763 resultados para Gerenciamento : Construção civil


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Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de jogo de empresas visando atender a gestores de empresas fornecedoras de componentes para a construção civil, caracterizadas pela onisciência dos mesmos, com dificuldades em compreender e utilizar as informações econômico-financeiras presentes nos relatórios, bem como promover o estreitamento teórico e prático dessas informações à comunidade acadêmica de Engenharia. Para o desenvolvimento do jogo de empresas fez-se necessário, além do reconhecimento de algumas empresas fornecedoras de componentes para a construção civil, um estudo de conceitos e técnicas contábeis, no que tange à Contabilidade de Custos e Gerencial. O jogo foi aplicado no ambiente acadêmico da Universidade Federal do Pará, junto a alunos de Engenharia Civil, que para tanto, tiveram que passar por um processo de nivelamento conceitual e de conhecimento da dinâmica do jogo, e em uma microempresa, Proativa, na cidade de Belém. Os resultados confirmaram as vantagens do uso da simulação empresarial abordada neste trabalho no processo ensino-aprendizagem.


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As argamassas podem ser consideradas como a mistura de aglomerantes e agregados com água, possuindo capacidade de endurecimento e aderência. Como alternativa, é proposto produção de argamassas utilizando como agregado miúdo resíduos de construção civil (RCC), rico em silicoaluminatos, gerado nas obras de demolições e reformas, e cinza volante (CV) como material pozolânico, obtida a partir da combustão do carvão mineral em caldeiras de leitos fluidizados, em substituição parcial ao cimento Portland. Neste contexto, o resíduo de construção civil foi beneficiado e caracterizado pelas análises de espectrofotometria de raios- X e difração de raios-X, a cinza volante foi caracterizada pela análise granulométrica e espectrofotometria de raios-X. Para produção das argamassas formularam-se composições de RCC nas proporções de 95, 90, 85, 80, 75 e 70%; CV de 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25% e 5% de cimento Portland CP II Z 32, sendo que em cada composição do traço de argamassa foi adicionado 0,8% em volume de água e para o ensaio reológico utilizou-se as mesmas proporções de resíduos (RCC e CV) com 35% em volume de água. Após a cura de 28 dias os corpos de prova foram submetidos a ensaios físicos de absorção, porosidade e massa específica aparente; ensaio mecânico de resistência à compressão e análise de difração de raios-X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, cujos resultados obtidos mostraram-se ser viável a utilização da cinza volante e RCC na construção civil, na produção de argamassas.


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As mudanças no cenário da engenharia civil e consequentemente da gestão da produção das obras exigem um engenheiro com perfil diferente, resultando na necessidade novas competências, relacionadas a inovação, foco no cliente, planejamento e controle, sistemas de gestão da qualidade, sustentabilidade e uma visão humanista. O objetivo principal deste artigo é identificar as competências desenvolvidas em uma empresa construtora com o processo de implantação da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas adaptado ao contexto organizacional. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa-ação, na qual a equipe de pesquisa atua com profissionais para melhorar a forma como estes entendem e resolvem problemas. Os resultados alcançados envolveram o desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas ao contexto organizacional, à aprendizagem individual, coletiva e organizacional, apontando problemas e possíveis soluções de gestão na empresa. Através do desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais, foi estimulada uma visão humanística, sustentável, com foco no cliente, além de um melhor sistema de gestão da qualidade. Identificaram-se problemas no sistema de gestão organizacional, ficando evidente a necessidade da criação de um ambiente propício para troca de informações entre diferentes setores da empresa.


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There is a huge debate surrounding the sustainability issues, especially urban sustainability. This article seeks to establish a critique of models of sustainable cities and postmodern city structured by dispersed city model produced by the logic of capital, it is an effort to confront methodological theoretical models of two cities, the capitalist model of production space and model sustainable city, the dispersed city model against a model of the compact city. For example it was used as environmental certifications for building a label denoting sustainable building when actually articulate a series of symbols that mask and reaffirm their production processes from the perspective of capital cities


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The civil construction sector has been stimulated to industrialize itself by the adoption of lean production practices in its constructive process. Given this fact, this research verify and identify good practices and difficulties in implementing lean production in construction companies in the State of São Paulo, in order to be able to formulate recommendations to potentiate the performance of the lean concepts applied. The research method used was a multiple case study, where the companies analyzed are constructors that have already initiated the lean application in their systems. From the results, a case analysis was conducted in order to note the constructors' situation in relation to lean construction and, base on this analysis, recommendations were proposed for the companies reflect on lean principles and apply them along to your construction management


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The quality in construction is increasingly a concern in this sector, in view of the occurrence of problems in civil works, even when a contractor is certified by ISO 9001. The ISO 9001 certification does not ensure the maintenance of quality because it only establishes the requirements for a quality management system (QMS) to ensure standardization of processes and products. With the development of ISO 15575, standard performance, the builders took on a quality parameter with the requirements established by this Standard, which must be met. Thus, the implementation of a quality management system (QMS) becomes essential, showing users the concern for quality. This study aimed to verify, through a case study, the impact of NBR 15575 quality construction and how that standard of performance may be the key element of ISO 9001 to ensure quality maintenance of civil works


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The quality control is of great importance for the development of any organization, mainly for providing an assurance of delivering high quality services and goods for the consumers. Quality can be defined by the word „change‟, for the company which intends to implement a quality control system must be open to changes. This can be noticed from the JURAN concept (1992 In SILVEIRA ET AL., 2002): “Quality is to fit for usage”, i.e., depending on the goal, the situation and the consumer, quality is seen in different ways, since each one has different wishes and opinions. Taking in to account the availability of means such as norms, theories and tools, that contribute for an efficient quality management system, this discrepancy of opinions and the lack of objectivity of this concept can be solved, since through the analyzes of these means one can set quality standards, i.e., market references which fulfill both consumers and builders demands. Thus, the quality concept ceases to be something so abstract, non-measurable, to become a more objective concept. Finally, the goal of this work is to analyze the quality concept through bibliographic studies and possible consumers‟ enquires, aiming at the building industry, and show how the quality, often taken as something abstract, can be a measurable and objective concept, that benefits both the consumer as well as the enterprise of this branch


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The large volume of waste generated by construction and demolition has become increasingly a matter of concern to society. The handling and disposal of RCD's to gain prominence as over the years intensified the requirements for a sustainable world. This paper presents the positive and negative factors that the management of construction and demolition waste can bring in the municipality of Guaratinguetá-SP. This study examines the methods used in waste management since he was not done any treatment to the present day. Presents comparative tables on the feasibility of installing a central crushing of inert waste and implementation of an inert waste landfill in the municipality of Guaratinguetá and Cachoeira Paulista. And yet the work being done by the city of Guaratinguetá reuse the material in class A in paving roads


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Quality Management has become an essential requirement for all companies intending to compete and ensure its place in the labor market. Several tools have been created as a way of ensuring the effectiveness of quality management, in order to control and manage the quality of services and products to ensure a final product with a high degree of competition and quality, besides satisfaction and exceeding customer expectations. Due to the great importance it has at the presente time on the world stage and internationally, civil construction felt the need to eliminate the defects and the lack of quality that have become so common over time to ensure a quality product and it´s customers satisfaction. It was then that this industry began to implement and develop more modern techniques and tools for quality control in construction. Quality achieved position in global market, defining which companies would continue and which companies would leave it, not to mention it became insistently required by the customer. Some tools such as ISO 9000 guided companies seeking a quality management. This presentation will present some of these management tools and their applicability in the civil construction industry. Thus, it will be evident that despite the current resources it is necessary that civil construction professionals abandon the idea that considers quality management a problem and begin thinking about it as a solution to prevent future errors and ensure the quality of their services


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This graduation project aims to study and analyze the reuse of solid waste projects in Civil Construction, checking the different factors such as economic viability, production processes, classification of the main materials, advantages and disadvantages, always seeking to guide themselves according Brazilian legislation establishing criteria for Waste Management of Construction. In addition, points are studied that prevent the expansion of recycling construction waste. It also offers needs improvements to the implementation of recycling to be carried out on a more expressive than current


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This work is to control the quality of the structures, procedures for addressing the assembly of the formwork, scaffolding and the frame of pillars, beams and slabs. He had also intended to show that the vibration of launch and concrete items are also important, if poorly implemented can undermine the structure. This work also shows that the mapping becomes essential if there is some problem in the concrete, where concrete was launched, could be identified. And finally check the product where the structure will be evaluated for how much their quality


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This work approaches the main eco-efficient techniques and materials that can be used to ensure the proper functioning of the habitat with the main objective of preserving energy and reducing the ecological impact. The harnessing of energy to run a house using materials in a correct way makes it possible to achieve the goals related to its rational use. So, the more consolidated techniques need to be studied separately to determine the global effect on housing. The results obtained, with the aid of standard NBR15220 ABNT, were a series of ecotécnicas that can be used in 8 relatively homogeneous zones. This study was made to create a public awareness of the current environmental problems that society is facing nowadays and the urgent need to practice responsible use of energy


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This work is proposed to evaluate the potential risk of an inert landfill in the city of Rio Claro (SP), and also suggest a source for the contamination. The study was proposed because it is known that there were legal technicalities greetings to guarantee the quality of groundwater. Given the requirements of the Environmental Company of São Paulo (CETESB) were installed monitoring wells in the area; sampled to groundwater and its contamination was found. In addition, we analyzed the main characteristics of the area, the arrangement and characteristics of the waste, the local geology and the hydrogeological system, so that I could find the source of contaminants, and predict the direction of dispersion even in groundwater. At the end of the work presents conclusions, recommendations and proposals for mitigating action


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In Brazil , the construction industry is on an upward trend, mainly by the housing shortage , and yet there are few builders that take a Quality Management System ( QMS ) to improve the quality of its services and processes . The ISO 9001 standards are guidelines for an effective QMS and this certificate is recognized worldwide as a seal of quality standard. This paper will describe and analyze the implementation of a QMS in a small construction company of Guaratinguetá - SP, identifying best practices and major difficulties , besides proposing preparatory recommendations for other companies that seek the ISO 9000 certification. Access to company’s data made the nonconformities and the customer satisfaction research analysis possible, and a questionnaire and unstructured interviews allowed a deeper understanding of the situation. Despite this ISO 9000 QMS not being fully implemented, the company has already conquered some improvements in document control, project planning, process traceability and established focus on customer


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The main purpose of this research is to raise, through lab rehearsals, the geometric properties of some oxisols from the region of Vale do Paraíba as well as comparing them to demands prescribed by Technical Specifications ESP08/05 of the Road Department of the State of Paraná, for sub-base or fine grained lateritic soil base (SAFL) and in the Technical Specification ET-DEP00/006 of the Road Department of the State of São Paulo (DER/SP) for subbase or crushed stone base. According to the results that were obtained it will be feasible to appraise the usage of these sorts of soils in structure layers of low-weight traffic pavements