471 resultados para Hölldobler, Bert: Muurahaiset
Trabalho Complementar apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Ciências da Nutrição
Size-resolved vertical aerosol number fluxes of particles in the diameter range 0.25-2.5 mu m were measured with the eddy covariance method from a 53 m high tower over the Amazon rain forest, 60 km NNW of Manaus, Brazil. This study focuses on data measured during the relatively clean wet season, but a shorter measurement period from the more polluted dry season is used as a comparison. Size-resolved net particle fluxes of the five lowest size bins, representing 0.25-0.45 mu m in diameter, were in general dominated by deposition in more or less all wind sectors in the wet season. This is an indication that the source of primary biogenic aerosol particles may be small in this particle size range. Transfer velocities within this particle size range were observed to increase linearly with increasing friction velocity and increasing particle diameter. In the diameter range 0.5-2.5 mu m, vertical particle fluxes were highly dependent on wind direction. In wind sectors where anthropogenic influence was low, net upward fluxes were observed. However, in wind sectors associated with higher anthropogenic influence, deposition fluxes dominated. The net upward fluxes were interpreted as a result of primary biogenic aerosol emission, but deposition of anthropogenic particles seems to have masked this emission in wind sectors with higher anthropogenic influence. The net emission fluxes were at maximum in the afternoon when the mixed layer is well developed, and were best correlated with horizontal wind speed according to the equation log(10)F = 0.48.U + 2.21 where F is the net emission number flux of 0.5-2.5 mu m particles [m(-2) s(-1)] and U is the horizontal wind speed [ms(-1)] at the top of the tower.
A niobium single crystal was subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at room temperature after orienting the crystal such that [1 -1 -1] ayen ND, [0 1 -1] ayen ED, and [-2 -1 -1] ayen TD. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to characterize the microstructures both on the transverse and the longitudinal sections of the deformed sample. After one pass of ECAP the single crystal exhibits a group of homogeneously distributed large misorientation sheets and a well formed cell structure in the matrix. The traces of the large misorientation sheets match very well with the most favorably oriented slip plane and one of the slip directions is macroscopically aligned with the simple shear plane. The lattice rotation during deformation was quantitatively estimated through comparison of the orientations parallel to three macroscopic axes before and after deformation. An effort has been made to link the microstructure with the initial crystal orientation. Collinear slip systems are believed to be activated during deformation. The full constraints Taylor model was used to simulate the orientation evolution during ECAP. The result matched only partially with the experimental observation.
This paper presents a novel adaptive control scheme. with improved convergence rate, for the equalization of harmonic disturbances such as engine noise. First, modifications for improving convergence speed of the standard filtered-X LMS control are described. Equalization capabilities are then implemented, allowing the independent tuning of harmonics. Eventually, by providing the desired order vs. engine speed profiles, the pursued sound quality attributes can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is first demonstrated with a simple secondary path model and, then, experimentally validated with the aid of a vehicle mockup which is excited with engine noise. The engine excitation is provided by a real-time sound quality equivalent engine simulator. Stationary and transient engine excitations are used to assess the control performance. The results reveal that the proposed controller is capable of large order-level reductions (up to 30 dB) for stationary excitation, which allows a comfortable margin for equalization. The same holds for slow run-ups ( > 15s) thanks to the improved convergence rate. This margin, however, gets narrower with shorter run-ups (<= 10s). (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oligodendrogliomas are the second most common malignant brain tumor in adults and exhibit characteristic losses of chromosomes 1p and 19q. To identify the molecular genetic basis for this alteration, we performed exomic sequencing of seven tumors. Among other changes, we found that the CIC gene (homolog of the Drosophila gene capicua) on chromosome 19q was somatically mutated in six cases and that the FUBP1 gene [encoding far-upstream element (FUSE) binding protein] on chromosome 1p was somatically mutated in two tumors. Examination of 27 additional oligodendrogliomas revealed 12 and 3 more tumors with mutations of CIC and FUBP1, respectively, 58% of which were predicted to result in truncations of the encoded proteins. These results suggest a critical role for these genes in the biology and pathology of oligodendrocytes.
Glioblastoma multiforme ( GBM) is the most common and lethal type of brain cancer. To identify the genetic alterations in GBMs, we sequenced 20,661 protein coding genes, determined the presence of amplifications and deletions using high- density oligonucleotide arrays, and performed gene expression analyses using next- generation sequencing technologies in 22 human tumor samples. This comprehensive analysis led to the discovery of a variety of genes that were not known to be altered in GBMs. Most notably, we found recurrent mutations in the active site of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 ( IDH1) in 12% of GBM patients. Mutations in IDH1 occurred in a large fraction of young patients and in most patients with secondary GBMs and were associated with an increase in overall survival. These studies demonstrate the value of unbiased genomic analyses in the characterization of human brain cancer and identify a potentially useful genetic alteration for the classification and targeted therapy of GBMs.
Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor of children. To identify the genetic alterations in this tumor type, we searched for copy number alterations using high-density microarrays and sequenced all known protein-coding genes and microRNA genes using Sanger sequencing in a set of 22 MBs. We found that, on average, each tumor had 11 gene alterations, fewer by a factor of 5 to 10 than in the adult solid tumors that have been sequenced to date. In addition to alterations in the Hedgehog and Wnt pathways, our analysis led to the discovery of genes not previously known to be altered in MBs. Most notably, inactivating mutations of the histone-lysine N-methyltransferase genes MLL2 or MLL3 were identified in 16% of MB patients. These results demonstrate key differences between the genetic landscapes of adult and childhood cancers, highlight dysregulation of developmental pathways as an important mechanism underlying MBs, and identify a role for a specific type of histone methylation in human tumorigenesis.
This paper presents a systematic approach to proving temporal properties of arbitrary Z specifications. The approach involves (i) transforming the Z specification to an abstract temporal structure (or state transition system), (ii) applying a model checker to the temporal structure, (iii) determining whether the temporal structure is too abstract based on the model checking result and (iv) refining the temporal structure where necessary. The approach is based on existing work from the model checking literature, adapting it to Z.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is the most commonly consumed leaf vegetable in the Brazilian diet, and it is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is widely grown in the conventional farming system. However, the hydroponic farming system has been gaining importance in the market, wining confidence from consumers, who are becoming increasingly more demanding on food quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of two lettuce cultivars on hydroponic and conventional farming systems for the production of fresh mass (FM) and dry mass (DM), photosynthesis, contents of chlorophyll and anthocyanin. The following two experiments were carried out: hydroponics farming (HF) and conventional farming (CF), performed in protect and unprotect environments, respectively, in Florianópolis, SC. Mimosa Verde cultivar (MV) showed greater fresh mass than Mimosa Roxa (MR), in both farming systems and the two cultivars presented better performance in the hydroponic system (287.7 g MV and 139.1 g MR) than the conventional system (129.7 g MV and 111.8 g MR). Mimosa Verde cultivar presented lower average contents of total chlorophyll (7.7 mg g-¹ FM) than Mimosa Roxa (11.8 mg g-¹FM), and both cultivars displayed higher means for this variable in the hydroponic farming system. Mimosa Roxa presented higher contents of anthocyanin in the conventional system (88.24 mg g-¹ FM) than the ones in the hydroponic system (36.89 mg g-¹ FM). The best results for CO2 net assimilation rate regarded to photosyntheticaly active photon flux density were found in the hydroponic system, for both lettuce cultivars. Variation in the contents of chlorophyll were also found. Those variations were higher in the protected system than in the hydroponic system and contents of anthocyanin were higher in the conventional system.
Double degree
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of humble leadership on team voice. Although the relationship between leadership styles and voice is widely investigated, humble leadership and team voice, both relatively new constructs, remained out of sight. Drawing upon social interdependence theory, information exchange, team psychological safety, and team-efficacy are proposed to mediate the relationship between humble leadership and team voice. Research is conducted at the team-level analysis and involved 209 team members from 52 teams in 21 companies collected through a snowball sample. Results were provided by the SPSS macro PROCESS using the regression-based approach and bootstrapping techniques. Findings showed that humble leadership is positively related to team voice. Furthermore, findings supported the mediating effect of information exchange. However, no support was given for the mediating effects of team psychological safety and team-efficacy. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are addressed.
Com o objetivo de quantificar a contribuição que quatro espécies, Cassia leiandra Benth., Crescentia amazonica Ducke, Macrolobium acaciifolium (Benth.) Benth. e Vitex cymosa Bert. ex Spreng., oferecem através de seus frutos à alimentação dos peixes, foram marcados, aleatoriamente, dez indivíduos adultos destas quatro espécies da floresta de várzea na ilha da Marchantaria - Amazônia Central. O período de maior produção de frutos dá-se no período do alto nível das águas, entre janeiro e maio. A espécie Cassia leiandra apresentou a maior produção com 1.836 kg/ha e amplo consumo pela população local. Os principais peixes consumidores de frutos são tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), matrinxã (Brycon cephalus), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), pirarara, (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), bacu (Lithodoras dorsalis, Megalodoras sp.), pacu (Mylossoma sp., Myleus sp., Metynnis sp., Mylesinus sp.) e sardinha (Triportheus elongatus). As espécies de plantas estudadas apresentam potencial de aproveitamento como fonte de alimento para peixes.
Foi estudada a morfologia dos grãos de pólen de dez espécies de plantas de várzea e igapó provenientesda Ilha da Marchantaria e Tarumã-Mirim, localizadas a 20 Km da cidade de Manaus (AM), coletadas nos períodos de abril a agosto de 2000 e agosto de 2001. As espécies descritas foram Cassia leiandra Benth. (Caesalpiniaceae), Campsiandra comosa var. laurifolia (Benth.) Cowan (Caesalpiniaceae), Hevea spruceana (Benth.) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), Piranhea trifoliata Baill. (Euphorbiaceae), Laetia corymbulosa Spruce ex Benth. (Flacourtiaceae), Eschweilera tenuifolia (O. Berg) Miers (Lecythidaceae), Acacia polyphylla DC. (Mimosaceae), Inga micradenia Spruce ex Benth. (Mimosaceae), Simaba orinocensis Kunth (Simarubaceae), Vitex cymosa Bert. ex Spreng. (Verbenaceae). A análise polínica constatou que estas espécies possuem grãos de pólen com características morfológicas bastante variadas.
Numerical analyses (correspondence analysis, ascending hierarchical classification, and cladistics) were done with morphological characters of adult phlebotomine sand flies. The resulting classification largely confirms that of classical taxonomy for supra-specific groups from the Old World, though the positions of some groups are adjusted. The taxa Spelaeophlebotomus Theodor 1948, Idiophlebotomus Quate & Fairchild 1961, Australophlebotomus Theodor 1948 and Chinius Leng 1987 are notably distinct from other Old World groups, particularly from the genus Phlebotomus Rondani & Berté 1840. Spelaeomyia Theodor 1948 and, in particular, Parvidens Theodor & Mesghali 1964 are clearly separate from Sergentomyia França & Parrot 1920.