946 resultados para Growth curve analysis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Utilizaram-se 17.767 registros de peso de 4.210 cordeiros da raça Santa Inês com o objetivo de comparar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes estruturas para modelar a variância residual em estudos genéticos da curva de crescimento. Os efeitos fixos incluídos na análise foram: grupo contemporâneo e idade da ovelha no parto. As regressões fixas e aleatórias foram ajustadas por meio de polinômios de Legendre de ordens 4 e 3, respectivamente. A variância residual foi ajustada por meio de classes heterogêneas e por funções de variância empregando polinômios ordinários e de Legendre de ordens 2 a 8. O modelo considerando homogeneidade de variâncias residuais mostrou-se inadequado. de acordo com os critérios utilizados, a variância residual contendo sete classes heterogêneas proporcionou melhor ajuste, embora um mais parcimonioso, com cinco classes, pudesse ser utilizado sem perdas na qualidade de ajuste da variância nos dados. O ajuste de funções de variância com qualquer ordem foi melhor que o obtido por meio de classes. O polinômio ordinário de ordem 6 proporcionou melhor ajuste entre as estruturas testadas. A modelagem do resíduo interferiu nas estimativas de variâncias e parâmetros genéticos. Além da alteração da classificação dos reprodutores, a magnitude dos valores genéticos preditos apresenta variações significativas, de acordo com o ajuste da variância residual empregado.


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The objective of this study was to estimate (co)variance components using random regression on B-spline functions to weight records obtained from birth to adulthood. A total of 82 064 weight records of 8145 females obtained from the data bank of the Nellore Breeding Program (PMGRN/Nellore Brazil) which started in 1987, were used. The models included direct additive and maternal genetic effects and animal and maternal permanent environmental effects as random. Contemporary group and dam age at calving (linear and quadratic effect) were included as fixed effects, and orthogonal Legendre polynomials of age (cubic regression) were considered as random covariate. The random effects were modeled using B-spline functions considering linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials for each individual segment. Residual variances were grouped in five age classes. Direct additive genetic and animal permanent environmental effects were modeled using up to seven knots (six segments). A single segment with two knots at the end points of the curve was used for the estimation of maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. A total of 15 models were studied, with the number of parameters ranging from 17 to 81. The models that used B-splines were compared with multi-trait analyses with nine weight traits and to a random regression model that used orthogonal Legendre polynomials. A model fitting quadratic B-splines, with four knots or three segments for direct additive genetic effect and animal permanent environmental effect and two knots for maternal additive genetic effect and maternal permanent environmental effect, was the most appropriate and parsimonious model to describe the covariance structure of the data. Selection for higher weight, such as at young ages, should be performed taking into account an increase in mature cow weight. Particularly, this is important in most of Nellore beef cattle production systems, where the cow herd is maintained on range conditions. There is limited modification of the growth curve of Nellore cattle with respect to the aim of selecting them for rapid growth at young ages while maintaining constant adult weight.


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The buffalo is a domestic animal species of growing world-wide importance. Research to improve genetic improvement programs is important to maintain the productivity of buffalo. The objective this research was to evaluate the growth of Brazilian buffalo to two years of age with different growth curves. Growth curves consolidate the information contained in the weight-age data into three or four biologically meaningful parameters. The data included 31,452 weights at birth and 120, 205, 365, 550 and 730 days of buffalo (n = 5,178) raised on pasture without supplementation. Logistic, Gompertz, quadratic logarithmic, and linear hyperbolic curves (designated L, G, QL, and LH, respectively) were fitted to the data by using proc NUN of SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The parameters estimates for L [WT= A * (((1 + exp (-k * AGE)))**-m)] were A = 865.1 +/- 5.42; k= 0.0028 +/- 0.00002; M= 3.808 +/- 0.007; R(2) = 0.95. For G [WT= A * exp (-b * exp (-k * age)] the parameters estimates were A= 967.6 +/- 7.23; k = 0.00217 +/- 0.000015; b = -2.8152 +/- 0.00532. For QL [WT= A + b*age + k*(age*age) + m*log (age)] parameters estimates were A= 37.41 +/- 0.48; k= 0.00019 +/- 6.4E(-6); b= 0.539 +/- 0.006; m= 2.32 +/- 0.23; R(2)=0.96. For LH [WT= A + b*AGE + k*(1/AGE)] the parameters estimates were A= 23.15 +/- 0.44; k=15.16 +/- 0.66; b= 0.707 +/- 0.001; R(2)= 0.96. Each of these curves fit these data equally well and could be used for characterizing growth to two years in beef buffalo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed a better understanding of the annual cycle of Cyphocarax modestus in the reservoir of water captation of Ribeirao Claro stream. The growth parameters were estimated through the analysis of length distribution and the relationships among time of smaller growth, alimentary activity, fat accumulation and reproductive period were considered. Besides, the instantaneous rate of natural mortality was calculated. Monthly samplings were accomplished in the Ribeirao Claro stream, in the reservoir of water captation of Rio Claro city. For that, 50 m of wait net was used, with meshes of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 cm measured between adjacent knots. The ELEFAN I program was used to estimate the growth parameters, and its application was done using the FISAT program. It was also used the seasonal version of von Bertalanffy's growth curve. It was considered that the reproduction of C. modestus is annual and concentrated from December to February, allowing the identification of different modas in the distributions, an essential condition for the conduction of that analysis type. The estimated parameters were: K = 0.34/year, L [infinity] = 15.40 cm, C = 0.2, Wp = 0.6 and M = 0.949/year, with the identification of four cohorts. The physiologic sequence in the annual cycle of the specie could be noted when data of accumulated fat in the visceral cavity, alimentary activity, reproduction time and time of smaller growth were analyzed together. It was noted that with the beginning of the maturation of gonads, the energy resources stopped being invested in the growth and passed to be used for reproduction.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Time-resolved X-ray absorption-fine structure (Quick-XAFS) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopies were combined for monitoring simultaneously the time evolution of Zn-based species and ZnO quantum dot (Qdot) formation and growth during the sol-gel synthesis from zinc oxy-acetate precursor solution. The time evolution of the nanostructural features of colloidal suspension was independently monitored in situ by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). In both cases, the monitoring was initialized just after the addition of NaOH solution (B = [OH]/[Zn] = 0.5) to the precursor solution at 40 degrees C. Combined time-resolved Quick-XAFS and UV-Vis data showed that the formation of ZnO colloids from the zinc oxy-acetate consumption achieves a quasi-steady-state chemical equilibrium in less than 200s. Afterwards, the comparison of the ZnO Qdots size and Guinier gyration radius evidences a limited aggregation process coupled to the Qdots growth. The analysis of the experimental results demonstrates that the nanocrystal coalescence and Ostwald ripening control the kinetics of the Qdot growth.


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A utilização de funções matemáticas para descrever o crescimento animal é antiga. Elas permitem resumir informações em alguns pontos estratégicos do desenvolvimento ponderal e descrever a evolução do peso em função da idade do animal. Também é possível comparar taxas de crescimento de diferentes indivíduos em estados fisiológicos equivalentes. Os modelos de curvas de crescimento mais utilizados na avicultura são os derivados da função Richards, pois apresentam parâmetros que possibilitam interpretação biológica e portanto podem fornecer subsídios para seleção de uma determinada forma da curva de crescimento em aves. Também pode-se utilizar polinômios segmentados para descrever as mudanças de tendência da curva de crescimento animal. Entretanto, existem importantes fatores de variação para os parâmetros das curvas, como a espécie, o sistema de criação, o sexo e suas interações. A adequação dos modelos pode ser verificada pelos valores do coeficiente de determinação (R2), do quadrado médio do resíduo (QM res), do erro de predição médio (EPm), da facilidade de convergência dos dados e pela possibilidade de interpretação biológica dos parâmetros. Estudos envolvendo modelagem e descrição da curva de crescimento e seus componentes são amplamente discutidos na literatura. Porém, programas de seleção que visem a progressos genéticos para a forma da curva não são mencionados. A importância da avaliação dos parâmetros dos modelos de curvas de crescimento é ainda mais relevante já que os maiores ganhos genéticos para peso estão relacionados com seleção para pesos em idades próximas ao ponto de inflexão. A seleção para precocidade pode ser auxiliada com base nos parâmetros do modelo associados à variáveis que descrevem esta característica genética dos animais. Esses parâmetros estão relacionados a importantes características produtivas e reprodutivas e apresentam magnitudes diferentes, de acordo com a espécie, o sexo e o modelo utilizados na avaliação. Outra metodologia utilizada são os modelos de regressão aleatória, permitindo mudanças graduais nas covariâncias entre idades ao longo do tempo e predizendo variâncias e covariâncias em pontos contidos ao longo da trajetória estudada. A utilização de modelos de regressões aleatórias traz como vantagem a separação da variação da curva de crescimento fenotípica em seus diferentes efeitos genético aditivo e de ambiente permanente individual, mediante a determinação dos coeficientes de regressão aleatórios para esses diferentes efeitos. Além disto, não há necessidade de utilizar fatores de ajuste para a idade. Esta revisão teve por objetivos levantar os principais modelos matemáticos frequentistas utilizados no estudo de curvas de crescimento de aves, com maior ênfase nos empregados com a finalidade de estimar parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos.


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Objetivou-se estimar parâmetros genéticos, utilizando inferência Bayesiana, para as estimativas dos parâmetros individuais de peso à maturidade (Â) e taxa de crescimento, obtidos pela função de crescimento Brody. O arquivo estava constituído de 14.563 registros de pesos e idades referentes a 1.158 fêmeas da raça Nelore, participantes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Nelore. Para a análise das estimativas dos parâmetros da curva, via inferência bayesiana, foi proposto um modelo animal unicaráter, que incluiu como fixo o efeito de grupo contemporâneo (animais nascidos no mesmo estado, no mesmo trimestre do ano, mesmo ano e mesmo regime alimentar) e como aleatórios os efeitos genético direto e residual. Nessa análise, foram utilizados dois diferentes tamanhos para as cadeias geradas pelo algoritmo de amostragem de Gibbs, de 550 e 1.100 mil ciclos, com períodos de descarte amostral de 50 e 100 mil ciclos, respectivamente, e amostragens a cada 500 e 1.000 ciclos, respectivamente. As médias posteriores da variância genética aditiva e residual foram próximas, tanto para  quanto para a, mesmo quando implementados diferentes tamanhos para as cadeias geradas pelo algoritmo de amostragem de Gibbs. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade estimados para Â, variaram de 0,44 a 0,46, amplitude semelhante aos 0,46 a 0,48 obtidos para as estimativas de. Essas magnitudes indicam que a seleção pode ser usada como instrumento para alterar a forma da curva de crescimento desses animais. Entretanto, o uso das informações obtidas, visando à alteração da curva de crescimento dos animais, deve ser feito com grande cautela, uma vez que as características a serem trabalhadas na modificação do formato da curva de crescimento, de acordo com resultados da literatura especializada, são negativamente correlacionadas.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to assess whether fine needle aspirates from non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) could be used for growth fraction analysis with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) staining and if there was a relationship between the growth fraction and cytomorphologic classification according to the Kiel classification.STUDY DESIGN: the study group consisted of 40 patients with NHL diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. The cytologic classification of the lymphomas was made by two cytopathologists on May-Grunwald-Giemsa-stained slides using the Kiel classification. There were 27 cases of low and 13 of high grade lymphoma. The estimation of the growth fraction was made by PCNA immunoreactivity. The PCNA index was quantitated in smears by counting an average of 1,000 cells, and the count teas correlated with the cytomorphologic classification.RESULTS: There was It strong correlation between the PCNA index and lymphoma grading. High grade lymphomas exhibited a mean PCNA positivity of 74.0%, which was significantly higher (P <.001) than that of low grade lymphomas (17.6%).CONCLUSION: Our study showed that PCNA evalua tion is suitable for smears obtained by FNA on NHL, correlates with increasing grades of lymphoma according to the Kiel classification and may offer a method of monitoring treatment of lymphoma.


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The growth of the mouse parotid glands during 7 and 35 days of postnatal life was studied by morphometric methods. The mass of the gland, the volume of each morphological compartment, and the cell number in each compartment were evaluated. The data obtained for each evaluated dimension were adjusted by an exponential equation, of the type Y = a.e KX, thus permitting the calculation of their mean duplication time (T D), i.e., an estimation of their growth rate. Analysis of the results showed a marked 1,424% increase in the gland mass during the whole studied period, with T D = 7.10 days. This growth occurred by increases in absolute volume of acini, intercalated ducts, striated ducts, excretory ducts and stroma, with percentual increases of 3,048%, 417%, 2,662%, 2,594% and 367%, respectively, and T Ds of 5.62, 11.71, 5.55, 5.47 and 14.45 days, respectively. Analysis of the cell number growth in each compartment showed increases of 1,904%, 285%, 1,228%, 1,090% and 286%, respectively, and T Ds of 6.62, 20.40, 7.19, 7.26 and 14.51 days, respectively. Based on the present results, we concluded that the growth of the mouse parotid glands from day 7 to day 35 of age occurred by intense cell accumulation, mainly in the acini, striated ducts and excretory ducts, with a growth rate sensibly higher than that of the intercalated ducts and stroma.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate Eucaliptus grandis genotypes (Clones 105 and 433) in relation to drought tolerance, through growth plant analysis. Black PVC pots with 10 liter volume were used for cultivate plants in polyethilene greenhouse oriented east/west. Completely randonmized design with four treatments was used: two clones and two minimum soil water potentials (- 0.03 and -1,5 MPa) and sixteen replicates. Pots were weighed daily in order to evaluate water content and characteristic soli water curve was determined. Plant development was obtained each 15 days from planting until 60 days through total dry matter (DM), leaf area index (LAI), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilative ratio (NAR), specific leaf area (SLA), relative growth ratio (RGR) and absolute growth ratio (AGR). Results showed that clone 105 presented less sensibility to water deficit, which qualify it as genetic material for use under dry soil conditons. On the other hand, both clones had similar behavior with no water restrictions.


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Data set of 17.767 weight records of 4.210 Santa Inês lambs were used aiming to evaluate the importance of the inclusion of the maternal effect in the model to estimate components of (Co) variance and resulting genetic parameters for the growth curve through random regression models. The fixed and random regressions were fitted using Legendre Polynomials of order three, being fit four models that differed in relation to the inclusion of the additive genetic and permanent environmental maternal effects. Considerable increase was observed in Log L and decrease in the criteria AIC and BIC when the maternal effect was included (genetic or permanent environmental), evidencing its importance. The maternal genetic effect explained larger proportion of the phenotypic variance than the maternal permanent environmental along the growth curve. The direct additive genetic variance was inflated by maternal effect, when this last one was not considered in the analysis model, reflecting the same behavior in the heritabilities. The maternal permanent environmental effect contributed to maternal variance, as well as, it inflated maternal genetic variance, when it was not considered in the model. Similar behavior was verified with maternal heritability. The correlation estimated for the four models hardly differed in function of maternal effect. The maternal effect should be considered in the genetic studies of the growth curve of Santa Inês sheep.