992 resultados para H 800 R425r


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Fürchtegott Lebrecht


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u.a.: Krankheit Schopenhauer; A.E. Eichthal;


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Dust can affect the radiative balance of the atmosphere by absorbing or reflecting incoming solar radiation and it can be a source of micronutrients, such as iron, to the ocean. It has been suggested that production, transport, and deposition of dust is influenced by climatic changes on glacial-interglacial timescales. Here we present a high-resolution aeolian dust record from the EPICA Dome C ice core in East Antarctica, which provides an undisturbed climate sequence over the last eight climatic cycles. We find that there is a significant correlation between dust flux and temperature records during glacial periods that is absent during interglacial periods. Our data suggests that dust flux is increasingly correlated with Antarctic temperature as climate becomes colder. We interpret this as progressive coupling of Antarctic and lower latitudes climate. Limited changes in glacial-interglacial atmospheric transport time Mahowald et al. (1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900084), Jouzel et al. (2007, doi:10.1126/science.1141038), and Werner et al. (2002, doi:10.1029/2002JD002365) suggest that the sources and lifetime of dust are the major factors controlling the high glacial dust input. We propose that the observed ~25-fold increase in glacial dust flux over all eight glacial periods can be attributed to a strengthening of South American dust sources, together with a longer atmospheric dust particle life-time in the upper troposphere resulting from a reduced hydrological cycle during the ice ages.


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Sites 800 and 801 in the Pigafetta Basin allow the sedimentary history over the oldest remaining Pacific oceanic crust to be established. Six major deposition stages and events are defined by the main lithologic units from both sites. Mineralogical and chemical investigations were run on a large set of samples from these units. The data enable the evolution of the sediments and their depositional environments to be characterized in relation to the paleolatitudinal motion of the sites. The upper part of the basaltic crust at Site 801 displays a complex hydrothermal and alteration evolution expressed particularly by an ochre siliceous deposit comparable to that found in the Cyprus ophiolite. The oldest sedimentary cover at Site 801 was formed during the Callovian-Bathonian (stage 1) with red basal siliceous and metalliferous sediments similar to those found in supraophiolite sequences, and formed near an active ridge axis in an open ocean. Biosiliceous sedimentation prevailed throughout the Oxfordian to Campanian, with rare incursions of calcareous input during the middle Cretaceous (stages 2, 4, and 5). The biosiliceous sedimentation was drastically interrupted during the Aptian-Albian by thick volcaniclastic turbidite deposits (stage 3). The volcanogenic phases are pervasively altered and the successive secondary mineral parageneses (with smectites, celadonite, clinoptilolite, phillipsite, analcime, calcite, and quartz) define a "mineral stratigraphy" within these deposits. From this mineral stratigraphy, a similar lithologic layer is defined at the top of the Site 800 turbidite unit and the bottom of the Site 801 turbidite unit. Then, the two sites appear to have been located at the same distal distance from a volcanic source (hotspot). They crossed this locality, at about 10°S, at different times (latest Aptian for Site 800, middle Albian for Site 801). The Cretaceous siliceous sedimentation stopped during the late Campanian and was followed by deposition of Cenozoic pelagic red clay (stage 6). This deep-sea facies, which formed below the carbonate compensation depth, contains variable zeolite authigenesis in relation to the age of deposition, and records the global middle Cenozoic hiatus events. At the surface, the red clay from this part of the Pacific shows a greater detrital component than its equivalents from the central Pacific deep basins.


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Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes from benthic and planktic foraminifers, planktic foraminifer assemblages and ice rafted debris from the North Atlantic Site U1314 (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306) were examined to investigate orbital and millennial-scale climate variability in the North Atlantic and its impact on global circulation focusing on the development of glacial periods during the mid-Pleistocene (ca 800-400 ka). Glacial initiations were characterized by a rapid cooling (6-10 °C in less than 7 kyr) in the mean annual sea surface temperature (SST), increasing benthic d18O values and high benthic d13C values. The continuous increase in benthic d18O suggests a continuous ice sheet growth whereas the positive benthic d13C values indicate that the flow of the Iceland Scotland Overflow water (ISOW) was vigorous. Strong deep water formation in the Norwegian Greenland Sea promoted a high transfer of freshwater from the ocean to the continents. However, low SSTs at Site U1314 suggest a subpolar gyre cooling and freshening that may have reduced deep water formation in the Labrador Sea during glacial initiations. Once the 3.5 per mil threshold in the benthic d18O record was exceeded, ice rafting started and ice sheet growth was punctuated by millennial-scale waning events which returned to the ocean part of the freshwater accumulated on the continents. Ice-rafting events were associated with a rapid reduction in the ISOW (benthic d13C values dropped 0.5-1 per mil) and followed by millennial-scale warmings. The first two millennial-scale warm intervals of each glacial period reached interglacial temperatures and were particularly abrupt (6-10 °C in ~3 kyr). Subsequent millennial-scale warm events were cooler probably because the AMOC was rather reduced as suggested by the low benthic d13C values. These two abrupt warming events that occurred at early glacial periods were also observed in the Antarctic temperature and CO2 records, suggesting a close correlation between both Hemispheres. The comparison of the sea surface proxies with the benthic d18O record (as the Southern sign) indicates the presence of a millennial-scale seesaw pattern similar to that seen during the Last Glacial period.


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