992 resultados para Geography Education


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Este recurso orienta al docente en el trabajo de ayudar a los alumnos a superar los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE). Incluye el siguiente material para cada uno de los capítulos que componen las cuatro unidades del libro del alumno: notas para el profesor con esquemas de trabajo y los medios a utilizar; actividades para reforzar conceptos clave, ideas y habilidades; actividades a partir de casos prácticos y ejercicios para la aplicación de los conocimientos.


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Este recurso esta orientado al curso de Geografía del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) en la especificación A y su contenido refuerza los temas estudiados en la etapa 3 (key stage 3) de secundaria y desarrolla nuevos temas e ideas de geografía. También, proporciona una base sólida para los niveles avanzados A /AS.


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Esta guía forma parte del curso de Geografía del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) en la especificación A y ayuda a los profesores a planificar las clases y cumplir con los requisitos exigidos en el curso. Incluye notas para los profesores, hojas de trabajo diferenciadas para los alumnos que pueden personalizarse, así como orientación para la evaluación de control y fichas para anotar los resultados del trabajo de campo.


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Prepara el General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) para el WJEC (Welsh Joint Education Committee), consorcio de autoridades educativas del País de Galés. Estudia las relaciones entre lugares, procesos y personas para facilitar un conocimiento profundo de problemas contemporáneos, como la sostenibilidad, la interdependencia y la globalización. Se divide en cuatro unidades principales cada una de las cuales tiene la estructura de la evaluación y los requisitos del examen.


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Es una guía para ayudar a preparar los exámenes escritos del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE), por lo que incluye preguntas y respuestas sobre temas de geografía física, geografía humana y medio ambiente. También, proporciona ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas de diferentes estilos presentados a los exámenes del GCSE.


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Su contenido cubre las cuatros unidades de la especificación A de Edexcel: habilidades geográficas y desafíos del planeta; el entorno natural y el entorno humano corresponden a las unidades dos y tres y son opcionales; y la unidad cuatro es la investigación en geografía, con la evaluación de control. Permite a los estudiantes aplicar sus conocimientos y habilidades geográficos a algunas de las cuestiones fundamentales a las que se enfrenta el planeta en el siglo XXI.


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Esta guía de revisión ofrece el contenido completo de la unidad 2 de la especificación A para el examen del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) por el organismo Edexcel. Incluye consejos de los examinadores sobre el estilo de preguntas y sobre la preparación del examen.


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Este manual proporciona el apoyo para cubrir la información y las habilidades que los estudiantes de secundaria necesitan para tener los conocimientos de Geografía requeridos en el nivel IGCSE. Los temas del libro son : población y asentamiento (cambios en el crecimiento de la población mundial, factores que influencian el crecimiento de la población, factores que afectan a la fertilidad, tipos de asentamiento, la urbanización y el medio ambiente), el medio ambiente natural (volcanes, terremotos, procesos del paisaje, tiempo, clima y vegetación natural, erupciones volcánicas, tormentas tropicales), desarrollo económico y el uso de recursos (sistemas de agricultura, sistemas industriales, actividades de ocio y turismo, energía y recursos del agua, riesgos y beneficios del medio ambiente).


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Libro de texto de Geografía para alumnos del nivel Key Stage 3 (enseñanza secundaria de primer ciclo). Contiene los siguientes temas: desarrollo, clima y meteorología, tectónica, ecosistemas, gente, ciudades, alimentos y agricultura, gestión de los recursos, turismo y medio ambiente. Cada tema incluye actividades que relacionan los contenidos estudiados por los alumnos con situaciones del mundo real.


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This study explored the ethnic identity among 331 emerging adults (144 mestizos and 187 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (México). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is much more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. Our aim was to compare the results of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) between the majority ethnic group and the minority group studied. Specifically, the following hypothesis was examined: adolescents who are members of the ethnic minority group (indigenous) will score significantly higher on ethnic identity than adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority group (mestizos). The results supported these hypothesis. We suggest that the effect of an intercultural educative model could explain these results


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In the last decades, research on knowledge economies has taken central stage. Within this broader research field, research on the role of digital technologies and the creative industries has become increasingly important for researchers, academics and policy makers with particular focus on their development, supply-chains and models of production. Furthermore, many have recognised that, despite the important role played by digital technologies and innovation in the development of the creative industries, these dynamics are hard to capture and quantify. Digital technologies are embedded in the production and market structures of the creative industries and are also partially distinct and discernible from it. They also seem to play a key role in innovation of access and delivery of creative content. This chapter tries to assess the role played by digital technologies focusing on a key element of their implementation and application: human capital. Using student micro-data collected by the Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA) in the United Kingdom, we explore the characteristics and location patterns of graduates who entered the creative industries, specifically comparing graduates in the creative arts and graduates from digital technology subjects. We highlight patterns of geographical specialisation but also how different context are able to better integrate creativity and innovation in their workforce. The chapter deals specifically with understanding whether these skills are uniformly embedded across the creative sector or are concentrated in specific sub-sectors of the creative industries. Furthermore, it explores the role that these graduates play in different sub-sector of the creative economy, their economic rewards and their geographical determinants.


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This paper will explore understandings about global education as expressed in national and local curriculum statements. Despite curriculum statements in Studies of Society and Environment area including ‘global’ in their rationale, slippage occurs between policy documents and the translation to standards statements. The curriculum area - Studies of Society and Environment is - changing as new titles describe the field and a more integrated approach is being developed in some states – Tasmania and Victoria, this presents challenges for global education.

My work in global education is a result of many years as a Geography teacher, nine years at the Asia Education Foundation, a leader of teacher study tours to Asia and pre-service teacher education students to Canada and Northern Territory. I am a passionate believer in the power of travel to unsettle, to educate, and to be reminded of all I have, and to be thankful.


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Along with the massification of higher education comes a need for new models to support the success of greater numbers of diverse students. A greater proportion of these students are ‘non-traditional’ in terms of preparedness, socioeconomic status  and geography. This paper introduces an Associate Degree model designed to support this new higher education reality of broader student cohorts, thin regional markets and cross-sectoral collaboration. Background literature on challenges facing the higher education sector and its prospective students is presented, with a particular focus on regionality. An argument is made for the role of curriculum and pedagogy as enablers of non-traditional student success. This is supported by the results of a mixed-methods exploratory study. This Associate Degree model was attractive to students and institutes. Students experienced similar levels of challenge, workload and progress to their traditional peers. While technology was essential for the success of the model, it played a supporting role to the relationships and multiple modes of learning it facilitated. This article provides insights for institutions seeking to address the broadening participation agenda.


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In this article, the author interrogates students’ stories about the spaces and places in a tertiary Outdoor and Environmental Education course that support and shape their environmental ethics. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study, she explore the ways in which particular sites of learning (outdoor, practical learning) are privileged and how particular stories of outdoor spaces get reproduced. The author employs the work of poststructuralist geography scholar Doreen Massey in her analysis to highlight the intersections between space, relations of power and identity. This analysis also underscores the simultaneity of multiple and conflicting stories around Outdoor Education’s outdoor (practical) and indoor (theoretical) learning spaces. The article concludes by drawing on Elizabeth Ellsworth’s work on anomalous places of learning to explore some of the spaces in-between the indoor/outdoor binary as a way of interrupting and re-imagining places and spaces of learning in Outdoor Education.