993 resultados para GERM-FREE MICE


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Experimental systems to assay immunity against Trypanosoma cruzi usually demonstrate partial resistance without excluding the establishment of sub-patent infections in protected animals. To test whether Swiss mice immunized with attenuated parasites might develop complete resistance against virulent T. cruzi, experiments were performed involving challenge with low numbers of parasites, enhancement of local inflammation and the combination of natural and acquired resistance. Absence of infection was established after repeated negative parasitological tests (including xenodiagnosis and hemoculture), and lack of lytic antibody was tested by complement mediated lysis. Immunization with 10(7) attenuated epimastigotes conferred protection against the development of high levels of parasitemia after challenge with Tulahuen strain, but was unable to reduce the number of infected animals. However, when a strong, delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction was triggered at the site of infection by injecting a mixture of virulent and attenuated T. cruzi, a significant proportion of immunized animals remained totally free of virulent infection. The same result was obtained when the immunization experiment was performed in four month old Swiss mice, displaying a relatively high natural resistance and challenged with wild, vector-borne parasites. These experiments demonstrate that complete resistance against T. cruzi can be obtained in a significant proportion of animals, under conditions which replicate natural, vector delivered infection by the parasite.


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Eosinophils have long been thought to be effectors of immunity to helminths but have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma. Patterns of cytokine production in the host may influence the pathogenesis of these diseases by regulating the activities of eosinophils and other components of the immune response. Mice which constitutively over-express IL-5 have profound and life-long eosinophilia in a restricted number of tissues. Although eosinophils from IL-5 transgenics are functionally competent for a number of parameters considered to be important in inflammation, untreated animals are overtly normal and free of disease. In addition, the responses of these animals when exposed to aeroallergens and helminths present a number of apparent paradoxes. Eosinophil accumulation in tissues adjacent to major airways is rapid and extensive in transgenics exposed to the aeroallergen, but even after treatment with antigen over many months these mice show no evidence of respiratory distress or pathology. Helminth-infected IL-5 transgenics and their non-transgenic littermates develop similar inflammatory responses at mucosal sites and are comparable for a number of T cell and antibody responses, but they differ considerably in their ability to clear some parasite species. The life-cycle of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis is significantly inhibited in IL-5 transgenics, but that of Toxocara canis is not. Our results also suggest that eosinophilia and/or over-expression of IL-5 may actually impair host resistance to Schistosoma mansoni and Trichinella spiralis. The pathogenesis of diseases in which eosinophils are involved may therefore be more complex than previously thought.


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Glut-2 is a low-affinity transporter present in the plasma membrane of pancreatic beta-cells, hepatocytes and intestine and kidney absorptive epithelial cells of mice. In beta-cells, Glut-2 has been proposed to be active in the control of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS; ref. 2), and its expression is strongly reduced in glucose-unresponsive islets from different animal models of diabetes. However, recent investigations have yielded conflicting data on the possible role of Glut-2 in GSIS. Whereas some reports have supported a specific role for Glut-2 (refs 5,6), others have suggested that GSIS could proceed normally even in the presence of low or almost undetectable levels of this transporter. Here we show that homozygous, but not heterozygous, mice deficient in Glut-2 are hyperglycaemic and relatively hypo-insulinaemic and have elevated plasma levels of glucagon, free fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate. In vivo, their glucose tolerance is abnormal. In vitro, beta-cells display loss of control of insulin gene expression by glucose and impaired GSIS with a loss of first phase but preserved second phase of secretion, while the secretory response to non-glucidic nutrients or to D-glyceraldehyde is normal. This is accompanied by alterations in the postnatal development of pancreatic islets, evidenced by an inversion of the alpha- to beta-cell ratio. Glut-2 is thus required to maintain normal glucose homeostasis and normal function and development of the endocrine pancreas. Its absence leads to symptoms characteristic of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


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In my first project, I analyzed the role of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC) in the skin during wound healing. ENaC is present in the skin and a function in keratinocyte differentiation and barrier formation has been demonstrated. Previous findings suggested, that ENaC might be implicated in keratinocyte migration, although its role in wound healing was not analyzed yet. Using skin-specific (K14-Cre) conditional ENaC knockout and overexpressing mice, I determined the wound closure kinetic and performed morphometric measurements. The time course of wound repair was not significantly different in knockouts or transgenics when compared to control mice and the morphology of the closing wound was not altered. In my second project, I studied the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, Tsc22d3). GILZ is widely expressed and an important role has been predicted in immunity, adipogenesis and renal sodium handling. Mice were generated that constitutively lack all the functional domains of the Gilz gene. In these mice, the expression of GILZ mRNA transcripts and protein were completely abolished in all tissues tested. Surprisingly, knockout mice survived. To test whether GILZ mimicks glucocorticoid action, we studied its implication in T- and B- cell development and in a model of sepsis. We measured cytokine secretion in different inflammatory models, like in peritoneal and bone marrow-derived macrophages, in splenocytes and a model of sepsis. In all our experiments, cytokine secretion from GILZ- deficient cells was not different from controls. From 6 months onwards, knockout mice contained significantly less body fat and were lighter. Following sodium and water deprivation experiments, water and salt homeostasis was preserved. Sterility of knockout males was associated with a severe testis dysplasia, smaller seminiferous tubules, the number of Sertoli and germ cell was reduced while increased apoptosis, but not cell proliferation, was evidenced. The interstitial Leydig cell population was augmented, and higher plasma FSH and testosterone levels were found. Interestingly, the expression of the target gene Ppar2 was diminished in the testis and in the liver, but not in the skin, kidney or fat. Tsc22d1 mRNA transcript level was found to be upregulated in testis, but not in the kidney or fat tissue. In most tissue, excepted the testis, GILZ-deficient mice reveal functional redundancy amongst members of the Tsc22d family or genes involved in the same regulatory pathways. In summary, contrarily to the published in vitro data, GILZ does not play a crucial role attributed in immunology or inflammation, but we identified a novel function in spermatogenesis. -- Dans mon premier projet, j'ai analysé le rôle du canal épithélial sodique sensible à l'amiloride (ENaC) dans la cicatrisation de la peau. ENaC est présent dans la peau et il a une fonction dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et dans la formation de la barrière. Des études suggèrent qu'ENaC pourrait être impliqué dans la migration des kératinocytes, cependant, son rôle dans la cicatrisation n'a pas encore été étudié. A l'aide de souris qui surexpriment ou qui sont knockout pour ENaC, spécifiquement dans la peau (K14-Cre), j'ai analysé le temps de clôture de la cicatrice et j'ai aussi étudié la morphologie de la plaie guérissant. Chez les souris qui surexpriment ou chez les knockouts, la vitesse de fermeture et la morphologie de la cicatrice étaient identiques aux souris contrôles. Dans mon second projet, j'ai étudié le glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, Tsc22d3). GILZ est largement exprimé et un rôle important a été prédit dans l'immunité, l'adipogénèse et le transport sodique rénal. Des souris ont été générées dont les domaines fonctionnels du gène Gilz sont éliminés. L'expression de GILZ en ARNm et protéine a été complètement abolie dans tous les tissus testés. Étonnamment, ces souris knockout survivent. Afin de tester si GILZ imite les effets des glucocorticoïdes, nous avons étudié son implication dans le développement des cellules T et B ainsi qu'un modèle de septicémie. Nous avons mesuré la sécrétion de cytokines à partir de différents modèles d'inflammation tels que des macrophages péritonéaux ou de moelle, de splénocytes ou encore d'un modèle de septicémie. Dans toutes nos expériences, la sécrétion de cytokines de cellules GILZ-déficientes était semblable. Dès 6 mois, les knockouts contenaient significativement moins de graisses et étaient plus légères. Suite à une privation sodique et aqueuse, l'homéostasie du sel et de l'eau était préservée. Les mâles knockouts présentaient une stérilité accompagnée d'une dysplasie testiculaire sévère, de tubules séminifères étaient plus petits et contenaient un nombre réduit de cellules de Sertoli et de cellules germinales. L'apoptose était augmentée dans ces cellules mais pas la prolifération cellulaire. Le nombre de cellules de Leydig était aussi plus élevé, ainsi que la FSH et la testostérone. L'expression du gène cible Pparγ2 était diminuée dans le testicule et le foie, mais pas dans la peau, le rein ou le tissu adipeux. L'ARNm de Tsc22d1 était plus exprimé dans le testicule, mais pas dans le rein ou le tissu adipeux. Dans la plupart des tissus, sauf le testicule, les souris knockouts révélaient une redondance fonctionnelle des autres membres de la famille Tsc22d ou de gènes impliqués dans les mêmes voies de régulation. En résumé, contrairement aux données in vitro, GILZ ne joue pas un rôle essentiel en immunologie, mais nous avons identifié une nouvelle fonction dans la spermatogénèse.


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The effects of a protein-restricted diet (8% protein, 81% carbohydrate and 11% lipids) on Schistosoma mansoni infectivity, fecal egg excretion and intestinal egg distribution in Swiss (SW) mice were studied. Pregnant mice received a deficient diet from the middle of gestation until delivery. Seven-days-old mice were exposed to 50 cercariae (BH strain, Brazil). Offspring mice had a free access to the deficient diet since lactation until adulthood. The controls were fed with a commercial mice diet. A parasitological examination was performed between six and eight weeks post-infection while both groups were necropsied one week later. Mice on the experimental diet showed a significant loss in body weight. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in pre-patent period, kinetics of egg excretion and worm recovery from mice on either diet. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found concerning to the percentage of deposited eggs in the distal segment of the small intestine from hosts on the experimental diet.Our data suggest that experimental malnutrition induced for a long term has no detrimental effect on the acute schistosomiais infection in SW mice.


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Lentivector-mediated transgenesis is increasingly used, whether for basic studies as an alternative to pronuclear injection of naked DNA or to test candidate gene therapy vectors. In an effort to characterize the genetic features of this approach, we first measured the frequency of germ line transmission of individual proviruses established by infection of fertilized mouse oocytes. Seventy integrants from 11 founder (G0) mice were passed to 111 first generation (G1) pups, for a total of 255 events corresponding to an average rate of transmission of 44%. This implies that integration had most often occurred at the one- or two-cell stage and that the degree of genotypic mosaicism in G0 mice obtained through this approach is generally minimal. Transmission analysis of eight individual proviruses in 13 G2 mice obtained by a G0-G1 cross revealed only 8% of proviral homozygosity, significantly below the 25% expected from purely Mendelian transmission, suggesting counter-selection due to interference with the functions of targeted loci. Mapping of 239 proviral integration sites in 49 founder animals revealed that about 60% resided within annotated genes, with a marked tendency for clustering in the middle of the transcribed region, and that integration was not influenced by the transcriptional orientation. Transcript levels of a set of arbitrarily chosen target genes were significantly higher in two-cell embryos than in embryonic stem cells or adult somatic cells, suggesting that, as previously noted in other settings, lentiviral vectors integrate preferentially into regions of the genome that are transcriptionally active or poised for activation.


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In a mode of nude mice bearing a human colon carcinoma xenograft, the biodistribution and tumor localization of metatetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (m-THPC) coupled to polyethylene glycol (PEG) were compared with those of the free form of this photosensitizer used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). At different times after i.v. injection of both forms of 125I-labeled photosensitizer, m-THPC-PEG gave on average a 2-fold higher tumor uptake than free m-THPC. In addition, at early times after injection, m-THPC-PEG showed a 2-fold longer blood circulating half-life and a 4-fold lower liver uptake than free m-THPC. The tumor to normal tissue ratios of radioactivity concentrations were always higher for m-THPC-PEG than for free m-THPC at any time point studied from 2 to 96 hr post-injection. Significant coefficients of correlation between direct fluorescence measurements and radioactivity counting were obtained within each organ tested. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that m-THPC-PEG was preferentially localized near the tumor vessels, whereas m-THPC was more diffusely distributed inside the tumor tissue. To verify whether m-THPC-PEG conjugate remained phototoxic in vivo, PDT experiments were performed 72 hr after injection and showed that m-THPC-PEG was as potent as free m-THPC in the induction of tumor regression provided that the irradiation does for m-THPC-PEG conjugate was adapted to a well-tolerated 2-fold higher level. The overall results demonstrate first the possibility of improving the in vivo tumor localization of a hydrophobic dye used for PDT by coupling it to PEG and second that a photosensitizer conjugated to a macromolecule can remain phototoxic in vivo.


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C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet (HFD) for 9 mo. Approximately 50% of the mice became obese and diabetic (ObD), approximately 10% lean and diabetic (LD), approximately 10% lean and nondiabetic (LnD), and approximately 30% displayed intermediate phenotype. All of the HFD mice were insulin resistant. In the fasted state, whole body glucose clearance was reduced in ObD mice, unchanged in the LD mice, and increased in the LnD mice compared with the normal-chow mice. Because fasted ObD mice were hyperinsulinemic and the lean mice slightly insulinopenic, there was no correlation between insulin levels and increased glucose utilization. In vivo, tissue glucose uptake assessed by 2-[(14)C]deoxyglucose accumulation was reduced in most muscles in the ObD mice but increased in the LnD mice compared with the values of the control mice. In the LD mice, the glucose uptake rates were reduced in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and total hindlimb but increased in soleus, diaphragm, and heart. When assessed in vitro, glucose utilization rates in the absence and presence of insulin were similar in diaphragm, soleus, and EDL muscles isolated from all groups of mice. Thus, in genetically homogenous mice, HFD feeding lead to different metabolic adaptations. Whereas all of the mice became insulin resistant, this was associated, in obese mice, with decreased glucose clearance and hyperinsulinemia and, in lean mice, with increased glucose clearance in the presence of mild insulinopenia. Therefore, increased glucose clearance in lean mice could not be explained by increased insulin level, indicating that other in vivo mechanisms are triggered to control muscle glucose utilization. These adaptive mechanisms could participate in the protection against development of obesity.


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Invariant NKT (iNKT) cells are potent activators of DCs, NK cells, and T cells, and their antitumor activity has been well demonstrated. A single injection of the high-affinity CD1d ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (alphaGalCer) leads to short-lived iNKT cell activation followed, however, by long-term anergy, limiting its therapeutic use. In contrast, we demonstrated here that when alphaGalCer was loaded on a recombinant soluble CD1d molecule (alphaGalCer/sCD1d), repeated injections led to sustained iNKT and NK cell activation associated with IFN-gamma secretion as well as DC maturation in mice. Most importantly, when alphaGalCer/sCD1d was fused to a HER2-specific scFv antibody fragment, potent inhibition of experimental lung metastasis and established s.c. tumors was obtained when systemic treatment was started 2-7 days after the injection of HER2-expressing B16 melanoma cells. In contrast, administration of free alphaGalCer at this time had no effect. The antitumor activity of the CD1d-anti-HER2 fusion protein was associated with HER2-specific tumor localization and accumulation of iNKT, NK, and T cells at the tumor site. Targeting iNKT cells to the tumor site thus may activate a combined innate and adaptive immune response that may prove to be effective in cancer immunotherapy


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BACKGROUND: In chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, the intake of calcium-based phosphate binders is associated with a marked progression of coronary artery and aortic calcification, in contrast to patients receiving calcium-free phosphate binders. The aim of this study was to reexamine the role of calcium carbonate in vascular calcification and to analyse its effect on aortic calcification-related gene expression in chronic renal failure (CRF). METHODS: Mice deficient in apolipoprotein E underwent either sham operation or subtotal nephrectomy to create CRF. They were then randomly assigned to one of the three following groups: a control non-CRF group and a CRF group fed on standard diet, and a CRF group fed on calcium carbonate enriched diet, for a period of 8 weeks. Aortic atherosclerotic plaque and calcification were evaluated using quantitative morphologic image processing. Aortic gene and protein expression was examined using immunohistochemistry and Q-PCR methods. RESULTS: Calcium carbonate supplementation was effective in decreasing serum phosphorus but was associated with a higher serum calcium concentration. Compared with standard diet, calcium carbonate enriched diet unexpectedly induced a significant decrease of both plaque (p<0.05) and non-plaque-associated calcification surface (p<0.05) in CRF mice. It also increased osteopontin (OPN) protein expression in atherosclerotic lesion areas of aortic root. There was also a numerical increase in OPN and osteoprotegerin gene expression in total thoracic aorta but the difference did not reach the level of significance. Finally, calcium carbonate did not change the severity of atherosclerotic lesions. CONCLUSION: In this experimental model of CRF, calcium carbonate supplementation did not accelerate but instead decreased vascular calcification. If our observation can be extrapolated to humans, it appears to question the contention that calcium carbonate supplementation, at least when given in moderate amounts, necessarily enhances vascular calcification. It is also compatible with the hypothesis of a preponderant role of phosphorus over that of calcium in promoting vascular calcification in CRF.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The metabolic syndrome comprises a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors but the underlying mechanism is not known. Mice with targeted disruption of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) are hypertensive and insulin resistant. We wondered, whether eNOS deficiency in mice is associated with a phenotype mimicking the human metabolic syndrome. METHODS AND RESULTS: In addition to arterial pressure and insulin sensitivity (euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp), we measured the plasma concentration of leptin, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, fibrinogen and uric acid in 10 to 12 week old eNOS-/- and wild type mice. We also assessed glucose tolerance under basal conditions and following a metabolic stress with a high fat diet. As expected eNOS-/- mice were hypertensive and insulin resistant, as evidenced by fasting hyperinsulinaemia and a roughly 30 percent lower steady state glucose infusion rate during the clamp. eNOS-/- mice had a 1.5 to 2-fold elevation of the cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid plasma concentration. Even though body weight was comparable, the leptin plasma level was 30% higher in eNOS-/- than in wild type mice. Finally, uric acid and fibrinogen were elevated in the eNOS-/- mice. Whereas under basal conditions, glucose tolerance was comparable in knock out and control mice, on a high fat diet, knock out mice became significantly more glucose intolerant than control mice. CONCLUSIONS: A single gene defect, eNOS deficiency, causes a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in young mice. We speculate that defective nitric oxide synthesis could trigger many of the abnormalities making up the metabolic syndrome in humans.


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We have recently shown that immunophotodetection of human colon carcinomas in nude mice and in patients is possible by using anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibodies (MAb) coupled to fluorescein. The most common clinical application of photodiagnosis has been for the detection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) in the upper respiratory tract, but the free dyes used have a poor tumor selectivity. We selected the known MAb E48 directed against SCC and coupled it to a fluorescent dye: indopentamethinecyanin (indocyanin). This dye has an advantage over fluorescein in that it emits a more penetrating fluorescent red signal at 667 nm after excitation with a laser ray of 640 nm. In vitro, an conjugate with an indocyanin:MAb molar ratio of 2, and an additional trace labeling with 125I, showed more than 80% of binding to cells from the SCC line A431. In vivo, when injected i.v. into nude mice bearing xenografts of the same carcinoma line, the MAb E48-(indocyanin)2 conjugate was almost as efficient as the unconjugated MAb E48 in terms of specific tumor localization: 15% of the injected dose per g of tumor at 24 h after injection and a tumor:overall normal tissue ratio of 6-8. There was no selective tumor localization of an irrelevant IgG1-(indocyanin)2 conjugate. Immunophotodetection of the s.c. SCC xenografts on mice given injections of 100 micrograms of MAb E48-(indocyanin), conjugate (representing 1 microgram of indocyanin) was performed at 24 h. Upon laser irradiation, clearly detectable red fluorescence from the indocyanin-MAb conjugate was observed specifically in the SCC xenografts across the mouse skin. In comparison, injection of 100 micrograms of a MAb E48 coupled to 2 micrograms of fluorescein gave a specific green fluorescence signal in the tumor xenografts, which was detectable, however, only after removing the mouse skin. Injection i.v. of a 15 times higher amount of free indocyanin (15 micrograms) gave a diffuse red fluorescence signal all over the mouse body with no definite increase in intensity in the tumor, indicating a lack of tumor selectivity of the free dye. The results demonstrate the possibility of broadening and improving the efficiency of tumor immunophotodiagnosis by coupling to a MAb directed against SCC, a fluorescent dye absorbing and emitting at higher wavelength than fluorescein, and thus having deeper tissue penetration and lower tissue autofluorescence. Such a demonstration opens the way to a new form of clinical immunophotodiagnosis and possibly to the development of a more specific approach to phototherapy of early bronchial carcinomas.


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Purpose: Cardiac 18F-FDG PET is considered as the gold standard to assess myocardial metabolism and infarct size. The myocardial demand for glucose can be influenced by fasting and/or following pharmacological preparation. In the rat, it has been previously shown that fasting combined with preconditioning with acipimox, a nicotinic acid derivate and lipidlowering agent, increased dramatically 18F-FDG uptake in the myocardium. Strategies aimed at reducing infarct scar are evaluated in a variety of mouse models. PET would particularly useful for assessing cardiac viability in the mouse. However, prior knowledge of the best preparation protocol is a prerequisite for accurate measurement of glucose uptake in mice. Therefore, we studied the effect of different protocols on 18F-FDG uptake in the mouse heart.Methods: Mice (n = 15) were separated into three treatment groups according to preconditioning and underwent a 18FDG PET scan. Group 1: No preconditioning (n = 3); Group 2: Overnight fasting (n = 8); and Group 3: Overnight fasting and acipimox (25mg/kg SC) (n = 4). MicroPET images were processed with PMOD to determine 18F-FDG mean standard uptake value (SUV) at 30 min for the whole left ventricle (LV) and for each region of the 17-segments AHA model. For comparisons, we used Mann-Whitney test and multilevel mixed-effects linear regression (Stata 11.0).Results: In total, 27 microPET were performed successfully in 15 animals. Overnight fasting led to a dramatic increase in LV-SUV compared to mice without preconditioning (8.6±0.7g/mL vs. 3.7±1.1g/mL, P<0.001). In addition, LV-SUV was slightly but not significantly higher in animals treated with acipimox compared to animals with overnight fasting alone (10.2±0.5 g/mL, P = 0.06). Fastening increased segmental SUV by 5.1±0.5g/mL as compared to free-feeding mice (from 3.7±0.8g/mL to 8.8±0.4g/mL, P<0.001); segmental-SUV also significantly increased after administration of acipimox (from 8.8±0.4g/mL to 10.1±0.4g/mL, P<0.001).Conclusion: Overnight fasting led to myocardial glucose deprivation and increases 18F-FDG myocardial uptake. Additional administration of acipimox enhances myocardial 18F-FDG uptake, at least at the segmental level. Thus, preconditioning with acipimox may provide better image quality that may help for assessing segmental myocardial metabolism.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines based on L1 virus-like particle (VLP) can prevent genital HPV infection and associated lesions after three intramuscular injections. Needle-free administration might facilitate vaccine implementation, especially in developing countries. Here we have investigated rectal and vaginal administration of HPV16 L1 VLPs in mice and their ability to induce anti-VLP and HPV16-neutralizing antibodies in serum and in genital, rectal and oral secretions. Rectal and vaginal immunizations were not effective in the absence of adjuvant. Cholera toxin was able to enhance systemic and mucosal anti-VLPs responses after rectal immunization, but not after vaginal immunization. Rectal immunization with Resiquimod and to a lesser extent Imiquimod, but not monophosphoryl lipid A, induced anti-HPV16 VLP antibodies in serum and secretions. Vaginal immunization was immunogenic only if administered in mice treated with nonoxynol-9, a disrupter of the cervico-vaginal epithelium. Our findings show that rectal and vaginal administration of VLPs can induce significant HPV16-neutralizing antibody levels in secretions, despite the fact that low titers are induced in serum. Imidazoquinolines, largely used to treat genital and anal warts, and nonoxonol-9, used as genital microbicide/spermicide were identified as adjuvants that could be safely used by the rectal or vaginal route, respectively.


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In neurodegenerative diseases, one can observe deposits of degradation products that represent hallmark structures. Actually, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood, but some hypotheses claim that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is perturbed in neurodegenerative diseases. Some of the influencing factors are aging, oxidation and the formation of free radicals, as well as genetic mutations which affect the function of proteins and result in an accumulation and formation of aggresomes. The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in which a malfunction of the sodium dismutase perturbs the redox system, is characterized by the accumulation of elements of the cytoskeleton in motor neurons and a progressive neuronal death. We suppose that in these diseases the ubiquitin- proteasome system is deregulated and try to demonstrate this hypothesis by comparing the ubiquitination of different neurofilaments in brain and spinal cord of transgenic and control mice. These NFH-LacZ mice with a truncated NF-H protein and a ß-galactosidase marker protein induce an accumulation of NF-proteins and neurofilaments are no longer transported into axons or dendrites. The accumulation of such aggregates resembles the phenotype of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Beside the ubiquitination the neurofilament expression and phosphorylation state was investigated. The results cannot demonstrate a perturbation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system of neurofilaments in transgenic mice. In contrast, in accordance with the mechanism of the NFH-LacZ mice a decrease of high and medium density neurofilaments and a hypophosphorylation were found. In conclusion, to elicit the pathological mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and to develop focused treatments, we have to review the pathological mechanism of the transgenic mice and repeat the experiments with other animal models or with human material. Other possibilities would be to focus on other degradation mechanisms, such as the endosome/lysosome system, and to define their role in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis more clearly.