281 resultados para Gifts
Après avoir passé plus de 4 ans dans des camps de travail forcé, Jonas Mekas, lituanien, est déporté avec son frère par les Nations-Unies en 1949 aux États-Unis. Les deux rescapés de la seconde guerre mondiale dédient alors leur temps au cinéma. Dès leur arrivée, ils se procurent une caméra 16 mm bolex et se tournent vers le cinéma expérimental, grâce, entre autre, à une de ces cinéastes pionnières américaine Maya Deren. En marge de l'industrie cinématographique hollywoodienne, Jonas Mekas participe à l'édification de structures - coopératives, associations, magazines, journaux - afin de rendre accessible ce genre filmique, de lui obtenir une reconnaissance publique et de, ultimement, le préserver. En 1969, il réalise un film intitulé "Diaries, Notes and Sketches : Also Known as Walden". Mekas réalise ensuite des films qui réemploient des séquences qui se trouvent dans cette première ébauche filmique. Ce processus se retrace au sein de son « premier essai » numérique qu'il réalise à l'ère cybériste intitulé "The First Forty" (2006), composé de vidéos et de descriptions textuelles. Tout comme il l’avait fait avec Walden, Mekas présente explicitement celui-ci à un public, en l’occurrence son nouveau public d'internautes, qui en prend connaissance sur son site web officiel. La présentation numérique et la table des matières papier accompagnant "Diaries, Notes and Sketches : Also Known as Walden" rédigée par l'artiste en 1969 ont une fonction similaire au sens où, par elles, Jonas Mekas donne ces deux créations aux spectateurs. Nous avons choisi d'employer le terme de dispositif pour parler de ces « objets » qui font appel à diverses formes énonciatives afin de créer un effet spécifique chez le spectateur. En explorant la théorie sociologique moderne du don développée par Jacques T. Godbout, notre projet a été de relever « l'esprit de don » qui se retrace au sein de ces dispositifs. Cette étude nous permet de constater que les dispositifs audiovisuels / cinématographiques que développa Mekas sont des « objets » qui peuvent être reçus tel des dons suscitant le désir de donner chez les spectateurs. Ils sont le ciment symbolique personnel et collectif nécessaire à l’accomplissement du processus de « reconnaissance » qu’implique le don.
Esta investigación se propuso definir y reflexionar acerca de las concepciones de conflicto, reportadas por un grupo de jóvenes de la Universidad del Rosario, identificando si se consideraba el vínculo y las categorías simbólicas del Modelo Relacional Simbólico: confianza, justicia y esperanza. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, que se analizaron en su contenido. Se logró establecer que la concepción predominante acerca del conflicto fue la de algo que no debe suceder o debe evitarse, entendido en general como una confrontación o un choque. Ninguno consideró el vínculo como un elemento fundamental o vital del conflicto. Se pudo deducir que el conflicto se da en las relaciones entre personas, pero la importancia del vínculo en términos de encuentro de generaciones, estirpes y géneros, como un espacio de confianza, esperanza y justicia en las que se entregan dones y se tienen deudas; no está presente de ninguna forma en las definiciones de conflicto. Estos aspectos muestran la necesidad de acoger los fundamentos vinculares y simbólicos del modelo, como riquezas y fortalezas que necesitan ser introducidas en la cotidianidad de la población Colombiana, en la construcción de una cultura de la paz. Esto, a través de la educación a todo nivel y en particular a corto plazo; con los estudiantes de primeros semestres universitarios, por el papel que como profesionales tendrán de líderes sociales, empresariales, espirituales, políticos y laborales; y porque aún se encuentran en una etapa propicia para la formación integral que estimule el fortalecimiento del vínculo como un eje vital de las relaciones y en el que sus categorías simbólicas (esperanza, justicia y confianza) se vuelvan parte conciente en las relaciones personales, familiares y sociales. Igualmente se hace indispensable transformar la visión de conflicto; de forma que deje de ser negativo, no deseable y se convierta en parte de la vida y en una oportunidad para crecer, conocer, generar y regenerar vínculos. Finalmente se propone la creación de una línea de investigación que extienda el estudio a otras poblaciones de jóvenes de distinto nivel socioeconómico y cultural, incluidos los afectados directa e indirectamente por la violencia en Colombia.
La problemática parte de que las interacciones entre China y América Latina han sido pocas. En particular, las negociaciones con China han probado ser difíciles y en algunos casos han fracasado. Motivo parece ser que la negociación china difiere
Este ensayo analiza aspectos de la dilatada labor como periodista, crítico literario, narrador de ficción y, sobre todo, la producción poética del ecuatoriano Alejandro Carrión. Señala que su narrativa, desde muy temprano, evidencia el tono satírico que no abandonaría jamás, tanto como su «vocación festiva de la sedición». Destaca su labor como periodista, principalmente con el seudónimo de Juan sin cielo. Menciona algunos aportes de Carrión en tanto crítico literario, recogidos principalmente en la revista Letras del Ecuador. El hilo conductor del ensayo –a ratos nostálgica semblanza– se nutre de una perspectiva inevitable: ciertos rasgos de su personalidad (su experiencia en «romances y serpientes», la vocación de incisivo y mordaz humorista, su «naturaleza confrontacional» y aguda inteligencia), además de sus dotes de narrador satírico y de poeta.
Despite recent scholarship that has suggested that most if not all Athenian vases were created primarily for the symposium, vases associated with weddings constitute a distinct range of Athenian products that were used at Athens in the period of the Peloponnesian War and its immediate aftermath (430-390 BCE). Just as the subject matter of sympotic vases suggested stories or other messages to the hetaireia among whom they were used, so the wedding vases may have conveyed messages to audiences at weddings. This paper is an assessment of these wedding vases with particular attention to function: how the images reflect the use of vases in wedding rituals (as containers and/or gifts); how the images themselves were understood and interpreted in the context of weddings; and the post-nuptial uses to which the vases were put. The first part is an iconographic overview of how the Athenian painters depicted weddings, with an emphasis on the display of pottery to onlookers and guests during the public parts of weddings, important events in the life of the polis. The second part focuses on a large group of late fifth century vases that depict personifications of civic virtues, normally in the retinue of Aphrodite (Pandemos). The images would reinforce social expectations, as they advertised the virtues that would create a happy marriage—Peitho, Harmonia (Harmony), and Eukleia (Good Repute)—and promise the benefits that might result from adherence to these values—Eudaimonia and Eutychia (Prosperity), Hygieia (Health), and Paidia (Play or Childrearing). Civic personifications could be interpreted on the private level—as personal virtues—and on the public level—as civic virtues— especially when they appeared on vases that functioned both in public and private, at weddings, which were public acknowledgments of private changes in the lives of individuals within the demos.
Monuments Should Not Be Trusted brings together over 30 leading artists and groups from the “golden years” of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - the period between the early 1960s and the mid 1980s. Over 100 artworks and artefacts illuminate the key contradictions of this single party state – built after WWII on socialist principles, yet immersed in “utopian consumerism.” This is the first time in the UK that the art of this period, which has attracted increasing attention, has been shown in the context of the social, economic and political conditions that gave rise to it. It draws on new and innovative research on this period, and features many of its most celebrated artists. The exhibition begins with the rise of consumerism, midway through President Josip Broz Tito’s 37 year presidency, and ends a few years after his death in 1980. As well as artists’ works in moving image, collage, photography, sculpture and painting, the exhibition encompasses music, TV clips and fascinating artefacts, such as gifts made by workers for President Tito’s birthday, and relay batons which were carried across the country and ceremonially presented to him.
Contents - At the Starry Night Cafe AIbino Buffalo Monteverdi In The Rain Lust Litter Poem After The Chinese Cleere's Pub Treasure Island Nipple Periwinkle Talkeetna Beached Whale Spending Christmas in the land of Enchantment Easter Poem For Emily Dickinson Second Hand Gifts The Power Outage October In The Observation Car Westerly
This dissertation is a project of evaluation of the proposals of the Panamerican Games of 2007, that they will be carried through in the city of Rio De Janeiro. Great events present the possibility of improvement of the urban space and economic development, amongst other chances seen by politics and urban planners well. For this work we search to argue the city as field of specific study, understanding it in the current world-wide scene of globalization and computerization, the relations politics, economic and social existing interns. We search in material literature to study and to evaluate what it would be a ¿good city¿ and studies that had understood the development of the urban space. We also look for to understand the city of Rio de Janeiro as a singular urban space, since the origin of the city as a urban space, passing for the proposals gifts of modification of the carioca space. We dedicate part of the work, inside of the chapter where we understand the city of Rio de Janeiro, the presentation of the project of the Panamerican of 2007, comparing it with great previous events. The vision of technique and politics during the interviews was essential for the best understanding of the proposals of the Games. Finally we evaluate the proposals of modification of the Pan2007 for the city of Rio de Janeiro with the methodology of Kevin Lynch to evaluate the good form of the city" in communion with the proposal of distributive justice of Rawls. The result of this evaluation was that the current proposals of modification of the city for the Pan2007 will be able to generate resulted not deliberate for a considerable parcel of the population and to modify the economic relations harmfully, social and politics inside of the territory of the city. For such we consider measured compensatory satisfactory that they can reach the objectives of an equal citizenship and an equitable equality of chances, starting for the offering of the social minimums of just form. "
The objective of the present work is to investigate gift-giving behavior between humans and their pets, and whether the relationship between human and pet affects the choice and purchase of these gifts. Theoretical support comes from works by Wolfinbarger (1990) who categorized the motivations underlying gift-giving, Belk & Coon (1993) who observed gift-giving as an economic exchange, Belk (1993) who approached gift-giving as an act of agapic love, and finally Hirschman (1994) who described many forms of relationship between consumers and their pets. The present study is of exploratory character. In-depth interviews were conducted so then the feelings and emotions of the informants, necessary to the analysis, could emerge. It was assumed that agapic, unconditional love, guided the gifts choice and purchase. Nevertheless, interpretation of the records shows that motivations which led the humans to give gifts to their pets were many. The work shows these motivations in a matrix. Records also indicate that it is difficult to establish the threshold between on motivation and the other.
No presente trabalho analisamos a eficácia de estratégias de signaling no contexto do relacionamento extra-diádico. Adicionalmente, mensuramos tanto as preferências declaradas quanto as reveladas pelos indivíduos em suas interações no ambiente virtual, comparando gêneros e países. Pesquisas anteriores sobre a temática extra-diádica apoiaram-se excessivamente sobre metodologias com substanciais lacunas: baixo número de observações, universo amostral restrito a estudantes universitários, viéis auto-declaratório comprometendo a correta interpretação da realidade dos fatos, e ausência de comparativos internacionais. Todas essas ponderações foram superadas no presente estudo, no qual analisamos 100 mil indivíduos, sendo 6 mil homens e 4 mil mulheres para cada um dos 10 países da amostra: Argentina, Austrália, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Itália, México, Espanha, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos. Assim, temos um universo amostral plúrimo em termos de nacionalidade e número de observações. As evidências empíricas aqui reveladas mostraram que indivíduos do sexo masculino são mais ativos na conquista extra-conjugal, refutando a sugestão de uma convergência comportamental. Homens contactaram em média per capita 30 mulheres diferentes no horizonte temporal de 3 meses, contra 13 na direção oposta. Em termos de preferências físicas, constatamos que indivíduos de âmbos os gêneros procuram consumar a relação com uma contraparte idealizada. Mulheres mostram interesse por homens altos e experientes. Os homens querem mulheres mais novas e em forma. Homens baixos ou novos, e mulheres altas ou velhas, foram os mais rechaçados da amostra. Com relação às preferências declaradas e reveladas sobre o tipo de encontro extra-diádico almejado, tanto homens quanto mulheres mostraram maior interesse por um “caso rápido”, indicando o intuito de estabelecer um contato pouco aprofundado, casual, de cunho físico-sexual e com baixa vinculação afetiva. A opção menos escolhida foi “um caso virtual”, sugerindo a efetiva intenção de concretizar a infidelidade, e não mantê-la restrita ao ambiente virtual. Por fim, verificamos que as estratégias de signaling analisadas (por meio de foto, feedback e presente virtual) foram fortemente eficazes. Em todos os casos indivíduos que adotaram tais sinalizações obtiveram substancial vantagem competitiva em relação aos demais e passaram a exercer maior atratividade, recebendo elevada parcela de mensagens e contatos.
The present inquiry has as main objective to understand the process of formation of the international strategies of the exporting companies of fruits of the RN through the theory of the resource dependence. Aiming at to clarify as the companies they can carry through the process of internationalization through this theory had been study the behavior and economic theories of the process of internationalization of companies. Amongst the economic theories they are distinguished the eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1958), Vernon (1669) through the theory of the cycle of the product and Bucley and Casson (1979) with the theory of the international operations. In the mannering boarding they had been investigated the school of Upsala through Johanson and Valnhe (1977) with the concept of the increasing of the markets and in the distance psychic starts and the interaction of the purchaser-salesman of Hallen and Wiedersheim-Paul (1979). In this perspective it observes main the occured changes in the organization in function of this process, following the rules observed by the gradual ingression in the international market, having as base ways of entrances in the external market used by these companies, in view of the frist phase that the company presents of businesses. Ahead of you analyze of these theories the study searches to analyze the convergence of the concepts proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). and strategies of internationalization of the companies. The research is characterized as qualitative case study which adopts and exploratory and analytical type, retrospective matrix. The adopted strategy is of case study and the unit of analysis consisting of the Finobrasa, pertaining company to the Vicunha Group. The main method of collection of data was halfstructuralized interview allied the documentary research that together had presented an empirical perspective of the internationalization process. The analysis and quarrel of the results understand the description and the interpretation of the one of the information through the technique of analyzes of content. Initially the historical of the exportation of fruits of the Rio Grande do Norte with the focus in the region Açu/Mossoró is presented and after that the information of the Finobrasa are presented as base of the study. The main events are identified that had constituted the phases of the strategical model of the company. It was observed that the dimensions most excellent amongst those proclaimed by the School of Uppsala had been the learning, staffs and the step-starts is sufficiently gifts in the reality of the company, as well as the aspects of strategical alliances since the consolidated relationship of the Vicunha Group create a more solid trajectory in the international market allied the conditions created windows of marked . One understands, therefore, that the investigated process still has base the theoretical theories of the internationalization strategies corroborating for the theoretical convergence of the rules proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources.
INTRODUCTION: Drug advertisement stimulates self-medication and irrational use of medicines, especially when it starts to interfere in the prescription. Monitoring advertisements, as well as the observation of its influence on health professionals, prescriptions become necessary because of this public health problem. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work was to analyze drug advertisements directed to gynecologists and/or obstetricians doctors relating them to the current legislation as well as its influence on prescription. METHODOLOGY: The sample was composed of drug advertisements divulged to the gynecologists and / or obstetricians doctors and was analyzed according to RDC96/2008. To evaluate the influence of advertisement on prescription, a questionnaire was administered to gynecologists / obstetricians doctors and prescriptions of a public maternity were also evaluated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Concerning the advertisements analyzed, 48% complied fully with current legislation and 52% of the advertisements analyzed were in accordance to the RDC No. 96/2008 in most of the items evaluated. The doctors interviewed are used to receive the visits of propagandists, even in the public service, receiving gifts offered by the industry and believe that medicine advertisement tries to influence prescribing. Many of them use the material provided by the propagandist as a source for their prescription, although they present a critical view about them information. The use of trade name / mark on the prescription is a common practice among the doctors interviewed, even in the public service, suggesting there is an influence of medicine advertisement on the prescription
The neoliberalism proclaims the crisis of the State in front of globalization , but, approaching two books taken as basic on this theoretical chain - The road to serfdom, of Friedrich Hayek, and Capitalism and Freedom, of Milton Friedman - to analyze this supposed dualism, the conclusion into which we arrive is another one. Remembering liberal tradition and quickly, later, analyzing critically the workmanships, can be perceived that others are the conflicts really gifts in the current capitalist reality - market versus State et capitalism versus democracy - and, from the understanding on the reading made and the theoretical trajectory of its authors, we may see as the neoliberalism locates itself in relation to these conflicts, which polar regions of these antagonisms privileges, what represents the State for itself, and what it intends as much more global philosophy than economic/politics thinking only
The reality experienced by many families and individuals who seek and require the services of the Unified Health System - SUS, the relationships between users, health professionals, and political representatives, establishes the core of the issue that guides the choice and interest of this study concerning the prominence of clientelist practices and gifts that permeate the health field. The research is based on the analysis and reflection of the intrinsic relationship between the health and political fields. It analyses the health field and its relationship with the dynamics and developments of the local political scenario relating it to the implementation of the Family Health Program and Community Health Agents Program (PACS/PSF health programs) in the city of Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte which refers to the period 1991-2010; and falls into a methodological perspective of qualitative approach. The methodological tools and techniques used were based on semi-structured interviews, direct observation of the field, journalistic texts and documentary sources. The construction and questioning of the object of the research were based on theoretical contributions from authors discussing the social field and symbolic power: Bourdieu (2005); clientelist relationships and gifts from asymmetric exchanges: Rouland (1997), Lanna (1995), Martins (1999), Carvalho (1999), Diniz (1982); exercise of hegemony and political strategy from authors who analyse this subject: Gramsci (1995), Coutinho (1981), and Gruppi (1978). Furthermore, the research has established dialogues with authors who address the dynamics of Brazilian politics such as Baquero (2001) and Weffort (1993). The collected data were subjected to qualitative content analysis. The results showed that with the implementation of the PACS/PSF programs in the aforementioned city, the health field has established itself as a key scenario for the exercise of political hegemony of the factions that dominate this socio-political context, resizing clientelist practices, however, without modifying the power structures within this social scenario