196 resultados para Grafisk Teknologi
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the print performance of some of the new most promising, cost effective absorbent pigments specialised for inkjet coatings on the market in a continuous drive to find an alternative to silica. The target was a lower production cost for ArjoWiggins inkjet products, OMD 01 and OMD 02. Five absorbent pigments are being evaluated through measuring the qualities of the coating mix itself, visual evaluations of print performance and physical testing of the coated paper. Pigments 1,2 and 3, which all are said to be tailored for inkjet coatings, did not reach the print performance needed for an OMD 01 and OMD 02 equal, due to severe bleed and feathering identified especially on the Epson 950 printer. They are therefore currently not seen as viable formulations. A blend of 50% pigment 5 and 50% silica had excellent print performance as OMD 01 and OMD 02 equivalents and is therefore recommended as a potential alternative to 100% silica. It is of the company’s interest to find a more cost effective solution to their inkjet coatings, and a 50/50 blend of Pigment 5 will save the company more than 35 000 euro per year.
In offset printing, dampening solution is used to create a good balance in the process. If too much water is transferred to the paper, the sheet can change its size between the printing units, due to water absorption, and cause a problem with the colour register. This phenomenon is usually referred to as fanout. In this degree project, an investigation was made to see if the paper dimensions changed through its way in the sheet-fed printing process. The instrument Luchs Register Measuring Systems (Lynx) was used, and a method for measuring if the paper changed its dimensions with this instrument, was developed. Paper qualities with three different grammages were used, 90, 130 and 250 gsm. This investigation showed that all paper qualities changed their size with widening in the gripper edge in the range of 10 - 70 µm and in the trailing edge the increase was 10 - 130 µm. The elongations of the papers were in the range of 10- 300 µm. The papers with lowest grammage changed more than the heavier. To see if the print had been affected of the widening and elongation, print quality parameters like relative contrast, dot gain and mottle were correlated with the Lynx data from the sheets. The group of papers that gave correlations were in 130 gsm. The sheets had visual doubling and the combined standard deviation from the Lynx marks K3, K5 and K21 correlated with dot gain. When the variations increased so did the dot gain and this indicates that the doubling was due to the widening. There was also a correlation between the standard deviation from K3 and Mottle. The sheets widened with an average of 30 µm in the gripper edge and since there probably were doubling due to widening it also affected the Mottle values. What the widening depends on is hard to tell. Since widening was so small, it could be due to water absorption, papers being ironed out or maybe the sheets have been flattened out. It probably needs a more detailed investigation to find out what causes the widening. Further investigations about how print quality is affected by the register accuracy of a printing machine should include a print form with measuring areas close to the Lynx marks. The measuring areas should contain fine hairlines, negative text printed with at least two colours and some pictures to evaluate together with standard measuring should give a good knowledge about the subject.
Detta examensarbete beskriver i detalj hur ICC-profiler fo¨r utskriftsmedier, i detta fall fo¨r storformatskrivare, skapas. Examensarbetet omfattade framtagande av ICC-profiler fo¨r substrat till storformatskrivaren Mutoh Toucan PJ-1614NXE (Mutoh Toucan) hos BEMI REKLAM AB (BEMI), Borla¨nge. Fo¨retaget har tidigare anva¨nt en standardlinja¨risering till samtliga substrat fo¨r storformatskrivaren, dock utan att applicera na°gon ICC-profil fo¨r utenheter. Samtliga substrat till Mutoh Toucan a¨r avsedda fo¨r utomhusbruk.
En presentation av Kungliga Svenska Baletten. Denna ska distribueras till operahus världen över innan ny turné påbörjas. Shanghais operahus var det första som fick den färdiga produkten.Fördjupningen rör olika operahus design och arkitektur ut- och invändigt. Även en del av husens relevanta historia tas upp.
AssiDomän tillverkar kartong till förpackningsindustrin. Inom detta område är vitheten på kartongytanen viktig parameter. För att höja intrycket av förpackningen samt skapa en skyddande yta lackas ofta förpackningen med UV-lack efter tryck. Efter lackning kan då otryckta lackade ytor uppfattas som mindre vita. För att ta reda på om bestrykningssammansättningen har betydelse har ett fem olika bestrykningar blandats. Pigmenten som använts i bestrykningarna är karbonat, kaolin och titandioxidi olika kombinationer. Kartong har sedan bestrukits med dessa och därefter lackerats med UV-lack. Lackningen har gjorts i tre olika lackmängder. Mätningar har sedan gjorts gällande framförallt vithet. Den samverkan som sker mellan ljus, materialet och dess struktur är av stor vikt för att skapa en yta med goda optiska egenskaper. Resultaten i detta försök visar att lacken påverkar de optiska egenskaperna och framförallt vitheten. De lackerade ytorna fick en gulton efter lackering vilket kan ha att göra med lackens egenskaper. Vitheten hade en något mindre minskning för den bestrykning som bestod av karbonat och titandioxid. Skillnaden var dock mycket liten då alla bestrykningar fick en sänkning av vitheten med cirka 11-13 procentenheter oberoende av utgångsvärdet i vithet för respektive bestrykning innan lackning. Positivt var att det kunde konstateras att den bestrykning som hade det högsta vithetsvärdet före lackning också hade det efter lackning med ett normalt lackpålägg vilket betyder att en hög vithet är av betydelse även om den bestrukna ytan ska lackas. Den sänkning av vitheten som sker kan ha flera tänkbara orsaker. En tänkbar orsak kan vara att lacken förstör den porösa struktur som ger den viktiga ljusspridningen i bestrykningsskiktet. Resultaten visar också att lackens egenskaper tycks vara av stor betydelse. Den gulton som framträdde efter lackning tyder på en ökad absorption av vissa ljusvåglängder. Något som också pekar på detta är att alla fem bestrykningarna fick en liknande sänkning av vitheten. För att säga exakt vad som är orsaken eller vilken kombination som påverkar vitheten mest krävs ytterliggare tester. Olika UV-lacker kan testas eftersom endast en UV-lack har använts i dessa försök. En närmare studie av gränsyta mellan UV-lacken och bestrykningsskiktet bör också göras för att se hur lacken påverkar bestrykningsskiktets struktur.
Until the beginning of the 1900:th century the paper making process was handicraft. The paper machines that have been developed since then are as impressing in size as fascinating when it comes to the technique. The process has always been improved to give a better paper for lower costs, with as short manufacture time as possible. Stratified forming has been a reality since 1830. From the beginning it was applied to board and paperboard. Now it is also the most common method for making tissue and one paper mill in Austria use it for fine paper. Stratified forming can be categorized as separate forming or simultaneous forming. Separate forming means using several headboxes and sometimes even several wires. Simultaneous forming means using only one stratified headbox. This method has many advantages over separate forming, inter alia improved economy, quality, wood exchange and higher runability of the paper machine. Several experiments have been done with simultaneous forming of different fibres by placing a fibre with high bulk in the middle layer and a smooth fibre on the surface layers. The results has shown that by using this method both the bending stiffness and surface properties are improved, or a lower grammage paper is obtained with maintaining quality. Simultaneous forming can also be used to stratify fillers in layers where they are most efficient. In that way both paper quality and economy is improved. Simultaneous forming is also used for fractionated pulp. Fractionation means separating springwood fibre from summerwood fibre, and placing them in separate layers. Research results of fractionated pulp show about the same result as simultaneous forming of different fibres.
This degree project consists of “A photographic journey through Vietnam”. One month was spent in Vietnam where the different aspects of the Vietnamese life were documented in images. The journey began in Hanoi and descended down the country to Ho Chi Minh City.The report describes the compositional elements of photography and makes an attempt to describe what a “good” image is. Furthermore it explains what equipment that is necessary for such a journey and how you can interact with the local population.When the journey came to an end, a photographic book consisting of 200 images was created. The report details the used workflow step by step. Finally the author has commented 20 of the selected images regarding their photographic composition.
This degree project illustrates newsprint and waterless offset. A new news press was introduced at Drupa-00, Cortina from KBA, which is the first news press dedicated the waterless technique. With actual statistics from the company in question an investigation was made whether their production fits this press. It came out in the investigation that the production of the company, from statistics, fits this press very good. A table was made where different timeschedules were accounted for the new press, with semi- and full automatic plate changing for present and to be added papers. The waterless technology is compared to conventional offset with the difference that the plate is based on a sort of laminatetechnology. Like conventional plates this plate has a base made of aluminium. Lightsensitive photopolymer isunited as a layer or coat on top of the aluminium and a 2µm thin oleophobic siliconlayer is applied on top of the photopolymer. Considering the print, the waterless method has a higher qualitygrade than conventional offset. No water is emulsifiedin the ink, and therefore the printed dot gets a higher density. The loss of dampening solution and higher tack of the ink gives sharper dots. This makes the colourspace bigger why a greater range of colours can be printed. The loss of dampening solution gives a more stable dotgain, which contributes to that a higher screen can be used. The disadvantage is that the plate can't do as many rotations as the conventional plate. A waterless plate makes around 100 000-500 000 rotations before it needs to be removed owing to type- and manufacturer of the plate. The plate is also slightly more sensitive and expensive than conventional plates, around 1,4 - 1,7 × aluminium printing plates. A waterless system can be installed in a conventional printing press by degrees and when large editions are being printed a cooler needs to be installed in the oscillationrollers of the press, since an increase in temperature can make the oleophobic parts of the plate oleophilic. The Cortina is however equipped with a temperature controlsystem at the beginning. To avoid picking, caused by the tacky ink, a blanket with a high “quick release” should be used.
Examensarbetet har gjorts utifrån Företaget AB där kundnyttan med JDF har utretts. Rapporten presenterar de för- och nackdelar med JDF-flöde som framkommit under projektets gång.Man kan välja att utnyttja JDF på olika sätt. I rapporten har tre hypoteser ställts mot varandra där utnyttjandegraden av JDF kontra för- och nackdelar för kunder och tryckeri presenterats.
välling, gröt
Detta examensarbete innefattar en teoretisk och en praktisk del om marknadsundersökningar. Inom teoridelen har litteratur inom ämnet studerats för att sedan genomföra en marknadsundersökning. Utöver detta ha resultatet som erhållts ur marknadsundersökningen tillämpats för att ta fram ett designkoncept för en serie ansiktscremer.Marknadsundersökningen utfördes i form av en observationsresearch där ansiktscremer av olika priser och märken jämfördes, samt en webbenkät där målgruppen fick svara på frågor om ansiktscremers behållare och behållarens färg. Målgruppen är satt till män och kvinnor över 15 år som använder ansiktscreme. För att marknadsundersökningen ska vara möjlig att genomföra inom satta tidsramar skickades webbenkäten endast ut till studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna i Borlänge samt till läsare av modebloggen ”Hopplösa Modenördar”.Totalt inkom 469 svar.Resultatet visade att vitt, silver och svart är de färger som tilltalar män mest i fråga om ansiktscremebehållare. För kvinnor var det vitt, guld och rosa som kändes mest tilltalande. Ur resultatet kunde även utläsas att burken var den behållare som tilltalar både män och kvinnor mest.