985 resultados para Gas-bearing fluid influx system


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Palbio (PAL, Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica, Spain) is a protein concentrate based on hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa dried under a fluid bed system over a soybean carrier, currently used in piglet feeds. The digestibility of PAL is very high and the product may be an excellent source of protein for young chicks. An experiment was conducted with 1,280 straight-run one-d-old Ross 308 chicks to evaluate the growth response of broilers to dietary inclusion of PAL.


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La influencia de un fluido en las características dinámicas de estructuras se ha estudiado desde hace tiempo. Sin embargo muchos estudios se refieren a aplicaciones bajo el agua, como es el caso del sonar de un submarino por lo que el fluido circundante se considera líquido (sin efectos de compresibilidad). Más recientemente en aplicaciones acústicas y espaciales tales como antenas o paneles muy ligeros, ha sido estudiada la influencia en las características dinámicas de una estructura rodeada por un fluido de baja densidad. Por ejemplo se ha mostrado que el efecto del aire en el transmisor-reflector del Intelsat VI C-B con un diámetro de 3,2 metros y con un peso de sólo 34,7 kg disminuye la primera frecuencia en torno a un 20% con respecto a su valor en vacío. Por tanto es importante en el desarrollo de estas grandes y ligeras estructuras disponer de un método con el que estimar el efecto del fluido circundante sobre las frecuencias naturales de éstas. De esta manera se puede evitar el ensayo de la estructura en una cámara de vacío que para el caso de una gran antena o panel puede ser difícil y costoso. Se ha desarrollado un método de elementos de contorno (BEM) para la determinación del efecto del fluido en las características dinámicas de una placa circular. Una vez calculados analíticamente los modos de vibración de la placa en vacío, la matriz de masa añadida debido a la carga del fluido se determina por el método de elementos de contorno. Este método utiliza anillos circulares de manera que el número de elementos para obtener unos resultados precisos es muy bajo. Se utiliza un procedimiento de iteración para el cálculo de las frecuencias naturales del acoplamiento fluido-estructura para el caso de fluido compresible. Los resultados del método se comparan con datos experimentales y otros modelos teóricos mostrando la precisión y exactitud para distintas condiciones de contorno de la placa. Por otro lado, a veces la geometría de la placa no es circular sino casi-circular y se ha desarrollado un método de perturbaciones para determinar la influencia de un fluido incompresible en las características dinámicas de placas casi-circulares. El método se aplica a placas con forma elíptica y pequeña excentricidad. Por una parte se obtienen las frecuencias naturales y los modos de deformación de la placa vibrando en vacío. A continuación, se calculan los coeficientes adimensionales de masa virtual añadida (factores NAVMI). Se presentan los resultados de estos factores y el efecto del fluido en las frecuencias naturales. ABSTRACT The influence of the surrounding fluid on the dynamic characteristics of structures has been well known for many years. However most of these works were more concerned with underwater applications, such as the sonar of a submarine and therefore the surrounding fluid was considered a liquid (negligible compressibility effects). Recently for acoustical and spatial applications such as antennas or very light panels the influence on the dynamic characteristics of a structure surrounded by a fluid of low density has been studied. Thus it has been shown that the air effect for the Intelsat VI C-B transmit reflector with a diameter of 3,2 meters and weighting only 34,7 kg decreases the first modal frequency by 20% with respect to the value in vacuum. It is important then, in the development of these light and large structures to have a method that estimates the effect that the surrounding fluid will have on the natural frequencies of the structure. In this way it can be avoided to test the structure in a vacuum chamber which for a large antenna or panel can be difficult and expensive A BEM method for the determination of the effect of the surrounding fluid on the dynamic characteristics of a circular plate has been developed. After the modes of the plate in vacuum are calculated in an analytical form, the added mass matrix due to the fluid loading is determined by a boundary element method. This method uses circular rings so the number of elements to obtain an accurate result is very low. An iteration procedure for the computation of the natural frequencies of the couple fluid-structure system is presented for the case of the compressibility effect of air. Comparisons of the present method with various experimental data and other theories show the efficiency and accuracy of the method for any support condition of the plate. On the other hand, sometimes the geometry of the plate is not circular but almost-circular, so a perturbation method is developed to determine the influence of an incompressible fluid on the dynamic characteristics of almost-circular plates. The method is applied to plates of elliptical shape with low eccentricity. First, the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the plate vibrating in vacuum are obtained. Next, the nondimensional added virtual mass coefficients (NAVMI factors) are calculated. Results of this factors and the effect of the fluid on the natural frequencies are presented.


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A condutividade hidráulica (K) é um dos parâmetros controladores da magnitude da velocidade da água subterrânea, e consequentemente, é um dos mais importantes parâmetros que afetam o fluxo subterrâneo e o transporte de solutos, sendo de suma importância o conhecimento da distribuição de K. Esse trabalho visa estimar valores de condutividade hidráulica em duas áreas distintas, uma no Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG) e outra no Sistema Aquífero Bauru (SAB) por meio de três técnicas geoestatísticas: krigagem ordinária, cokrigagem e simulação condicional por bandas rotativas. Para aumentar a base de dados de valores de K, há um tratamento estatístico dos dados conhecidos. O método de interpolação matemática (krigagem ordinária) e o estocástico (simulação condicional por bandas rotativas) são aplicados para estimar os valores de K diretamente, enquanto que os métodos de krigagem ordinária combinada com regressão linear e cokrigagem permitem incorporar valores de capacidade específica (Q/s) como variável secundária. Adicionalmente, a cada método geoestatístico foi aplicada a técnica de desagrupamento por célula para comparar a sua capacidade de melhorar a performance dos métodos, o que pode ser avaliado por meio da validação cruzada. Os resultados dessas abordagens geoestatísticas indicam que os métodos de simulação condicional por bandas rotativas com a técnica de desagrupamento e de krigagem ordinária combinada com regressão linear sem a técnica de desagrupamento são os mais adequados para as áreas do SAG (rho=0.55) e do SAB (rho=0.44), respectivamente. O tratamento estatístico e a técnica de desagrupamento usados nesse trabalho revelaram-se úteis ferramentas auxiliares para os métodos geoestatísticos.


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The Amon mud volcano (MV), located at 1250 m water depth on the Nile Deep Sea Fan, is known for its active emission of methane and non-methane hydrocarbons into the hydrosphere. Previous investigations showed a low efficiency of hydrocarbon-degrading anaerobic microbial communities inhabiting the Amon MV center in the presence of sulphate and hydrocarbons in the seeping subsurface fluids. By comparing spatial and temporal patterns of in situ biogeochemical fluxes, temperature gradients, pore water composition and microbial activities over three years, we investigated why the activity of anaerobic hydrocarbon degraders can be low despite high energy supplies. We found that the central dome of the Amon MV, as well as a lateral mud flow at its base, showed signs of recent exposure of hot subsurface muds lacking active hydrocarbon degrading communities. In these highly disturbed areas, anaerobic degradation of methane was less than 2% of the methane flux. Rather high oxygen consumption rates compared to low sulphide production suggest a faster development of more rapidly growing aerobic hydrocarbon degraders in highly disturbed areas. In contrast, the more stabilized muds surrounding the central gas and fluid conduits hosted active anaerobic hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communities. Furthermore, within three years, cell numbers and hydrocarbon degrading activity increased at the gas-seeping sites. The low microbial activity in the hydrocarbon-vented areas of Amon mud volcano is thus a consequence of kinetic limitations by heat and mud expulsion, whereas most of the outer mud volcano area is limited by hydrocarbon transport.


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The objective of this study was to design, construct, commission and operate a laboratory scale gasifier system that could be used to investigate the parameters that influence the gasification process. The gasifier is of the open-core variety and is fabricated from 7.5 cm bore quartz glass tubing. Gas cleaning is by a centrifugal contacting scrubber, with the product gas being flared. The system employs an on-line dedicated gas analysis system, monitoring the levels of H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 in the product gas. The gas composition data, as well as the gas flowrate, temperatures throughout the system and pressure data is recorded using a BBC microcomputer based data-logging system. Ten runs have been performed using the system of which six were predominantly commissioning runs. The main emphasis in the commissioning runs was placed on the gas clean-up, the product gas cleaning and the reactor bed temperature measurement. The reaction was observed to occur in a narrow band, of about 3 to 5 particle diameters thick. Initially the fuel was pyrolysed, with the volatiles produced being combusted and providing the energy to drive the process, and then the char product was gasified by reaction with the pyrolysis gases. Normally, the gasifier is operated with reaction zone supported on a bed of char, although it has been operated for short periods without a char bed. At steady state the depth of char remains constant, but by adjusting the air inlet rate it has been shown that the depth of char can be increased or decreased. It has been shown that increasing the depth of the char bed effects some improvement in the product gas quality.


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The purpose of this thesis was to identify the optimal design parameters for a jet nozzle which obtains a local maximum shear stress while maximizing the average shear stress on the floor of a fluid filled system. This research examined how geometric parameters of a jet nozzle, such as the nozzle's angle, height, and orifice, influence the shear stress created on the bottom surface of a tank. Simulations were run using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package to determine shear stress values for a parameterized geometric domain including the jet nozzle. A response surface was created based on the shear stress values obtained from 112 simulated designs. A multi-objective optimization software utilized the response surface to generate designs with the best combination of parameters to achieve maximum shear stress and maximum average shear stress. The optimal configuration of parameters achieved larger shear stress values over a commercially available design.


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Communication signals are shaped by the opposing selection pressures imposed by predators and mates. A dynamic signal might serve as an adaptive compromise between an inconspicuous signal that evades predators and an extravagant signal preferred by females. Such a signal has been described in the gymnotiform electric fish, Brachyhypopomus gauderio, which produces a sexually dimorphic electric organ discharge (EOD). The EOD varies on a circadian rhythm and in response to social cues. This signal plasticity is mediated by the slow action of androgens and rapid action of melanocortins. My dissertation research tested the hypotheses that (1) signal plasticity is related to sociality levels in gymnotiform species, and (2) differences in signal plasticity are regulated by differential sensitivity to androgen and melanocortin hormones. To assess the breadth of dynamic signaling within the order Gymnotiformes, I sampled 13 species from the five gymnotiform families. I recorded EODs to observe spontaneous signal oscillations after which I injected melanocortin hormones, saline control, or presented the fish with a conspecific. I showed that through the co-option of the ancient melanocortin pathway, gymnotiforms dynamically regulate EOD amplitude, spectral frequency, both, or neither. To investigate whether observed EOD plasticities are related to species-specific sociality I tested four species; two territorial, highly aggressive species, Gymnotus carapo and Apteronotus leptorhynchus, a highly gregarious species, Eigenmannia cf. virescens , and an intermediate short-lived species with a fluid social system, Brachyhypopomus gauderio. I examined the relationship between the androgens testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone, the melanocortin α-MSH, and their roles in regulating EOD waveform. I implanted all fish with androgen and blank silicone implants, and injected with α-MSH before and at the peak of implant effect. I found that waveforms of the most territorial and aggressive species were insensitive to hormone treatments; maintaining a static, stereotyped signal that preserves encoding of individual identity. Species with a fluid social system were most responsive to hormone treatments, exhibiting signals that reflect immediate condition and reproductive state. In conclusion, variation in gymnotiform signal plasticity is hormonally regulated and seems to reflect species-specific sociality.


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In industrial plants, oil and oil compounds are usually transported by closed pipelines with circular cross-section. The use of radiotracers in oil transport and processing industrial facilities allows calibrating flowmeters, measuring mean residence time in cracking columns, locate points of obstruction or leak in underground ducts, as well as investigating flow behavior or industrial processes such as in distillation towers. Inspection techniques using radiotracers are non-destructive, simple, economic and highly accurate. Among them, Total Count, which uses a small amount of radiotracer with known activity, is acknowledged as an absolute technique for flow rate measurement. A viscous fluid transport system, composed by four PVC pipelines with 13m length (12m horizontal and 1m vertical) and ½, ¾, 1 and 2-inch gauges, respectively, interconnected by maneuvering valves was designed and assembled in order to conduct the research. This system was used to simulate different flow conditions of petroleum compounds and for experimental studies of flow profile in the horizontal and upward directions. As 198Au presents a single photopeak (411,8 keV), it was the radioisotope chosen for oil labeling, in small amounts (6 ml) or around 200 kBq activity, and it was injected in the oil transport lines. A NaI scintillation detector 2”x 2”, with well-defined geometry, was used to measure total activity, determine the calibration factor F and, positioned after a homogenization distance and interconnected to a standardized electronic set of nuclear instrumentation modules (NIM), to detect the radioactive cloud.


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In the last two decades, experimental progress in controlling cold atoms and ions now allows us to manipulate fragile quantum systems with an unprecedented degree of precision. This has been made possible by the ability to isolate small ensembles of atoms and ions from noisy environments, creating truly closed quantum systems which decouple from dissipative channels. However in recent years, several proposals have considered the possibility of harnessing dissipation in open systems, not only to cool degenerate gases to currently unattainable temperatures, but also to engineer a variety of interesting many-body states. This thesis will describe progress made towards building a degenerate gas apparatus that will soon be capable of realizing these proposals. An ultracold gas of ytterbium atoms, trapped by a species-selective lattice will be immersed into a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of rubidium atoms which will act as a bath. Here we describe the challenges encountered in making a degenerate mixture of rubidium and ytterbium atoms and present two experiments performed on the path to creating a controllable open quantum system. The first experiment will describe the measurement of a tune-out wavelength where the light shift of $\Rb{87}$ vanishes. This wavelength was used to create a species-selective trap for ytterbium atoms. Furthermore, the measurement of this wavelength allowed us to extract the dipole matrix element of the $5s \rightarrow 6p$ transition in $\Rb{87}$ with an extraordinary degree of precision. Our method to extract matrix elements has found use in atomic clocks where precise knowledge of transition strengths is necessary to account for minute blackbody radiation shifts. The second experiment will present the first realization of a degenerate Bose-Fermi mixture of rubidium and ytterbium atoms. Using a three-color optical dipole trap (ODT), we were able to create a highly-tunable, species-selective potential for rubidium and ytterbium atoms which allowed us to use $\Rb{87}$ to sympathetically cool $\Yb{171}$ to degeneracy with minimal loss. This mixture is the first milestone creating the lattice-bath system and will soon be used to implement novel cooling schemes and explore the rich physics of dissipation.


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As fluoroquinolonas são antibióticos que têm um largo espectro de ação contra bactérias, especialmente Gram-negativas. O seu mecanismo de ação assenta na inibição de enzimas responsáveis pela replicação do DNA. Porém, devido ao seu uso indevido, o surgimento de resistência bacteriana a estes antibióticos tem-se tornado um grave problema de saúde pública. Uma vez que os seus alvos de ação se situam no meio intracelular, a redução da permeabilidade da membrana externa de bactérias Gram-negativas constitui um dos mecanismos de resistência mais conhecidos. Esta redução é associada à baixa expressão ou mutações em porinas necessárias para permitir o seu transporte, mais concretamente, da OmpF. Estudos prévios demonstraram que a coordenação de fluoroquinolonas com iões metálicos divalentes e 1,10-fenantrolina (genericamente designados metaloantibióticos) são potenciais candidatos como alternativa às fluoroquinolonas convencionais. Estes metaloantibióticos exibem um efeito antimicrobiano comparável ou superior à fluoroquinolona na forma livre, mas parecem ter uma via de translocação diferente, independente de porinas. Estas diferenças no mecanismo de captura podem ser fundamentais para contornar a resistência bacteriana. De forma a compreender o papel dos lípidos no mecanismo de entrada dos metaloantibióticos, estudou-se a interação e localização dos metaloantibióticos da Ciprofloxacina (2ª geração), da Levofloxacina (3ª geração) e Moxifloxacina (4ª geração) com um modelo de membranas de Escherichia coli desprovido de porinas. Estes estudos foram realizados através de técnicas de espectroscopia de fluorescência, por medições em modo estacionário e resolvida no tempo. Os coeficientes de partição determinados demonstraram uma interação mais elevada dos metaloantibióticos relativamente às respetivas fluoroquinolonas na forma livre, um facto que está diretamente relacionado com as espécies existentes em solução a pH fisiológico. Os estudos de localização mostraram que estes metaloantibióticos devem estar inseridos na membrana bacteriana, confirmando a sua entrada independente de porinas. Este mecanismo de entrada, pela via hidrofóbica, é potenciado por interações eletrostáticas entre as espécies catiónicas de metaloantibiótico que existem a pH 7,4 e os grupos carregados negativamente dos fosfolípidos da membrana. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que a via de entrada dos metaloantibióticos e das respetivas fluoroquinolonas deve ser diferente. Os metaloantibióticos são candidatos adequados para a realização de mais testes laboratoriais e uma alternativa promissora para substituir as fluoroquinolonas convencionais, uma vez que parecem ultrapassar um dos principais mecanismos de resistência bacteriana a esta classe de antibióticos.


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Over the last decade, rapid development of additive manufacturing techniques has allowed the fabrication of innovative and complex designs. One field that can benefit from such technology is heat exchanger fabrication, as heat exchanger design has become more and more complex due to the demand for higher performance particularly on the air side of the heat exchanger. By employing the additive manufacturing, a heat exchanger design was successfully realized, which otherwise would have been very difficult to fabricate using conventional fabrication technologies. In this dissertation, additive manufacturing technique was implemented to fabricate an advanced design which focused on a combination of heat transfer surface and fluid distribution system. Although the application selected in this dissertation is focused on power plant dry cooling applications, the results of this study can directly and indirectly benefit other sectors as well, as the air-side is often the limiting side for in liquid or single phase cooling applications. Two heat exchanger designs were studied. One was an advanced metallic heat exchanger based on manifold-microchannel technology and the other was a polymer heat exchanger based on utilization of prime surface technology. Polymer heat exchangers offer several advantages over metals such as antifouling, anticorrosion, lightweight and often less expensive than comparable metallic heat exchangers. A numerical modeling and optimization were performed to calculate a design that yield an optimum performance. The optimization results show that significant performance enhancement is noted compared to the conventional heat exchangers like wavy fins and plain plate fins. Thereafter, both heat exchangers were scaled down and fabricated using additive manufacturing and experimentally tested. The manifold-micro channel design demonstrated that despite some fabrication inaccuracies, compared to a conventional wavy-fin surface, 15% - 50% increase in heat transfer coefficient was possible for the same pressure drop value. In addition, if the fabrication inaccuracy can be eliminated, an even larger performance enhancement is predicted. Since metal based additive manufacturing is still in the developmental stage, it is anticipated that with further refinement of the manufacturing process in future designs, the fabrication accuracy can be improved. For the polymer heat exchanger, by fabricating a very thin wall heat exchanger (150μm), the wall thermal resistance, which usually becomes the limiting side for polymer heat exchanger, was calculated to account for only up to 3% of the total thermal resistance. A comparison of air-side heat transfer coefficient of the polymer heat exchanger with some of the commercially available plain plate fin surface heat exchangers show that polymer heat exchanger performance is equal or superior to plain plate fin surfaces. This shows the promising potential for polymer heat exchangers to compete with conventional metallic heat exchangers when an additive manufacturing-enabled fabrication is utilized. Major contributions of this study are as follows: (1) For the first time demonstrated the potential of additive manufacturing in metal printing of heat exchangers that benefit from a sophisticated design to yield a performance substantially above the respective conventional systems. Such heat exchangers cannot be fabricated with the conventional fabrication techniques. (2) For the first time demonstrated the potential of additive manufacturing to produce polymer heat exchangers that by design minimize the role of thermal conductivity and deliver a thermal performance equal or better that their respective metallic heat exchangers. In addition of other advantages of polymer over metal like antifouling, anticorrosion, and lightweight. Details of the work are documented in respective chapters of this thesis.


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This thesis describes the use of multiply-substituted stable isotopologues of carbonate minerals and methane gas to better understand how these environmentally significant minerals and gases form and are modified throughout their geological histories. Stable isotopes have a long tradition in earth science as a tool for providing quantitative constraints on how molecules, in or on the earth, formed in both the present and past. Nearly all studies, until recently, have only measured the bulk concentrations of stable isotopes in a phase or species. However, the abundance of various isotopologues within a phase, for example the concentration of isotopologues with multiple rare isotopes (multiply substituted or 'clumped' isotopologues) also carries potentially useful information. Specifically, the abundances of clumped isotopologues in an equilibrated system are a function of temperature and thus knowledge of their abundances can be used to calculate a sample’s formation temperature. In this thesis, measurements of clumped isotopologues are made on both carbonate-bearing minerals and methane gas in order to better constrain the environmental and geological histories of various samples.

Clumped-isotope-based measurements of ancient carbonate-bearing minerals, including apatites, have opened up paleotemperature reconstructions to a variety of systems and time periods. However, a critical issue when using clumped-isotope based measurements to reconstruct ancient mineral formation temperatures is whether the samples being measured have faithfully recorded their original internal isotopic distributions. These original distributions can be altered, for example, by diffusion of atoms in the mineral lattice or through diagenetic reactions. Understanding these processes quantitatively is critical for the use of clumped isotopes to reconstruct past temperatures, quantify diagenesis, and calculate time-temperature burial histories of carbonate minerals. In order to help orient this part of the thesis, Chapter 2 provides a broad overview and history of clumped-isotope based measurements in carbonate minerals.

In Chapter 3, the effects of elevated temperatures on a sample’s clumped-isotope composition are probed in both natural and experimental apatites (which contain structural carbonate groups) and calcites. A quantitative model is created that is calibrated by the experiments and consistent with the natural samples. The model allows for calculations of the change in a sample’s clumped isotope abundances as a function of any time-temperature history.

In Chapter 4, the effects of diagenesis on the stable isotopic compositions of apatites are explored on samples from a variety of sedimentary phosphorite deposits. Clumped isotope temperatures and bulk isotopic measurements from carbonate and phosphate groups are compared for all samples. These results demonstrate that samples have experienced isotopic exchange of oxygen atoms in both the carbonate and phosphate groups. A kinetic model is developed that allows for the calculation of the amount of diagenesis each sample has experienced and yields insight into the physical and chemical processes of diagenesis.

The thesis then switches gear and turns its attention to clumped isotope measurements of methane. Methane is critical greenhouse gas, energy resource, and microbial metabolic product and substrate. Despite its importance both environmentally and economically, much about methane’s formational mechanisms and the relative sources of methane to various environments remains poorly constrained. In order to add new constraints to our understanding of the formation of methane in nature, I describe the development and application of methane clumped isotope measurements to environmental deposits of methane. To help orient the reader, a brief overview of the formation of methane in both high and low temperature settings is given in Chapter 5.

In Chapter 6, a method for the measurement of methane clumped isotopologues via mass spectrometry is described. This chapter demonstrates that the measurement is precise and accurate. Additionally, the measurement is calibrated experimentally such that measurements of methane clumped isotope abundances can be converted into equivalent formational temperatures. This study represents the first time that methane clumped isotope abundances have been measured at useful precisions.

In Chapter 7, the methane clumped isotope method is applied to natural samples from a variety of settings. These settings include thermogenic gases formed and reservoired in shales, migrated thermogenic gases, biogenic gases, mixed biogenic and thermogenic gas deposits, and experimentally generated gases. In all cases, calculated clumped isotope temperatures make geological sense as formation temperatures or mixtures of high and low temperature gases. Based on these observations, we propose that the clumped isotope temperature of an unmixed gas represents its formation temperature — this was neither an obvious nor expected result and has important implications for how methane forms in nature. Additionally, these results demonstrate that methane-clumped isotope compositions provided valuable additional constraints to studying natural methane deposits.


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To extract gas from hydrate reservoirs, it has to be dissociated in situ. This endothermic dissociation process absorbs heat energy from the formation and pore fluid. The heat transfer governs the dissociation rate, which is proportional to the difference between the actual temperature and the equilibrium temperature. This study compares three potential gas production schemes from hydrate-bearing soil, where the radial heat transfer is governing. Cylindrical samples with 40% pore-filling hydrate saturation were tested. The production tests were carried out over 90 min by dissociating the hydrate from a centered miniature wellbore, by either lowering the pressure to 6, 4, or 6 MPa with simultaneous heating of the wellbore to 288 K. All tests were replicated by a numerical simulation. With additional heating at the same wellbore pressure, the gas production from hydrates could, on average, be increased by 1.8 and 3.6 times in the simulation and experiments, respectively. If the heat influx from the outer boundary is limited, a simulation showed that the specific heat of the formation is rapidly used up when the wellbore is only depressurized and not heated. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Gas hydrate samples were obtained firstly in China by drilling on the northern margin of South China Sea (SCS). To understand the formation mechanism of this unique accumulation system, this paper discusses the factors controlling the formation of the system by accurate geophysical interpretation and geological analysis, based on the high precision 2-D and 3-D multichannel seismic data in the drilling area. There are three key factors controlling the accumulation of the gas hydrate system in fine grain sediment: (1) large volume of fluid bearing methane gas Joins the formation of gas hydrate. Active fluid flow in the northern South China Sea makes both thermal gas and/or biogenic gas migrate into shallow strata and form hydrate in the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). The fluid flow includes mud diapir and gas chimney structure. They are commonly characterized by positive topographic relief, acoustic turbidity and push-down, and low reflection intensity on seismic profiles. The gas chimneys can reach to GHSZ, which favors the development of BSRs. It means that the active fluid flow has a close relationship with the formation and accumulation of gas hydrate. (2) The episodic process of fracture plays an important role in the generation of gas hydrate. It may provide the passage along which thermogenic or biogenic gas migrated into gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) upward. And it increases the pore space for the growth of hydrate crystal. (3) Submarine landslide induced the anomalous overpressure activity and development of fracture in the GHSZ. The formation model of high concentration gas hydrate in the drilling sea area was proposed on the basis of above analysis.


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Supercritical fluid extraction with CO2, Performed in a home-made system, of rhizomes of Dorstenia bryoniifolia Mart. ex Miq. (Moraceae) and of bark roots of Brosimum gaudichaudii Trecul (Moraceae) afforded crude extracts that were analysed by high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC). The D. bryoniifolia extract contained, besides the previously reported pimpinelin and isobergapten, the furocoumarins psoralen, bergapten, isopimpinelin and the triterpenes alpha- and beta-amyrin and the acetate of the latter. The B. gaudichaudii extract contained a number of terpenoids as well as the previously reported psoralen and bergapten. Supercritical fluid extraction gave extracts qualitatively similar to those obtained by Soxhlet extraction with hexane and, together with off-line HRGC, was shown to be a fast and accurate technique to be used in rapid phytochemical examination.