973 resultados para Gadamer, Hans-Georg


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Besides providing effective analgesia, thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) has been shown to decrease perioperative morbidity and mortality. Because of its vasodilatory properties in association with the sympathetic blockade, however, TEA may potentially aggravate cardiovascular dysfunctions resulting from sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on hemodynamics, global oxygen transport, and renal function in ovine endotoxemia. After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 18), Salmonella typhosa endotoxin was centrally infused at incremental doses to induce and maintain a hypotensive-hypodynamic circulation using an established protocol. The animals were then randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the treatment group, continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mL.kg of 0.125% bupivacaine at the onset of endotoxemia and maintained with 0.1 mL.kg.h. In the control group, the same amount of isotonic sodium chloride solution was injected through the epidural catheter. In the animals surviving the entire experiment (n = 7 per group), cardiac index and mean arterial pressure decreased in a dose-dependent manner during endotoxin infusion. In the TEA group, neither systemic hemodynamics nor global oxygen transport were impaired beyond the changes caused by endotoxemia itself. Urinary output was increased in the TEA group as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). In this model of endotoxic shock, TEA improved renal perfusion without affecting cardiopulmonary hemodynamics and global oxygen transport.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) is increasingly used for perioperative analgesia. If patients with TEA develop sepsis or systemic inflammatory response subsequent to extended surgery the question arises if it would be safe to continue TEA with its beneficial effects of improving gastrointestinal perfusion and augmenting tissue oxygenation. A major concern in this regard is hemodynamic instability that might ensue from TEA-induced vasodilation. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics in a sepsis model of hyperdynamic endotoxemia. METHODS: After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 14), Salmonella thyphosa endotoxin was continuously infused at a rate of 10 ngxkg(-1)xmin(-1) over 16 hours. The surviving animals (n = 12) were then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 study groups. In the treatment group (n = 6), continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mLxkg(-1) bupivacaine 0.125% and maintained with 0.1 mLxkg(-1)xh(-1). In the control group (n = 6) the same amount of isotonic sodium saline solution was injected at the same rate through the epidural catheter. RESULTS: In both experimental groups cardiac index increased and systemic vascular resistance decreased concurrently (each P < .05). Functional epidural blockade in the TEA group was confirmed by sustained suppression of the cutaneous (or panniculus) reflex. During the observational period of 6 hours neither systemic nor pulmonary circulatory variables were impaired by TEA. CONCLUSIONS: From a hemodynamic point of view, TEA presents as a safe treatment option in sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome.


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Microcirculatory dysfunction contributes significantly to tissue hypoxia and multiple organ failure in sepsis. Ischemia of the gut and intestinal hypoxia are especially relevant for the evolution of sepsis because the mucosal barrier function may be impaired, leading to translocation of bacteria and toxins. Because sympathetic blockade enhances intestinal perfusion under physiologic conditions, we hypothesized that thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) may attenuate microcirculatory perturbations during sepsis. The present study was designed as a prospective and controlled laboratory experiment to assess the effects of continuous TEA on the mucosal microcirculation in a cecal ligation and perforation model of sepsis in rats. Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats underwent laparotomy and cecal ligation and perforation to induce sepsis. Subsequently, either bupivacaine 0.125% (n = 10) or isotonic sodium chloride solution (n = 9) was continuously infused via the thoracic epidural catheter for 24 h. In addition, a sham laparotomy was carried out in eight animals. Intravital videomicroscopy was then performed on six to ten villi of ileum mucosa. The capillary density was measured as areas encircled by perfused capillaries, that is, intercapillary areas. The TEA accomplished recruitment of microcirculatory units in the intestinal mucosa by decreasing total intercapillary areas (1,317 +/- 403 vs. 1,001 +/- 236 microm2) and continuously perfused intercapillary areas (1,937 +/- 512 vs. 1,311 +/- 678 microm2, each P < 0.05). Notably, TEA did not impair systemic hemodynamic variables beyond the changes caused by sepsis itself. Therefore, sympathetic blockade may represent a therapeutic option to treat impaired microcirculation in the gut mucosa resulting from sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to assess the microcirculatory effects of sympathetic blockade on other splanchnic organs in systemic inflammation.


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Kunststoff-Seilrollen sind leichter als Stahl-Seilrollen, woraus für die Konstruktion, besonders von Auslegerkranen, Vorteile erwachsen. Kunststoff-Seilrollen bringen aber auch Vorteile für das Seil selbst, weil sich dessen Lebensdauer vergrößert. Dieser Lebensdauergewinn wurde durch umfassende experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Kunststoff-Seilrollen auf die Drahtseillebensdauer quantifiziert und begründet. Zur sicherheitstechnischen Beherrschung von Seiltrieben mit Kunststoff-Seilrollen wird eine Online-Schadensakkumulation vorgeschlagen.


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Automatischen Sortiersysteme (Sorter) besitzen in der Intralogistik eine große Bedeutung. Sorter erreichen eine ausdauernd hohe Sortierleistung bei gleichzeitig geringer Fehlsortierrate und bilden deshalb oft den zentralen Baustein in Materialflusssystemen mit hoher Umschlagsrate. Distributionszentren mit Lager und Kommissionierfunktion sind typische Vertreter solcher Materialflusssysteme. Ein Sorter besteht aus den Subsystemen Einschleusung, Verteilförderer und Endstellen. Die folgenden Betrachtungen fokussieren auf ein Sortermodell mit einem Verteilförderer in Ringstruktur und einer Einzelplatzbelegung. Auf jedem Platz kann genau ein Gut transportiert werden. Der Verteilförderer besitzt somit eine feste Transportkapazität. Derartige Förderer werden in der Regel als Kippschalen- oder Quergurt-Sorter ausgeführt. Die theoretische Sortierleistung für diesen Sortertyp kann aus Fahrgeschwindigkeit und Transportplatzabstand bestimmt werden. Diese Systemleistung wird im praktischen Betrieb kaum erreicht. Verschiedene Faktoren im Einschleusbereich und im Ausschleusbereich führen zu einer Leistungsminderung. Betrachtungen zur Bestimmung der mittleren Warteschlangenlänge im Einschleusbereich sowie zur Ermittlung des Rundläuferanteils auf dem Verteilförderer werden im folgenden Beitrag vorgestellt. Diesem Beitrag liegt ein Forschungsvorhaben zugrunde, das aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) über die Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen "Otto von Guericke" (AiF) gefördert und im Auftrage der Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) ausgeführt wurde.