999 resultados para Gramàtica comparada i general -- Nombre
We develop a full theoretical approach to clustering in complex networks. A key concept is introduced, the edge multiplicity, that measures the number of triangles passing through an edge. This quantity extends the clustering coefficient in that it involves the properties of two¿and not just one¿vertices. The formalism is completed with the definition of a three-vertex correlation function, which is the fundamental quantity describing the properties of clustered networks. The formalism suggests different metrics that are able to thoroughly characterize transitive relations. A rigorous analysis of several real networks, which makes use of this formalism and the metrics, is also provided. It is also found that clustered networks can be classified into two main groups: the weak and the strong transitivity classes. In the first class, edge multiplicity is small, with triangles being disjoint. In the second class, edge multiplicity is high and so triangles share many edges. As we shall see in the following paper, the class a network belongs to has strong implications in its percolation properties.
Nota on s'intenta mostrar, amb pretensions essencialment pedagògiques, alguns fets lingüístics que permeten determinar l'ordre en què s'apliquen les transformacions en una gramàtica generativa i transformacional
Linear programming models are effective tools to support initial or periodic planning of agricultural enterprises, requiring, however, technical coefficients that can be determined using computer simulation models. This paper, presented in two parts, deals with the development, application and tests of a methodology and of a computational modeling tool to support planning of irrigated agriculture activities. Part I aimed at the development and application, including sensitivity analysis, of a multiyear linear programming model to optimize the financial return and water use, at farm level for Jaíba irrigation scheme, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using data on crop irrigation requirement and yield, obtained from previous simulation with MCID model. The linear programming model outputted a crop pattern to which a maximum total net present value of R$ 372,723.00 for the four years period, was obtained. Constraints on monthly water availability, labor, land and production were critical in the optimal solution. In relation to the water use optimization, it was verified that an expressive reductions on the irrigation requirements may be achieved by small reductions on the maximum total net present value.
El trabajo de campo ha sido realizado por un equipo de quince colaboradores coordinados por Mercè Morey López
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The calculation of accurate and reliable vibrational potential functions and normal co-ordinates is discussed, for such simple polyatomic molecules as it may be possible. Such calculations should be corrected for the effects of anharmonicity and of resonance interactions between the vibrational states, and should be fitted to all the available information on all isotopic species: particularly the vibrational frequencies, Coriolis zeta constants and centrifugal distortion constants. The difficulties of making these corrections, and of making use of the observed data are reviewed. A programme for the Ferranti Mercury Computer is described by means of which harmonic vibration frequencies and normal co-ordinate vectors, zeta factors and centrifugal distortion constants can be calculated, from a given force field and from given G-matrix elements, etc. The programme has been used on up to 5 × 5 secular equations for which a single calculation and output of results takes approximately l min; it can readily be extended to larger determinants. The best methods of using such a programme and the possibility of reversing the direction of calculation are discussed. The methods are applied to calculating the best possible vibrational potential function for the methane molecule, making use of all the observed data.
Regiones y Departamentos. Relatos de nuestra identidad es una serie que aborda las características turísticas, culturales e históricas de la provincia de Mendoza. En los 14 programas se han destacado y revalorizado las particularidades de cada uno de los departamentos de esta provincia argentina que se dividen en distintas regiones: Valle de Uco, Gran Mendoza, Zona Sur, Zona Este y Zona Nordeste. ZONA SUR I, es un documental que recorre los departamentos de General Alvear, Malargüe y San Rafael rescatando sus características sociales, culturales y turísticas. El bloque 1destaca la historia de San Rafael, departamento habitado, en principio, por los Puelches, cazadores recolectores nómades, y más tarde son los Pehuenches quienes logran concentrar el poder y hasta adquieren el poder de gobernar, hasta 1805 con la construcción del Fuerte histórico de San Rafael. El aluvión y la llegada del ferrocarril fueron los acontecimientos que hicieron que se traslade a la ciudad. El bloque 2 resalta las características económicas y sociales de los departamentos de General Alvear y Malargüe. El primero con una creciente industria agroindustrial y el segundo apoyándose en las bondades de su naturaleza. En este bloque conocemos también la historia de los hermanos Pincheira, reconocidos bandidos por sus acciones violentas. Finalmente, en el bloque 3 se muestran las posibilidades turísticas de General Alvear y Malargüe, que van desde el turismo religioso, de aventura, rural, cultural , de naturaleza entre otros.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contiene: T. I: 1e partie. Idéologie proprement dite (An XIII [1804] ; 2 ?ed. ; XXXII, 456 p.) -- T. II: 2e partie. Grammaire (An XI [1803] ; XII, 454 p.) -- T. III: 3e partie. Logique (An XII [1805] ; VIII, 671 p.) -- T. IV: 4e et 5e parties. Traité de la volanté et de ses effects (Vve. Cournier, 1815 ; VI, 578 p.)
Mode of access: Internet.