145 resultados para Grimaldi


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L’utilizzo di materiali compositi come i calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati sta diventando sempre più frequente e diffuso. Tuttavia la scelta di nuovi materiali richiede una approfondita analisi delle loro caratteristiche e dei loro comportamenti. I vantaggi forniti dall’aggiunta di fibre d’acciaio ad un materiale fragile, quale il calcestruzzo, sono legati al miglioramento della duttilità e all'aumento di assorbimento di energia. L’aggiunta di fibre permette quindi di migliorare il comportamento strutturale del composito, dando vita ad un nuovo materiale capace di lavorare non solo a compressione ma anche in piccola parte a trazione, ma soprattutto caratterizzato da una discreta duttilità ed una buona capacità plastica. Questa tesi ha avuto come fine l’analisi delle caratteristiche di questi compositi cementizi fibrorinforzati. Partendo da prove sperimentali classiche quali prove di trazione e compressione, si è arrivati alla caratterizzazione di questi materiali avvalendosi di una campagna sperimentale basata sull’applicazione della norma UNI 11039/2003. L’obiettivo principale di questo lavoro consiste nell’analizzare e nel confrontare calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre di due diverse lunghezze e in diversi dosaggi. Studiando questi calcestruzzi si è cercato di comprendere meglio questi materiali e trovare un riscontro pratico ai comportamenti descritti in teorie ormai diffuse e consolidate. La comparazione dei risultati dei test condotti ha permesso di mettere in luce differenze tra i materiali rinforzati con l’aggiunta di fibre corte rispetto a quelli con fibre lunghe, ma ha anche permesso di mostrare e sottolineare le analogie che caratterizzano questi materiali fibrorinforzati. Sono stati affrontati inoltre gli aspetti legati alle fasi della costituzione di questi materiali sia da un punto di vista teorico sia da un punto di vista pratico. Infine è stato sviluppato un modello analitico basato sulla definizione di specifici diagrammi tensione-deformazione; i risultati di questo modello sono quindi stati confrontati con i dati sperimentali ottenuti in laboratorio.


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This Doctoral Thesis focuses on the study of individual behaviours as a result of organizational affiliation. The objective is to assess the Entrepreneurial Orientation of individuals proving the existence of a set of antecedents to that measure returning a structural model of its micro-foundation. Relying on the developed measurement model, I address the issue whether some Entrepreneurs experience different behaviours as a result of their academic affiliation, comparing a sample of ‘Academic Entrepreneurs’ to a control sample of ‘Private Entrepreneurs’ affiliated to a matched sample of Academic Spin-offs and Private Start-ups. Building on the Theory of the Planned Behaviour, proposed by Ajzen (1991), I present a model of causal antecedents of Entrepreneurial Orientation on constructs extensively used and validated, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective, in sociological and psychological studies. I focus my investigation on five major domains: (a) Situationally Specific Motivation, (b) Personal Traits and Characteristics, (c) Individual Skills, (d) Perception of the Business Environment and (e) Entrepreneurial Orientation Related Dimensions. I rely on a sample of 200 Entrepreneurs, affiliated to a matched sample of 72 Academic Spin-offs and Private Start-ups. Firms are matched by Industry, Year of Establishment and Localization and they are all located in the Emilia Romagna region, in northern Italy. I’ve gathered data by face to face interviews and used a Structural Equation Modeling technique (Lisrel 8.80, Joreskog, K., & Sorbom, D. 2006) to perform the empirical analysis. The results show that Entrepreneurial Orientation is a multi-dimensional micro-founded construct which can be better represented by a Second-Order Model. The t-tests on the latent means reveal that the Academic Entrepreneurs differ in terms of: Risk taking, Passion, Procedural and Organizational Skills, Perception of the Government, Context and University Supports. The Structural models also reveal that the main differences between the two groups lay in the predicting power of Technical Skills, Perceived Context Support and Perceived University Support in explaining the Entrepreneurial Orientation Related Dimensions.


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This doctoral work gains deeper insight into the dynamics of knowledge flows within and across clusters, unfolding their features, directions and strategic implications. Alliances, networks and personnel mobility are acknowledged as the three main channels of inter-firm knowledge flows, thus offering three heterogeneous measures to analyze the phenomenon. The interplay between the three channels and the richness of available research methods, has allowed for the elaboration of three different papers and perspectives. The common empirical setting is the IT cluster in Bangalore, for its distinguished features as a high-tech cluster and for its steady yearly two-digit growth around the service-based business model. The first paper deploys both a firm-level and a tie-level analysis, exploring the cases of 4 domestic companies and of 2 MNCs active the cluster, according to a cluster-based perspective. The distinction between business-domain knowledge and technical knowledge emerges from the qualitative evidence, further confirmed by quantitative analyses at tie-level. At firm-level, the specialization degree seems to be influencing the kind of knowledge shared, while at tie-level both the frequency of interaction and the governance mode prove to determine differences in the distribution of knowledge flows. The second paper zooms out and considers the inter-firm networks; particularly focusing on the role of cluster boundary, internal and external networks are analyzed, in their size, long-term orientation and exploration degree. The research method is purely qualitative and allows for the observation of the evolving strategic role of internal network: from exploitation-based to exploration-based. Moreover, a causal pattern is emphasized, linking the evolution and features of the external network to the evolution and features of internal network. The final paper addresses the softer and more micro-level side of knowledge flows: personnel mobility. A social capital perspective is here developed, which considers both employees’ acquisition and employees’ loss as building inter-firm ties, thus enhancing company’s overall social capital. Negative binomial regression analyses at dyad-level test the significant impact of cluster affiliation (cluster firms vs non-cluster firms), industry affiliation (IT firms vs non-IT fims) and foreign affiliation (MNCs vs domestic firms) in shaping the uneven distribution of personnel mobility, and thus of knowledge flows, among companies.