865 resultados para Gastric foreign bodies
Obiective. This study assesses the descriptive epidemiology of children with eye injuries presenting to the Emergency Department of a non exclusive Paediatric University Hospital - First Division of Ophthalmology of “Sapienza” University of Rome - over a period of 12 years. Study Design. A retrospective long term study of 12 years. Participants. All paediatric patients (up to 14 years of age) presenting with ocular injuries and hospitalized. Methods. It was analyzed the incidence of the ocular trauma among males and females. The situation in which the trauma occurred, type of trauma (contusive or perforating), the presence of endo-bulbar foreign bodies, visual acuity outcome. Results. There were 203 patients who presented to the Emergency Department in the period examined. Contusive traumas were 130 (90 males, 40 females). The perforating trauma were 73 (63 males, 10 females). The presence of an endo-bulbar foreign body was registered in 10 patients. A detailed analysis of the causes of the trauma is therefore provided. We evidence that males were almost exclusively involved in sport traumas (60 males versus 2 females), and in second instance accidental trauma is almost equally divided between two genders. Conclusions. Our retrospective study presents the paediatric cases of a non exclusive Paediatric University Hospital where 3% of ocular traumas requiring hospitalization were in children. Therefore our data could be useful in order to bring about the necessary preventive measures to minimize paediatric eye injuries.
OBJECTIVES: To assess complication rate, risk factors for complications and outcome in dogs with oesophageal and gastric endoscopic foreign body (FB) removal. METHODS: Medical records of 102 dogs undergoing endoscopic removal of oesophageal and/or gastric FBs from March 2001 to November 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. All owners were contacted by telephone to provide follow-up information. RESULTS: West Highland white terriers, Yorkshire terriers and Bernese mountain dogs were over-represented compared to the hospital population. Endoscopy alone was successful in 92/102 dogs (90.2 per cent), whereas gastrotomy (but no oesophagotomy) was required in 10 dogs (9.8 per cent). Complications in 13/102 dogs (12.7 per cent) were perforation (8), oesophageal stricture (1), oesophageal diverticula (1), perioesophageal abscess (1), pneumothorax and pleural effusion (1) and respiratory arrest (1). Six dogs (all weighing <10 kg) had complications resulting in death or euthanasia. Bone FBs, bodyweight of less than 10 kg, and oesophageal or gastric FB in place for more than three days were significant risk factors for complications. Of the dogs available for follow-up (75/96), 92 per cent had no complications after discharge. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Endoscopic FB removal is associated with a low overall complication rate with bone FBs and bodyweight of less than 10 kg as significant risk factors.
Purpose: Because of the controversial biologic tolerance and management, retained intraorbital metallic foreign body (RIMFb) poses a formidable challenge to surgeons. Besides location of the foreign body, indications for surgical management include neurologic injury, mechanical restriction of the eye movement, and development of local infection or draining fistula. The authors describe an unusual case of spontaneous migration of a RIMFb. Methods: A 26-year-old man had a gunshot injury on the left orbit. The patient was initially managed conservatively because of the posterior position of the bullet fragment. Thereafter, because of the clinical impairments and anterior migration of projectile, surgical treatment was considered. Results: Spontaneous anterior migration has led to mechanical disturbances and inflammatory complications that comprise explicit surgical indications for removal. The patient underwent surgery with complete relief of symptoms. We suppose that extrinsic ocular muscles might play a role in shifting large RIMFb over time, leading to change in the management strategies. Conclusions: Spontaneous migration of RIMFb is a rare clinical situation that can lead to pain, local deformity, as well as changes in the management strategies of the affected patients even in the late phase of follow-up.
Cette lecture, tant critique, comparative, et théorique que pédagogique, s’ancre dans le constat, premièrement, qu’il advient aux étudiantEs en littérature de se (re)poser la question des coûts et complicités qu’apprendre à lire et à écrire présuppose aujourd’hui; deuxièmement, que nos pratiques littéraires se trament au sein de lieux empreints de différences, que l’on peut nommer, selon le contexte, métaphore, récit, ville; et, troisièmement, que les efforts et investissements requis sont tout autant couteux et interminable qu’un plaisir et une nécessité politique. Ces conclusions tendent vers l’abstrait et le théorique, mais le langage en lequel elles sont articulées, langage corporel et urbain, de la dépendance et de la violence, cherche d’autant plus une qualité matérielle et concrète. Or, l’introduction propose un survol des lectures et comparaisons de Heroine de Gail Scott qui centre ce projet; identifie les contextes institutionnels, historiques, et personnels qui risquent, ensuite, de décentrer celui-ci. Le premier chapitre permet de cerner le matérialisme littéraire qui me sert de méthode par laquelle la littérature, à la fois, sollicite et offre une réponse à ces interrogations théoriques. Inspirée de l’œuvre de Gail Scott et Réjean Ducharme, premièrement, et de Walter Benjamin, Elisabeth Grosz, et Pierre Macherey ensuite, ‘matérialisme’ fait référence à cette collection de figures de pratiques littéraires et urbaines qui proviennent, par exemple, de Georges Perec, Michel DeCerteau, Barbara Johnson, et Patricia Smart, et qui invitent ensuite une réflexions sur les relations entre corporalité et narrativité, entre la nécessité et la contingence du littéraire. De plus, une collection de figures d’un Montréal littéraire et d’une cité pédagogique, acquis des œuvres de Zygmunt Bauman, Partricia Godbout, et Lewis Mumford, constitue en effet un vocabulaire nous permettant de mieux découvrir (et donc enseigner) ce que lire et apprendre requiert. Le deuxième chapitre propose une lecture comparée de Heroine et des romans des auteures québécoises Anne Dandurand, Marie Gagnon, et Tess Fragoulis, dans le contexte, premièrement, les débats entourant l’institutionnalisation de la littérature (anglo)Québécoise et, deuxièmement, des questions pédagogiques et politiques plus larges et plus urgentes que nous pose, encore aujourd’hui, cette violence récurrente qui s’acharna, par exemple, sur la Polytechnique en 1989. Or, cette intersection de la violence meurtrière, la pratique littéraire, et la pédagogie qui en résulte se pose et s’articule, encore, par le biais d’une collection de figures de styles. En fait, à travers le roman de Scott et de l’œuvre critique qui en fait la lecture, une série de craques invite à reconnaître Heroine comme étant, ce que j’appelle, un récit de dépendance, au sein duquel se concrétise une temporalité récursive et une logique d’introjection nous permettant de mieux comprendre la violence et, par conséquent, le pouvoir d’une pratique littéraire sur laquelle, ensuite, j’appuie ma pédagogie en devenir. Jetant, finalement, un regard rétrospectif sur l’oeuvre dans son entier, la conclusion de ce projet se tourne aussi vers l’avant, c’est-à-dire, vers ce que mes lectures dites matérialistes de la littérature canadienne et québécoise contribuent à mon enseignement de la langue anglaise en Corée du Sud. C’est dans ce contexte que les propos de Jacques Rancière occasionnent un dernier questionnement quant à l’historique des débats et des structures pédagogiques en Corée, d’une part, et, de l’autre, les conclusions que cette lecture de la fiction théorique de Gail Scott nous livre.
An important characteristic of the current international setting is the crisis of the structure in existence, rather than the emergence of a new order. The rise of new interests and demands, as well as the speed of the transformation make the current understanding of global governance more complex. Brazil, like other medium powers, has an interest in institutionalised multilateralism as a means of increasing its bargaining capacity and hindering the unilateralism of major powers, without being antagonistic to them. It is attempting to increase its weight in traditional international bodies, which provide the grounding for international legitimacy, as well as in new informal arrangements. While this strategy could lead to the establishment of a new hierarchy that brings in countries of growing relative importance, it has put the weight of regional integration into another perspective in Brazilian foreign policy.
Stomach cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the world, and ranked 16th in the US in 2008. The age-adjusted rates among Hispanics were 2.8 times that of non-Hispanic Whites in 1998-2002. In spite of that, previous research has found that Hispanics with non-cardia adenocarcinoma of the stomach have a slightly better survival than non-Hispanic Whites. However, such previous research did not include a comparison with African-Americans, and it was limited to data released for the years 1973-2000 in the nine original Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Cancer Registries. This finding was interpreted as related to the Hispanic Paradox, a phenomenon that refers to the fact that Hispanics in the USA tend to paradoxically have substantially better health than other ethnic groups in spite of what their aggregate socio-economic indicators would predict. We extended such research to the SEER 17 Registry, 1973-2005, with varying years of diagnosis per registry, and compared the survival of non-cardia adenocarcinoma of the stomach according to ethnicity (Hispanics, non-Hispanic Whites and African-Americans), while controlling for age, gender, marital status, stage of disease and treatment using Cox regression survival analysis. We found that Hispanic ethnicity by itself did not confer an advantage on survival from non-cardia adenocarcinoma of the stomach, but that being born abroad was independently associated with the apparent 'Hispanic Paradox' previously reported, and that such advantage was seen among foreign born persons across all race/ethnic groups.^
The Israeli economy has been subjected to a continuous flow of terror since its creation. The focus of our study is how terrorism's impacts the level of production of the high-tech sector. The two main objectives and novelties of the paper are: First our paper can be a major contribution to as yet a new subfield in applied microeconomics attempting to measure the impact of terror on economic issues like FDI and Industry output in general and that focused on the High-Tech industries. Second our research is designed to help us understand the impact of terror news, especially on U.S citizens' reactions to terror in Israel. Our terror variable isn't how many bodies or but how many negative articles regarding terror there are in leading American news paper. We focus on the volatility clustering of terror information arrivals in major US financial papers and its impact on high-tech production and FDI to Israel.
Introduction. The European Union’s external action is not only defined by its influence on international developments, but also by its ability and the need to respond to those developments. While traditionally many have stressed the EU’s ‘autonomy’, over the years its ‘dependence’ on global developments has become more clear.2 International law has continued to play a key role in, not only in the EU’s external relations, but also in the Union’s own legal order.3 The purpose of this paper is not to assess the role or performance of the EU in international institutions.4 Rather it purports to reverse the picture and focus on a somewhat under-researched topic: the legal status of decisions of international organizations in the EU’s legal order.5 While parts of the status of these decisions relate to the status of international agreements and international customary law, it can be argued that decisions of international organizations and other international bodies form a distinct category. In fact, it has been observed that “this phenomenon has added a new layer of complexity to the already complex law of external relations of the European Union”.6 Emerging questions relate to the possible difference between decisions of international organizations of which the EU is a member (such as the FAO) and decisions of organizations where it is not (irrespective of existing competences in that area – such as in the ILO). Questions also relate to the hierarchical status of these decisions in the EU’s legal order and to the possibility of them being invoked in direct or indirect actions before the Court of Justice. This contribution takes a broad perspective on decisions of international organizations by including decisions taken in other international institutions which do not necessarily comply with the standard definition of international organizations,7 be it bodies set-up by multilateral conventions or informal (transnational / regulatory) bodies. Some of these bodies are relatively close to the EU (such as the Councils established by Association Agreements – see further Section 5 below); others operate at a certain distance. Limiting the analysis to formal international organizations will not do justice to the manifold relationships between the European Union and various international bodies and to the effects of the norms produced by these bodies. The term ‘international decisions’ is therefore used to refer to any normative output of international institutional arrangements.
Babies, bodies and entitlement: gendered aspects of access to citizenship in the Republic of Ireland
Since the mid-1990s, automatic citizenship for children born in the Republic has been a source of growing debate against a backdrop of increasing immigration and the peace process. In June 2004, the debate culminated in a referendum, opening the way to a constitutional amendment that attaches residence qualifications to the hitherto unfettered entitlement to citizenship available through ius soli. Arguments for the amendment were couched in terms of a threat posed by Third World women having babies in Ireland to obtain residence, and a putative obligation to the EU to harmonise citizenship laws. This article explores how pregnant foreign women’s bodies became a site of perplexity about the borders of the twenty-first century Irish nation. It is therefore suggested that neither the ‘racial state’ theories nor feminist theories of the nation-state account fully for this. On closer inspection, the seemingly sui generis case of the Irish referendum is therefore fruitful in that it demands further reflection in terms of bridging gaps in the existing theory.
The maintenance of glucose homeostasis is complex and involves, besides the secretion and action of insulin and glucagon, a hormonal and neural mechanism, regulating the rate of gastric emptying. This mechanism depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion regulates the speed of gastric emptying, contributing to the control of postprandial glycemia. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of various agents of this class can explain the effects more relevant in fasting or postprandial glucose, and can thus guide the individualized treatment, according to the clinical and pathophysiological features of each patient.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is common among subjects who undergo bariatric surgery and its postsurgical improvement has been reported. This study aimed to determine the evolution of liver disease evaluated through NAFLD fibrosis score 12 months after surgery. It is a prospective cohort study which evaluated patients immediately before and 12 months following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Mean score decreased from 1.142 to 0.066; surgery led to a resolution rate of advanced fibrosis of 55 %. Resolution was statistically associated with female gender, percentage of excess weight loss, postsurgical body mass index, postsurgical platelet count, and diabetes resolution. As previously reported by studies in which postsurgical biopsies were performed, RYGB leads to a great resolution rate of liver fibrosis. Since postsurgical biopsy is not widely available and has a significant risk, calculation of NAFLD fibrosis score is a simple tool to evaluate this evolution through a noninvasive approach.
Although myelodysplastic syndromes have a clear definition in theory, the morphologic dysplasia associated with ineffective hematopoiesis may be subtle and difficult to recognize and can commonly be mimicked by systemic conditions, such as infections, autoimmune disorders, nutritional deficiencies, toxic factors and non-hematological malignancies. However, myelodysplastic syndromes may truly coexist with other systemic diseases, which can be masked when the patient's symptoms are attributed exclusively to myelodysplastic syndromes without further investigation. To better illustrate this, we herein describe two cases associated with synchronous gastric cancers.
Background: In pathological situations, such as acute myocardial infarction, disorders of motility of the proximal gut can trigger symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Acute myocardial infarction delays gastric emptying (GE) of liquid in rats. Objective: Investigate the involvement of the vagus nerve, α 1-adrenoceptors, central nervous system GABAB receptors and also participation of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus in GE and gastric compliance (GC) in infarcted rats. Methods: Wistar rats, N = 8-15 in each group, were divided as INF group and sham (SH) group and subdivided. The infarction was performed through ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. GC was estimated with pressure-volume curves. Vagotomy was performed by sectioning the dorsal and ventral branches. To verify the action of GABAB receptors, baclofen was injected via icv (intracerebroventricular). Intravenous prazosin was used to produce chemical sympathectomy. The lesion in the PVN of the hypothalamus was performed using a 1mA/10s electrical current and GE was determined by measuring the percentage of gastric retention (% GR) of a saline meal. Results: No significant differences were observed regarding GC between groups; vagotomy significantly reduced % GR in INF group; icv treatment with baclofen significantly reduced %GR. GABAB receptors were not conclusively involved in delaying GE; intravenous treatment with prazosin significantly reduced GR% in INF group. PVN lesion abolished the effect of myocardial infarction on GE. Conclusion: Gastric emptying of liquids induced through acute myocardial infarction in rats showed the involvement of the vagus nerve, alpha1- adrenergic receptors and PVN.Fundamento: Distúrbios da motilidade do intestino proximal no infarto agudo do miocárdio podem desencadear sintomas digestivos como náuseas e vômitos. O infarto do miocárdio ocasiona retardo do esvaziamento gástrico (EG) de líquido em ratos. Objetivo: Investigar se existe a influência do nervo vago (VGX), adrenoreceptores α-1, receptores GABAB do sistema nervoso central e participação do núcleo paraventricular (NPV) do hipotálamo no esvaziamento gástrico (EG) e complacência gástrica (CG) em ratos infartados. Métodos: Ratos Wistar (n = 8-15) foram divididos em: grupo infarto (INF), sham (SH) e subdivididos. O infarto foi realizado por ligadura da artéria coronária descendente anterior. A complacência gástrica foi estimada com curvas pressão-volume. Realizada vagotomia por secção dos ramos dorsal e ventral. Para verificar a ação dos receptores GABAB foi injetado baclofeno por via intra ventrículo-cerebral. Simpatectomia química foi realizada com prazosina intravenosa (iv), e na lesão do núcleo paraventricular do hipotálamo foi utilizada corrente elétrica de 1mA/10s, com esvaziamento gástrico determinado por medição da retenção gástrica (% RG) de uma refeição salina. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa na CG. A vagotomia (VGX) reduziu significativamente a %RG; no grupo INF, o tratamento intra ventrículo-cerebral (ivc) com baclofeno reduziu significativamente a % RG; não houve conclusivamente envolvimento dos receptores GABAB em retardar o EG; o tratamento intravenoso com prazosina reduziu significativamente a %RG no grupo INF. A lesão do NPV aboliu o efeito do infarto do miocárdio no EG. Conclusão: O nervo vago, receptores α-adrenérgicos e núcleo paraventricular estão envolvidos no retardo do esvaziamento gástrico no infarto agudo do miocárdio em ratos.
Different types of water bodies, including lakes, streams, and coastal marine waters, are often susceptible to fecal contamination from a range of point and nonpoint sources, and have been evaluated using fecal indicator microorganisms. The most commonly used fecal indicator is Escherichia coli, but traditional cultivation methods do not allow discrimination of the source of pollution. The use of triplex PCR offers an approach that is fast and inexpensive, and here enabled the identification of phylogroups. The phylogenetic distribution of E. coli subgroups isolated from water samples revealed higher frequencies of subgroups A1 and B23 in rivers impacted by human pollution sources, while subgroups D1 and D2 were associated with pristine sites, and subgroup B1 with domesticated animal sources, suggesting their use as a first screening for pollution source identification. A simple classification is also proposed based on phylogenetic subgroup distribution using the w-clique metric, enabling differentiation of polluted and unpolluted sites.
Weight loss failure is a widely recognized occurrence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This study aims to identify predictors associated with weight loss failure. It is a retrospective cohort which enrolled 187 subjects who underwent RYGB. Comparisons were made between patients' features at baseline and 24 months after surgery. A weight loss failure rate of 11.2% was found. Advanced age and diabetes were statistically associated with failure. The results found were close to previous reports. As weight loss failure represents an important concern, there is the possibility to perform revisional surgeries, which may emphasize the restrictive or malabsorptive characteristics of RYGB, leading to varied results. It is reinforced that weight loss cannot be used as the unique outcome to evaluate the success of surgery.