615 resultados para Frog Sartorius
A new species of leptodactylid frog is described from Parque das Mangabeiras, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger and toe discs with well-developed scutes, a weakly developed stripe on the upper lip, dorsum, arm, leg, and foot dark brown with small irregular brown and black dots, and absence of red and yellow spots in live specimens. The descriptions of the tadpoles and vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A new species of Aparasphenodon is described from patches of arboreal restinga within the Atlantic Forest Biome, in a region known as Baixo Sul in southern Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Aparasphenodon arapapa sp. nov. is promptly diagnosed from other Aparasphenodon mainly by having small size (male snout-vent length 57.4-58.1 mm), loreal region flattened and wide, and canthus rostralis rounded and poorly elevated. The wide and flattened snout resembles that found in Triprion and Diaglena, and possibly is a parallelism (homoplasy) related to the phragmotic behavior of casque-headed tree frogs to their microhabitat usage. The decision to allocate the new species in the genus Aparasphenodon is discussed in detail, as the single morphological synapomorphy of the genus, the presence of a prenasal bone, is insufficient to morphologically relate the new species to Aparasphenodon, Triprion, or Diaglena.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Systemic arterial blood pressure and heart rate (f(H)) were measured in unanesthetized, unrestrained larvae and adults of the paradoxical frog, Pseudis paradoxus from São Paulo State in Brazil. Four developmental groups were used, representing the complete transition from aquatic larvae to primarily air-breathing adults. f(H) (49-66 beats/min) was not significantly affected by development, whereas mean arterial blood pressure was strongly affected, being lowest in the stage 37-39 larvae (10 mmHg), intermediate in the stage 44-45 larvae (18 mmHg), and highest in the juveniles and adults (31 and 30 mmHg, respectively). Blood pressure was not significantly correlated with body mass, which was greatest in the youngest larvae and smallest in the juveniles. In the youngest larvae studied (stages 37-39), lung ventilation was infrequent, causing a slight decrease in arterial blood pressure but no change in heart rate. Lung ventilation was more frequent in stages 44-45 larvae and nearly continuous in juveniles and adults floating at the surface. Bradycardia during both forced and voluntary diving was observed in almost every advanced larva, juvenile, and adult but in only one of four young larvae. Developmentally related changes in blood pressure were not complete until metamorphosis, whereas diving bradycardia was present at an earlier stage.
We studied the signaling, territorial, and courtship behaviors of the diurnal frog Hylodes asper. Visual and acoustic communication were used during intraspecific interactions involving males, females. and subadults. Hylodes aspcr has a complex visual communication system, of which foot-flagging is the most distinctive display observed in the repertoire of visual signals. The splash zone produced by the waterfalls and torrents creates a high, nearly constant, humidity near the streams, reducing the risk of desiccation which enables the diurnal activity of H. asper. Although the ambient sound pressure levels (SPL), measured at the calling sites, are similar to the SPL of the advertisement calls, the high-pitched calls of H, asper, are spectrally different from the noise produced by the water current. Thus. The ambient noise produced by the water current may not interfere significantly with the acoustic communication of this species. The noise and the nearly constant and high humidity produced by the torrents and waterfalls, along with the availability of Light, probably favored the evolution of contrasting colors and visual communication in H. asper: Males of H, aspcr excavate underwater chambers that are probably used to shelter the eggs and to prevent the clutch from being drifted downstream.
Thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic fragments of ventral skin of Rana catesbeiana were analysed regarding the effect of oxytocin on: (1) transepithelial water transport; (2) short-circuit current, (3) skin conductance and electrical potential difference; (4) Na+ conductance, the electromotive force of the Nat transport mechanism, and shunt conductance; (5) short-circuit current responses to fast Na+ by K+ replacement in the outer compartment, and (6) epithelial microstructure. Unstimulated water and Na+ permeabilities were low along the ventral skin. Hydrosmotic and natriferic responses to oxytocin increased from thorax to pelvis, Unstimulated Na+ conductance was greater in pelvis than in abdomen, the other electrical parameters being essentially similar in both skin fragments. Contribution of shunt conductance to total skin conductance was higher in abdominal than in pelvic skin. Oxytocin-induced increases of total skin conductance, Na+ conductance, and shunt conductance in pelvis were significantly larger than in abdomen, An oscillatory behaviour of the short-circuit current was observed only in oxytocin-treated pelvic skins. Decrease of epithelial thickness and increase of mitochondria-rich cell number were observed from thorax to pelvis, Oxytocin-induced increases of interspaces were more conspicuous in pelvis and abdomen than in thorax.
We describe the advertisement call, tadpole, karyotype, and additional information on the natural history of Cycloramphus lutzorum from southern Brazil. Sonograms were generated from digitally recorded calls. Tadpoles were collected in the field for description in the lab, and an adult was collected for karyotyping. Data on seasonal activity were gathered monthly from November 2005 to November 2007. All tadpoles (N = 21), juveniles (N = 18), and adults (N = 52) were found exclusively in streams. Reproduction, as identified by calling frogs, occurred from July through November. Frogs call all day long, but mostly at dusk, from rock crevices inside the stream edges near the splash zone. The call is short and loud, with 11 pulsed notes, of 491-641 ms, with a dominant frequency of 0.98-1.39 kHz. We describe the exotrophic and semiterrestrial tadpoles, always found in constantly humid vertical rock walls in the stream. Tadpoles of C. lutzorum are recognized by differences in labial tooth row formula, eye diameter, body shape, position of nares, and development of tail. Like congeneric species, the karyotype of C. lutzorum comprises 26 metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Cycloramphus lutzorum is restricted to and adapted for living in fast flowing streams, many of which are threatened by deforestation, pollution, and habitat loss. Therefore, we recommend the status of C. lutzorum be changed from its current "Data Deficient" to "Near Threatened (NT)" in the IUCN species red list.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)