989 resultados para Gossypium hirsutum L


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Os dados de sensoriamento remoto em campo podem fornecer informações detalhadas sobre a variabilidade de parâmetros biofísicos ligados à produtividade em grandes áreas e apresentam potencial para o monitoramento destes parâmetros, ao longo de todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura. Este trabalho objetivou mapear a variabilidade espacial do índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada (NDVI) e seus componentes, em duas lavouras comerciais de algodão (Gossipium hirsutum L.), utilizando sensor óptico ativo, em nível terrestre. Os dados foram coletados utilizando-se sensor instalado em um pulverizador autopropelido agrícola. Um receptor GPS foi acoplado ao sensor, para a obtenção das coordenadas dos pontos de amostragem. As leituras foram realizadas em faixas espaçadas em 21,0 m, aproveitando-se as passadas do veículo no momento da pulverização de agroquímicos, e os dados submetidos à análise estatística clássica e geoestatística. Mapas de distribuição espacial das variáveis foram elaborados pela interpolação por krigagem. Observou-se maior variabilidade espacial do NDVI e da reflectância espectral da vegetação na região do infravermelho próximo (IVP) (880 nm) e do visível (590 nm) na lavoura com maior estresse fisiológico, devido ao ataque do percevejo castanho [Scaptocoris castanea (Hem.: Cydnidae)], em relação à lavoura sadia.


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Fiber cell initiation in the epidermal cells of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ovules represents a unique example of trichome development in higher plants. Little is known about the molecular and metabolic mechanisms controlling this process. Here we report a comparative analysis of a fiberless seed (fls) mutant (lacking fibers) and a normal (FLS) mutant to better understand the initial cytological events in fiber development and to analyze the metabolic changes that are associated with the loss of a major sink for sucrose during cellulose biosynthesis in the mutant seeds. On the day of anthesis (0 DAA), the mutant ovular epidermal cells lacked the typical bud-like projections that are seen in FLS ovules and are required for commitment to the fiber development pathway. Cell-specific gene expression analyses at 0 DAA showed that sucrose synthase (SuSy) RNA and protein were undetectable in fls ovules but were in abundant, steady-state levels in initiating fiber cells of the FLS ovules. Tissue-level analyses of developing seeds 15 to 35 DAA revealed an altered temporal pattern of SuSy expression in the mutant relative to the normal genotype. Whether the altered programming of SuSy expression is the cause or the result of the mutation is unknown. The developing seeds of the fls mutant have also shown several correlated changes that represent altered carbon partitioning in seed coats and cotyledons as compared with the FLS genotype.


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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fibers are single-celled trichomes that synchronously undergo a phase of rapid cell expansion, then a phase including secondary cell wall deposition, and finally maturation. To determine if there is coordinated regulation of gene expression during fiber expansion, we analyzed the expression of components involved in turgor regulation and a cytoskeletal protein by measuring levels of mRNA and protein accumulation and enzyme activity. Fragments of the genes for the plasma membrane proton-translocating ATPase, vacuole-ATPase, proton-translocating pyrophosphatase (PPase), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, major intrinsic protein, and α-tubulin were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and used as probes in ribonuclease protection assays of RNA from a fiber developmental series, revealing two discrete patterns of mRNA accumulation. Transcripts of all but the PPase accumulated to highest levels during the period of peak expansion (+12–15 d postanthesis [dpa]), then declined with the onset of secondary cell wall synthesis. The PPase was constitutively expressed through fiber development. Activity of the two proton-translocating-ATPases peaked at +15 dpa, whereas PPase activity peaked at +20 dpa, suggesting that all are involved in the process of cell expansion but with varying roles. Patterns of protein accumulation and enzyme activity for some of the proteins examined suggest posttranslational regulation through fiber development.


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We tested the hypothesis that light activation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is inhibited by moderately elevated temperature through an effect on Rubisco activase. When cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf tissue was exposed to increasing temperatures in the light, activation of Rubisco was inhibited above 35 and 30°C, respectively, and the relative inhibition was greater for wheat than for cotton. The temperature-induced inhibition of Rubisco activation was fully reversible at temperatures below 40°C. In contrast to activation state, total Rubisco activity was not affected by temperatures as high as 45°C. Nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching increased at temperatures that inhibited Rubisco activation, consistent with inhibition of Calvin cycle activity. Initial and maximal chlorophyll fluorescence were not significantly altered until temperatures exceeded 40°C. Thus, electron transport, as measured by Chl fluorescence, appeared to be more stable to moderately elevated temperatures than Rubisco activation. Western-blot analysis revealed the formation of high-molecular-weight aggregates of activase at temperatures above 40°C for both wheat and cotton when inhibition of Rubisco activation was irreversible. Physical perturbation of other soluble stromal enzymes, including Rubisco, phosphoribulokinase, and glutamine synthetase, was not detected at the elevated temperatures. Our evidence indicates that moderately elevated temperatures inhibit light activation of Rubisco via a direct effect on Rubisco activase.


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We tested the hypothesis that light activation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is inhibited by moderately elevated temperature through an effect on Rubisco activase. When cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf tissue was exposed to increasing temperatures in the light, activation of Rubisco was inhibited above 35 and 30°C, respectively, and the relative inhibition was greater for wheat than for cotton. The temperature-induced inhibition of Rubisco activation was fully reversible at temperatures below 40°C. In contrast to activation state, total Rubisco activity was not affected by temperatures as high as 45°C. Nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching increased at temperatures that inhibited Rubisco activation, consistent with inhibition of Calvin cycle activity. Initial and maximal chlorophyll fluorescence were not significantly altered until temperatures exceeded 40°C. Thus, electron transport, as measured by Chl fluorescence, appeared to be more stable to moderately elevated temperatures than Rubisco activation. Western-blot analysis revealed the formation of high-molecular-weight aggregates of activase at temperatures above 40°C for both wheat and cotton when inhibition of Rubisco activation was irreversible. Physical perturbation of other soluble stromal enzymes, including Rubisco, phosphoribulokinase, and glutamine synthetase, was not detected at the elevated temperatures. Our evidence indicates that moderately elevated temperatures inhibit light activation of Rubisco via a direct effect on Rubisco activase.


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We hypothesized that the four rotation crops: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Merr.], lablab [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet] and mung bean [ Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] differ in their ability to repair soil structure. The study was conducted on a Typic Haplustert, Queensland, Australia, locally termed a Black Earth and considered a prime cropping soil. Large (0.5-m depth by 0.3-m diam.) soil cores, collected from compacted wheel furrows in an irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) field, were subjected to three, six, or nine wet-dry cycles that simulated local flood irrigation practices. After each cycle, soil profiles were sampled for clod bulk density, image analysis of soil structure, and evapotranspiration. Generally, all crops improved soil structure over the initial field condition but lablab and mung bean gave improvements to greater depths and more rapidly than wheat and sorghum. Mung bean and lablab caused up to a threefold increase in clod porosity in the 0.1- to 0.4-m soil layer after only three wet-dry cycles, whereas sorghum required nine wet-dry cycles to increase clod porosity in only the 0.2- to 0.3-m layer, and wheat gave no improvement even after nine wet-dry cycles. Image analysis of soil structure showed that lablab and mung bean rapidly (by three wet-dry cycles) produced smaller peds with more interconnected pore space than wheat and sorghum. By nine wet-dry cycles, sorghum achieved deep cracking of the soil but the material between the cracks remained large and dense. Evapotranspiration was double under lablab and mung bean compared with wheat and sorghum. Our results indicate greater cycles of wetting and drying under lablab and mung bean than wheat and sorghum that have led to rapid repair of soil compaction.


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The cotton strip assay (CSA) is an established technique for measuring soil microbial activity. The technique involves burying cotton strips and measuring their tensile strength after a certain time. This gives a measure of the rotting rate, R, of the cotton strips. R is then a measure of soil microbial activity. This paper examines properties of the technique and indicates how the assay can be optimised. Humidity conditioning of the cotton strips before measuring their tensile strength reduced the within and between day variance and enabled the distribution of the tensile strength measurements to approximate normality. The test data came from a three-way factorial experiment (two soils, two temperatures, three moisture levels). The cotton strips were buried in the soil for intervals of time ranging up to 6 weeks. This enabled the rate of loss of cotton tensile strength with time to be studied under a range of conditions. An inverse cubic model accounted for greater than 90% of the total variation within each treatment combination. This offers support for summarising the decomposition process by a single parameter R. The approximate variance of the decomposition rate was estimated from a function incorporating the variance of tensile strength and the differential of the function for the rate of decomposition, R, with respect to tensile strength. This variance function has a minimum when the measured strength is approximately 2/3 that of the original strength. The estimates of R are almost unbiased and relatively robust against the cotton strips being left in the soil for more or less than the optimal time. We conclude that the rotting rate X should be measured using the inverse cubic equation, and that the cotton strips should be left in the soil until their strength has been reduced to about 2/3.


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Yield in cultivated cotton (Gossypium spp.) is affected by the number and distribution of fibres initiated on the seed surface but, apart from simple statistical summaries, little has been done to assess this phenotype quantitatively. Here we use two types of spatial statistics to describe and quantify differences in patterning of cotton ovule fibre initials (FI). The following five different species of Gossypium were analysed: G. hirsutum L., G. barbadense L., G. arboreum, G. raimondii Ulbrich. and G. trilobum (DC.) Skovsted. Scanning electron micrographs of FIs were taken on the day of anthesis. Cell centres for fibre and epidermal cells were digitised and analysed by spatial statistics methods appropriate for marked point processes and tessellations. Results were consistent with previously published reports of fibre number and spacing. However, it was shown that the spatial distributions of FIs in all of species examined exhibit regularity, and are not completely random as previously implied. The regular arrangement indicates FIs do not appear independently of each other and we surmise there may be some form of mutual inhibition specifying fibre-initial development. It is concluded that genetic control of FIs differs from that of stomata, another well studied plant idioblast. Since spatial statistics show clear species differences in the distribution of FIs within this genus, they provide a useful method for phenotyping cotton. © CSIRO 2007.


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When investigating strategies for Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) control, it is important to understand oviposition behaviour. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was sown into standing wheat (Triticum astivum L.) stubble in a closed arena to investigate the effect of stubble on H. armigera moth behaviour and oviposition. Infrared cameras were used to track moths and determine whether stubble acted as a physical barrier or provided camouflage to cotton plants, thereby reducing oviposition. Searching activity was observed to peak shortly before dawn (03:00 and 04:00 h) and remained high until just after dawn (4 h window). Moths spent more time resting on cotton plants than spiralling above them, and the least time flying across the arena. While female moths spent more time searching for cotton plants growing in wheat stubble, the difference in oviposition was not significant. As similar numbers of eggs were laid on cotton plants with stubble (3.5/plant SE +/- 0.87) and without stubble (2.5/plant SE +/- 0.91), wheat stubble does not appear to provide camouflage to cotton plants. There was no significant difference in the location of eggs deposited on cotton plants with and without stubble, although more eggs were laid on the tops of cotton leaves in wheat stubble. As the spatial and temporal distribution of eggs laid on the cotton plant is a crucial component of population stability, eggs laid on the upper side of leaves on cotton plants may be more prone to fatalities caused by environmental factors such as wind and rain. Therefore, although stubble did not influence the number of eggs laid, it did affect their distribution on the plant, which may result in increased mortality of eggs on cotton plants sown into standing wheat stubble.


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Fusarium wilt of cotton, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend. f. sp. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyd. & Hans, was first identified in 1892 in cotton growing in sandy acid soils in Alabama (8). Although the disease was soon discovered in other major cotton-producing areas, it did not become global until the end of the next century. After its original discovery, Fusarium wilt of cotton was reported in Egypt (1902) (30), India (1908) (60), Tanzania (1954) (110), California (1959) (33), Sudan (1960) (44), Israel (1970) (27), Brazil (1978) (5), China (1981) (17), and Australia (1993) (56). In addition to a worldwide distribution, Fusarium wilt occurs in all four of the domesticated cottons, Gossypium arboretum L., G. barbadense L., G. herbaceum L., and G. hirsutum L. (4,30). Disease losses in cotton are highly variable within a country or region. In severely infested fields planted with susceptible cultivars, yield losses can be high. In California, complete crop losses in individual fields have been observed (R. M. Davis, unpublished). Disease loss estimates prepared by the National Cotton Disease Council indicate losses of over 109,000 bales (227 kg or 500 lb) in the United States in 2004 (12).


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Partial virus genome sequence with high nucleotide identity to Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) was identified from two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) samples from Thailand displaying typical cotton leaf roll disease symptoms. We developed and validated a PCR assay for the detection of CLRDV isolates from Thailand and Brazil.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interferência de densidades de tubérculos de tiririca no crescimento inicial de plantas de algodão, cultivar Delta Opal. Para isso, utilizaram-se caixas de cimento-amianto (0,60 x 0,60 x 0,25 m) com Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, no centro das quais foram semeadas seis sementes de algodão, em linha, espaçadas de 0,10 m; em seguida, plantaram-se tubérculos de tiririca nas densidades de 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 e 200 tubérculos por caixa, que foram nestas distribuídos aleatoriamente. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, em quatro repetições. Aos 50 dias após a semeadura, foram determinados, nas plantas de algodão, a altura e o teor relativo de clorofila total. Ao término do período experimental (65 dias após a emergência do algodão), foram determinados: altura, teor relativo de clorofila total, área foliar e matéria seca do caule e das folhas. Nas plantas de tiririca foi feita a contagem do número final de plantas (partes aéreas) por caixa. A interferência da tiririca no crescimento inicial do algodoeiro iniciou-se a partir de 5 tubérculos/caixa, reduzindo em até 71% as características analisadas na mais alta densidade (200 tubérculos/caixa). A competição intra-específica na tiririca acentuou-se a partir de 75 tubérculos/caixa, quando obteve mais do que 1,86 brotação por tubérculo. As características avaliadas nas plantas de algodão mais sensíveis ao efeito dos tubérculos de tiririca foram: área foliar, massa seca de folhas, caule e altura das plantas, nesta ordem.


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Cotton with naturally colored fiber is increasing as a commercial crop due specially to its textile processing with reduced environmental impact, as dying is not necessary. The critical period of weed control and the weed community were studied in a field with the naturally green colored fiber cv. BRS Verde cultivated in Missao Velha, Brazil. Without weed control during all the cycle, a reduction of 82.9% in yield was observed. The critical period of weed control was between 31 and 74 days after emergence for a reduction of 5% in yield. The weed community was composed of 21 species, with higher relative importance and dominance of monocotyledonous species. The beginning of the critical period was found to be more influential on yield than the ending. Thus, defining the right moment to start weed control can be more important to yield than determining the moment to cease it. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Foram recuperadas 58 populações de Rotylenchulus reniformis de amostras de solo e raízes de diferentes culturas e inoculadas em plantas de algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum) cv. COODETEC 402 e de mamona (Ricinus communis), mantidas em vasos de argila em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Fitossanidade da UNESP/FCAV, Campus de Jaboticabal - São Paulo. Foi realizado estudo morfométrico comparativo das populações ao microscópio óptico composto, seguido da ordenação das populações segundo análises multivariadas de agrupamento e de componentes principais. Foram avaliadas 11 variáveis morfométricas em dez fêmeas jovens de cada população e sete variáveis derivadas. A amplitude de variação de caracteres morfométricos em populações brasileiras desse nematóide tais como, comprimento do estilete, V e forma da cauda, é maior que em populações da mesma espécie de outras regiões do mundo. Os dados obtidos confirmam que o comprimento do estilete, presença de machos e V são suficientes para identificação de R. reniformis e que esta é a espécie do grupo predominante nos agroecossistemas brasileiros.