971 resultados para General exponential linear system


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An active strain formulation for orthotropic constitutive laws arising in cardiac mechanics modeling is introduced and studied. The passive mechanical properties of the tissue are described by the Holzapfel-Ogden relation. In the active strain formulation, the Euler-Lagrange equations for minimizing the total energy are written in terms of active and passive deformation factors, where the active part is assumed to depend, at the cell level, on the electrodynamics and on the specific orientation of the cardiac cells. The well-posedness of the linear system derived from a generic Newton iteration of the original problem is analyzed and different mechanical activation functions are considered. In addition, the active strain formulation is compared with the classical active stress formulation from both numerical and modeling perspectives. Taylor-Hood and MINI finite elements are employed to discretize the mechanical problem. The results of several numerical experiments show that the proposed formulation is mathematically consistent and is able to represent the main key features of the phenomenon, while allowing savings in computational costs.


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Recent empirical findings suggest that spreads quoted in dealershipmarkets might be uncompetitive. This paper analyzes theoretically if pricecompetition between risk--averse market--makers leaves room for implicitcollusive behavior. We compare the spread and risk--sharing efficiencyarising in several market structures differing in terms of i) the priorityrule followed in case of ties, and ii) the type of schedules market makersmay use, namely: general schedules, linear schedules, or limit orders. Ingeneral, competitive pricing does not arise in equilibrium, and there isa conflict between risk sharing efficiency and the tightness of the spread.This conflict can be mitigated by an appropriate market structure design.The limit order market is the only market structure in which the competitiveequilibrium is the unique equilibrium.


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It has been claimed that extreme black holes exhibit a phenomenon of flux expulsion for Abelian Higgs vortices, irrespective of the relative width of the vortex to the black hole. Recent work by two of the authors showed a subtlety in the treatment of the event horizon, which cast doubt on this claim. We analyze in detail the vortexextreme black hole system, showing that, while flux expulsion can occur, it does not do so in all cases. We give analytic proofs for both expulsion and penetration of flux, in each case deriving a bound for that behavior. We also present extensive numerical work backing up, and refining, these claims, and showing in detail how a vortex can end on a black hole in all situations. We also calculate the back reaction of the vortex on the geometry, and comment on the more general vortexblack hole system.


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This report is divided into two volumes. This volume (Volume I) summarizes a structural health monitoring (SHM) system that was developed for the Iowa DOT to remotely and continuously monitor fatigue critical bridges (FCB) to aid in the detection of crack formation. The developed FCB SHM system enables bridge owners to remotely monitor FCB for gradual or sudden damage formation. The SHM system utilizes fiber bragg grating (FBG) fiber optic sensors (FOSs) to measure strains at critical locations. The strain-based SHM system is trained with measured performance data to identify typical bridge response when subjected to ambient traffic loads, and that knowledge is used to evaluate newly collected data. At specified intervals, the SHM system autonomously generates evaluation reports that summarize the current behavior of the bridge. The evaluation reports are collected and distributed to the bridge owner for interpretation and decision making. Volume II summarizes the development and demonstration of an autonomous, continuous SHM system that can be used to monitor typical girder bridges. The developed SHM system can be grouped into two main categories: an office component and a field component. The office component is a structural analysis software program that can be used to generate thresholds which are used for identifying isolated events. The field component includes hardware and field monitoring software which performs data processing and evaluation. The hardware system consists of sensors, data acquisition equipment, and a communication system backbone. The field monitoring software has been developed such that, once started, it will operate autonomously with minimal user interaction. In general, the SHM system features two key uses. First, the system can be integrated into an active bridge management system that tracks usage and structural changes. Second, the system helps owners to identify damage and deterioration.


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The comparison of radiotherapy techniques regarding secondary cancer risk has yielded contradictory results possibly stemming from the many different approaches used to estimate risk. The purpose of this study was to make a comprehensive evaluation of different available risk models applied to detailed whole-body dose distributions computed by Monte Carlo for various breast radiotherapy techniques including conventional open tangents, 3D conformal wedged tangents and hybrid intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). First, organ-specific linear risk models developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VII committee were applied to mean doses for remote organs only and all solid organs. Then, different general non-linear risk models were applied to the whole body dose distribution. Finally, organ-specific non-linear risk models for the lung and breast were used to assess the secondary cancer risk for these two specific organs. A total of 32 different calculated absolute risks resulted in a broad range of values (between 0.1% and 48.5%) underlying the large uncertainties in absolute risk calculation. The ratio of risk between two techniques has often been proposed as a more robust assessment of risk than the absolute risk. We found that the ratio of risk between two techniques could also vary substantially considering the different approaches to risk estimation. Sometimes the ratio of risk between two techniques would range between values smaller and larger than one, which then translates into inconsistent results on the potential higher risk of one technique compared to another. We found however that the hybrid IMRT technique resulted in a systematic reduction of risk compared to the other techniques investigated even though the magnitude of this reduction varied substantially with the different approaches investigated. Based on the epidemiological data available, a reasonable approach to risk estimation would be to use organ-specific non-linear risk models applied to the dose distributions of organs within or near the treatment fields (lungs and contralateral breast in the case of breast radiotherapy) as the majority of radiation-induced secondary cancers are found in the beam-bordering regions.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia miten ilman turbulenttisuus vaikuttaa tasaisesti liikkuvan rainan tilaan. Yhtenä sovelluskohteena teollisuudessa voidaan mainita esimerkiksi leiju-kuivain. Tiedetään, että konenopeuksien kasvu ja siitä johtuva ilmavirran nopeuden kasvu aiheuttaa voimavaikutuksia rainaan ja voi aiheuttaa lepatusta. Lepatus johtaa dynaamiseen epästabiilisuuteen, joka voidaan havaita, kun lineaarinen systeemi tulee epävakaaksi ja joh-taa epälineaariseen, rajoitettuun värähtelyyn. Lepatus huonontaa tuotteiden laatua ja voi johtaa ratakatkoihin. Työssä on esitetty tietoa ilman ja rainan vuorovaikutuksesta, jota hyödyntämällä voidaan kehittää yksinkertaistettu malli, jonka avulla liikkuvaa rainaa voidaan simuloida kuivaimes-sa. Kaasufaasin virtausyhtälöt on ratkaistu eri turbulenttimalleja käyttäen. Myös viskoelas-tisen rainan muodonmuutosta on tarkasteltu. Koska rainalle ei ole kirjallisuudesta saatavilla tarkkoja fysikaalisia ja mekaanisia arvoja, näitä ominaisuuksia testattiin eri arvoilla, jotta rainan käyttäytymistä jännityksen alaisena voidaan tarkastella. Näiden ominaisuuksien tun-teminen on ensiarvoisen tärkeää määritettäessä rainan aeroviskoelastista käyttäytymistä. Virtaussimulointi on kallista ja aikaa vievää. Tämä tarkoittaa uusien tutkimusmenetelmien omaksumista. Tässä työssä vaihtoehtoisena lähestymistapana on esitetty yksinkertaistettu malli, joka sisältää ilman ja rainan vuorovaikutusta kuvaavat ominaisuudet. Mallin avulla saadaan tietoa epälineaarisuuden ja turbulenssin vaikutuksesta sekä monimutkaisesta yh-teydestä stabiilisuuden ja ulkoisesti aikaansaadun värähtelyn sekä itse aiheutetun värähtelyn välillä. Työn lopussa on esitetty havainnollinen esimerkki, jolla voidaan kuvata olosuhteita, jossa rainan tasainen liike muuttuu epävakaaksi. Kun turbulenttisuudesta johtuva painevaih-telu ylittää tietyn rajan, rainan värähtely kasvaa muuttuen satunnaisesta järjestäytyneeksi. Saaduttulokset osoittavat, että turbulenttisuudella on suuri vaikutus eikä sitä voi jättää huomioimatta. Myös rainan viskoelastiset ominaisuudet tulee huomioida, jotta rainan käyt-täytymistä voidaan kuvata tarkasti.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa moottoriajoneuvon suorituskyvyn mittaukseen käytettävä järjestelmä. Järjestelmä koostuu sylinterin muotoisesta rullasta ja tiedonkeruujärjestelmästä. Rullaa, jonka hitausmomentti tunnetaan kiihdytetään ajoneuvon vetopyörien välityksellä ja mitatuista arvoista lasketaan teho ja vääntömomenttiarvot moottorin kierrosluvun funktiona. Tiedonkeruu tapahtuu PC-mikrotietokoneen avulla, johon on liitetty tiedonkeruukortti. PC-mikrotietokone muodostaa käyttöliittymän, jonka avulla saadut tulokset esitetään kuvaajien avulla käyttäjälle. Käyttöliittymän avulla suoritetaan myös tulosten talletus ja raportin tulostus. Teoriaosassa tarkastellaan suorituskyvyn mittaamiseen käytettyjä menetelmiä ja laitteistoja, sekä tiedonkeruujärjestelmän rakennetta ja sen valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Käytännön osassa suunnitellaan muokkainkortti, jonka avulla erilaisilta antureilta saadut signaalit voidaan sovittaa tiedonkeruukortin tuloalueelle sopiviksi. Myös käyttöliittymän toimintaa ja sen rakentamiseen käytettyjä työkaluja tarkastellaan.


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Recent mineralogical studies on archaeological pottery samples report significant variations in alkali metal concentrations due to environmental alterations during burial. Here we examine the effects of potassium (K) leaching on luminescence dating. The effect on the estimation of the dose rate is studied by considering four models of leaching (exponential, linear, early and late) and their impact on fine- and coarse-grain dating are calculated. The modeling approaches are applied to two cases of pottery in which evidence for alteration was found. Additionally, TL dating performed on pottery of one of the studied cases, indicates the importance of leaching effects on absolute dating measurements.


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The RPC Detector Control System (RCS) is the main subject of this PhD work. The project, involving the Lappeenranta University of Technology, the Warsaw University and INFN of Naples, is aimed to integrate the different subsystems for the RPC detector and its trigger chain in order to develop a common framework to control and monitoring the different parts. In this project, I have been strongly involved during the last three years on the hardware and software development, construction and commissioning as main responsible and coordinator. The CMS Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) system consists of 912 double-gap chambers at its start-up in middle of 2008. A continuous control and monitoring of the detector, the trigger and all the ancillary sub-systems (high voltages, low voltages, environmental, gas, and cooling), is required to achieve the operational stability and reliability of a so large and complex detector and trigger system. Role of the RPC Detector Control System is to monitor the detector conditions and performance, control and monitor all subsystems related to RPC and their electronics and store all the information in a dedicated database, called Condition DB. Therefore the RPC DCS system has to assure the safe and correct operation of the sub-detectors during all CMS life time (more than 10 year), detect abnormal and harmful situations and take protective and automatic actions to minimize consequential damages. The analysis of the requirements and project challenges, the architecture design and its development as well as the calibration and commissioning phases represent themain tasks of the work developed for this PhD thesis. Different technologies, middleware and solutions has been studied and adopted in the design and development of the different components and a big challenging consisted in the integration of these different parts each other and in the general CMS control system and data acquisition framework. Therefore, the RCS installation and commissioning phase as well as its performance and the first results, obtained during the last three years CMS cosmic runs, will be


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In this work a fuzzy linear system is used to solve Leontief input-output model with fuzzy entries. For solving this model, we assume that the consumption matrix from di erent sectors of the economy and demand are known. These assumptions heavily depend on the information obtained from the industries. Hence uncertainties are involved in this information. The aim of this work is to model these uncertainties and to address them by fuzzy entries such as fuzzy numbers and LR-type fuzzy numbers (triangular and trapezoidal). Fuzzy linear system has been developed using fuzzy data and it is solved using Gauss-Seidel algorithm. Numerical examples show the e ciency of this algorithm. The famous example from Prof. Leontief, where he solved the production levels for U.S. economy in 1958, is also further analyzed.


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I doktorsavhandlingen undersöks förmågan att lösa hos ett antal lösare för optimeringsproblem och ett antal svårigheter med att göra en rättvis lösarjämförelse avslöjas. Dessutom framläggs några förbättringar som utförts på en av lösarna som heter GAMS/AlphaECP. Optimering innebär, i det här sammanhanget, att finna den bästa möjliga lösningen på ett problem. Den undersökta klassen av problem kan karaktäriseras som svårlöst och förekommer inom ett flertal industriområden. Målet har varit att undersöka om det finns en lösare som är universellt snabbare och hittar lösningar med högre kvalitet än någon av de andra lösarna. Det kommersiella optimeringssystemet GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) och omfattande problembibliotek har använts för att jämföra lösare. Förbättringarna som presenterats har utförts på GAMS/AlphaECP lösaren som baserar sig på skärplansmetoden Extended Cutting Plane (ECP). ECP-metoden har utvecklats främst av professor Tapio Westerlund på Anläggnings- och systemteknik vid Åbo Akademi.


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In this paper we present an algorithm for the numerical simulation of the cavitation in the hydrodynamic lubrication of journal bearings. Despite the fact that this physical process is usually modelled as a free boundary problem, we adopted the equivalent variational inequality formulation. We propose a two-level iterative algorithm, where the outer iteration is associated to the penalty method, used to transform the variational inequality into a variational equation, and the inner iteration is associated to the conjugate gradient method, used to solve the linear system generated by applying the finite element method to the variational equation. This inner part was implemented using the element by element strategy, which is easily parallelized. We analyse the behavior of two physical parameters and discuss some numerical results. Also, we analyse some results related to the performance of a parallel implementation of the algorithm.


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We have previously demonstrated that acute third ventricle injections of both Pb2+ and Cd2+ impair the dipsogenic response elicited by three different situations: dehydration and central cholinergic or angiotensinergic stimulation. ß-Adrenergic activation is part of the multifactorial integrated systems operating in drinking behavior control in the central nervous system. In the present study acute third ventricle injections of Pb2+ (3, 30 and 300 pmol/rat) or Cd2+ (0.3, 3 and 30 pmol/rat) blocked the dipsogenic response induced by third ventricle injections of isoproterenol (ISO; 160 nmol/rat) in a dose-dependent manner. Normohydrated animals receiving ISO + NaAc (sodium acetate) or saline (controls) displayed a high water intake after 120 min (ISO + saline = 5.78 ± 0.54 ml/100 g; ISO + NaAc = 6.00 ± 0.6 ml/100 g). After the same period, animals receiving ISO but pretreated with PbAc at the highest dose employed (300 pmol/rat) drank 0.78 ± 0.23 ml/100 g while those receiving ISO and pretreated with the highest dose of CdCl2 (30 pmol/rat) presented a water intake of 0.7 ± 0.30 ml/100 g. Third ventricle injections of CdCl2 (3 nmol/rat) or PbAc (3 nmol/rat) did not modify food intake in rats deprived of food for 24 h. Thus, general central nervous system depression explaining the antidipsogenic action of the metals can be safely excluded. It is concluded that both Pb2+ and Cd2+ inhibit water intake induced by central ß-adrenergic stimulation


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Les systèmes Matériels/Logiciels deviennent indispensables dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. La présence croissante de ces systèmes dans les différents produits et services incite à trouver des méthodes pour les développer efficacement. Mais une conception efficace de ces systèmes est limitée par plusieurs facteurs, certains d'entre eux sont: la complexité croissante des applications, une augmentation de la densité d'intégration, la nature hétérogène des produits et services, la diminution de temps d’accès au marché. Une modélisation transactionnelle (TLM) est considérée comme un paradigme prometteur permettant de gérer la complexité de conception et fournissant des moyens d’exploration et de validation d'alternatives de conception à des niveaux d’abstraction élevés. Cette recherche propose une méthodologie d’expression de temps dans TLM basée sur une analyse de contraintes temporelles. Nous proposons d'utiliser une combinaison de deux paradigmes de développement pour accélérer la conception: le TLM d'une part et une méthodologie d’expression de temps entre différentes transactions d’autre part. Cette synergie nous permet de combiner dans un seul environnement des méthodes de simulation performantes et des méthodes analytiques formelles. Nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme de vérification temporelle basé sur la procédure de linéarisation des contraintes de type min/max et une technique d'optimisation afin d'améliorer l'efficacité de l'algorithme. Nous avons complété la description mathématique de tous les types de contraintes présentées dans la littérature. Nous avons développé des méthodes d'exploration et raffinement de système de communication qui nous a permis d'utiliser les algorithmes de vérification temporelle à différents niveaux TLM. Comme il existe plusieurs définitions du TLM, dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous avons défini une méthodologie de spécification et simulation pour des systèmes Matériel/Logiciel basée sur le paradigme de TLM. Dans cette méthodologie plusieurs concepts de modélisation peuvent être considérés séparément. Basée sur l'utilisation des technologies modernes de génie logiciel telles que XML, XSLT, XSD, la programmation orientée objet et plusieurs autres fournies par l’environnement .Net, la méthodologie proposée présente une approche qui rend possible une réutilisation des modèles intermédiaires afin de faire face à la contrainte de temps d’accès au marché. Elle fournit une approche générale dans la modélisation du système qui sépare les différents aspects de conception tels que des modèles de calculs utilisés pour décrire le système à des niveaux d’abstraction multiples. En conséquence, dans le modèle du système nous pouvons clairement identifier la fonctionnalité du système sans les détails reliés aux plateformes de développement et ceci mènera à améliorer la "portabilité" du modèle d'application.


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Contexte et objectifs. Ce mémoire propose un modèle conceptuel écologique afin de mieux comprendre la violence dans les écoles. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de ; 1) estimer l’effet des facteurs individuels, contextuels et environnementaux sur le risque de victimisation, 2) vérifier la présence d’interactions entre les différents facteurs. Méthodologie. Les élèves de 16 écoles primaires de la grande région métropolitaine de Montréal ont pris part à un sondage auto-révélé en lien avec différentes dimensions liées à la victimisation en milieu scolaire. Des analyses descriptives ont été menées, dans un premier temps, pour dresser le portrait de la violence en milieu scolaire. Dans un second temps, l’emploi d’un modèle linéaire hiérarchique généralisé (MLHG) a permis d’estimer les effets de variables propres à l’individu, au contexte et à l’environnement sur le risque de victimisation. Résultats. Les résultats aux analyses multiniveaux montrent que des variables individuelles, contextuelles et environnementales influent sur la probabilité d’être victime de violence verbale, physique et dans les médias sociaux. Ainsi, les élèves les plus délinquants sont aussi ceux qui rapportent le plus d’antécédents de victimisation. Toutefois, ces résultats ne sont pas entièrement imputables aux caractéristiques des individus. Le risque de victimisation est atténué lorsque les « gardiens » interviennent pour mettre un terme au conflit et que les victimes se défendent. Enfin, le risque de victimisation est moins élevé dans les écoles où il y a un grand nombre d’élèves. Interprétation. Les résultats suggèrent que plusieurs facteurs qui ne sont pas liés aux victimes et aux délinquants permettent de mieux comprendre le processus de victimisation en milieu scolaire. Le rôle des gardiens de même que la taille des écoles sont des éléments centraux à la compréhension du passage à l’acte.