979 resultados para Glucocorticoid Receptor Polymorphisms


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Pediatric renal transplantation (TX) has evolved greatly during the past few decades, and today TX is considered the standard care for children with end-stage renal disease. In Finland, 191 children had received renal transplants by October 2007, and 42% of them have already reached adulthood. Improvements in treatment of end-stage renal disease, surgical techniques, intensive care medicine, and in immunosuppressive therapy have paved the way to the current highly successful outcomes of pediatric transplantation. In children, the transplanted graft should last for decades, and normal growth and development should be guaranteed. These objectives set considerable requirements in optimizing and fine-tuning the post-operative therapy. Careful optimization of immunosuppressive therapy is crucial in protecting the graft against rejection, but also in protecting the patient against adverse effects of the medication. In the present study, the results of a retrospective investigation into individualized dosing of immunosuppresive medication, based on pharmacokinetic profiles, therapeutic drug monitoring, graft function and histology studies, and glucocorticoid biological activity determinations, are reported. Subgroups of a total of 178 patients, who received renal transplants in 1988 2006 were included in the study. The mean age at TX was 6.5 years, and approximately 26% of the patients were <2 years of age. The most common diagnosis leading to renal TX was congenital nephrosis of the Finnish type (NPHS1). Pediatric patients in Finland receive standard triple immunosuppression consisting of cyclosporine A (CsA), methylprednisolone (MP) and azathioprine (AZA) after renal TX. Optimal dosing of these agents is important to prevent rejections and preserve graft function in one hand, and to avoid the potentially serious adverse effects on the other hand. CsA has a narrow therapeutic window and individually variable pharmacokinetics. Therapeutic monitoring of CsA is, therefore, mandatory. Traditionally, CsA monitoring has been based on pre-dose trough levels (C0), but recent pharmacokinetic and clinical studies have revealed that the immunosuppressive effect may be related to diurnal CsA exposure and blood CsA concentration 0-4 hours after dosing. The two-hour post-dose concentration (C2) has proved a reliable surrogate marker of CsA exposure. Individual starting doses of CsA were analyzed in 65 patients. A recommended dose based on a pre-TX pharmacokinetic study was calculated for each patient by the pre-TX protocol. The predicted dose was clearly higher in the youngest children than in the older ones (22.9±10.4 and 10.5±5.1 mg/kg/d in patients <2 and >8 years of age, respectively). The actually administered oral doses of CsA were collected for three weeks after TX and compared to the pharmacokinetically predicted dose. After the TX, dosing of CsA was adjusted according to clinical parameters and blood CsA trough concentration. The pharmacokinetically predicted dose and patient age were the two significant parameters explaining post-TX doses of CsA. Accordingly, young children received significantly higher oral doses of CsA than the older ones. The correlation to the actually administered doses after TX was best in those patients, who had a predicted dose clearly higher or lower (> ±25%) than the average in their age-group. Due to the great individual variation in pharmacokinetics standardized dosing of CsA (based on body mass or surface area) may not be adequate. Pre-Tx profiles are helpful in determining suitable initial CsA doses. CsA monitoring based on trough and C2 concentrations was analyzed in 47 patients, who received renal transplants in 2001 2006. C0, C2 and experienced acute rejections were collected during the post-TX hospitalization, and also three months after TX when the first protocol core biopsy was obtained. The patients who remained rejection free had slightly higher C2 concentrations, especially very early after TX. However, after the first two weeks also the trough level was higher in the rejection-free patients than in those with acute rejections. Three months after TX the trough level was higher in patients with normal histology than in those with rejection changes in the routine biopsy. Monitoring of both the trough level and C2 may thus be warranted to guarantee sufficient peak concentration and baseline immunosuppression on one hand and to avoid over-exposure on the other hand. Controlling of rejection in the early months after transplantation is crucial as it may contribute to the development of long-term allograft nephropathy. Recently, it has become evident that immunoactivation fulfilling the histological criteria of acute rejection is possible in a well functioning graft with no clinical sings or laboratory perturbations. The influence of treatment of subclinical rejection, diagnosed in 3-month protocol biopsy, to graft function and histology 18 months after TX was analyzed in 22 patients and compared to 35 historical control patients. The incidence of subclinical rejection at three months was 43%, and the patients received a standard rejection treatment (a course of increased MP) and/or increased baseline immunosuppression, depending on the severity of rejection and graft function. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 18 months was significantly better in the patients who were screened and treated for subclinical rejection in comparison to the historical patients (86.7±22.5 vs. 67.9±31.9 ml/min/1.73m2, respectively). The improvement was most remarkable in the youngest (<2 years) age group (94.1±11.0 vs. 67.9±26.8 ml/min/1.73m2). Histological findings of chronic allograft nephropathy were also more common in the historical patients in the 18-month protocol biopsy. All pediatric renal TX patients receive MP as a part of the baseline immunosuppression. Although the maintenance dose of MP is very low in the majority of the patients, the well-known steroid-related adverse affects are not uncommon. It has been shown in a previous study in Finnish pediatric TX patients that steroid exposure, measured as area under concentration-time curve (AUC), rather than the dose correlates with the adverse effects. In the present study, MP AUC was measured in sixteen stable maintenance patients, and a correlation with excess weight gain during 12 months after TX as well as with height deficit was found. A novel bioassay measuring the activation of glucocorticoid receptor dependent transcription cascade was also employed to assess the biological effect of MP. Glucocorticoid bioactivity was found to be related to the adverse effects, although the relationship was not as apparent as that with serum MP concentration. The findings in this study support individualized monitoring and adjustment of immunosuppression based on pharmacokinetics, graft function and histology. Pharmacokinetic profiles are helpful in estimating drug exposure and thus identifying the patients who might be at risk for excessive or insufficient immunosuppression. Individualized doses and monitoring of blood concentrations should definitely be employed with CsA, but possibly also with steroids. As an alternative to complete steroid withdrawal, individualized dosing based on drug exposure monitoring might help in avoiding the adverse effects. Early screening and treatment of subclinical immunoactivation is beneficial as it improves the prospects of good long-term graft function.


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While the effect of stress on neuronal physiology is widely studied, its effect on the functionality of astrocytes is not well understood. We studied the effect of high doses of stress hormone corticosterone, on two physiological properties of astrocytes, i.e., gliotransmission and interastrocytic calcium waves. To study the release of peptidergic vesicles from astrocytes, hippocampal astrocyte cultures were transfected with a plasmid to express pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) fused with the emerald green fluorescent protein (ANP.emd). The rate of decrease in fluorescence of ANP.emd on application of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore was monitored. Significant increase in the rate of calcium-dependent exocytosis of ANP.emd was observed with the 100 nM and 1 M corticosterone treatments for 3 h, which depended on the activation of the glucocorticoid receptor. ANP.emd tagged vesicles exhibited increased mobility in astrocyte culture upon corticosterone treatment. Increasing corticosterone concentrations also resulted in concomitant increase in the calcium wave propagation velocity, initiated by focal ATP application. Corticosterone treatment also resulted in increased GFAP expression and F-actin rearrangements. FITC-Phalloidin immunostaining revealed increased formation of cross linked F-actin networks with the 100 nM and 1 M corticosterone treatment. Alternatively, blockade of actin polymerization and disruption of microtubules prevented the corticosterone-mediated increase in ANP.emd release kinetics. This study reports for the first time the effect of corticosterone on gliotransmission via modulation of cytoskeletal elements. As ANP acts on both neurons and blood vessels, modulation of its release could have functional implications in neurovascular coupling under pathophysiological conditions of stress.


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Vários trabalhos têm demonstrado uma relação entre sono e memória. Desta forma, tem sido descrito um papel importante do sono na consolidação da memória e um efeito negativo pela privação do mesmo. O hipocampo é uma região importante para a formação e consolidação da memória espacial, e contém uma alta expressão de receptores para corticosteróides. As ações dos corticosteróides no hipocampo são fundamentais para a aquisição de memória e dependem de um balanço adequado entre receptores de Glicocorticóides (RGc) e Mineralocorticóides (RMn). Assim é descrito na literatura que um aumento na expressão de RMn é promotor de aquisição de memória, enquanto que um aumento na expressão de RGc produz um efeito negativo. Apesar dos níveis circulantes de glicocorticóides na privação de sono paradoxal (PSP), não serem responsáveis pelo enfraquecimento de memória, não existem dados sobre a expressão dos receptores para corticosteróides no hipocampo, após PSP. Neste trabalho tivemos como objetivo investigar a expressão de receptores de Glicocorticóides no hipocampo, bem como avaliar aprendizado e memória em ratos privados de sono paradoxal. Ratos Wistar machos (250- 350g) foram submetidos à PSP, utilizando-se o método de múltiplas plataformas por um período de 96 horas. Após 96h de privação os animais foram anestesiados e perfundidos. Secções de 25 μm na área do hipocampo foram obtidas e reagidas com anticorpos para receptores de Glicocortidóides. Avaliamos as áreas CA1, CA3 e Giro Denteado. O aprendizado e memória espacial foram avaliados através do teste do labirinto aquático de oito braços, antes e após o período de privação de sono. Avaliou-se a latência de escape e o número de erros obtidos. O grupo PSP apresentou um aumento na expressão de RGc nas regiões: CA1 e Giro Denteado, não se observando diferença significativa na região CA3. A PSP prévia aos testes de aprendizado e memória não provocou alterações significativas. A privação de sono pós-aprendizado também não produziu diferenças estatisticamente significativas, mas um aumento no tempo de latência de escape e número de erros sugere um enfraquecimento na consolidação da memória. O aumento na expressão de RGc nas áreas estudadas, pode ser consequente a uma alteração no balanço entre os receptores para corticosteróides no hipocampo e ser responsável por alterações no aprendizado e memória em ratos PSP.


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It has been documented that stress or glucocorticoids have conflicting effects on memory under different conditions. However, it is not fully understood why stress can either impair or enhance memory. Here, we have examined the performance of six age groups of Wistar rats in a water maze spatial task to evaluate the effects of stress under different conditions. We found that the impairment or enhancement effect of an 'elevated platform' (EP) stress on memory was dependent on previous stress experience and on age. EP stress impaired memory retrieval in water maze naive animals. but enhanced rather than impaired memory retrieval in young water maze stress-experienced animals. Furthermore, exogenously applied corticosterone or foot shock stress before water maze training prevented the impairment of memory retrieval that should be induced by treatment with corticosterone or foot shock before the 'probe trial'. Again, memory retrieval was enhanced in young animals under these conditions, and this enhancement can be prevented by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU 38486. Thus, glucocorticoid receptor activation not only induced impairment of memory but also increased the capacity of young animals to overcome a later stress. The present findings suggest that the effect of stress on memory can be switched from impairment to enhancement dependent on both stress experience and age.


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The hippocampus, being sensitive to stress and glucocorticoids, plays significant roles in certain types of learning and memory. Therefore, the hippocampus is probably involved in the increasing drug use, drug seeking, and relapse caused by stress. We have studied the effect of stress with morphine on synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus in vivo and on a delayed-escape paradigm of the Morris water maze. Our results reveal that acute stress enables long-term depression (LTD) induction by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) but acute morphine causes synaptic potentiation. Remarkably, exposure to an acute stressor reverses the effect of morphine from synaptic potentiation ( similar to 20%) to synaptic depression ( similar to 40%), precluding further LTD induction by LFS. The synaptic depression caused by stress with morphine is blocked either by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 or by the NMDA-receptor antagonist D-APV. Chronic morphine attenuates the ability of acute morphine to cause synaptic potentiation, and stress to enable LTD induction, but not the ability of stress in tandem with morphine to cause synaptic depression. Furthermore, corticosterone with morphine during the initial phase of drug use promotes later delayed-escape behavior, as indicated by the morphine-reinforced longer latencies to escape, leading to persistent morphine-seeking after withdrawal. These results suggest that hippocampal synaptic plasticity may play a significant role in the effects of stress or glucocorticoids on opiate addiction.


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Recurrence is a key characteristic in the development of epilepsy. It remains unclear whether seizure recurrence is sensitive to postseizure stress. Here, tonic-clonic seizures were induced with a convulsive dose of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), and acute seizure recurrence was evoked with a subconvulsive dose of the drug. We found that stress inhibited seizure recurrence when applied 30 minutes or 2 hours, but not 4 hours, after the tonic-clonic seizure. The time-dependent anti-recurrence effect of stress was mimicked by the stress hormone corticosterone and blocked by co-administration of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor antagonists. Furthermore, in a PTZ-induced epileptic kindling model, corticosterone administered 30 minutes after each seizure decreased the extent of seizures both during the kindling establishment and in the following challenge test. These results provide novel insights into both the mechanisms of and therapeutic strategies for epilepsy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The formation of memory is believed to depend on experience- or activity-dependent synaptic plasticity, which is exquisitely sensitive to psychological stress since inescapable stress impairs long-term potentiation (LTP) but facilitates long-term depression (LTD). Our recent studies demonstrated that 4 days of opioid withdrawal enables maximal extents of both hippocampal LTP and drug-reinforced behavior; while elevated-platform stress enables these phenomena at 18 h of opioid withdrawal. Here, we examined the effects of low dose of morphine (0.5 mg kg(-1), i.p.) or the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (1 mg kg(-1), i.p.) on synaptic efficacy in the hippocampal CA1 region of anesthetized rats. A form of synaptic depression was induced by low dose of morphine or naloxone in rats after 18 h but not 4 days of opioid withdrawal. This synaptic depression was dependent on both N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor and synaptic activity, similar to the hippocampal long-term depression induced by low frequency stimulation. Elevated-platform stress given 2 h before experiment prevented the synaptic depression at 18 h of opioid withdrawal; in contrast, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist RU38486 treatment (20 mg kg(-1), s.c., twice per day for first 3 days of withdrawal), or a high dose of morphine reexposure (15 mg kg(-1), s.c., 12 h before experiment), enabled the synaptic depression on 4 days of opioid withdrawal. This temporal shift of synaptic depression by stress or GR blockade supplements our previous findings of potentially correlated temporal shifts of LTP induction and drug-reinforced behavior during opioid withdrawal. Our results therefore support the idea that stress experience during opioid withdrawal may modify hippocampal synaptic plasticity and play important roles in drug-associated memory. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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It has been shown that prenatal light exposure and corticosterone improve memory retention of dark hatched chicks. The object of this study was to explore the neural mechanisms underlying the effect of prenatal light exposure and corticosterone on memory retention of chicks. To detect the effect of different prenatal treatments on memory retention of chicks, we used one-trial passive avoidance model. To examine the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) and polysialic acid (PSA) in HV and LPO of chick brain, we used immunohistochemical method. Prenatal light exposure and glucocorticoid (corticosterone, dexamthesone) administered in embryonic day 20 (E20) markedly improve memory retention in dark hatched chicks. Light plays a critical role in improving memory. The critical exposure period is E19 and E20. The effect of these two hormones and light exposure can be significantly blocked by their receptor antagonist administration respectively. The light, corticosterone and particularly darkness significantly up-regulated the level of GR; the expression of NCAM and GAP-43 in HV and LPO peaked in E20 in normal hatched chicks and was significantly increased by light exposure and corticosterone. Protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin markedly reduced the effect of light exposure but partially reduced the effect of corticosterone; light exposure and corticosterone in E20 significantly up-regulated PSA expression. Removing PSA from NCAM significantly retarded the effect of corticosterone on memory retention in chicks. Therefore, The effects of prenatal light exposure and corticosterone on memory retention are mediated via both corticosteroid receptors. The effects of both prenatal light and corticosterone might at first change the plasticity of the brain by up-regulation the synthesis and modification of proteins, and then influence the behavior performance of the chicks.


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The molecular and cellular basis of stress pathology remains an important research question in biological science. A better understanding of this may enable the development of novel approaches for the treatment of stress-related disorders. There is a considerable body of scientific evidence suggesting that dietary lipids, phospholipids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), have therapeutic potential for certain psychiatric disorders. Thus, we proposed n-3 PUFAs as a novel strategy for the prevention or amelioration of stress-related disorders. We hypothesised that these compounds would improve behavioural and neurobiological responses and alter gut microbial composition. Furthermore, we proposed a new mechanism of action exerted by n-3 PUFAs using an in vitro model of stress. Lastly, we explored the protective effects of both phospholipids and n-3 PUFAs against neuroinflammation, which has been shown to contribute to the development of stress-related disorders. We provide further evidence that glucocorticoids, inflammation and early-life stress induce vulnerability to psychopathologies. Specifically, we have demonstrated that corticosterone (CORT) alters cortical neuron and astrocyte percentage composition, reduces brain-derived-neuronal factor (BDNF) expression, and induces glucocorticoid receptor (GR) down-regulation in mixed cortical cultures. Interestingly, we found that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment resulted in an over-expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in cortical astrocyte cultures. Moreover, we demonstrate that early-life stress induces changes to the monoaminergic and immune systems as well as altered neuroendocrine response to stressors later in life. In addition, we found that early-life stress alters the gut microbiota in adulthood. These data demonstrate that n-3 PUFAs can attenuate CORT-induced cellular changes, but not those caused by LPS, within the cerebral cortex. Similarly, phospholipids were unable to reverse LPS-induced inflammation in cultured astrocytes. In addition, this thesis proposes that n-3 PUFAs may prevent the development or lessen the symptoms of mental illnesses, ameliorating anxiety- and depressive-like symptoms as well as cognitive effects, particularly when administered during neurodevelopment. Such effects may be mediated by GR activation as well as by modification of the gut microbiota composition. Taken together, our findings suggest that n-3 PUFAs have therapeutic potential for stress-related disorders and we provide evidence for the mechanisms by which they may exert these effects. These findings contribute to an exciting and growing body of research suggesting that nutritional interventions may have an important role to play in the treatment of stress-related psychiatric conditions.


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Early interventions are a preferred method for addressing behavioral problems in high-risk children, but often have only modest effects. Identifying sources of variation in intervention effects can suggest means to improve efficiency. One potential source of such variation is the genome. We conducted a genetic analysis of the Fast Track randomized control trial, a 10-year-long intervention to prevent high-risk kindergarteners from developing adult externalizing problems including substance abuse and antisocial behavior. We tested whether variants of the glucocorticoid receptor gene NR3C1 were associated with differences in response to the Fast Track intervention. We found that in European-American children, a variant of NR3C1 identified by the single-nucleotide polymorphism rs10482672 was associated with increased risk for externalizing psychopathology in control group children and decreased risk for externalizing psychopathology in intervention group children. Variation in NR3C1 measured in this study was not associated with differential intervention response in African-American children. We discuss implications for efforts to prevent externalizing problems in high-risk children and for public policy in the genomic era.


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We cloned and characterized a 3.3-kb fragment containing the 5'-regulatory region of the human myostatin gene. The promoter sequence contains putative muscle growth response elements for glucocorticoid, androgen, thyroid hormone, myogenic differentiation factor 1, myocyte enhancer factor 2, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, and nuclear factor-kappaB. To identify sites important for myostatin's gene transcription and regulation, eight deletion constructs were placed in C(2)C(12) and L6 skeletal muscle cells. Transcriptional activity of the constructs was found to be significantly higher in myotubes compared with that of myoblasts. To investigate whether glucocorticoids regulate myostatin gene expression, we incubated both cell lines with dexamethasone. On both occasions, dexamethasone dose dependently increased both the promoter's transcriptional activity and the endogenous myostatin expression. The effects of dexamethasone were blocked when the cells were coincubated with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. These findings suggest that glucocorticoids upregulate myostatin expression by inducing gene transcription, possibly through a glucocorticoid receptor-mediated pathway. We speculate that glucocorticoid-associated muscle atrophy might be due in part to the upregulation of myostatin expression.


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Hypertension-induced left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), along with ischemic heart disease, result in LV remodeling as part of a continuum that often leads to congestive heart failure. The neurohormonal model has been used to underpin many treatment strategies, but optimal outcomes have not been achieved. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has emerged as an additional therapeutic target, ever since it was recognised as an important mediator released from sympathetic nerves in the heart, affecting coronary artery constriction and myocardial contraction. More recent interest has focused on the mitogenic and hypertrophic effects that are observed in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, and cardiac myocytes. Of the six identified NPY receptor subtypes, Y-1, Y-2, and Y-5 appear to mediate the main functional responses in the heart. Plasma levels of NPY become elevated due to the increased sympathetic activation present in stress-related cardiac conditions. Also, NPY and Y receptor polymorphisms have been identified that may predispose individuals to increased risk of hypertension and cardiac complications. This review examines what understanding exists regarding the likely contribution of NPY to cardiac pathology. It appears that NPY may play a part in compensatory or detrimental remodeling of myocardial tissue subsequent to hemodynamic overload or myocardial infarction, and in angiogenic processes to regenerate myocardium after ischemic injury. However, greater mechanistic information is required in order to truly assess the potential for treatment of cardiac diseases using NPY-based drugs.


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Background: Maternal smoking is one of the most important modifiable risk factors for low birthweight, which is strongly associated with increased cardiometabolic disease risk in adulthood. Maternal smoking reduces the levels of the methyl donor vitamin B12 and is associated with altered DNA methylation at birth. Altered DNA methylation may be an important mechanism underlying increased disease susceptibility; however, the extent to which this can be induced in the developing fetus is unknown.

Methods: In this retrospective study, we measured concentrations of cobalt, vitamin B12, and mRNA transcripts encoding key enzymes in the 1-carbon cycle in 55 fetal human livers obtained from 11 to 21 weeks of gestation elective terminations and matched for gestation and maternal smoking. DNA methylation was measured at critical regions known to be susceptible to the in utero environment. Homocysteine concentrations were analyzed in plasma from 60 fetuses.

Results: In addition to identifying baseline sex differences, we found that maternal smoking was associated with sex-specific alterations of fetal liver vitamin B12, plasma homocysteine and expression of enzymes in the 1-carbon cycle in fetal liver. In the majority of the measured parameters which showed a sex difference, maternal smoking reduced the magnitude of that difference. Maternal smoking also altered DNA methylation at the imprinted gene IGF2 and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR/NR3C1).

Conclusions: Our unique data strengthen studies linking in utero exposures to altered DNA methylation by showing, for the first time, that such changes are present in fetal life and in a key metabolic target tissue, human fetal liver. Furthermore, these data propose a novel mechanism by which such changes are induced, namely through alterations in methyl donor availability and changes in 1-carbon metabolism.


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PURPOSE: Glucocorticoids are used to treat macular edema, although the mechanisms underlying this effect remain largely unknown. The authors have evaluated in the normal and endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) rats, the effects of dexamethasone (dex) and triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on potassium channel Kir4.1 and aquaporin-4 (AQP4), the two main retinal Müller glial (RMG) channels controlling retinal fluid movement. METHODS: Clinical as well as relatively low doses of dex and TA were injected in the vitreous of normal rats to evaluate their influence on Kir4.1 and AQP4 expression 24 hours later. The dose-dependent effects of the two glucocorticoids were investigated using rat neuroretinal organotypic cultures. EIU was induced by footpad lipopolysaccharide injection, without or with 100 nM intraocular dex or TA. Glucocorticoid receptor and channel expression levels were measured by quantitative PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The authors found that dex and TA exert distinct and specific channel regulations at 24 hours after intravitreous injection. Dex selectively upregulated Kir4.1 (not AQP4) in healthy and inflamed retinas, whereas TA induced AQP4 (not Kir4.1) downregulation in normal retina and upregulation in EIU. The lower concentration (100 nM) efficiently regulated the channels. Moreover, in EIU, an inflammatory condition, the glucocorticoid receptor was downregulated in the retina, which was prevented by intravitreous injections of the low concentration of dex or TA. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that dex and TA are far from being equivalent to modulate RMG channels. Furthermore, the authors suggest that low doses of glucocorticoids may have antiedematous effects on the retina with reduced toxicity.


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Selon le modèle classique, le signal reçu par les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG) se propage suite à des interactions transitoires et aléatoires entre les RCPGs, les protéines G et leurs effecteurs. Par les techniques de transfert d’énergie de résonance de bioluminescence (BRET), de complémentation bimoléculaire de protéines fluorescentes (BiFC) et de co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons observé que les récepteurs, les protéines G et les effecteurs forment un complexe stable, avant et après l’activation des récepteurs. L’interaction entre l’effecteur Kir3 et le dimère Gbetagamma se produit initialement au réticulum endoplasmique et est sensible à un agoniste liposoluble des récepteurs beta2-adrénergiques. Bien que peu de spécificité pour les nombreux isoformes des sous-unités Gbetagamma ait été observée pour l’activation du canal Kir3, les interactions précoces au RE sont plus sensibles aux différentes combinaisons de Gbetagamma présentes. En plus de son rôle dans la régulation des effecteurs, le dimère Gbetagamma peut interagir avec de nombreuses protéines possédant des localisations cellulaires autres que la membrane plasmique. Nous avons identifié une nouvelle classe de protéines interagissant avec la sous-unité Gbeta, autant en système de surexpression que dans des extraits de cerveaux de rats, soit les protéines FosB et cFos, qui forment le complexe de transcription AP-1, suite à leur dimérisation avec les protéines de la famille des Jun. La coexpression du dimère Gbetagamma réduit l’activité transcriptionnelle du complexe AP-1 induit par le phorbol 12-,myristate 13-acetate (PMA), sans toutefois interférer avec la formation du complexe Fos/Jun ou son interaction avec l’ADN. Toutefois, le dimère Gbetagamma colocalise au noyau avec le complexe AP-1 et recrute les protéines histones déacétylases (HDAC) afin d’inhiber l’activité transcriptionnelle du complexe AP-1.