1000 resultados para Geophysical methods


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The scope of this work is the study of natural cavities in gullies through geophysics. The studied area is located in the city of São Pedro (SP) more precisely in the gully of Tucunzinho. The historic of the area shows that, since the 60s there were problems with the high rate of erosion in the gully. In addition to increased erosion, there is the appearance of cavities inside responsible for rebates, aggravating the situation. Geophysical methods have been successfully applied in environmental studies since they are noninvasive, are fast and relatively inexpensive. In order to better understand the context of formation of the pipes in relation to local geology, three arrangements were compared for the method of Electrical Resistivity, Schlumberger, Wenner and Dipole-dipole. Then, it was possible to determine which one is the best for this type of study. According to the data obtained in the field, the Schlumberger array presents more consistent results in relation to the erosive context analyzed


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The use of geophysical methods in the analysis and mapping of likely contamination plumes has shown a huge value in the development of researches related to environmental issues. Among the main geophysical methods applied to this purpose, the geoelectrical methods stand out, being based on the use of electric and electromagnetic fields. The electromagnetic method (EM) uses physical environment responses created by electromagnetic field propagation, consisting of an alternated electric output and a magnetization force, used to obtain the electric conductivity (σ) of the subsurface materials. It has a broad application in the mineral exploration and prospection, and its use has been also efficient in environmental researches. By the electromagnetic method, this work examined and mapped possible contaminations created by cemetery leachate in the Saudade's Cemetery, located in the city of Monte Alto, Sao Paulo, where sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group are exposed. Cemetery leachate is a putrefactive liquid, generated from the decomposition of organic matter, which contains substances that can contaminate soil and groundwater. Results achieved in this work show that the use of the electromagnetic method is an important indirect tool in the investigation of environmental contaminations in areas with highly contrasting physical properties


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nel Comune di Ravenna, oltre 6.800 ettari di terreni agricoli sono a rischio salinizzazione, a causa dell’alta salinità delle acque sotterranee presenti all’interno dell’acquifero freatico costiero. L'area è interessata da subsidenza naturale, per compattazione dei sedimenti alluvionali e antropica, causata dall’estrazione di gas e dall’eccessivo sfruttamento delle acque sotterranee. Ne deriva che la maggior parte di questo territorio è sotto il livello medio del mare e l'agricoltura, così come ogni altra attività umana, è possibile grazie ad una fitta rete di canali di drenaggio che garantiscono il franco di coltivazione. L’agricoltura è una risorsa importante per la zona, ma a causa della scarsa disponibilità di acque dolci e per l’aumento dei processi di salinizzazione dei suoli, necessita di un cambiamento. Servono pratiche agricole sostenibili, con idonei requisiti irrigui, di drenaggio del suolo, di resistenza alla salinizzazione e di controllo del suolo. Dopo un’analisi generale sulle condizioni dell’acquifero, è stato monitorato un transetto di 10km rappresentativo della parte costiera di Ravenna. Infine, con l'obiettivo di comprendere l'interazione tra un canale d'irrigazione e le acque sotterranee, una piccola area agricola (12 ettari), è stata monitorata nel corso del 2011 utilizzando metodi idrologici, geochimici e geofisici. I risultati di questo lavoro mostrano una diffusa salinizzazione della falda freatica, ma anche la presenza di una lente d'acqua dolce spessa 5m, a 400m dalla linea di riva, con caratteristiche chimiche (hydrofacies) tipici di acque continentali e con dimensioni variabili stagionalmente. Questa bolla di acqua dolce si è originata esclusivamente dalle infiltrazioni dal canale d’irrigazione presente, in quanto, il contributo dell’irrigazione superficiale è stato nullo. Sfruttando la rete di canali di drenaggio già presente sarebbe possibile estendere questo processo d’infiltrazione da canale in altre porzioni dell’acquifero allo scopo di ricaricare l’acquifero stesso e limitare la salinizzazione dei suoli.


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Since historical times, coastal areas throughout the eastern Mediterranean are exposed to tsunami hazard. For many decades the knowledge about palaeotsunamis was solely based on historical accounts. However, results from timeline analyses reveal different characteristics affecting the quality of the dataset (i.e. distribution of data, temporal thinning backward of events, local periodization phenomena) that emphasize the fragmentary character of the historical data. As an increasing number of geo-scientific studies give convincing examples of well dated tsunami signatures not reported in catalogues, the non-existing record is a major problem to palaeotsunami research. While the compilation of historical data allows a first approach in the identification of areas vulnerable to tsunamis, it must not be regarded as reliable for hazard assessment. Considering the increasing economic significance of coastal regions (e.g. for mass tourism) and the constantly growing coastal population, our knowledge on the local, regional and supraregional tsunami hazard along Mediterranean coasts has to be improved. For setting up a reliable tsunami risk assessment and developing risk mitigation strategies, it is of major importance (i) to identify areas under risk and (ii) to estimate the intensity and frequency of potential events. This approach is most promising when based on the analysis of palaeotsunami research seeking to detect areas of high palaeotsunami hazard, to calculate recurrence intervals and to document palaeotsunami destructiveness in terms of wave run-up, inundation and long-term coastal change. Within the past few years, geo-scientific studies on palaeotsunami events provided convincing evidence that throughout the Mediterranean ancient harbours were subject to strong tsunami-related disturbance or destruction. Constructed to protect ships from storm and wave activity, harbours provide especially sheltered and quiescent environments and thus turned out to be valuable geo-archives for tsunamigenic high-energy impacts on coastal areas. Directly exposed to the Hellenic Trench and extensive local fault systems, coastal areas in the Ionian Sea and the Gulf of Corinth hold a considerably high risk for tsunami events, respectively.Geo-scientific and geoarcheaological studies carried out in the environs of the ancient harbours of Krane (Cefalonia Island), Lechaion (Corinth, Gulf of Corinth) and Kyllini (western Peloponnese) comprised on-shore and near-shore vibracoring and subsequent sedimentological, geochemical and microfossil analyses of the recovered sediments. Geophysical methods like electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar were applied in order to detect subsurface structures and to verify stratigraphical patterns derived from vibracores over long distances. The overall geochronological framework of each study area is based on radiocarbon dating of biogenic material and age determination of diagnostic ceramic fragments. Results presented within this study provide distinct evidence of multiple palaeotsunami landfalls for the investigated areas. Tsunami signatures encountered in the environs of Krane, Lechaion and Kyllini include (i) coarse-grained allochthonous marine sediments intersecting silt-dominated quiescent harbour deposits and/or shallow marine environments, (ii) disturbed microfaunal assemblages and/or (iii) distinct geochemical fingerprints as well as (iv) geo-archaeological destruction layers and (v) extensive units of beachrock-type calcarenitic tsunamites. For Krane, geochronological data yielded termini ad or post quem (maximum ages) for tsunami event generations dated to 4150 ± 60 cal BC, ~ 3200 ± 110 cal BC, ~ 650 ± 110 cal BC, and ~ 930 ± 40 cal AD, respectively. Results for Lechaion suggest that the harbour was hit by strong tsunami impacts in the 8th-6th century BC, the 1st-2nd century AD and in the 6th century AD. At Kyllini, the harbour site was affected by tsunami impact in between the late 7th and early 4th cent. BC and between the 4th and 6th cent. AD. In case of Lechaion and Kyllini, the final destruction of the harbour facilities also seems to be related to the tsunami impact. Comparing the tsunami signals obtained for each study areas with geo-scientific data from palaeotsunami events from other sites indicates that the investigated harbour sites represent excellent geo-archives for supra-regional mega-tsunamis.


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The Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership examines the ability of geologic systems to safely trap anthropogenic carbon dioxide to mitigate its impact on climate. One such system is the Duperow Formation within Kevin Dome, a large sedimentary trap and cap structure that has a long history of oil and gas production. To test storage potential of the dome, naturally trapped carbon dioxide is extracted, compressed, and reinjected. Geophysical methods and monitoring wells provide evidence of the fate and transport of the re-injected carbon dioxide. This study and others like it demonstrate the efficacy carbon sequestration at an industrial scale.


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CO2 leakage from subsurface storage sites is one of the main concerns connected with the CCS technology. As CO2 leakages into near surface formations appear to be very unlikely within pilot CCS projects, the aim of this work is to emulate a leakage by injecting CO2 into a near surface aquifer. The two main questions pursued by the injection test are (1) to investigate the impact of CO2 on the hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater as a base for groundwater risk assessment and (2) to develop and apply monitoring methods and monitoring concepts for detecting CO2 leakages in shallow aquifers. The presented injection test is planned within the second half of 2010, as a joint project of the University of Kiel (Germany), the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (Leipzig, Germany) and the Engineering Company GICON (Dresden, Germany). The test site has been investigated in detail using geophysical methods as well as direct-push soundings, groundwater well installation and soil and groundwater analyses. The present paper presents briefly the geological and hydrogeological conditions at the test site as well as the planned injection test design and monitoring concept.


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This paper presents results of investigations of unusual carbonate formations found in bottom sediments of the South China Sea shelf. These sediments were sampled from a deep fracture found by geophysical methods. According to gas-geochemical data there are high concentrations of methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in bottom waters of this area. The carbonate formations were defined as calcium siderite or siderodot by roentgenostructural, microprobe, atomic absorption, and thermal analyses, asawellas infrared spectroscopy. Formation of this mineral results from carbon dioxide and methane flows through bottom sediments.


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Conceptualization of groundwater flow systems is necessary for water resources planning. Geophysical, hydrochemical and isotopic characterization methods were used to investigate the groundwater flow system of a multi-layer fractured sedimentary aquifer along the coastline in Southwestern Nicaragua. A geologic survey was performed along the 46 km2 catchment. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was applied along a 4.4 km transect parallel to the main river channel to identify fractures and determine aquifer geometry. Additionally, three cross sections in the lower catchment and two in hillslopes of the upper part of the catchment were surveyed using ERT. Stable water isotopes, chloride and silica were analyzed for springs, river, wells and piezometers samples during the dry and wet season of 2012. Indication of moisture recycling was found although the identification of the source areas needs further investigation. The upper-middle catchment area is formed by fractured shale/limestone on top of compact sandstone. The lower catchment area is comprised of an alluvial unit of about 15 m thickness overlaying a fractured shale unit. Two major groundwater flow systems were identified: one deep in the shale unit, recharged in the upper-middle catchment area; and one shallow, flowing in the alluvium unit and recharged locally in the lower catchment area. Recharged precipitation displaces older groundwater along the catchment, in a piston flow mechanism. Geophysical methods in combination with hydrochemical and isotopic tracers provide information over different scales and resolutions, which allow an integrated analysis of groundwater flow systems. This approach provides integrated surface and subsurface information where remoteness, accessibility, and costs prohibit installation of groundwater monitoring networks.


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Tese de mestrado em Geologia Aplicada, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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This study is aimed at determining the spatial distribution, physical properties, and groundwater conditions of the Vashon advance outwash (Qva) in the Mountlake Terrace, WA area. The Qva is correlative with the Esperance Sand, as defined at its type section; however, local variations in the Qva are not well-characterized (Mullineaux, 1965). While the Qva is a dense glacial unit with low compressibility and high frictional shear strength (Gurtowski and Boirum, 1989), the strength of this unit can be reduced when it becomes saturated (Tubbs, 1974). This can lead to caving or flowing in excavations, and on a larger scale, can lead to slope failures and mass-wasting when intersected by steep slopes. By studying the Qva, we can better predict how it will behave under certain conditions, which will be beneficial to geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and environmental scientists during site assessments and early phases of project planning. In this study, I use data from 27 geotechnical borings from previous field investigations and C-Tech Corporation’s EnterVol software to create three-dimensional models of the subsurface geology in the study area. These models made it possible to visualize the spatial distribution of the Qva in relation to other geologic units. I also conducted a comparative study between data from the borings and generalized published data on the spatial distribution, relative density, soil classification, grain-size distribution, moisture content, groundwater conditions, and aquifer properties of the Qva. I found that the elevation of the top of the Qva ranges from 247 to 477 ft. I found that the Qva is thickest where the modern topography is high, and is thinnest where the topography is low. The thickness of the Qva ranges from absent to 242 ft. Along the northern, east-west trending transect, the Qva thins to the east as it rises above a ridge composed of Pre- Vashon glacial deposits. Along the southern, east-west trending transect, the Qva pinches out against a ridge composed of pre-Vashon interglacial deposits. Two plausible explanations for this ridge are paleotopography and active faulting associated with the Southern Whidbey Fault Zone. Further investigations should be done using geophysical methods and the modeling methods described in this study to determine the nature of this ridge. The relative density of the Qva in the study area ranges from loose to very dense, with the loose end of the spectrum probably relating to heave in saturated sands. I found subtle correlations between density and depth. Volumetric analysis of the soil groups listed in the boring logs indicate that the Qva in the study area is composed of approximately 9.5% gravel, 89.3% sand, and 1.2% silt and clay. The natural moisture content ranges from 3.0 to 35.4% in select samples from the Qva. The moisture content appears to increase with depth and fines content. The water table in the study area ranges in elevation from 231.9 to 458 ft, based on observations and measurements recorded in the boring logs. The results from rising-head and falling-head slug tests done at a single well in the study area indicate that the geometric mean of hydraulic conductivity is 15.93 ft/d (5.62 x 10-03 cm/s), the storativity is 3.28x10-03, and the estimated transmissivity is 738.58 ft2/d in the vicinity of this observation well. At this location, there was 1.73 ft of seasonal variation in groundwater elevation between August 2014 and March 2015.


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The Padul-Nigüelas Fault Zone (PNFZ) is situated at the south-western mountain front of the Sierra Nevada (Spain) in an extensive regime and belongs to the internal zone of the Betic Cordilleras. The aim of this study is a collection of new evidence for neotectonic activity of the fault zone with classical geological field work and modern geophysical methods, such as ground penetrating radar (GPR). Among an apparently existing bed rock fault scarp with triangular facets, other evidences, such as deeply incised valleys and faults in the colluvial wedges, are present in the PNFZ. The preliminary results of our recent field work have shown that the synsedimentary faults within the colluvial sediments seem to propagate basinwards and the bed rock fault is only exhumed due to erosion for the studied segment (west of Marchena). We will use further GPR data and geomorphologic indices to gather further evidences of neotectonic activity of the PNFZ.


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Climate change, intensive use, and population growth are threatening the availability of water resources. New sources of water, better knowledge of existing ones, and improved water management strategies are of paramount importance. Ground water is often considered as primary water source due to its advantages in terms of quantity, spatial distribution, and natural quality. Remote sensing techniques afford scientists a unique opportunity to characterize landscapes in order to assess groundwater resources, particularly in tectonically influenced areas. Aquifers in volcanic basins are considered the most productive aquifers in Latin America. Although topography is considered the primary driving force for groundwater flows in mountainous terrains, tectonic activity increases the complexity of these groundwater systems by altering the integrity of sedimentary rock units and the overlying drainage networks. Structural controls affect the primary hydraulic properties of the rock formations by developing barriers to flow in some cases and zones of preferential infiltration and subterranean in others. The study area focuses on the Quito Aquifer System (QAS) in Ecuador. The characterization of the hydrogeology started with a lineament analysis based on a combined remote sensing and digital terrain analysis approach. The application of classical tools for regional hydrogeological evaluation and shallow geophysical methods were useful to evaluate the impact of faulting and fracturing on the aquifer system. Given the spatial extension of the area and the complexity of the system, two levels of analysis were applied in this study. At the regional level, a lineament map was created for the QAS. Relationships between fractures, faults and lineaments and the configuration of the groundwater flow on the QAS were determined. At the local level, on the Plateaus region of the QAS, a detailed lineament map was obtained by using high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery and aspect map derived from a digital elevation model (DEM). This map was complemented by the analysis of morphotectonic indicators and shallow geophysics that characterize fracture patterns. The development of the groundwater flow system was studied, drawing upon data pertaining to the aquifer system physical characteristics and topography. Hydrochemistry was used to ascertain the groundwater evolution and verify the correspondence of the flow patterns proposed in the flow system analysis. Isotopic analysis was employed to verify the origin of groundwater. The results of this study show that tectonism plays a very important role for the hydrology of the QAS. The results also demonstrate that faults influence a great deal of the topographic characteristics of the QAS and subsequently the configuration of the groundwater flow. Moreover, for the Plateaus region, the results demonstrate that the aquifer flow systems are affected by secondary porosity. This is a new conceptualization of the functioning of the aquifers on the QAS that will significantly contribute to the development of better strategies for the management of this important water resource.


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Grasslands in semi-arid regions, like Mongolian steppes, are facing desertification and degradation processes, due to climate change. Mongolia’s main economic activity consists on an extensive livestock production and, therefore, it is a concerning matter for the decision makers. Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems provide the tools for advanced ecosystem management and have been widely used for monitoring and management of pasture resources. This study investigates which is the higher thematic detail that is possible to achieve through remote sensing, to map the steppe vegetation, using medium resolution earth observation imagery in three districts (soums) of Mongolia: Dzag, Buutsagaan and Khureemaral. After considering different thematic levels of detail for classifying the steppe vegetation, the existent pasture types within the steppe were chosen to be mapped. In order to investigate which combination of data sets yields the best results and which classification algorithm is more suitable for incorporating these data sets, a comparison between different classification methods were tested for the study area. Sixteen classifications were performed using different combinations of estimators, Landsat-8 (spectral bands and Landsat-8 NDVI-derived) and geophysical data (elevation, mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature) using two classification algorithms, maximum likelihood and decision tree. Results showed that the best performing model was the one that incorporated Landsat-8 bands with mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature (Model 13), using the decision tree. For maximum likelihood, the model that incorporated Landsat-8 bands with mean annual precipitation (Model 5) and the one that incorporated Landsat-8 bands with mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature (Model 13), achieved the higher accuracies for this algorithm. The decision tree models consistently outperformed the maximum likelihood ones.