908 resultados para Guanylate Cyclase Inhibitor


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Guanylate cyclases (GC) serve in two different signaling pathways involving cytosolic and membrane enzymes. Membrane GCs are receptors for guanylin and atriopeptin peptides, two families of cGMP-regulating peptides. Three subclasses of guanylin peptides contain one intramolecular disulfide (lymphoguanylin), two disulfides (guanylin and uroguanylin) and three disulfides (E. coli stable toxin, ST). The peptides activate membrane receptor-GCs and regulate intestinal Cl- and HCO3- secretion via cGMP in target enterocytes. Uroguanylin and ST also elicit diuretic and natriuretic responses in the kidney. GC-C is an intestinal receptor-GC for guanylin and uroguanylin, but GC-C may not be involved in renal cGMP pathways. A novel receptor-GC expressed in the opossum kidney (OK-GC) has been identified by molecular cloning. OK-GC cDNAs encode receptor-GCs in renal tubules that are activated by guanylins. Lymphoguanylin is highly expressed in the kidney and heart where it may influence cGMP pathways. Guanylin and uroguanylin are highly expressed in intestinal mucosa to regulate intestinal salt and water transport via paracrine actions on GC-C. Uroguanylin and guanylin are also secreted from intestinal mucosa into plasma where uroguanylin serves as an intestinal natriuretic hormone to influence body Na+ homeostasis by endocrine mechanisms. Thus, guanylin peptides control salt and water transport in the kidney and intestine mediated by cGMP via membrane receptors with intrinsic guanylate cyclase activity.


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The threat of free radical damage is opposed by coordinated responses that modulate expression of sets of gene products. In mammalian cells, 12 proteins are induced by exposure to nitric oxide (NO) levels that are sub-toxic but exceed the level needed to activate guanylate cyclase. Heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) synthesis increases substantially, due to a 30- to 70-fold increase in the level of HO-1 mRNA. HO-1 induction is cGMP-independent and occurs mainly through increased mRNA stability, which therefore indicates a new NO-signaling pathway. HO-1 induction contributes to dramatically increased NO resistance and, together with the other inducible functions, constitutes an adaptive resistance pathway that also defends against oxidants such as H2O2. In E. coli, an oxidative stress response, the soxRS regulon, is activated by direct exposure of E. coli to NO, or by NO generated in murine macrophages after phagocytosis of the bacteria. This response is governed by the SoxR protein, a homodimeric transcription factor (17-kDa subunits) containing [2Fe-2S] clusters essential for its activity. SoxR responds to superoxide stress through one-electron oxidation of the iron-sulfur centers, but such oxidation is not observed in reactions of NO with SoxR. Instead, NO nitrosylates the iron-sulfur centers of SoxR both in vitro and in intact cells, which yields a form of the protein with maximal transcriptional activity. Although nitrosylated SoxR is very stable in purified form, the spectroscopic signals for the nitrosylated iron-sulfur centers disappear rapidly in vivo, indicating an active process to reverse or eliminate them.


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Nitric oxide (NO), a free radical gas produced endogenously from the amino acid L-arginine by NO synthase (NOS), has important functions in modulating vasopressin and oxytocin secretion from the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system. NO production is stimulated during increased functional activity of magnocellular neurons, in parallel with plastic changes of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus. Electrophysiological data recorded from the SON of hypothalamic slices indicate that NO inhibits firing of phasic and non-phasic neurons, while L-NAME, an NOS inhibitor, increases their activity. Results from measurement of neurohypophyseal hormones are more variable. Overall, however, it appears that NO, tonically produced in the forebrain, inhibits vasopressin and oxytocin secretion during normovolemic, isosmotic conditions. During osmotic stimulation, dehydration, hypovolemia and hemorrhage, as well as high plasma levels of angiotensin II, NO inhibition of vasopressin neurons is removed, while that of oxytocin neurons is enhanced. This produces a preferential release of vasopressin over oxytocin important for correction of fluid imbalance. During late pregnancy and throughout lactation, fluid homeostasis is altered and expression of NOS in the SON is down- and up-regulated, respectively, in parallel with plastic changes of the magnocellular system. NO inhibition of magnocellular neurons involves GABA and prostaglandin synthesis and the signal-transduction mechanism is independent of the cGMP-pathway. Plasma hormone levels are unaffected by icv 1H-[1, 2, 4]oxadiazolo-[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (a soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor) or 8-Br-cGMP administered to conscious rats. Moreover, cGMP does not increase in homogenates of the neural lobe and in microdialysates of the SON when NO synthesis is enhanced during osmotic stimulation. Among alternative signal-transduction pathways, nitrosylation of target proteins affecting activity of ion channels is considered.


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Implantation of Walker 256 tumor decreases acute systemic inflammation in rats. Inflammatory hyperalgesia is one of the most important events of acute inflammation. The L-arginine/NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway has been proposed as the mechanism of peripheral antinociception mediated by several drugs and physical exercise. The objective of this study was to investigate a possible involvement of the NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway in antinociception induced in Walker 256 tumor-bearing male Wistar rats (180-220 g). The groups consisted of 5-6 animals. Mechanical inflammatory hypernociception was evaluated using an electronic version of the von Frey test. Walker tumor (4th and 7th day post-implantation) reduced prostaglandin E2- (PGE2, 400 ng/paw; 50 µL; intraplantar injection) and carrageenan-induced hypernociception (500 µg/paw; 100 µL; intraplantar injection). Walker tumor-induced analgesia was reversed (99.3% for carrageenan and 77.2% for PGE2) by a selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (L-NAME; 90 mg/kg, ip) and L-arginine (200 mg/kg, ip), which prevented (80% for carrageenan and 65% for PGE2) the effect of L-NAME. Treatment with the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ (100% for carrageenan and 95% for PGE2; 8 µg/paw) and the ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP) blocker glibenclamide (87.5% for carrageenan and 100% for PGE2; 160 µg/paw) reversed the antinociceptive effect of tumor bearing in a statistically significant manner (P < 0.05). The present study confirmed an intrinsic peripheral antinociceptive effect of Walker tumor bearing in rats. This antinociceptive effect seemed to be mediated by activation of the NO/cGMP pathway followed by the opening of KATP channels.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the mechanisms underlying the relaxant effect of adrenomedullin (AM) in rat cavernosal smooth muscle (CSM) and the expression of AM system components in this tissue. Functional assays using standard muscle bath procedures were performed in CSM isolated from male Wistar rats. Protein and mRNA levels of pre-pro-AM, calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR), and Subtypes 1, 2 and 3 of the receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) family were assessed by Western immunoblotting and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. Nitrate and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α (6-keto-PGF1α; a stable product of prostacyclin) levels were determined using commercially available kits. Protein and mRNA of AM, CRLR, and RAMP 1, -2, and -3 were detected in rat CSM. Immunohistochemical assays demonstrated that AM and CRLR were expressed in rat CSM. AM relaxed CSM strips in a concentration-dependent manner. AM22-52, a selective antagonist for AM receptors, reduced the relaxation induced by AM. Conversely, CGRP8-37, a selective antagonist for calcitonin gene-related peptide receptors, did not affect AM-induced relaxation. Preincubation of CSM strips with NG-nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester (L-NAME, nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ, quanylyl cyclase inhibitor), Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS (cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor), SC560 [5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-trifluoromethyl pyrazole, selective cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitor], and 4-aminopyridine (voltage-dependent K+ channel blocker) reduced AM-induced relaxation. On the other hand, 7-nitroindazole (selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), wortmannin (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor), H89 (protein kinase A inhibitor), SQ22536 [9-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-9H-purin-6-amine, adenylate cyclase inhibitor], glibenclamide (selective blocker of ATP-sensitive K+ channels), and apamin (Ca2+-activated channel blocker) did not affect AM-induced relaxation. AM increased nitrate levels and 6-keto-PGF1α in rat CSM. The major new contribution of this research is that it demonstrated expression of AM and its receptor in rat CSM. Moreover, we provided evidence that AM-induced relaxation in this tissue is mediated by AM receptors by a mechanism that involves the nitric oxide-cGMP pathway, a vasodilator prostanoid, and the opening of voltage-dependent K+ channels.


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Le récepteur A des peptides natriurétiques (NPRA) fait partie de la famille des guanylates cyclases membranaires. L’activation du NPRA par ses agonistes naturels, ANP et BNP, induit une production de GMPc qui est responsable de leur rôle dans l’homéostasie cardiovasculaire, l’inhibition de l’hypertrophie et de la fibrose cardiaques et la régulation de la lipolyse. Le NPRA est un homodimère non covalent composé d’un domaine extracellulaire de liaison du ligand (ECD), d’un unique domaine transmembranaire (TM), d’un domaine d’homologie aux kinases et d’un domaine guanylate cyclase. Bien que le NPRA ait un rôle physiologique important, les mécanismes moléculaires régissant son processus d’activation restent inconnus. Nous avons donc analysé les premières étapes du processus d’activation du NPRA. Nous avons d'abord étudié le rôle de la dimérisation des ECD dans l’activation du récepteur. Nous avons utilisé les techniques de liaison de radioligand, de FRET et de modélisation moléculaire, pour caractériser la liaison à l’ECD des agonistes naturels, d’un superagoniste et d’un antagoniste. L’ANP se lie à un dimère d’ECD préformé et la dimérisation spontanée est l’étape limitante du processus de liaison. De plus, comme le démontrent nos études de FRET, tous les peptides, incluant l’antagoniste, stabilisent le récepteur sous sa forme dimérique. Cependant, l’antagoniste A71915 stabilise le dimère d’ECD dans une conformation différente de celle induite par l’ANP. La dimérisation du NPRA semble donc nécessaire, mais non suffisante à l’activation du récepteur. L’état d’activation du NPRA dépend plutôt de l’orientation des sous unités dans le dimère. Nous avons ensuite étudié le mécanisme moléculaire de transduction du signal à travers la membrane. Plusieurs études ont suggéré que l’activation du NPRA implique un changement de conformation du domaine juxtamembranaire (JM). Cependant, les études de cristallographie de l’ECD soluble de NPRA n’ont pas permis de documenter la structure du JM et le changement de conformation impliqué dans la transduction du signal reste inconnu. Pour analyser ce changement de conformation, nous avons d’abord séquentiellement substitué les neuf acides aminés du JM par une cystéine. En étudiant la capacité des mutants à former des dimères covalents de façon constitutive ou induite par l’ANP, nous avons pu évaluer la proximité relative des résidus du JM, avant et après activation du NPRA. Ces résultats ont démontré la proximité élevée de certains résidus spécifiques et sont en contradiction avec les données cristallographiques. Nous avons également démontré que le domaine intracellulaire impose une contrainte conformationnelle au JM à l’état de base, qui est levée après liaison de l’ANP. En introduisant de 1 à 5 alanines dans l’hélice-α transmembranaire, nous avons montré qu’une rotation des TM de 40° induit une activation constitutive du NPRA. Le signal d’activation pourrait donc être transmis à travers la membrane par un mécanisme de rotation des TM. En utilisant nos données expérimentales, nous avons généré le premier modèle moléculaire illustrant la conformation active du NPRA, où les domaines JM et TM sont représentés. Dans son ensemble, cette étude apporte une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires régissant les premières étapes du processus complexe d’activation du NPRA.


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Renoguanylin (REN) is a recently described member of the guanylin family, which was first isolated from eels and is expressed in intestinal and specially kidney tissues. In the present work we evaluate the effects of REN on the mechanisms of hydrogen transport in rat renal tubules by the stationary microperfusion method. We evaluated the effect of 1 mu M and 10 mu M of renoguanylin (REN) on the reabsorption of bicarbonate in proximal and distal segments and found that there was a significant reduction in bicarbonate reabsorption. In proximal segments, REN promoted a significant effect at both 1 and 10 mu M concentrations. Comparing control and REN concentration of 1 mu M, JHCO(3)(-) . nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -1,76 +/- 0.11(control) x 1,29 +/- 0,08(REN) 10 mu m: P<0.05, was obtained. In distal segments the effect of both concentrations of REN was also effective, being significant e.g. at a concentration of 1 mu M (JHCO(3)(-), nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -0.80 +/- 0.07(control) x 0.60 +/- 0.06(REN) 1 mu m; P<0.05), although at a lower level than in the proximal tubule. Our results suggest that the action of REN on hydrogen transport involves the inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and H(+)-ATPase in the luminal membrane of the perfused tubules by a PKG dependent pathway. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction. Coitus in snakes may last up to 28 hours; however, the mechanisms involved are unknown. Aim. To evaluate the relevance of the nitric oxide (NO)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) system in snake corpus cavernosum reactivity. Methods. Hemipenes were removed from anesthetized South American rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus terrificus) and studied by light and scanning electronic microscopy. Isolated Crotalus corpora cavernosa (CCC) were dissected from the non-spiny region of the hemipenises, and tissue reactivity was assessed in organ baths. Main Outcome Measures. Cumulative concentration-response curves were constructed for acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), 5-cyclopropyl-2-[1-(2-fluorobenzyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-3-yl]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (BAY 41-2272), and tadalafil in CCC precontracted with phenylephrine. Relaxation induced by electrical field stimulation (EFS) was also done in the absence and presence of N omega nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mu M), 1H-[1, 2, 4] oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ; 10 mu M) and tetrodotoxin (TTX; 1 mu M). Results. The hemipenes consisted of two functionally concentric corpora cavernosa, one of them containing radiating bundles of smooth muscle fibers (confirmed by alpha-actin immunostaining). Endothelial and neural nitric oxide synthases were present in the endothelium and neural structures, respectively; whereas soluble guanylate cyclase and PDE5 were expressed in trabecular smooth muscle. ACh and SNP relaxed isolated CCC, with the relaxations being markedly reduced by L-NAME and ODQ, respectively. BAY 41-2272 and tadalafil caused sustained relaxations with potency (pEC(50)) values of 5.84 +/- 0.17 and 5.10 +/- 0.08 (N = 3-4), respectively. In precontracted CCC, EFS caused frequency-dependent relaxations that lasted three times longer than those in mammalian CC. Although these relaxations were almost abolished by either L-NAME or ODQ, they were unaffected by TTX. In contrast, EFS-induced relaxations in marmoset CC were abolished by TTX. Conclusions. Rattlesnake CC relaxation is mediated by the NO-cGMP-PDE5 pathway in a manner similar to mammals. The novel TTX-resistant Na channel identified here may be responsible for the slow response of smooth muscle following nerve stimulation and could explain the extraordinary duration of snake coitus. Capel RO, Monica FZ, Porto M, Barillas S, Muscara MN, Teixeira SA, Arruda AMM, Pissinatti, L, Pissinatti A, Schenka AA, Antunes E, Nahoum C, Cogo JC, de Oliveira MA, and De Nucci G. Role of a novel tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel in the nitrergic relaxation of corpus cavernosum from the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. J Sex Med 2011;8:1616-1625.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study was performed to characterize the beta-adrenoceptor population in rabbit isolated corpus cavernosum (RbCC) by using nonselective and selective beta-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists in functional assays. Metaproterenol, ritodrine, fenoterol, and 8-hydroxy-5-[(1R)-1-hydroxy-2-[N-[(1R)-2-(rho-methoxy-phenyl)1-methylethyl] amino] ethyl] carbostyril (TA 2005) (3-100 nmol each) dose dependently relaxed the RbCC preparations. These relaxations were markedly reduced by N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 10 muM) and 1H-[1,2,4]-oxadiazolo-[4,3,-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) (10 muM), whereas the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor SQ 22,536 [9-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)adenine] (10 muM) had no effect. In contrast, neither L-NAME nor ODQ affected the isoproterenol-induced RbCC relaxations, but SQ 22,536 abolished this response. Sildenafil (1 muM) significantly potentiated the relaxations induced by beta(2)-agonists without affecting the isoproterenol-evoked relaxations. Rolipram (10 muM) enhanced the relaxations elicited by isoproterenol but had no effect on those induced by the selective beta(2) agonists. Propranolol and (+/-)-1-[2,3-(dihydro-7-methyl-1H-inden-4-yl)oxy]-3-[(1-methylethyl)amino]-2-butanolhydrochloride (ICI 118,551) determined a rightward shift in the concentration-response curves to isoproterenol in a noncompetitive manner with a reduction of maximum response at the highest antagonist concentration, with the slope values significantly different from unity. Propranolol and ICI 118,551 had no effect on the relaxations elicited by fenoterol, TA 2005, metaproterenol, and ritodrine. Atenolol and 1-[2-((3-carbamoyl-4-hydroxy)phenoxy) ethylamino]-3-[4-(1-methyl-4-trifluoromethyl-2-imidazolyl)-phenoxy]2-propanol methanesulfonate (CGP 20712A) (0.1-10 muM) failed to affect the relaxations induced by all tested beta-adrenoceptor agonists. Our study revealed the existence of two atypical beta-adrenoceptors in the rabbit erectile tissue. Isoproterenol relaxes the rabbit cavernosal tissue by activating atypical beta-adrenoceptors coupled to adenylyl cyclase pathway, whereas the selective beta2-adrenoceptor agonists relax the RbCC tissue through another atypical beta-adrenoceptor subtype coupled to nitric oxide release from the sinusoidal endothelium.


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Mammalian natriuretic peptides (NPs) have been extensively investigated for use as therapeutic agents in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Here, we describe the isolation, sequencing and tridimensional homology modeling of the first C-type natriuretic peptide isolated from scorpion venom. In addition, its effects on the renal function of rats and on the mRNA expression of natriuretic peptide receptors in the kidneys are delineated. Fractionation of Tityusserrulatus venom using chromatographic techniques yielded a peptide with a molecular mass of 2190.64Da, which exhibited the pattern of disulfide bridges that is characteristic of a C-type NP (TsNP, T. serrulatus Natriuretic Peptide). In the isolated perfused rat kidney assay, treatment with two concentrations of TsNP (0.03 and 0.1μg/mL) increased the perfusion pressure, glomerular filtration rate and urinary flow. After 60min of treatment at both concentrations, the percentages of sodium, potassium and chloride transport were decreased, and the urinary cGMP concentration was elevated. Natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A) mRNA expression was down regulated in the kidneys treated with both concentrations of TsNP, whereas NPR-B, NPR-C and CG-C mRNAs were up regulated at the 0.1μg/mL concentration. In conclusion, this work describes the isolation and modeling of the first natriuretic peptide isolated from scorpion venom. In addition, examinations of the renal actions of TsNP indicate that its effects may be related to the activation of NPR-B, NPR-C and GC-C. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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beta-Adrenoceptor (beta-AR)-mediated relaxation plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone. beta-AR-mediated vascular relaxation is reduced in various disease states and aging. We hypothesized that beta-AR-mediated vasodilatation is impaired in DOCA-salt hypertension due to alterations in the cAMP pathway. beta-AR-mediated relaxation was determined in small mesenteric arteries from DOCA-salt hypertensive and control uninephrectomized (Uni) rats. To exclude nitric oxide (NO) and cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways, relaxation responses were determined in the presence of L-NNA and indomethacin, NO synthase inhibitor and COX inhibitors, respectively. Isoprenaline (ISO)-induced relaxation was reduced in arteries from DOCA-salt compared to Uni rats. Protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors (H89 or Rp-cAMPS) or adenylyl cyclase inhibitor (SQ22536) did not abolish the difference in ISO-induced relaxation between the groups. Forskolin (adenylyl cyclase activator)-induced relaxation was similar between the groups. The inhibition of IKCa/SKCa channels (TRAM-34 plus UCL1684) or BKCa channels (iberiotoxin) reduced ISO-induced relaxation only in Uni rats and abolished the relaxation differences between the groups. The expression of SKCa channel was decreased in DOCA-salt arteries. The expression of BKCa channel a subunit was increased whereas the expression of BKCa channel p subunit was decreased in DOCA-salt arteries. The expression of receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1), which is a binding protein for BKG, channel and negatively modulates its activity, was increased in DOCA-salt arteries. These results suggest that the impairment of beta-AR-mediated relaxation in DOCA-salt mesenteric arteries may be attributable to altered IKCa/SKCa and/or BKCa channels activities rather than cAMP/PKA pathway. Impaired beta-AR-stimulated BKCa channel activity may be due to the imbalance between its subunit expressions and RACK1 upregulation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.