173 resultados para Furo concêntrico


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The inflation of an intravascular balloon positioned at the superior vena cava and right atrial junction (SVC-RAJ) reduces sodium or water intake induced by various experimental procedures (e.g. sodium depletion; hypovolaemia). In the present study we investigated if the stretch induced by a balloon at this site inhibits a rapid onset salt appetite, and if this procedure modifies the pattern of immunohistochemical labelling for Fos protein (Fos-ir) in the brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats with SVC-RAJ balloons received a combined treatment of furosemide (Furo; 10 mg (kg bw)(-1)) plus a low dose of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (Cap; 5 mg (kg bw)(-1)). Balloon inflation greatly decreased the intake of 0.3 M NaCl for as long as the balloon was inflated. Balloon inflation over a 3 h period following Furo-Cap treatment decreased Fos-ir in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the subfornical organ and increased Fos-ir in the lateral parabrachial nucleus and caudal ventrolateral medulla. The effect of balloon inflation was specific for sodium intake because it did not affect the drinking of diluted sweetened condensed milk. Balloon inflation and deflation also did not acutely change mean arterial pressure. These results suggest that activity in forebrain circumventricular organs and in hindbrain putative body fluid/cardiovascular regulatory regions is affected by loading low pressure mechanoreceptors at the SVC-RAJ, a manipulation that also attenuates salt appetite.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hypertonic NaCl intake is produced by serotonin receptor antagonism in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) of dehydrated rats or in rats pretreated with a mineralocorticoid, for example deoxycorticosterone (DOCA), that receive an intracerebroventricular injection (icv) of angiotensin II (ang II). The objective of the present work was to find out whether these two mechanisms are also involved with isotonic NaCl intake. Serotonin receptor blockade by methysergide in the LPBN (4 mu g/0.2 mu l bilaterally) had no effect on 0.15 M NaCl (methysergide: 19.3 +/- 5.2 ml/60 min; vehicle: 19.3 +/- 4.2 ml/60 min; n=7) or water (methysergide: 3.4 +/- 1.4 ml/ 60 min; vehicle 2.2 +/- 0.6 ml/60 min) intake induced by systemic diuretic furosemide combined with low dose of captopril (Furo/Cap). Methysergide treatment 4 days later in the same animals produced the expected enhancement in the 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by Furo/Cap (methysergide: 16.6 +/- 3.5 ml/60 min; vehicle: 6.6 +/- 1.5 ml/60 min). Similar result was obtained when another group was tested first with 0.3 M NaCl and later with 0.15 M NaCl. Isotonic NaCl intake induced by icv ang II was however enhanced by prior DOCA treatment. A de novo hypertonic NaCl intake was produced in another group by the same combined treatment. The results suggest that a facilitatory mechanism like the mineralocorticoid/ang II synergy may enhance NaCl solution intake at different levels of tonicity, while the action of an inhibitory mechanism, like the LPBN serotonergic system, is restricted to the ingestion at hypertonic levels. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a taxa de desenvolvimento de força (TDF) nas contrações isométrica e isocinética concêntrica a 60°.s-1 e 180°.s-1. Quatorze indivíduos do gênero masculino (idade = 23,1 ± 2,8 anos; estatura = 174 ± 31,3cm; massa corporal = 81 ± 12kg) realizaram inicialmente uma familiarização ao equipamento isocinético. Posteriormente, os indivíduos realizaram em ordem randômica cinco contrações isocinéticas máximas para os extensores do joelho a 60°.s-1 e 180°.s-1 para determinar o torque máximo concêntrico (TMC) e duas contrações isométricas máximas de 3s para determinar o torque máximo isométrico (TMI). O TMI (301,4 ± 56,0N.m) foi maior do que o TMC a 60°.s-1 (239,8 ± 42,2N.m) e 180°.s-1 (175,0 ± 32,5 N.m). O TMC a 60°.s-1 foi maior do que o TMC a 180°.s-1. Para os intervalos de 0-30ms e 0-50ms, a TDF na condição isométrica (1.196,6 ± 464,6 e 1.326,5 ± 514,2N.m.s-1, respectivamente) foi similar à TDF a 60°.s-1 (1.035,4 ± 446,2 e 1.134,3 ± 448,4N.m.s-1) e maior do que a 180°.s-1 (656,7 ± 246,6 e 475,2 ± 197,9N.m.s-1), sendo ainda que a TDF na contração concêntrica a 180°.s-1 foi menor do que a 60°.s-1. No intervalo de 0-100ms, a TDF da contração isométrica (1.248,8 ± 417,4N.m.s-1) foi maior que a obtida na contração isocinética rápida (909,2 ± 283,4N.m.s-1). A TDF obtida na contração isocinética lenta (1.005,4 ± 247,7N.m.s-1) foi similar à obtida na contração isométrica e na concêntrica isocinética rápida. No intervalo 0-150ms, a TDF isométrica (1.084,2 ± 332,1N.m.s-1) foi maior do que as concêntricas (60°.s-1 e 180°.s-1) (834,8 ± 184,2 e 767,6 ± 201,8N.m.s-1, respectivamente), não existindo diferenças entre estas duas últimas. Conclui-se que a TDF é dependente do tipo e da velocidade de contração, suportando a hipótese de que maiores velocidades de contração acarretam maior inibição do drive neural no início do movimento.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição relativa da remodelação geométrica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e das alterações morfológicas e funcionais do miocárdio, em ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAS), na fase de transição da hipertrofia compensada para a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC). MÉTODOS: Vinte e uma semanas após a indução da EAS os ratos foram classificados como controles (GC,n=13), não portadores (GE,n=11) ou portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (GE-IC,n=12).Todos os grupos foram avaliados com estudo ecocardiográfico, hemodinâmico e morfológico do miocárdio. RESULTADOS: Vinte e uma semanas após EAS: índice de massa (GE-IC>GE>GC,p<0.05); pressão sistólica: (GE-IC = GE>GC, p<0,05); pressão diastólica: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05); estresse meridional sistólico e diastólico: (GE-IC>GE>GC,p<0.05); área de secção dos miócitos: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05) e conteúdo de hidroxiprolina: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05) do VE. No grupo GE-IC o remodelamento geométrico do VE foi caracterizado por aumento significante das dimensões e espessura relativa da parede normal (remodelamento excêntrico) enquanto que o grupo GE apresentou remodelamento concêntrico. Os índices de desempenho do VE do grupo GE-IC foram significantemente menores que do grupo GE. CONCLUSÃO: Os grupos GE-IC e GE diferiram primariamente no processo de remodelação geométrica do VE e estrutural do miocárdio que estabeleceu um estado cronicamente compensado no grupo GE e precipitou a ICC no grupo GE-IC na vigência de graus equivalentes de comprometimento da contratilidade. Neste modelo experimental a fase de transição da hipertrofia compensada para a ICC está mais estreitamente relacionada com o remodelamento geométrico adverso do VE e estrutural do miocárdio do que com o grau de comprometimento da contratilidade.


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Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de digestibilidade, objetivando-se estudar o valor nutricional de quatro diferentes milhetos (BN2, COMUM, IAPAR e IAPAR-REPASSE) processados em moinhos com três tipos de peneiras (diâmetros de furo de 3, 2 e 1 mm). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade (CD) da energia bruta (CDEB) e o coeficiente de metabolizabilidade (CM) da energia bruta (CMEB) relativos à peneira de 3 mm foram: 63,09 e 61,20% (COMUM); 71,57 e 69,66% (IAPAR) e 67,39 e 65,60% (BN2). Os CD e CM da energia do COMUM foram inferiores ao IAPAR e ambos foram semelhantes ao BN2. O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou CDEB de 70,62% e CMEB de 68,49%, semelhante ao IAPAR. O IAPAR-1 mm apresentou maior CDEB e CMEB (84,61 e 81,41%) que o IAPAR-3 mm (70,59 e 68,71%) e o IAPAR-2 mm (77,73 e 75,46%). Os valores de energia digestível (ED) e energia metabolizável (EM) para o IAPAR (3 mm) foram de 3.030 kcal/kg e 3.001 kcal/kg, respectivamente. Verificou-se ED de 3.083 e 3.355 kcal/kg e em de 2.993 e 3.228 kcal/kg para o IAPAR (2 e 1 mm). O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou valores de 2.849 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.763 kcal/kg (EM), enquanto o COMUM (3 e 2 mm), de 2.574 e 3.022 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.497 e 2.932 kcal/kg (EM), e o BN2 (3 e 2 mm), de 2.692 e 3.047 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.620 e 2.966 kcal/kg (EM). As diferentes variedades de milheto apresentaram variações em sua composição química que resultaram em diferenças no valor nutricional, sendo o milheto IAPAR o que apresentou melhor valor, seguido pelo BN2 e o COMUM.


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This study investigated the effects of bilateral injections of serotonergic receptor agonist and antagonist into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) on the ingestion of water and 0.3 M NaCl induced by intracerebroventricular angiotensin II (ANG II) or by combined subcutaneous injections of the diuretic furosemide (Furo) and the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (Cap). Rats had stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN and into the left lateral ventricle. Bilateral LPBN pretreatment with the serotonergic 5-HT1/5-HT2 receptor antagonist methysergide (4 mu g/200 nl each site) increased 0.3 M NaCl and water intakes induced by intracerebroventricular ANG II (50 ng/mu l) and 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by subcutaneous Furo + Cap. Pretreatment with bilateral LPBN injections of a serotonergic 5-HT2A/2C receptor agonist DOI (5 mu g/200 nl) significantly reduced 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by subcutaneous Furo + Cap. Pretreatment with methysergide or DOI into the LPBN produced no significant changes in the water intake induced by subcutaneous Furo + Cap. These results suggest that serotonergic mechanisms associated with the LPBN may have inhibitory roles in water and sodium ingestion in rats.


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Methysergide injected bilaterally into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) increases NaCl intake in several models of renin-dependent salt appetite. The present study investigated the role of angiotensin Type 1 (AT(1)) receptors in the subfornical organ (SFO) on this effect. The intake of 0.3 M NaCl and water was induced by combined administration of the diuretic, furosemide (FURO), and the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril (CAP). Pretreatment of the SFO with an AT, receptor antagonist, losartan (1 mu g/200 nl), reduced water intake but not 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by subcutaneous FURO + CAP. Methysergide (4 mu g/200 nl) injected bilaterally into the LPBN increased 0.3 M NaC1 intake after FURO + CAP. Losartan injected into the SFO prevented the additional 0.3 M NaC1 intake caused by LPBN methysergide injections. These results indicate that AT, receptors located in the SFO may have a role in mediating an enhanced sodium intake produced by methysergide treatment. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study investigated the effects of bilateral injections of the nonselective CCK receptor antagonist proglumide or CCK-8 into the lateral parabrachial nuclei (LPBN) on the ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl and water induced by intracerebroventricular injection of ANG II or by a combined treatment with subcutaneous furosemide (Furo) + captopril (Cap). Compared with the injection of saline (vehicle), bilateral LPBN injections of proglumide (50 mu g . 200 nl(-1). site(-1)) increased the intake of 0.3 ill NaCl induced by intracerebroventricular ANG II (50 ng/1 mu l). Bilateral injections of proglumide into the LPBN also increased ANG II-induced water intake when NaCl was simultaneously available, but not when only water was present. Similarly, the ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl and water induced by the treatment with Furo (10 mg/kg) + Cap (5 mg/kg) was increased by bilateral LPBN proglumide pretreatment. Bilateral CCK-8 (0.5 mu g . 200 nl(-1). site(-1)) injections into the LPBN did not change Furo + Cap-induced 0.3 M NaCl intake but reduced water consumption. When only water was available after intracerebroventricular ANG II, bilateral LPBN injections of proglumide or CCK-8 had no effect or significantly reduced water intake compared with LPBN vehicle-treated rats. Taken together, these results suggest that CCK actions in the LPBN play a modulatory role on the control of NaCl and water intake induced by experimental treatments that induce hypovolemia and/or hypotension or that mimic those states.


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The Island is bordered by Amazon and Madeira rivers and by Uraria furo. The alluvial bars show the evolution phases of these big rivers on the fluvial plain. The lacustrine deltas are another morphologic feature. Within the lakes it is possible to observe streams with great density of sediments, when the flood phases of the Amazon create internal deltas and lake bedforms.-from English summary


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To determine lycopene uptake and tissue distribution in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and F344 rats, we supplemented orally 4.6 mg/(kg body wt-d) lycopene in a tomato oleoresin-com oil mixture (experimental groups). After 9 wk of supplementation, the animals were killed and blood and organs were collected. Plasma and tissue carotenoids were extracted and measured using HPLC. Mean concentrations of lycopene (nmol/kg wet tissue) in saponified tissues of ferrets were as follows: liver 933, intestine 73, prostate 12.7 and stomach 9.3. Levels of lycopene (nmol/kg wet tissue) in saponified tissue of rats were as follows: liver 14213, intestine 3125, stomach 78.6, prostate 24 and testis 3.9. When these organs were extracted without saponification, the lycopene levels were lower, except for rat testis. All-translycopene was the predominant isomer found in tomato oleoresin and in the majority of rat tissues, whereas cislycopenes were predominant in rat prostate and plasma. This pattern was reversed in ferrets. The results show the following: 1) lycopene from tomato oleoresin is absorbed and stored primarily in the liver of both animals; 2) saponification generally improves the extraction of lycopene from most tissues of both animals; 3) cis-lycopene and all- translycopene are the predominant isomers in ferret and rat tissues, respectively; and 4) rats absorb lycopene more effectively than ferrets.


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Objective: Gamma-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptor activation with muscimol in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) induces water and 0.3 M NaCl intake. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a local inflammatory event, such as periodontal disease (PD), is able to alter the effects of muscimol on water and 0.3 M NaCl intake in fluid-replete rats and in rats treated with furosemide (FURO) combined with captopril (CAP) injected subcutaneously. Design: Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups: with PD and those without PD (control condition). Fifteen days after PD, both groups had cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN. Results: In fluid-replete rats without PD, injections of muscimol (0.5 nmol/0.2 μl) into the LPBN induced 0.3 M NaCl and water intake and a pressor response. In fluid-replete rats with PD, a decrease was observed in water intake and pressor response but not in 0.3 M NaCl intake. In control rats with FURO + CAP treatment, injections of muscimol into the LPBN increased 0.3 M NaCl and water intake. In PD rats with FURO + CAP treatment, a decrease was observed in 0.3 M NaCl and water intake after muscimol in the LPBN. Alveolar bone loss and interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) plasmatic concentration were higher in PD rats in comparison with controls. Conclusion: These results suggest that PD is able to reduce the pressor response and the dipsogenic and natriorexigenic effects induced by the activation of GABAA receptors in the LPBN, probably due to the elevation of the plasmatic concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Injections of noradrenaline into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) increase arterial pressure and 1.8% NaCl intake and decrease water intake in rats treated with the diuretic furosemide (FURO) combined with a low dose of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (CAP). In the present study, we investigated the influence of the pressor response elicited by noradrenaline injected into the LPBN on FURO + CAP-induced water and 1.8% NaCl intake. Male Holtzman rats with bilateral stainless steel guide-cannulas implanted into LPBN were used. Bilateral injections of noradrenaline (40 nmol/0.2 μl) into the LPBN increased FURO + CAP-induced 1.8% NaCl intake (12.2 ± 3.5, vs., saline: 4.2 ± 0.8 ml/180 min), reduced water intake and strongly increased arterial pressure (50 ± 7, vs. saline: 1 ± 1 mm Hg). The blockade of the α1 adrenoceptors with the prazosin injected intraperitoneally abolished the pressor response and increased 1.8% NaCl and water intake in rats treated with FURO + CAP combined with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN. The deactivation of baro and perhaps volume receptors due to the cardiovascular effects of prazosin is a mechanism that may facilitate water and NaCl intake in rats treated with FURO + CAP combined with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN. Therefore, the activation of α2 adrenoceptors with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN, at least in dose tested, may not completely remove the inhibitory signals produced by the activation of the cardiovascular receptors, particularly the signals that result from the extra activation of these receptors with the increase of arterial pressure. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)