1000 resultados para García, Miguel Ángel
Informal Learning is present in everyone's life but its awareness only recently has been reported. The need to keep track of the knowledge acquired this way is increasing as its sources diversity also increases. This work presents the pilots trials on the use of a tool developed to help keeping track of the learners’ informal learning, within a number of companies spread out in three countries. This tool developed through the European Commission funded project TRAILER, is still under development, which will allow integrating the set of improving suggestions obtained from users during the piloting phase. The overall idea of managing one’s informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose.
Informal learning is becoming more and more important: Nowadays people learn more this way, through the Internet, than in schools or normal trainings. But they don’t get any certificateswhich attest this fact. So they can't show the employer or teacher etc. that they have learned something. TRAILER project aim is to solve this problem by developing a special tool for managing of all competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences. Both from the perspective of the user and the perspective of an institution or a company. We’ll present the IT tool to show how people can make their informal learning outcomes visible. TRAILER helps users to gather all information about process and outcomes of their informal learning. Users can share this with friends, colleagues or their employees, teachers and so on. They can create an interactive e-portfolio which can be attached to their CV, cover letter or Knowledge Management system etc. After the presentation of the tool we will discuss possible areas and fields to use this tool. Also we would like to discuss all possible use of the tool by the participants and another needs in this area. Moreover we want to discuss other problems in informal learning process, ways to solve the problems and discuss other ideas of different IT tools which could help in informal learning process. During the discussion we’ll use an interactive respond system which can be used on mobile devices: it makes possible for participants to share their opinions individually before knowing another persons' opinion.
People do not learn only in formal educational institutions, but also throughout their lives, from their experiences, conversations, observations of others, exploration of the Internet, meetings and conferences, and chance encounters etc. However this informal and non-formal learning can easily remain largely invisible, making it hard for peers and employers to recognize or act upon it. The TRAILER project aims to make this learning visible so that it can benefit both the individual and the organization. The proposed demonstration will show a software solution that (i) helps the learners to capture, organize and classify a wide range of ’informal’ learning taking place in their lives, and (ii) assists the organization in recognizing this learning and use it to help managing human resources (benefiting both parts). This software tool has recently been used in two phases of pilot studies, which have run in four different European countries.
International Workshop on solutions that Enhance Informal LEarning Recognition – WEILER 2013
We sought to determine the frequency of serological markers of selected infections in a population of psychiatric patients in Durango City, Mexico, and to determine whether there are any epidemiological characteristics of the subjects associated with the infections. One hundred and five inpatients of a public psychiatric hospital of Durango were examined for HBsAg, anti-HCV antibodies, anti-HIV antibodies, anti-Brucella antibodies, rapid plasma reagin and anti-Cysticercus antibodies by commercially available assays. Anti-Cysticercus antibodies were confirmed by Western blot and HBsAg by neutralization assay. Epidemiological data from each participant were also obtained. Seroprevalences of HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV, anti-Brucella, rapid plasma reagin and anti-Cysticercus antibodies found were 0.0%, 4.8%, 0.9%, 0.0%, 1.9%, and 0.9%, respectively. Overall, 9 (8.6%) inpatients showed seropositivity to any infection marker. We concluded that our psychiatric inpatients have serological evidence of a number of infections. HCV is an important pathogen among our psychiatric inpatients. Health care strategies for prevention and control of infections in Mexican psychiatric patients should be considered.
La provincia de Córdoba cuenta con alto desarrollo agrícola a base de cereales y leguminosas, como por ejemplo el maní. Pero este cultivo con los años ha trasladado su zona de siembra original y se ha extendido hacia otras áreas de mayor riesgo ambiental a raíz de la implantación de la soja. Diversas son las consecuencias de estas dos acciones y que se extienden desde lo agroecológico hasta lo científico-técnico. Este previo estado del arte y las referencias bibliográficas que apuntan a la necesitad de aumentar el valor agregado de los cultivos, nos ha llevado a formular una hipótesis de trabajo y es que las plantas de maní y soja así como las rizobacterias que se asocian con ellas, son productoras de diversas moléculas con potencial uso biológico en la productividad del cultivo y en aplicaciones tecnológicas, biológicas e industriales. Sumado a lo anterior y a las ideas gubernamentales de la necesidad de obtener conocimiento y capitalizarlo como riqueza, y la imperiosa urgencia de responder a demandas regionales, se presenta este proyecto cuyo objetivo general apunta a estudiar la producción de diversas moléculas de rizobacterias y leguminosas con el fin de mejorar la productividad de los cultivos y desarrollar nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas en la provincia de Córdoba. Para cumplir dentro de los dos años de trabajo solicitados con lo expuesto anteriormente, la investigación será dividida en objetivos específicos y que consisten en investigar la producción de moléculas de raíces de maní y soja, analizar la respuesta microbiana a las rizodeposiciones de ambas leguminosas y evaluar el posible papel biológico y aplicación tecnológica de moléculas de ambos tipos de organismos. Nuestro grupo es de caracter multidisciplinar y ahondará en la diversidad molecular producida por raíces de maní y soja en direfentes días y la respuesta de las rizobacterias que se asocian ellas utilizando técnicas químicas (HPLC, GC, GC-masa) y herramientas microbiológicas y bioquímicas clásicas. Con fines de aplicación tecnológica se determinará la posible acción antioxidante de los extractos vegetales sobre sistemas modelos de ensayo así como la búsqueda de enzimas y hormonas microbianas aplicables en otros campos de la ciencia. De esta forma se pretende atender algunas demandas de diferentes sectores del centro sur de Córdoba y del país pero fundamentalmente posibilitar nuevas aplicaciones de las leguminosas y de las rizobacterias además de permitir la formación académicas de alumnos de grado y posgrado de la UNRC. The province of Cordoba has high agricultural development based on cereals and legumes such as peanuts. But the crop over the years has transferred his original planting area and has spread to other areas of greatest environmental risk following the introduction of soybeans. The previous state and regional art references that point to the necessity of increasing the value-added crops, has led us to formulate a working hypothesis is that the peanut and soybean plants and rhizobacteria associated with they are products of various biological molecules with potential use in crop productivity and biological technology and industrial applications. The general objective is aimed at studying the production of various molecules and legumes rhizobacteria to improve crop productivity and develop new technological applications in the Cordoba province. This form is intended to meet some demands of different sectors of the center south of Cordoba and the country but enabling new applications of legumes and rhizobacteria in addition to allowing the academic training of undergraduates and graduate of the UNRC.
Estudio retrospectivo de los factores demográficos y los resultados quirúrgicos obtenidos en todos los casos de agujero macular intervenidos entre Enero 2005 y Junio 2009 en nuestro centro. Estudio transversal del estado del IS/OS y su correlación con la agudeza visual en pacientes con agujero macular idiopático cerrado quirúrgicamente.
En el present treball es vol avaluar la relació que existeix entre l’edema macular diabètic, les troballes per tomografia de coherència òptica i diferents paràmetres de laboratori e insulino resistència en una sèrie de pacients amb diabetis mellitus tipus 2 no insulino dependents del nostre medi. Es realitza un estudi analític transversal observacional en pacients visitats en el centre d’Atenció Primària d’Horta i en el Servei d’Oftalmologia de l’Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón visitats des de Febrer de l’any 2010 fins a Març de l’any 2011.
A una població de diabètics tipus 2 no insulinodepenents i sense signes clínics de retinopatia diabètica, realitzem un estudi de la possible relació entre índexs indirectes d’insulinorresistència i troballes de tomografia de coherència òptica de gruix macular y de gruix de la capa de fibres nervioses de la retina peripapil•lar. La nostra hipòtesi consisteix en valorar el possible dany neurodegeneratiu previ a les alteracions microvasculars clàssiques sobre la retina a aquesta malaltia i estudiar la seva possible relació amb la insulinorresistència.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
Proceso publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
BACKGROUND Mixed hyperlipidemia is common in patients with diabetes. Statins, the choice drugs, are effective at reducing lipoproteins that contain apolipoprotein B100, but they fail to exert good control over intestinal lipoproteins, which have an atherogenic potential. We describe the effect of prescription omega 3 fatty acids on the intestinal lipoproteins in patients with type 2 diabetes who were already receiving fluvastatin 80 mg per day. METHODS Patients with type 2 diabetes and mixed hyperlipidemia were recruited. Fasting lipid profile was taken when patients were treated with diet, diet plus 80 mg of fluvastatin and diet plus fluvastatin 80 mg and 4 g of prescription omega 3 fatty acids. The intestinal lipoproteins were quantified by the fasting concentration of apolipoprotein B48 using a commercial ELISA. RESULTS The addition of 4 g of prescription omega 3 was followed by significant reductions in the levels of triglycerides, VLDL triglycerides and the triglyceride/HDL cholesterol ratio, and an increase in HDL cholesterol (P < 0.05). Fluvastatin induced a reduction of 26% in B100 (P < 0.05) and 14% in B48 (NS). However, the addition of omega 3 fatty acids enhanced this reduction to 32% in B100 (NS) and up to 36% in B48 (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION Our preliminary findings therefore suggest an additional benefit on postprandial atherogenic particles when omega 3 fatty acids are added to standard treatment with fluvastatin.
BACKGROUND We studied anomalous extracellular mRNAs in plasma from patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and their survival implications. mRNAs studied have been reported in the literature as markers of poor (BCL2, CCND2, MYC) and favorable outcome (LMO2, BCL6, FN1) in tumors. These markers were also analyzed in lymphoma tissues to test possible associations with their presence in plasma. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS mRNA from 42 plasma samples and 12 tumors from patients with DLBCL was analyzed by real-time PCR. Samples post-treatment were studied. The immunohistochemistry of BCL2 and BCL6 was defined. Presence of circulating tumor cells was determined by analyzing the clonality of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes by PCR. In DLBCL, MYC mRNA was associated with short overall survival. mRNA targets with unfavorable outcome in tumors were associated with characteristics indicative of poor prognosis, with partial treatment response and with short progression-free survival in patients with complete response. In patients with low IPI score, unfavorable mRNA targets were related to shorter overall survival, partial response, high LDH levels and death. mRNA disappeared in post-treatment samples of patients with complete response, and persisted in those with partial response or death. No associations were found between circulating tumor cells and plasma mRNA. Absence of BCL6 protein in tumors was associated with presence of unfavorable plasma mRNA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Through a non-invasive procedure, tumor-derived mRNAs can be obtained in plasma. mRNA detected in plasma did not proceed from circulating tumor cells. In our study, unfavorable targets in plasma were associated with poor prognosis in B-cell lymphomas, mainly MYC mRNA. Moreover, the unfavorable targets in plasma could help us to classify patients with poor outcome within the good prognosis group according to IPI.
BACKGROUND Taxanes are among the most active drugs for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, and, as a consequence, they have also been studied in the adjuvant setting. METHODS After breast cancer surgery, women with lymph node-positive disease were randomly assigned to treatment with fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC) or with FEC followed by weekly paclitaxel (FEC-P). The primary endpoint of study-5-year disease-free survival (DFS)-was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Secondary endpoints included overall survival and analysis of the prognostic and predictive value of clinical and molecular (hormone receptors by immunohistochemistry and HER2 by fluorescence in situ hybridization) markers. Associations and interactions were assessed with a multivariable Cox proportional hazards model for DFS for the following covariates: age, menopausal status, tumor size, lymph node status, type of chemotherapy, tumor size, positive lymph nodes, HER2 status, and hormone receptor status. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS Among the 1246 eligible patients, estimated rates of DFS at 5 years were 78.5% in the FEC-P arm and 72.1% in the FEC arm (difference = 6.4%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.6% to 11.2%; P = .006). FEC-P treatment was associated with a 23% reduction in the risk of relapse compared with FEC treatment (146 relapses in the 614 patients in the FEC-P arm vs 193 relapses in the 632 patients in the FEC arm, hazard ratio [HR] = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.62 to 0.95; P = .022) and a 22% reduction in the risk of death (73 and 95 deaths, respectively, HR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.57 to 1.06; P = .110). Among the 928 patients for whom tumor samples were centrally analyzed, type of chemotherapy (FEC vs FEC-P) (P = .017), number of involved axillary lymph nodes (P < .001), tumor size (P = .020), hormone receptor status (P = .004), and HER2 status (P = .006) were all associated with DFS. We found no statistically significant interaction between HER2 status and paclitaxel treatment or between hormone receptor status and paclitaxel treatment. CONCLUSIONS Among patients with operable breast cancer, FEC-P treatment statistically significantly reduced the risk of relapse compared with FEC as adjuvant therapy.
The sandfly Phlebotomus perniciosus is the most widespread vector of Leishmania infantum in Spain. Laboratory colonisation represents the most feasible source of information on the biology of these insects, but in conducting any study, the density of individuals in the colony may drop to such an extent that it is sometimes difficult to recover the initial population levels. A new technique was tested for the recovery of sandfly eggs in three different colonies; the recovery rate was studied by comparing the standard method of mass rearing with this new method of colony management. The results demonstrate a mean increase of 18.4% in adult production, a growth in colony productivity that justifies the inclusion of this process in the routine maintenance of any colony of sandflies.