979 resultados para Guarnieri, Camargo, 1907-1993, Sonatinas n.3 e n.6 para piano
The potential of an immunofluorescence test for detection of IgM antibodies against Schistosoma mansoni gut-associated antigens (IgM-IFT) was evaluated as a tool for studying aspects related to the schistosomiasis transmission in Ribeirão Pires, in the metropolitan area of the capital of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Children from a school with about 400 students, 6 to 18 years, were followed-up for two years. In the five surveys, carried out at 6-month intervals, from October 92 to October 94, serological (IgM-IFT) prevalence indices of 5.3%, 5.8%, 6.2%, 2.9% and 3.3% were obtained. These indices were 7 to 10 times higher than the parasitological prevalence indices of 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.7%, 0.4% and 0% determined by the Kato-Katz method. Seroconversion from IFT negative to positive was indicating possible newly acquired S. mansoni infection in three children. But confirmation of infection by fecal examination was possible in only one child. The IgM-IFT can constitute a valuable tool for the improvement of the vigilance program in low endemic areas for schistosomiasis, better characterizing the S. mansoni transmission in such areas.
We recently reported on the deficiency of carbohydrate sulfotransferase 3 (CHST3; chondroitin-6-sulfotransferase) in six subjects diagnosed with recessive Larsen syndrome or humero-spinal dysostosis [Hermanns et al. (2008); Am J Hum Genet 82:1368-1374]. Since then, we have identified 17 additional families with CHST3 mutations and we report here on a series of 24 patients in 23 families. The diagnostic hypothesis prior to molecular analysis had been: Larsen syndrome (15 families), humero-spinal dysostosis (four cases), chondrodysplasia with multiple dislocations (CDMD "Megarbane type"; two cases), Desbuquois syndrome (one case), and spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia (one case). In spite of the different diagnostic labels, the clinical features in these patients were similar and included dislocation of the knees and/or hips at birth, clubfoot, elbow joint dysplasia with subluxation and limited extension, short stature, and progressive kyphosis developing in late childhood. The most useful radiographic clues were the changes of the lumbar vertebrae. Twenty-four different CHST3 mutations were identified; 16 patients had homozygous mutations. We conclude that CHST3 deficiency presents at birth with congenital dislocations of knees, hips, and elbows, and is often diagnosed initially as Larsen syndrome, humero-spinal dysostosis, or chondrodysplasia with dislocations. The incidence of CHST3 deficiency seems to be higher than assumed so far. The clinical and radiographic pattern (joint dislocations, vertebral changes, normal carpal age, lack of facial flattening, and recessive inheritance) is characteristic and distinguishes CHST3 deficiency from other disorders with congenital dislocations such as filamin B-associated dominant Larsen syndrome and Desbuquois syndrome.
Analiza los resultados del procesamiento de la información relacionada a la potencialidad y dinámica extractiva de los pescadores artesanales, del área litoral comprendida entre los paralelos 3,4° y 6,5° de latitud sur (S) y los meridianos 80,0°-82,5°de longitud oeste (W) que conforman la zona de más alta diversidad y producción pesquera artesanal en el litoral peruano, frete a las costas de los departamentos de Tumbes y Piura.
This Tier 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) presents the results of studies and analyses conducted to determine the potential impacts of proposed improvements in Segment 3 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) in the Council Bluffs metropolitan area. This document is tiered to the Tier 1 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) that evaluated impacts of the overall CBIS Improvements Project, which includes five segments of independent utility1 This EA on Segment 3 of the Project is divided into the following sections: and encompasses 18 mainline miles of Interstate and 14 interchanges along Interstate 80 (I-80), Interstate 29 (I-29), and Interstate 480 (I-480). More information about the tiering process is found below under Project Background. • Section 1 provides background information on the Project and discusses the relationship between the earlier Tier 1 EIS and this Tier 2 EA. It also discusses the proposed action and the area studied, the purpose of the Project, and the need for the Project based on transportation problems that currently exist or are expected in the future. • Section 2, Alternatives, identifies the range of alternatives considered for Segment 3 to address the transportation problems identified in Section 1. It also identifies the alternatives retained for further study in this EA and the preferred Segment 3 alternative. • Section 3, Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences, describes the general environment for each resource affected by the proposed improvements. It also describes the potential environmental impacts of the Segment 3 Project and methods to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts. • Section 4, Disposition, lists the agencies and organizations that will receive copies of this EA and the locations at which this EA will be available for public review. • Section 5, Comments and Coordination, summarizes the agency coordination and public involvement efforts in conjunction with the Segment 3 Project. • Section 6, Conclusion and Recommendation, summarizes resource impacts. • Section 7, References, lists the sources cited in this EA. For Segment 3, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) determined that an EA is the appropriate level of Tier 2 study to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. The primary purpose of an EA is to clearly establish the significance of a project’s environmental impacts. That analysis is included in this document.
A preparation of organic working standards for the online measurement of C-13/C-12 and O-18/O-16 ratios in biological material is presented. The organic working standards are simple and inexpensive C-3 and C-4 carbohydrates ( sugars or cellulose) from distinct geographic origin, including white sugar, toilet and XEROX papers from Switzerland, maize from Ivory Coast, cane sugar from Brazil, papyrus from Egypt, and the core of the stem of a Cyperus papyrus plant from Kenya. These photosynthetic products were compared with International Atomic Energy standards CH-3 and CH-6 and other calibration materials. The presented working standards cover a 15 parts per thousand range of C-13/C-12 ratios and 9 parts per thousand for O-18/O-16, with a precision < +/- 0.2 parts per thousand for n > 10.
Spontaneous pneumothorax (PNO) is usually due to rupture of a small subpleural bleb into the pleural cavity and affects mainly young men. After simple drainage, recurrence occurs in about 50% of cases. The risk of recurrence increases after each new PNO. Secondary PNO complicates an underlying pulmonary disease, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with emphysema. A new form of secondary PNO has emerged in the recent years in AIDS patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. We have shifted to a thoracoscopic therapy of PNO since May 1991. 25 PNO in 24 patients (1 bilateral) have been treated since that time up to April 1993. 19 PNO were primary, whereas 6 were secondary, included 3 iatrogenic PNO. Resection of the leaking parenchymal area was performed in 20 patients, and parietal partial pleurectomy was done in 20 cases. In the remaining cases, fibrin glue was applied on the lesion and in 3 cases, chemical pleurodesis was attempted using silver nitrate or talc. 1 AIDS patient died of ARDS. 3 patients had recurrent PNO and had thoracotomy without complication. 21 patients did well. Partial PNO recurred in one of them 4 months later, and was treated by simple needle aspiration. Thoracoscopy is a useful method to treat recurrent or persistent spontaneous PNO. After only 25 cases, our success rate in primary PNO is 90%. There should be a learning curve. On the basis of our experience, we believe that recognition of the lesion and its resection as well as apical parietal pleurectomy are necessary to obtain good results and a low recurrence rate.
The [4+3] cycloaddition was utilized in order to prepare 8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-one (1) derivatives. The correspondent acetonide 6 was converted into several alcohols (11-16). Addition of aryllithium reagents to 6 resulted in 3-(2-fluorophenyl)-6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy -8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3alpha-ol (11, 72%) and 3-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan -3alpha-ol (16, 20%). The 3-butyl-6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3 alpha-ol (15, 56%) was obtained through a Grignard reaction. Reduction of 6 resulted in 6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3 beta-ol (7, 62%) and 6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3 alpha-ol (8, 20%). The alcohols were treated with thionyl chloride in pyridine, and the corresponding alkenes were obtained with 31-80% yield. The effect of these compounds on the development of radicle and aerial parts of Sorghum bicolor was evaluated.
The antimycobacterial activity of 3-(4'-bromo[1,1'-biphenyl-4-yl)-3-(4-bromo-phenyl)-N,N-dimethyl-2-propen-1-amine (BBAP), free or incorporated in preformed liposomes, on extracellular M. tuberculosis H37Rv was 8 and 25 μM (MIC), respectively. Extracellular antimycobacterial activity was not significantly improved by entrapment of BBAP in liposomes, but there was a 6.1-fold reduction of BBAP cytotoxicity on J774 macrophages. Liposomal BBAP or its free form showed IC50 values of 165 and 27 μM, resulting in a selectivity index (SI=IC50/MIC) of 3.4 and 6.6, respectively. Free BBAP in concentrations from 10 to 80 μM were quite effective in eliminating intracellular M. tuberculosis while liposomal formulation was less effective at these concentrations.
Objetivos:comparar a freqüência de trabalho de parto prematuro (TPP), prematuridade, rotura prematura de membranas (RPM) e RN de baixo peso (< 2.500 g) em gestantes com Vaginose Bacteriana (VB). Verificar a validade da investigação rotineira de VB durante o pré-natal. Métodos:foram estudadas 217 mulheres com idade gestacional entre 28 e 32 semanas (35 com VB e 182 sem VB). O diagnóstico de VB foi realizado por meio dos critérios clínicos de Amsel. Os dados foram analisados através do teste de chi² , exato de Fisher, Mann-Whitney e Risco Relativo. Resultados:as incidências de TPP, prematuridade, RPM e baixo-peso ao nascimento foram maiores no grupo de gestantes com VB do que no grupo-controle (29,4% vs 3,8%; 28,6% vs 3,3%; 22,9% vs 10,4%; 20,0% vs 3,3%, respectivamente). As médias da idade gestacional e do peso ao nascer foram significativamente menores nos recém-nascidos das mães portadoras de VB (265,8 dias vs 279,9 dias; 2.958 g vs 3.294 g, respectivamente). Conclusões:todas as complicações perinatais estudadas estiveram significativamente associadas com a presença de VB não-tratada durante a gestação. Portanto, sugerimos que se deve incluir o diagnóstico e o tratamento adequados da VB na rotina de atendimento pré-natal nos serviços de obstetrícia, pois tal medida poderá ser efetiva na redução destas complicações perinatais.