917 resultados para Generalist and specialists
Este trabajo coloca su foco de atención en la intervención de arquitectos, planificadores, urbanistas y ‘hacedores de ciudad’ en la creación de espacios de memoria sobre la última dictadura militar en la Argentina. A través del análisis de la creación del Parque de la Memoria en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires se mostrará cómo estos espacios se insertan en programas de reforma del espacio urbano que involucran desde dirigentes políticos en campaña electoral hasta la participación de expertos y especialistas en la gestión de la ciudad y cómo la intervención de este universo de agentes – y sus propias representaciones y lógicas de actuación – van a incidir en la manera en que estos espacios de memoria son concebidos, gestados e implementados. Mostraré cómo, dentro de este mundo de relaciones, la memoria y el olvido se vuelven categorías significativas en el marco de sus propias disputas por definir qué es la ciudad, quiénes pertenecen a ella y quiénes son los actores legítimos para intervenir en su definición. A través de esta intervención urbana - la creación del Parque de la Memoria - un área marginal de la ciudad ha sido convertida en un espacio sagrado para conmemorar a las víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado y en un paseo público donde los vecinos de la ciudad realizan diversas actividades recreativas.
Las organizaciones son sistemas o unidades sociales, compuestas por personas que interactúan entre sí, para lograr objetivos comunes. Uno de sus objetivos es la productividad. La productividad es un constructo multidimensional en la que influyen aspectos tecnológicos, económicos, organizacionales y humanos. Diversos estudios apoyan la influencia de la motivación de las personas, de las habilidades y destrezas de los individuos, de su talento para desempeñar el trabajo, así como también del ambiente de trabajo presente en la organización, en la productividad. Por esta razón, el objetivo general de la investigación, es analizar la influencia entre los factores humanos y la productividad. Se hará énfasis en la persona como factor productivo clave, para responder a las interrogantes de la investigación, referidas a cuáles son las variables humanas que inciden en la productividad, a la posibilidad de plantear un modelo de productividad que considere el impacto del factor humano y la posibilidad de encontrar un método para la medición de la productividad que contemple la percepción del factor humano. Para resolver estas interrogantes, en esta investigación se busca establecer las relaciones entre las variables humanas y la productividad, vistas desde la perspectiva de tres unidades de análisis diferentes: individuo, grupo y organización, para la formulación de un modelo de productividad humana y el diseño de un instrumento para su medida. Una de las principales fuente de investigación para la elección de las variables humanas, la formulación del modelo, y el método de medición de la productividad, fue la revisión de la literatura disponible sobre la productividad y el factor humano en las organizaciones, lo que facilitó el trazado del marco teórico y conceptual. Otra de las fuentes para la selección fue la opinión de expertos y de especialistas directamente involucrados en el sector eléctrico venezolano, lo cual facilitó la obtención de un modelo, cuyas variables reflejasen la realidad del ámbito en estudio. Para aportar una interpretación explicativa del fenómeno, se planteó el modelo de los Factores Humanos vs Productividad (MFHP), el cual se analizó desde la perspectiva del análisis causal y fue conformado por tres variables latentes exógenas denominadas: factores individuales, factores grupales y factores organizacionales, que estaban relacionadas con una variable latente endógena denominada productividad. El MFHP se formuló mediante la metodología de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Las relaciones inicialmente propuestas entre las variables latentes fueron corroboradas por los ajustes globales del modelo, se constataron las relaciones entre las variables latentes planteadas y sus indicadores asociados, lo que facilitó el enunciado de 26 hipótesis, de las cuales se comprobaron 24. El modelo fue validado mediante la estrategia de modelos rivales, utilizada para comparar varios modelos SEM, y seleccionar el de mejor ajuste, con sustento teórico. La aceptación del modelo se realizó mediante la evaluación conjunta de los índices de bondad de ajuste globales. Asimismo, para la elaboración del instrumento de medida de la productividad (IMPH), se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio previo a la aplicación del análisis factorial confirmatorio, aplicando SEM. La revisión de los conceptos de productividad, la incidencia del factor humano, y sus métodos de medición, condujeron al planteamiento de métodos subjetivos que incorporaron la percepción de los principales actores del proceso productivo, tanto para la selección de las variables, como para la formulación de un modelo de productividad y el diseño de un instrumento de medición de la productividad. La contribución metodológica de este trabajo de investigación, ha sido el empleo de los SEM para relacionar variables que tienen que ver con el comportamiento humano en la organización y la productividad, lo cual abre nuevas posibilidades a la investigación en este ámbito. Organizations are social systems or units composed of people who interact with each other to achieve common goals. One objective is productivity, which is a multidimensional construct influenced by technological, economic, organizational and human aspects. Several studies support the influence on productivity of personal motivation, of the skills and abilities of individuals, of their talent for the job, as well as of the work environment present in the organization. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is to analyze the influence between human factors and productivity. The emphasis is on the individual as a productive factor which is key in order to answer the research questions concerning the human variables that affect productivity and to address the ability to propose a productivity model that considers the impact of the human factor and the possibility of finding a method for the measurement of productivity that includes the perception of the human factor. To consider these questions, this research seeks to establish the relationships between human and productivity variables, as seen from the perspective of three different units of analysis: the individual, the group and the organization, in order to formulate a model of human productivity and to design an instrument for its measurement. A major source of research for choosing the human variables, model formulation, and method of measuring productivity, was the review of the available literature on productivity and the human factor in organizations which facilitated the design of the theoretical and conceptual framework. Another source for the selection was the opinion of experts and specialists directly involved in the Venezuelan electricity sector which facilitated obtaining a model whose variables reflect the reality of the area under study. To provide an interpretation explaining the phenomenon, the model of the Human Factors vs. Productivity Model (HFPM) was proposed. This model has been analyzed from the perspective of causal analysis and was composed of three latent exogenous variables denominated: individual, group and organizational factors which are related to a latent variable denominated endogenous productivity. The HFPM was formulated using the methodology of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The initially proposed relationships between latent variables were confirmed by the global fits of the model, the relationships between the latent variables and their associated indicators enable the statement of 26 hypotheses, of which 24 were confirmed. The model was validated using the strategy of rival models, used for comparing various SEM models and to select the one that provides the best fit, with theoretical support. The acceptance of the model was performed through the joint evaluation of the adequacy of global fit indices. Additionally, for the development of an instrument to measure productivity, an exploratory factor analysis was performed prior to the application of a confirmatory factor analysis, using SEM. The review of the concepts of productivity, the impact of the human factor, and the measurement methods led to a subjective methods approach that incorporated the perception of the main actors of the production process, both for the selection of variables and for the formulation of a productivity model and the design of an instrument to measure productivity. The methodological contribution of this research has been the use of SEM to relate variables that have to do with human behavior in the organization and with productivity, opening new possibilities for research in this area.
The well-documented re-colonisation of the French large river basins of Loire and Rhone by European otter and beaver allowed the analysis of explanatory factors and threats to species movement in the river corridor. To what extent anthropogenic disturbance of the riparian zone influences the corridor functioning is a central question in the understanding of ecological networks and the definition of restoration goals for river networks. The generalist or specialist nature of target species might be determining for the responses to habitat quality and barriers in the riparian corridor. Detailed datasets of land use, human stressors and hydro-morphological characteristics of river segments for the entire river basins allowed identifying the habitat requirements of the two species for the riparian zone. The identified critical factors were entered in a network analysis based on the ecological niche factor approach. Significant responses to riparian corridor quality for forest cover, alterations of channel straightening and urbanisation and infrastructure in the riparian zone are observed for both species, so they may well serve as indicators for corridor functioning. The hypothesis for generalists being less sensitive to human disturbance was withdrawn, since the otter as generalist species responded strongest to hydro-morphological alterations and human presence in general. The beaver responded the strongest to the physical environment as expected for this specialist species. The difference in responses for generalist and specialist species is clearly present and the two species have a strong complementary indicator value. The interpretation of the network analysis outcomes stresses the need for an estimation of ecological requirements of more species in the evaluation of riparian corridor functioning and in conservation planning.
On November 29–30, 1995, the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine brought together experts in schizophrenia and specialists in other areas of the biological sciences in a workshop aimed at promoting the application of the latest biological information to this clinical problem. The workshop paid particular attention to evidence of pathology in the brains of people with schizophrenia, and to the possibility that this reflects an abnormality in brain development that eventually leads to the appearance of symptoms. The participants were impressed with the complexity of the problem, and felt that multiple approaches would be required to understand this disease. They recommended that a major focus should be on the search for predisposing genes, but that there should be parallel research in many other areas.
Com o objetivo de orientar e agilizar a busca do local de curto circuitos em redes primárias aéreas de distribuição de energia, esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia para localização de áreas com maior probabilidade de ser sede do defeito, utilizando variáveis Heurísticas. A metodologia Heurística se aplica em problemas que envolvem variáveis com incertezas, que podem ser avaliadas por meio de recursos empíricos e na experiência de especialistas. Dentre as variáveis influentes no cálculo de curto circuito, foram consideradas como mais relevantes: a resistência de defeito, a tensão pré falta, a impedância do sistema equivalente a montante da subestação e a impedância da rede. A metodologia proposta se fundamenta no conhecimento das correntes e tensões oscilografadas no barramento da subestação por ocasião da ocorrência de um curto circuito e, por outro lado no pré-calculo de correntes de curto circuito heurísticas ao longo da rede. No âmbito da pesquisa foram realizados testes de campo para levantamento da variável heurística resistência de defeito, resumidos neste texto e documentados no CD - ROM em anexo. Foi desenvolvido um software que permitiu a efetiva aplicação da proposta desta pesquisa em vários alimentadores de uma Distribuidora, cujos resultados comprovaram a eficiência da metodologia.
In Computer Science world several proposals have been developed for the assessment of the quality of the digital objects, based on the capabilities and facilities offered by current technologies and the available resources. Years ago researchers and specialists from both educational and technological areas have been committed to the development of strategies that improve the quality of education. At present, in the field of teaching-learning, another important aspect is the need to improve the manner of gaining knowledge and learning in education, which the use of learning strategies is a major advance in the teaching-learning process in institutions of higher education. This paper presents QEES, a proposal for evaluating the quality of the learning objects employed on learning strategies to support students during their education processes by using information extraction techniques and ontologies.
Objective: To identify factors influencing the prescribing of medicines by general practitioners in rural and remote Australia. Design: A qualitative study using a questionnaire to determine attitudes about prescribing, specific prescribing habits and comments on prescribing in ‘rural practice’. Setting: General practice in rural and remote Queensland. Subjects: General practitioners practising in rural and remote settings in Queensland (n = 258). Main outcome measures: The factors perceived to influence the prescribing of medicines by medical practitioners in rural environments. Results: A 58% response rate (n = 142) was achieved. Most respondents agreed that they prescribe differently in rural compared with city practice. The majority of respondents agreed that their prescribing was influenced by practice location, isolation of patient home location, limited diagnostic testing and increased drug monitoring. Location issues and other issues were more likely to be identified as ‘influential’ by the more isolated practitioners. Factors such as access to continuing medical education and specialists were confirmed as having an influence on prescribing. The prescribing of recently marketed drugs was more likely by doctors practising in less remote rural areas. Conclusion: Practising in rural and remote locations is perceived to have an effect on prescribing. These influences need to be considered when developing quality use of medicines policies and initiatives for these locations. What is already known: Anecdotal and audit based studies have shown that rural general practice differs to urban-based practice in Australia, including some limited data showing some variations in prescribing patterns. No substantiated explanations for these variations have been offered. It is known that interventions to change prescribing behaviour are more likely to be effective if they are perceived as relevant and hence increasing our knowledge of rural doctors’ perceptions of differences in rural practice prescribing is required. What this study adds: Rural doctors believed that they prescribe differently in rural compared with city practice and they described a range of influences. The more remotely located doctors were more likely to report the ‘rural’ influences on prescribing, however, most results failed to reach statistical significance when compared to the less remotely located doctors. These perceptions should be considered when developing medicines policy and education for rural medical practitioners to ensure it is perceived rurally relevant.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the utility and acceptability to general practitioners and palliative care staff of case conferences in palliative care. METHOD: Research focussed on case conferences conducted between GPs and staff of three specialist palliative care units (in an inner urban, outer metropolitan and regional setting), at the time of referral of patients to the service. Telephone interviews were conducted with all GPs who participated in a case conference, and focus groups were conducted with palliative care staff. RESULTS: For most GPs, case conferences by teleconference were a time effective and immediate means of information transfer. The best instances for a conference were at time of patient referral, time of discharge to the community, or where the case was complex. General practitioners appreciated access to multiple professionals simultaneously. Workload pressures were a drawback of participation for both GPs and specialists. Palliative care team members thought case conferences gave GPs an appreciation of a team approach, and reduced professional isolation. The usefulness of the case conferences depended on the willingness of the GP to participate. General practitioners would participate again provided they did not have to organise the case conference. Specialist staff were concerned by the financial cost of organising case conferences. DISCUSSION: Case conferences provide useful information exchange between GPs and specialist staff, and are acceptable to both parties. Much depends on the individual GPs attitude toward participation, as well as the timing of the conferences in the course of the patient's illness. Organisation needs to be a task of the specialist units, who would need administrative support to organise them. (author abstract)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo levantar e analisar algumas concepções sobre a avaliação escolar em Matemática e sobre a Avaliação em Matemática do Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP), procurando desvendar a realidade que é encontrada nas escolas paulistas referente à avaliação dessa disciplina. O intuito é verificar os pontos de vista dos alunos, professores, gestores escolares, família e especialistas para articular uma organização escolar que desenvolva um processo permanente de construção do conhecimento. Para verificar quais as concepções referentes às avaliações já citadas foram adotadas entrevistas, questionários e desenhos realizados pelos alunos, mostrando o que pensam sobre as avaliações previamente aplicadas. As entrevistas somente foram aplicadas aos discentes, pois seus depoimentos são fundamentais para a pesquisa. Para a concretização destas entrevistas foi solicitado aos alunos à produção de desenhos que representassem o que são as avaliações já mencionadas anteriormente. Levantamos uma grande quantidade de informações a partir desses depoimentos e desenhos sobre as avaliações pesquisadas, a opinião que possuem sobre a escola, seus professores de Matemática, de como são ministradas as aulas e também sobre a forma de avaliar dos professores. Os questionários foram dirigidos ao corpo docente de Matemática, diretor, vice-diretor, professor coordenador, supervisor de ensino, família e especialistas em Educação, Psicologia da Educação e Matemática para verificar também sua concepção sobre avaliação escolar em Matemática e sobre a prova de Matemática do SARESP, que fazem parte fundamental de todo o processo de avaliação, pois, direta ou indiretamente, estão ligados a ela e são responsáveis pelos seus resultados. Na análise dos dados obtidos foram destacados, nos depoimentos dos questionários e das entrevistas, as,unidades significativas referentes aos processos de avaliações pesquisadas, para com isso analisarmos e verificarmos quais são as opiniões e fatos que podem ajudar ou atrapalhar todo o processo de Avaliação em Matemática, tanto o escolar quanto o de grande escala como o SARESP. Também foram analisados o que os alunos representaram na produção dos desenhos. As imagens adquiridas demonstraram muitas informações sobre o que os discentes pensam sobre a Avaliação em Matemática ao desenhar monstros, corações, números e até mesmo pontos de exclamação e de interrogação. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma escola pública da rede Estadual de ensino do Estado de São Paulo. Essa pesquisa investiga o que realmente está acontecendo em todo o processo de Avaliação em Matemática, possibilitando identificar no que cada sujeito envolvido neste processo pode contribuir ou atrapalhar para sua concretização, evidenciando assim áreas críticas efavoráveis sobre a tão temida e polêmica Avaliação em Matemática.
Werner Sombart (1863-1941) was a famous and controversial social scientist in Germany during the early 20th century. Highly influential, his work and reputation have been indelibly tainted by his embrace of National Socialism in the last decade of his life. Although Sombart left an enormous opus spanning disciplinary boundaries, the scholarly assessment of and intellectual reaction to his work inside and outside of Germany is divided, and ambivalent. Best known for his analyses of capitalism - his essay "Why is There No Socialism in the United States?" remains a classic - Sombart consistently responded to the social and political developments that have shaped the 20th century. This collection provides a representative sampling of those portions of Sombart's work that have stood the test of time. The volume opens with a substantial introduction by the editors reviewing Sombart's life and career, the evolution of his major intellectual concerns, his relation to Marx and Weber, and his political affiliation with the Nazis. Their selection of texts emphasizes areas of his economic and cultural thought that remain relevant to intellectual trends in the social sciences, particularly those trends that seek a more broadly based, cross-disciplinary approach to the relationship of culture and economics. Sombart's writings on capitalism are represented by essays on the nature and origin of the market system and the diversity of its actors and motives among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Also included is an excerpt from Sombart's controversial volume "The Jews and Modern Capitalism" exploring the widely perceived relation between economic life and Judaism as a religion. In essays on the economics of cultural processes, Sombart's comprehensive and expansive idea of cultural science yields remarkable and prophetic insights into the nature of urbanism, luxury consumption, fashion and the cultural secularization of love. The volume's final section consists of Sombart's reflections on the social influences of technology, the economic life of the future, and on socialism, including the influential essay "Why is There No Socialism in the United States?". Encapsulating the most valuable aspects of his work, this study provides clear demonstration of Sombart's sense for fine cultural distinctions and broad cultural developments and the predictive power of his analyses. It should be of interest to sociologists, economists, political scientists and specialists in cultural studies.
Privatization has dominated industrial restructuring programs since the 1980s and continues to do so. This authoritative and accessible Handbook considers all aspects of this key issue, including the theory of privatization; privatization in transition, developed and developing economics; as well the economic regulation of privatized industries. The studies in this volume, introduced by international experts in the field 'presents evidence of the scope and effects of privatization, and consequently provide the basis for improving both policy formulation and implementation. However, they also emphasize that privatization is not an end in itself. It is argued that for privatization to be worthwhile and for lasting economic efficiency gains to be achieved, supporting reforms must accompany most privatization programs, particularly in the arenas of corporate governance and capital markets, product market competition, and state regulatory processes. Furthermore, several contributions demonstrate that the degree to which ownership and market liberalization can be usefully separated, and whether privatization without either competition or effective regulation is worthwhile, remain controversial issues. Furnishing the reader with a comprehensive and lively discussion of privatization in theory and practice, this Handbook will be the essential source of information for researchers in the field, and for a wide-ranging audience including public policy makers and specialists, development experts and agencies, international banks, public policy and regulation economists, and management consultants.
Werner Sombart (1863-1941) may well have been the most famous and controversial social scientist in Germany during the early twentieth century. Highly influential, his work and reputation have been indelibly tainted by his embrace of National Socialism in the last decade of his life. Although Sombart left an enormous opus spanning disciplinary boundaries, intellectual reaction to his work inside and outside of Germany is divided and ambivalent. Sombart consistently responded to the social and political developments that have shaped the twentieth century. Economic Life in the Modern Age provides a representative sampling of those portions of Sombart's work that have stood the test of time. The volume opens with a substantial introduction reviewing Sombart's life and career, the evolution of his major intellectual concerns, his relation to Marx and Weber, and his political affiliation with the Nazis. The editors' selection of texts emphasizes areas of Sombart's economic and cultural thought that remain relevant, particularly to those intellectual trends that seek a more broadly based, cross-disciplinary approach to culture and economics. Sombart's writings on capitalism are represented by essays on the nature and origin of the market system and the diversity of motives among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Also included is an excerpt from Sombart's controversial The Jews and Modern Capitalism, exploring the widely perceived relation between economic life and Judaism as a religion. In essays on the economics of cultural processes, Sombart's comprehensive and expansive idea of cultural science yields prophetic insights into the nature of urbanism, luxury consumption, fashion, and the cultural secularization of love. The volume's final section consists of Sombart's reflections on the social influences of technology, the economic life of the future, and on socialism, including the influential essay "Why is there no Socialism in the United States." Encapsulating the most valuable aspects of his work, Economic Life in the Modern Age provides clear demonstration of Sombart's sense for fine cultural distinctions and broad cultural developments and the predictive power of his analyses. It will be of interest to sociologists, economists, political scientists, and specialists in cultural studies.
This book deals with equations of mathematical physics as the different modifications of the KdV equation, the Camassa-Holm type equations, several modifications of Burger's equation, the Hunter-Saxton equation, conservation laws equations and others. The equations originate from physics but are proposed here for their investigation via purely mathematical methods in the frames of university courses. More precisely, we propose classification theorems for the traveling wave solutions for a sufficiently large class of third order nonlinear PDE when the corresponding profiles develop different kind of singularities (cusps, peaks), existence and uniqueness results, etc. The orbital stability of the periodic solutions of traveling type for mKdV equations are also studied. Of great interest too is the interaction of peakon type solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation and the solvability of the classical and generalized Cauchy problem for the Hunter-Saxton equation. The Riemann problem for special systems of conservation laws and the corresponding -shocks are also considered. As it concerns numerical methods we apply the CNN approach. The book is addressed to a broader audience including graduate students, Ph.D. students, mathematicians, physicist, engineers and specialists in the domain of PDE.
The implementation of the railway in Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba helped to develop the area and connexion with other states: São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso. The railway used to transport people and goods throughout many train stations in urban and rural areas and some major railroad complexes. There were many factors that led to the decline and abandonment of these properties: governmental policies which were in favour of road transportation and automotive industry, the replacement of the steam locomotive for electric and electric-diesel locomotives, changing part of the railway plan, removal of railways and loss of function of the buildings, extinction of passenger trains, which led the stations to lose its main purpose: people transport. 53% of the stations built inside the study area were demolished and most of them are in rural areas. There are several situations: stations on a precarious conservation state, most of them in the city s rural area, stations being used in urban and rural areas with new uses, stations working with cargo and goods transportation. The stations in Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba area in Minas Gerais are the object of this dissertation, wherein the main interest lies on the stations that are in operation, 21 buildings, seeking to verify their conservation state, their agents and role in preserving the train memory. Maps, charts and tables were made for this collection s understanding, having visited the stations that are listed by the cultural heritage and the ones that are in operation with new functions. Field records were made allowing the understanding of these properties in operation. It is observed that only the buildings listing, despite ensuring the non-demolition, does not help on the use and preservation of these stations, because there are some buildings that have this protection level, but are abandoned and in disrepair. The use of these stations by a train company, operating with cargo and goods transportation do not also guarantee the buildings preservation, as they are not treated with any preservation interest, their maintenance are precarious. The using by these companies are various, however, only a few stations have internal spaces dedicated to the railroad memory. Most of the stations did not have preservation projects with architects and specialists participation and the major concern, during maintenance process, is on the building s external part. The stations conservation begins on the local government interest, that preserve these properties, most of them are in urban areas, the major challenge is on their using definition and occupancy, especially in the countryside, wherein the buildings uses must be sustainable, as regards the appreciation and management of this heritage.
This analysis on the ambient licensing is based on a research that identifies the fragilities and advances of the application of this instrument of politics of the environment in the ambient politics of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the period of 1992 the 2003. The isolated urban area of Búzios, situated in the City of Nísia Floresta/RN, situated in the eastern coast of the State, where concentrates the boarding of the ambient question as a matter in the Brazilian process of urbanization, over all the institutionalization and implementation of the ambient licensing. They are distinguished in the used methodology in consultation to the diverse involved social segments with the ambient subject in study, the example of the managers, technician and specialists, as well as the application of the legislation and norms techniques, the forms of appropriation of the common wealth and the procedures of ambient licensing of the competent agencies. The results of the research designate that the ambient licensing while instrument of the ambient politics is one of the alternatives more efficient as techniques in the process of sustainable development, since it is beyond the prerogatives to conciliate the activities and enterprises with the conservation of the environmental resources and natural benefits to the societies. In the RN one evidenced progress in the ambient legislation and the instructions techniques, and that the imperfections and limitations in the system of ambient licensing are not directly on to the instruments, but in the implementation of mechanisms of the ambient agencies. This because they do not make use of operational structure to apply in practical and established abilities, as an ambient management, institutional joint and deliberations of the State Counselor for Environment