621 resultados para Gitter-QCD


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We support the idea that the baryon, B with mass MB, couples to its current with a coupling λ2 B ∼ 0.71 M6 B from an analysis of magnetic moment sum rules. And we find a sum rule among the experimental magnetic moments which is independent of the parameters of QCDSR. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We discuss how the vacuum model of Celenza and Shakin with a squeezed gluon condensate can explain the existence of an infrared singular gluon propagator frequently used in calculations within the global color model. In particular, it reproduces a recently proposed QCD-motivated model where low energy chiral parameters were computed as a function of a dynamically generated gluon mass. We show how the strength of the confining interaction of this gluon propagator and the value of the physical gluon condensate may be connected.


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We determine the critical coupling constant above which dynamical chiral symmetry breaking occurs in a class of QCD motivated models where the gluon propagator has an enhanced infrared behavior. Using methods of bifurcation theory we find that the critical value of the coupling constant is always smaller than the one obtained for QCD. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Using the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective potential for composite operators we compute the QCD vacuum energy as a function of the dynamical quark and gluon propagators, which are related to their respective condensâtes as predicted by the operator product expansion. The identification of this result to the vacuum energy obtained from the trace of the energy-momentum tensor allows us to study the gluon self-energy, verifying that it is fairly represented in the ultraviolet by the asymptotic behavior predicted by the operator product expansion, and in the infrared it is frozen at its asymptotic value at one scale of the order of the dynamical gluon mass. We also discuss the implications of this identity for heavy and light quarks. For heavy quarks we recover, through the vacuum energy calculation, the relation nij{filif)-îi(asl'n)GlivGllv obtained many years ago with QCD sum rules. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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The condition for the global minimum of the vacuum energy for a non-Abelian gauge theory with a dynamically generated gauge boson mass scale which implies the existence of a nontrivial IR fixed point of the theory was shown. Thus, this vacuum energy depends on the dynamical masses through the nonperturbative propagators of the theory. The results show that the freezing of the QCD coupling constant observed in the calculations can be a natural consequence of the onset of a gluon mass scale, giving strong support to their claim.


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We discuss phenomenological tests for the frozen infrared behavior of the running coupling constant and gluon propagators found in some solutions of Schwinger-Dyson equations of the gluonic sector of QCD. We verify that several observables can be used in order to select the different expressions of αs found in the literature. We test the effect of the nonperturbative coupling in the τ-lepton decay rate into nonstrange hadrons, in the ρ vector meson helicity density matrix that are produced in the χc2 → ρρ decay, in the photon to pion transition form factor, and compute the cross-sections for elastic proton-proton scattering and exclusive ρ production in deep inelastic scattering. These quantities depend on the infrared behavior of the coupling constant at different levels, we discuss the reasons for this dependence and argue that the existent and future data can be used to test the approximations performed to solve the Schwinger-Dyson equations and they already seem to select one specific infrared behavior of the coupling.


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Spinodal decomposition in a model of pure-gauge SU(2) theory that incorporates a deconfinement phase transition is investigated by means of real-time lattice simulations of the fully nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation. Results are compared with a Glauber dynamical evolution using Monte Carlo simulations of pure-gauge lattice QCD. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the running of the QCD coupling with the momentum squared (Q 2) and the temperature scales in the high temperature limit (T > Tc), using a mass dependent renormalization scheme to build the Renormalization Group Equations. The approach used guaranty gauge invariance, through the use of the Hard Thermal Loop approximation, and independence of the vertex chosen to renormalize the coupling. In general, the dependence of the coupling with the temperature is not logarithmical, although in the region Q2 ∼ T2 the logarithm approximation is reasonable. Finally, as known from Debye screening, color charge is screened in the coupling. The number of flavors, however, is anti-screened.


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The scattering of charmed mesons on nucleons is investigated within a chiral quark model inspired on the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The microscopic model incorporates a longitudinal Coulomb confining interaction derived from a self-consistent quasi-particle approximation to the QCD vacuum, and a traverse hyperfine interaction motivated from lattice simulations of QCD in Coulomb gauge. From the microscopic interactions at the quark level, effective meson-baryon interactions are derived using a mapping formalism that leads to quark-Born diagrams. As an application, the total cross-section of heavy-light D-mesons scattering on nucleons is estimated.


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Recent progress in the solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations (SDE), as well as lattice simulation of pure glue QCD, indicate that the gluon propagator and coupling constant are infrared (IR) finite. We discuss how this non-perturbative information can be introduced into the QCD perturbative expansion in a consistent scheme, showing some examples of tree level hadronic reactions that successfully fit the experimental data with the gluon propagator and coupling constant depending on a dynamically generated gluon mass. This infrared mass scale acts as a natural cutoff and eliminates some of the ad hoc parameters usually found in perturbative QCD calculations. The application of these IR finite Green's functions in the case of higher order terms of the perturbative expansion is commented. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.


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We critically review the validity of heavy-quark spin and flavor symmetries in heavy-light decay constants, form factors and effective couplings obtained within a nonperturbative framework, the ingredients of which are all motivated by Dyson-Schwinger equations studies of QCD. Along the way, we make new predictions for two effective nonphysical couplings: gDsDK = 24.1-1.6 +2.5 and gBsBK = 33.3 -3.7 +4.0. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.


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Traditional Monte Carlo simulations of QCD in the presence of a baryon chemical potential are plagued by the complex phase problem and new numerical approaches are necessary for studying the phase diagram of the theory. In this work we consider a ℤ3 Polyakov loop model for the deconfining phase transition in QCD and discuss how a flux representation of the model in terms of dimer and monomer variable solves the complex action problem. We present results of numerical simulations using a worm algorithm for the specific heat and two-point correlation function of Polyakov loops. Evidences of a first order deconfinement phase transition are discussed. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We use QCD sum rules to study the possible existence of a Θc(3250) charmed pentaquark. We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension 12 and work at leading order in αs. We obtain mΘc=(3.29±0.13) GeV, compatible with the mass of the structure seen by BABAR Collaboration in the decay channel B-→p̄Σc++π-π-. The proposed state is compatible with a previous proposed pentaquark state in the anticharmed sector. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT