442 resultados para GUANYLYL CYCLASE
We have described previously a transcription-dependent induction of glycogen resynthesis by the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) or noradrenaline (NA) in astrocytes, which is mediated by cAMP. Because it has been postulated that the cAMP-mediated regulation of energy balance in hepatocytes and adipocytes is channeled at least in part through the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) family of transcription factors, we tested the hypothesis that C/EBP isoforms could be expressed in mouse cortical astrocytes and that their level of expression could be regulated by VIP, by the VIP-related neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), or by NA. We report in this study that in these cells, C/EBP beta and C/EBP delta are induced by VIP, PACAP, or NA via the cAMP second-messenger pathway. Induction of C/EBP beta and -delta mRNA by VIP occurs in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor. Thus, c/ebp beta and c/ebp delta behave as cAMP-inducible immediate-early genes in astrocytes. Moreover, transfection of astrocytes with expression vectors selectively producing the transcriptionally active form of C/EBP beta, termed liver-enriched transcriptional activator protein, or C/EBP delta enhance the glycogen resynthesis elicited by NA, whereas an expression vector producing the transcriptionally inactive form of C/EBP beta, termed liver-enriched transcriptional inhibitory protein, reduces this resynthesis. These results support the idea that C/EBP beta and -delta regulate gene expression of energy metabolism-related enzymes in astrocytes.
The pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) type I receptor (PAC1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor binding the strongly conserved neuropeptide PACAP with 1000-fold higher affinity than the related peptide vasoactive intestinal peptide. PAC1-mediated signaling has been implicated in neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. To gain further insight into the biological significance of PAC1-mediated signaling in vivo, we generated two different mutant mouse strains, harboring either a complete or a forebrain-specific inactivation of PAC1. Mutants from both strains show a deficit in contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent associative learning paradigm. In sharp contrast, amygdala-dependent cued fear conditioning remains intact. Interestingly, no deficits in other hippocampus-dependent tasks modeling declarative learning such as the Morris water maze or the social transmission of food preference are observed. At the cellular level, the deficit in hippocampus-dependent associative learning is accompanied by an impairment of mossy fiber long-term potentiation (LTP). Because the hippocampal expression of PAC1 is restricted to mossy fiber terminals, we conclude that presynaptic PAC1-mediated signaling at the mossy fiber synapse is involved in both LTP and hippocampus-dependent associative learning.
Inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta production is central to the innate immune defects that give rise to certain autoinflammatory diseases and may also be associated with the generation of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T (Th17) cells that mediate autoimmunity. However, the role of the inflammasome in driving adaptive immunity to infection has not been addressed. In this article, we demonstrate that inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta plays a critical role in promoting Ag-specific Th17 cells and in generating protective immunity against Bordetella pertussis infection. Using a murine respiratory challenge model, we demonstrated that the course of B. pertussis infection was significantly exacerbated in IL-1R type I-defective (IL-1RI(-/-)) mice. We found that adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA), a key virulence factor secreted by B. pertussis, induced robust IL-1beta production by dendritic cells through activation of caspase-1 and the NALP3-containing inflammasome complex. Using mutant toxins, we demonstrate that CyaA-mediated activation of caspase-1 was not dependent on adenylate cyclase enzyme activity but was dependent on the pore-forming capacity of CyaA. In addition, CyaA promoted the induction of Ag-specific Th17 cells in wild-type but not IL-1RI(-/-) mice. Furthermore, the bacterial load was enhanced in IL-17-defective mice. Our findings demonstrate that CyaA, a virulence factor from B. pertussis, promotes innate IL-1beta production via activation of the NALP3 inflammasome and, thereby, polarizes T cell responses toward the Th17 subtype. In addition to its known role in subverting host immunity, our findings suggest that CyaA can promote IL-1beta-mediated Th17 cells, which promote clearance of the bacteria from the respiratory tract.
BACKGROUND: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension and death. Administration of nitric oxide (NO) alone remains ineffective in CDH cases. We investigated in near full-term lambs with and without CDH the role of guanylate cyclase (GC), the enzyme activated by NO in increasing cyclic 3'-5'-guanylosine monophosphate, and the role of phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5, the enzyme-degrading cyclic 3'-5'-guanylosine monophosphate. METHODS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia was surgically created in fetal lambs at 85 days of gestation. Pulmonary hemodynamics were assessed by means of pressure and blood flow catheters (135 days). In vitro, we tested drugs on rings of isolated pulmonary vessels. RESULTS: In vivo, sodium nitroprusside, a direct NO donor, and methyl-2(4-aminophenyl)-1,2-dihydro-1-oxo-7-(2-pyridinylmethoxy)-4-(3,4,5 trimethoxyphenyl)-3-isoquinoline carboxylate sulfate (T-1032) and Zaprinast, both PDE 5 blockers, reduced pulmonary vascular resistance in CDH and non-CDH animals. The activation of GC by sodium nitroprusside and the inhibition of PDE 5 by T-1032 were less effective in CDH animals. In vitro, the stimulation of GC by 3(5'hydroxymethyl-2'furyl)-1-benzyl indazole (YC-1) (a benzyl indazole derivative) and the inhibition of PDE 5 by T-1032 were less effective in pulmonary vascular rings from CDH animals. The YC-1-induced vasodilation in rings from CDH animals was higher when associated with the PDE 5 inhibitor T-1032. CONCLUSIONS: Guanylate cyclase and PDE 5 play a role in controlling pulmonary vascular tone in fetal lambs with or without CDH. Both enzymes seem to be impaired in fetal lambs with CDH.
Guanylate cyclase activating proteins are EF-hand containing proteins that confer calcium sensitivity to retinal guanylate cyclase at the outer segment discs of photoreceptor cells. By making the rate of cGMP synthesis dependent on the free intracellular calcium levels set by illumination, GCAPs play a fundamental role in the recovery of the light response and light adaptation. The main isoforms GCAP1 and GCAP2 also localize to the synaptic terminal, where their function is not known. Based on the reported interaction of GCAP2 with Ribeye, the major component of synaptic ribbons, it was proposed that GCAP2 could mediate the synaptic ribbon dynamic changes that happen in response to light. We here present a thorough ultrastructural analysis of rod synaptic terminals in loss-of-function (GCAP1/GCAP2 double knockout) and gain-of-function (transgenic overexpression) mouse models of GCAP2. Rod synaptic ribbons in GCAPs−/− mice did not differ from wildtype ribbons when mice were raised in constant darkness, indicating that GCAPs are not required for ribbon early assembly or maturation. Transgenic overexpression of GCAP2 in rods led to a shortening of synaptic ribbons, and to a higher than normal percentage of club-shaped and spherical ribbon morphologies. Restoration of GCAP2 expression in the GCAPs−/− background (GCAP2 expression in the absence of endogenous GCAP1) had the striking result of shortening ribbon length to a much higher degree than overexpression of GCAP2 in the wildtype background, as well as reducing the thickness of the outer plexiform layer without affecting the number of rod photoreceptor cells. These results indicate that preservation of the GCAP1 to GCAP2 relative levels is relevant for maintaining the integrity of the synaptic terminal. Our demonstration of GCAP2 immunolocalization at synaptic ribbons at the ultrastructural level would support a role of GCAPs at mediating the effect of light on morphological remodeling changes of synaptic ribbons.
La découverte du système des peptides natriurétiques (NP), au début des années 80, fut une découverte majeure qui révéla le rôle endocrinien du cœur. Les connaissances sur la relaxation vasculaire, la diurèse et la natriurèse provoquées par ce système ont évolué vers un niveau de complexité insoupçonné à cette époque. Nous savons à présent que les NP sont impliqués dans plusieurs autres mécanismes dont la prolifération cellulaire, l’apoptose, l’inhibition du système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (RAAS) et le métabolisme des adipocytes. Le métabolisme des lipides est maintenant devenu une cible de choix dans la lutte contre l’obésité. Cette condition aux proportions pandémiques est un facteur de risque majeur dans l’apparition de l’hypertension et du syndrome métabolique (MetS). La compréhension des mécanismes et des défauts de la voie des NP pourrait avoir un impact positif sur le contrôle du MetS et de l’hypertension. L’expression du récepteur des peptides natriuretiques de type 1 (NPR1/GCA) est contrôlée par plusieurs agents incluant son propre ligand, le peptide natriurétique de l’oreillette (ANP). La découverte d’une boucle de retro-inhibition, dans les années 90, a été un événement majeur dans le domaine des NP. En effet, suite à une stimulation à l’ANP, le NPR1/GCA peut inhiber l’activité transcriptionnelle de son propre gène par un mécanisme dépendant du cGMP. Notre groupe a identifié un élément cis-régulateur responsable de cette sensibilité au cGMP et mon projet consistait à identifier la ou les protéine(s) liant cet élément de réponse au cGMP (cGMP-RE). Nous avons identifié un clone liant le cGMP-RE en utilisant la technique du simple hybride chez la levure et une banque d’ADN complémentaire (ADNc) de rein humain. Ce clone provient d’un ADNc de 1083-bp dont le gène est localisé sur le chromosome 1 humain (1p33.36) et codant pour une protéine dont la fonction était inconnue jusqu’ici. Nous avons nommé cette nouvelle protéine GREBP en raison de sa fonction de cGMP Response Element Binding Protein. Des essais de liaison à l’ADN ont montré que cette protéine possède une affinité 18 fois plus élevée pour le cGMP-RE que le contrôle, tandis que des expériences de retard sur gel (EMSA) ont confirmé la spécificité des interactions protéine-ADN. De plus, l’immuno-précipitation de la chromatine (ChIP) a prouvé que GREBP lie le cGMP-RE dans des conditions physiologiques. La liaison de GREBP au cGMP-RE inhibe l’expression du gène rapporteur luciférase sous contrôle du promoteur de npr1/gca. L’inhibition de GREBP à l’aide d’ARN interférant active le promoteur de npr1/gca. Dans les cellules NCI-H295R, l’ANP stimule l’expression de grebp de 60% après seulement 3 heures et inhibe l’expression de npr1/gca de 30%. GREBP est une protéine nucléaire surtout exprimée dans le cœur et ayant le facteur eIF3F comme partenaire. Les variations nucléotidiques du gène sont plus fréquentes chez les patients hypertendus que chez des patients normotendus ou hypertendus souffrant de MetS. Nous rapportons ici l’existence d’un gène spécifique à l’humain qui agit comme répresseur transcriptionnel de npr1/gca et potentiellement impliqué dans le développement de l’hypertension.
Today it is known that severe burns can be accompanied by the phenomenon of vasoplegic syndrome (VS), which is manifested by persistent and diffuse vasodilation, hypotension and low vascular resistance, resulting in circulatory and respiratory failure. The decrease in systemic vascular resistance observed in VS is associated with excessive production of nitric oxide (NO). In the last 2 decades, studies have reported promising results from the administration of an NO competitor, methylene blue (MB), which is an inhibitor of the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), in the treatment of refractory cases of vasoplegia. This medical hypothesis rationale is focused on the tripod of burns/vasoplegia catecholamine resistant/methylene blue. This article has 3 main objectives: 1) to study the guanylate cyclase inhibition by MB in burns; 2) to suggest MB as a viable, safe and useful co-adjuvant therapeutic tool of fluid resuscitation, and; 3) to suggest MB as burns hypotensive vasoplegia amine-resistant treatment.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Phagocyte function is critical for host defense against infections. Defects in phagocytic function lead to several primary immunodeficiencies characterized by early onset of recurrent and severe infections. In this work, we further investigated the effects of BAY 41-2272, a soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) agonist, on the activation of human peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and THP-1 cells. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH THP-1 cells and PBM viability was evaluated by methylthiazoletetrazolium assay; reactive oxygen species production by lucigenin chemiluminescence; gene and protein expression of NAPDH oxidase components by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively; phagocytosis and microbicidal activity by co-incubation, respectively, with zymosan and Escherichia coli; and cytokine release by elisa. KEY RESULTS BAY 41-2272, compared with the untreated group, increased spreading of monocytes by at least 35%, superoxide production by at least 50%, and gp91PHOX and p67PHOX gene expression 20 to 40 times, in both PBM and THP-1 cells. BAY 41-2272 also augmented phagocytosis of zymosan particles threefold compared with control, doubled microbicidal activity against E. coli and enhanced the release of TNF-a and IL-12p70 by both PBM and THP-1 cells. Finally, by inhibiting sGC with ODQ, we showed that BAY 41-2272-induced superoxide production and phagocytosis is not dependent exclusively on sGC activation. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS In addition to its ability to induce vasorelaxation and its potential application for therapy of vascular diseases, BAY 41-2272 was shown to activate human mononuclear phagocytes. Hence, it is a novel pro-inflammatory drug that may be useful for controlling infections in the immunocompromised host.
Previous experiments had shown no differences in desensitization in cells with mutations of the adenylyl cyclase or the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and had ruled out this kinase as a mediator of desensitization; however, the assays of adenylyl cyclase had been made at high concentrations of free magnesium. The work presented in this dissertation documents a role for cAMP-dependent protein kinase which became apparent with assays at low concentrations of free magnesium. (1) The adenylyl cyclase in membranes from wild type S49 lymphoma cells showed substantial desensitization after incubation of the intact cells with low concentrations of epinephrine (5-20 nM). This desensitization was heterologous, that is it reduced the subsequent responses of the adenylyl cyclase to both epinephrine and prostaglandin-E$\sb1$. (2) The adenylyl cyclase in membranes of S49 cyc$\sp-$ cells, which do not make cAMP in response to hormones, and S49 kin$\sp-$ cells, which lack cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, showed no heterologous desensitization following incubation of the intact cells with low concentrations of hormones. (3) Heterologous desensitization of the adenylyl cyclase was induced by incubations of wild type cells with forskolin, which activates the adenylyl cyclase downstream of the hormone receptors, or dibutyryl-cAMP, which activates the cAMP-dependent protein kinase directly. (4) Site-directed mutagenesis was used to delete the cAMP-dependent protein kinase consensus phosphorylation sequences on the $\beta$-adrenergic receptor. Heterologous desensitization occurred in intact L-cells expressing the wild type receptor or the receptor lacking the C-terminal phosphorylation site; however, only homologous desensitization occurred when the phosphorylation site on the third intracellular loop of the receptor was deleted. (5) To test directly the effects of cAMP-dependent protein kinase on the adenylyl cyclase the catalytic subunit of the kinase was purified from bovine heart and incubated with adenylyl cyclase in plasma membrane preparations. In this cell-free system the kinase caused rapid heterlogous reductions of the responsiveness of the S49 wild type adenylyl cyclase. Additionally, the adenylyl cyclase in kin$\sp-$ membranes, which showed only homologous desensitization in the intact cell, was desensitization by cell-free incubation with the kinase.^ The epinephrine responsiveness was not affected in L-cell membranes expressing the $\beta$-adrenergic receptor lacking the cAMP-dependent protein kinase consensus sequence on the third intracellular loop. ^
Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) causes multiple effects on adenylyl cyclase (AC), (i) an inhibition of (hormone) receptor/G$\sb{\rm s}$ coupling, consistent with PKC modification of the receptor and (ii) a postreceptor sensitization consistent with a PKC-mediated modification of the stimulatory (G$\sb{\rm s}$) or inhibitory (G$\sb{\rm i}$) G-proteins or the catalyst (C) of AC. In L cells expressing the wild-type beta-adrenergic receptor ($\beta$AR) 4-$\beta$ phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) caused 2-3-fold increases in the K$\sb{\rm act}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for epinephrine-stimulated AC activity and an attenuation of GTP-mediated inhibition of AC. Deletion of a concensus site for PKC phosphorylation (amino acids 259-262) from the $\beta$AR eliminated the PMA-induced increase in the K$\sb{\rm act}$, but had no effect on the other actions of PMA. PMA also increased the K$\sb{\rm act}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for prostaglandin E$\sb1$ (PGE$\sb1$)-stimulated AC and the V$\sb{\rm max}$ for forskolin-stimulated AC. Maximal PMA-induced sensitizations were observed when AC was assayed in the presence of 10 $\mu$M GTP and 0.3 mM (Mg$\sp{++}$).^ Liao et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 265:11273-11284 (1990)) have shown that the P$\sb2$ purinergic receptor agonist ATP stimulates hydrolysis of 4,5 inositol bisphosphate (PIP$\sb2$) by phospholipase C (PLC) in L cells. To determine if agonists that stimulate PLC and PMA had similar effects on AC function we compared the effects of ATP and PMA. ATP caused a rapid 50-150% sensitization of PGE$\sb1$-, epinephrine-, and forskolin-stimulated AC activity with an EC$\sb{50}$ of 3 $\mu$M ATP. The sensitization was similar (i.e. Mg$\sp{++}$ and GTP sensitivity) to that caused by 10 nM PMA. However, unlike PMA ATP did not affect the K$\sb{\rm act}$ for hormone-stimulated AC and its effects were unaltered by down-regulation of PKCs following long term PMA treatment. Our results demonstrate that a PKC concensus site in the $\beta$AR, is required for the PMA-induced decrease in receptor/G$\sb{\rm s}$ coupling. Our data also indicate that activation of P$\sb2$ purinergic receptors by ATP may be important in the sensitization of AC in L cells. The mechanism behind this effect remains to be determined. ^
An exact knowledge of the kinetic nature of the interaction between the stimulatory G protein (G$\sb{\rm s}$) and the adenylyl cyclase catalytic unit (C) is essential for interpreting the effects of Gs mutations and expression levels on cellular response to a wide variety of hormones, drugs, and neurotransmitters. In particular, insight as to the association of these proteins could lead to progress in tumor biology where single spontaneous mutations in G proteins have been associated with the formation of tumors (118). The question this work attempts to answer is whether the adenylyl cyclase activation by epinephrine stimulated $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptors occurs via G$\sb{\rm s}$ proteins by a G$\sb{\rm s}$ to C shuttle or G$\sb{\rm s}$-C precoupled mechanism. The two forms of activation are distinguishable by the effect of G$\sb{\rm s}$ levels on epinephrine stimulated EC50 values for cyclase activation.^ We have made stable transfectants of S49 cyc$\sp-$ cells with the gene for the $\alpha$ protein of G$\sb{\rm s}$ $(\alpha\sb{\rm s})$ which is under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus LTR promoter (110). Expression of G$\sb{\rm s}\alpha$ was then controlled by incubation of the cells for various times with 5 $\mu$M dexamethasone. Expression of G$\sb{\rm s}\alpha$ led to the appearance of GTP shifts in the competitive binding of epinephrine with $\sp{125}$ICYP to the $\beta$-adrenergic receptors and to agonist dependent adenylyl cyclase activity. High expression of G$\sb{\rm s}\alpha$ resulted in lower EC50's for the adenylyl cyclase activity in response to epinephrine than did low expression. By kinetic modelling, this result is consistent with the existence of a shuttle mechanism for adenylyl cyclase activation by hormones.^ One item of concern that remains to be addressed is the extent to which activation of adenylyl cyclase occurs by a "pure" shuttle mechanism. Kinetic and biochemical experiments by other investigators have revealed that adenylyl cyclase activation, by hormones, may occur via a Gs-C precoupled mechanism (80, 94, 97). Activation of adenylyl cyclase, therefore, probably does not occur by either a pure "'Shuttle" or "Gs-C Precoupled" mechanism, but rather by a "Hybrid" mechanism. The extent to which either the shuttle or precoupled mechanism contributes to hormone stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity is the subject of on-going research. ^
(gamma)-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, influences neuronal activity by interacting with at least two pharmacologically and functionally distinct receptors. GABA(,A) receptors are sensitive to blockade by bicuculline, are associated with benzodiazepine and barbiturate binding sites, and mediate chloride flux. The biochemical and pharmacolocal properties of GABA(,B) receptors, which are stereoselectively activated by (beta)-p-chlorophenyl GABA (baclofen), are less well understood. The aim of this study was to define these features of GABA(,B) receptors, with particular emphasis on their possible relationship to the adenylate cyclase system in brain.^ By themselves, GABA agonists have no effect on cAMP accumulation in rat brain slices. However, some GABA agonists markedly enhance the cAMP accumulation that results from exposure to norepinephrine, adenosine, VIP, and cholera toxin. Evidence that this response is mediated by the GABA(,B) system is provided by the finding that it is bicuculline-insensitive, and by the fact that only those agents that interact with GABA(,B) binding sites are active in this regard. GABA(,B) agonists are able to enhance neurotransmitter-stimulated cAMP accumulation in only certain brain regions, and the response is not influenced by phosphodiesterase inhibitors, although is totally dependent on the availability of extracellular calcium. Furthermore, data suggest that inhibition of phospholipase A(,2), a calcium-dependent enzyme, decreases the augmenting response to baclofen, although inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism are without effect. These findings indicate that either arachidonic acid or lysophospholipid, products of PLA(,2)-mediated degradation of phospholipids, mediates the augmentation. Moreover, phorbol esters, compounds which directly activate protein kinase C, were also found to enhance neurotransmitter-stimulated cAMP accumulation in rat brain slices. Since this enzyme is known to be stimulated by unsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonate, it is proposed that GABA(,B) agonists enhance cAMP accumulation by fostering the production of arachidonic acid which stimulates protein kinase C, leading to the phosphorylation of some component of the adenylate cyclase system. Thus, GABA, through an interaction with GABA(,B) receptors, modulates neurotransmitter receptor responsiveness in brain. The pharmocological manipulation of this response could lead to the development of therapeutic agents having a more subtle influence than current drugs on central nervous system function. ^
Human behavior appears to be regulated in part by noradrenergic transmission since antidepressant drugs modify the number and function of (beta)-adrenergic receptors in the central nervous system. Affective illness is also known to be associated with the endocrine system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The aim of the present study was to determine whether hormones, in particular adrencorticotrophin (ACTH) and corticosterone, may influence behavior by regulating brain noradrenergic receptor function.^ Chronic treatment with ACTH accelerated the increase or decrease in rat brain (beta)-adrenergic receptor number induced by a lesion of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle or treatment with the antidepressant imipramine. Chronic administration of ACTH alone had no effect on (beta)-receptor number although it reduced norepinephrine stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain slices. Treatment with imipramine also reduced the cyclic AMP response to norepinephrine but was accompanied by a decrease in (beta)-adrenergic receptor number. Both the imipramine and ACTH treatments reduced the affinity of (beta)-adrenergic receptors for norepinephrine, but only the antidepressant modified the potency of the neurotransmitter to stimulate second messenger production. Neither ACTH nor imipramine treatment altered Gpp(NH)p- or fluoride-stimulated adenylate cyclase, cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, or cyclic GMP-stimulated cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, or the activity of the guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs). These findings suggested that post-receptor components of the cyclic nucleotide generating system are not influenced by the hormone or antidepressant. This conclusion was verified by the finding that neither treatment altered adenosine-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain tissue.^ A detailed examination of the (alpha)- and (beta)-adrenergic receptor components of norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP production revealed that ACTH, but not imipramine, administration reduced the contribution of the (alpha)-receptor mediated response. Like ACTH treatment, corticosterone diminished the (alpha)-adrenergic component indicating that adrenal steroids probably mediate the neurochemical responses to ACTH administration. The data indicate that adrenal steroids and antidepressants decrease noradrenergic receptor function by selectively modifying the (alpha)- and (beta)-receptor components. The functional similarity in the action of the steroid and antidepressants suggests that adrenal hormones normally contribute to the maintenance of receptor systems which regulate affective behavior in man. ^
Adenylyl cyclase (AC) converts ATP into cAMP, which activates protein kinase A (PKA). Activation of PKA leads to the phosphorylation of specific substrates. The mechanism of specificity of PKA phosphorylation baffled researchers for many years. The discovery of A Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs) has helped to unravel this mystery. AKAPs function to target PKA to specific regions within the cell. They also anchor other enzymes, receptors, or channels leading to tightly regulated signaling modules. Several studies have suggested an important role for activated PKA in these complexes, including the AKAPs yotiao and muscle AKAP (mAKAP). Yotiao, a plasma membrane AKAP, anchors PP1, NMDA receptors, IP3 receptors, and heart potassium channel subunit KCNQI. PKA phosphorylation of NMDA receptors as well as KCNQI leads to increased channel activity. Patients with mutations in KCNQI or yotiao that cause loss of targeting of KCNQI develop long QT syndrome, which can be fatal. mAKAP anchors several CAMP/PKA-regulated pathways to the nuclear envelope in cardiac myocytes. The necessity of activated PKA in these complexes led to the hypothesis that AC is also anchored. The results indicate that AC does associate with yotiao in brain and heart, specifically with AC types I-III, and IX. Co-expression of AC II or III with yotiao leads to inhibition of each isoform's activity. Binding assays revealed that yotiao binds to the N-terminus of AC II and that this region can reverse the inhibition of AC II, but not AC III, indicating unique binding sites on yotiao. AC II binds directly to as 808-957 of yotiao. Y808-957 acts as a dominant negative as the addition of it to rat brain membranes results in a ∼40% increase in AC activity. Additionally, AC was also found to associate with mAKAP in heart, specifically with AC types II and V. The binding site of AC was mapped to 275-340 of mAKAP, while mAKAP binds to the soluble domains of AC V as a complex. These results indicate that interactions between AC and AKAPs are specific and that AC plays an important role in AKAP-targeted signaling. ^