composed mainly of predators (45.7% of the taxa sampled), collectors and/or filterers (23.9%), scrapers (15.2%), shredders (13.0%) and detritivores (2.2%). Diversity (H`) and evenness (J) indices were significantly low for the sites examined, and H` ranged between 0.3301 and 1.0396. Regarding tolerance of organisms to organic pollution, more sensitive taxa were very rare (Plecoptera) or unusual (Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera). Among the more resistant groups are Chironomidae and Hirudinea, both fairly common in the samples. This study corroborates the importance of bioindicators as a tool to assess water quality for human consumption and for the conservation of aquatic environments, integrating physical, chemical and biological factors in monitoring programs.