980 resultados para Functional Written Language


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The dissertation presents the learning, production and results of a study with a group of adult students of a high school level class in a night time public school at the Zona Oeste district of Natal-RN. As a teacher of Physics of these adult students, whose age is between 17 and 65 years, we felt the need to deepen our knowledge about the specifics of these students and build ways of teaching which would lead to a more significant educational process beside them. Among these ways of teaching, we emphasize, first, the performance of an extra-class activity that triggered the students' oral narratives about their life stories. Such narratives have led us to prioritize, as goals of teaching: socialization and the rescue of the search for a permanent learning, self-esteem and skills development to promote the exercise of autonomy. The students' previous contacts with the country life showed to be extremely significant for their memories and motives, suggesting the theme "Nature" to be adopted as a matrix for generative themes to be adopted during the teaching and learning moments with them. Considering these results, we construct a teaching proposal for continued work with the class, with which we chose the "Climate" as a guiding theme of this proposal, here presented and analyzed. In addition to a movement between problematizations developed in a thematic framework - through the initial questions of the students -, and those in a more conceptual approach - that we induced -, we have adopted as central methodological aspect the use of oral and written language, both as an exercise of dialogue, Freire's perspective, such as a structural element of cognitive processes, the perspectives of Vygotsky and Bakhtin. The development of the proposal was registered by audio and teacher and students´ regular written records, for 1 month and a half. As positive outcomes of the proposal, we emphasize the changing attitudes of students, showing a significant increase of their initiative in participating of the classes, besides a creative and critical use of arguments during the situations studied


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In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity. In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity


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This present work is going to show some results developed in the Master Degree research and the Post Graduation project in Language studies (PPgEL) at UFRN, under the orientation of Professor Maria da Penha Casado Alves. This research has questions showed by the Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens PROJOVEM. Concerned to methodology, the research is based on Applied Linguistics and it is qualitative and documental. The corpus of the research are the Manual de Orientações Gerais and the Guias de Estudo. The documents that were used for the research were Guide for general orientation and the Study Guides.The Manual de Orientações Gerais was chosen because is focused on the teacher and the Guias de Estudo was chosen because are focused on the students. The discussions and analysis were based on Bakhtin (1997; 2003), for his studies about the language in a dialogical point of view, Faraco (2001 and 2008) and Suassuna (2006) for their discussions about the Portuguese Language and Geraldi (1997; 2005 and 2006) and Antunes (2003) for their orientation and discussions about the teaching process of the written language. The analysis made in the Reference Topics point that however the program proposes a kind of rupture with the traditional way of teaching, it could not take this change to the Study Guides (Guias de Estudo). The result is a didactic material that reproduces activities based on a conception of a descriptive and prescriptive teaching. What is concerned about the proposals for the textual production, it is shown that it is given in an artificial way, without any expression and with no link to any communicative context and sometimes, with no relation to the topic it was supposed to be related to


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TEMA: a produção científica nacional sobre a linguagem escrita no âmbito da Fonoaudiologia. OBJETIVO: analisar parte da produção fonoaudiológica brasileira acerca da linguagem escrita, entre os anos de 1980 a 2004, levando em conta o período da publicação; a distribuição de freqüência por período; os tipos de publicações; as sub-temáticas abordadas e a autoria. MÉTODO: a pesquisa de caráter documental configurou a opção metodológica selecionada para a realização desse estudo. Foram analisados livros, capítulos de livros e artigos publicados em sete periódicos nacionais de Fonoaudiologia (1980 a 2004). RESULTADOS: as produções científicas em torno da linguagem escrita, no período considerado, perfazem um total de 236 publicações. Desse total, 3,39% foram publicadas na década de 1980; 44,1% na década de 1990; e 52,5% durante o período de 2000-2004. Quanto ao tipo das publicações, 18,5% foram publicadas em forma de livro, 39% de capítulo de livro e 42,5% de artigo em periódico. Quanto à autoria das publicações, 42 autores (76,36%), são vinculados a instituições de ensino superior, como docentes ou discentes, com maior concentração no Estado de São Paulo e menor no Rio de Janeiro. As produções analisadas versaram sobre cinco sub-temáticas: distúrbios de linguagem escrita (52%); processo de apropriação da linguagem escrita (23,5%); surdez e linguagem escrita (8,90%); alterações neurológicas e linguagem escrita (8,22%) e escola e linguagem escrita (7,53%). CONCLUSÃO: a pesquisa permitiu recuperar parte da memória acerca da construção de um campo de atuação e de conhecimento da área fonoaudiológica: a linguagem escrita. O ascendente crescimento de publicações em torno dessa temática aponta para o implemento de pesquisas nesse campo da Fonoaudiologia e, portanto, a pertinência de estudos que objetivem analisar os rumos da produção científica relativa ao mesmo.


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Sabe-se que o tratamento fonoaudiológico de pacientes com afasia severa é limitado. A ausência de fala articulada, algumas vezes, impede o diagnóstico da afasia. O paciente grave pode não falar devido à inabilidade de articulação, como ocorre na disartria e/ou apraxia. Essa ausência de fala não permite afirmar se a linguagem está comprometida. O uso da comunicação suplementar e alternativa tem sido um método eficaz na reabilitação desses pacientes. Esse estudo visou descrever o uso da comunicação suplementar e alternativa associada a outras modalidades de linguagem (escrita, gestos), a partir do relato de dois casos de afasia. A análise dos dados foi composta por dois blocos: a introdução da comunicação suplementar e alternativa no diálogo; e o uso da leitura e escrita associado aos símbolos. A comunicação suplementar e alternativa foi um apoio para a oralidade, leitura e escrita dos pacientes.


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Tendo em vista os atuais preceitos socioconstrutivistas da Ciência e da Educação em Ciências, neste estudo, o nosso objetivo foi analisar a vertente epistemológica em artigos científicos que tratam de linguagem escrita. Para tanto, analisamos o conteúdo de seis desses artigos, baseando-nos em indicadores educacionais: concepções de ciência, de sujeito, de linguagem e de intervenção fonoaudiológica. A análise destas concepções, em seu conjunto, nos permitiu o enquadramento do conteúdo desses artigos em uma vertente epistemológica mais ou menos técnica ou humanista, lógico-positivista ou pós-positivista, e, ainda, inferir sobre as implicações dessas vertentes na construção de um conhecimento pedagógico e educacional no campo da Fonoaudiologia, para a formação continuada e em serviço de um profissional fonoaudiólogo capaz de atuar também na escola. Os resultados mostraram que as visões dos autores dos artigos analisados se enquadram em uma vertente predominantemente lógico-positivista, o que aponta para a importância de reestruturar os cursos formadores desses profissionais com base em preceitos de Educação em Ciência e à luz de uma nova Filosofia da Ciência.


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar as funções motoras fina, sensorial e perceptiva de escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) e escolares com bom desempenho escolar sem alterações de comportamento. MÉTODOS: Participaram 22 escolares do ensino fundamental, de gênero masculino, distribuídos em: GI - 11 escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade; e GII - 11 escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico e sem alterações de comportamento. Os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação do Protocolo de Avaliação da Função Motora Fina, Sensorial e Perceptiva e da Escala de Disgrafia. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença nas tarefas de função motora fina, função sensorial e função perceptiva entre o GI e o GII, com desempenho inferior do GI. Todos os escolares de GI apresentaram disgrafia. CONCLUSÃO: Escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade apresentam desempenho inferior aos escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico em relação às funções motoras fina, sensorial e perceptiva. Tais dificuldades podem causar impacto significativo sobre o desempenho acadêmico, uma vez que comprometem o desenvolvimento da linguagem escrita, ocasionando disgrafia nesses escolares.


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A proposta deste artigo é uma reflexão sobre o tratamento dado à oralidade na educação infantil. Tomou-se, como referência, a forma como os contos de fadas são apresentados aos alunos, pêlos professores. Foi analisada a abordagem dada pelo Referencial Curricular para Educação Infantil (1998) à linguagem oral e escrita, bem como trechos de entrevistas realizadas com professores de educação infantil, em uma cidade do interior paulista, como parte de uma pesquisa que resultou na dissertação de Mestrado da autora. Como resultados, percebemos que a escola, em sua função alfabetizadora e por acreditar que as crianças provêm de um meio sócio-cultural desfavorecido, valoriza a linguagem escrita e despreza a oralidade, que perde sua função auxiliar na construção simbólica da criança, o que facilitaria o próprio processo de alfabetização.


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The importance reading and writing and being able to use these skills in a variety of situations is an absolute reality. In our society in which reading and writing are widely used, Brazil still faces severe problems with literacy, as revealed in literacy statistics and in the large number of students with learning disabilities. Thus, our text aims to present a survey of the research that focuses on intervention programs highlighting the needs of this group, with special attention on the use of narrative or storytelling. Specific criteria were established, the main one being the period of the publications (2000 to 2010). The results of the analysis of 15 texts showed that intervention is the most neglected area. International literature presents concerns related to scientific rigor or greater control of variables related to ongoing programs, as well as measures for generalizing the effective use of these programs, within verbal communities, with special focus on schools. Our revision enabled us to conclude that, even though production on written language is large, international literature is much more expressive with reference to intervention programs. Furthermore, in both national and international literature, production concerning the understanding of written language processes of acquisition and development prevails.


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This paper proposes we grant graphemes - the constituents of words in situations of discursive constructions - the status of meaning carrying units, in much the same way Vigotski granted the phoneme such status in relation to the spoken word. This paper also seeks to analyze these units in singular manifestations in acts of appropriation of the written language, based on data created by a six-year-old child in a discursive situation. To perform this task, we also referred to Bakhtinian studies on the role of the other in our relation with language. Since the analysis indicated spelling approximations to records found in old Portuguese, historical grammar research of Portuguese was also used. The findings indicate the diversity of reference sources for letter selection by the child, according to its function in the composition of the word.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC