944 resultados para Free fat acids


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Catecholamines are viewed as major stimulants of diet- and cold-induced thermogenesis and of fasting-induced lipolysis, through the β-adrenoceptors (β1/β2/β3). To test this hypothesis, we generated β1/β2/β3-adrenoceptor triple knockout (TKO) mice and compared them to wild type animals. TKO mice exhibited normophagic obesity and cold-intolerance. Their brown fat had impaired morphology and lacked responses to cold of uncoupling protein-1 expression. In contrast, TKO mice had higher circulating levels of free fatty acids and glycerol at basal and fasted states, suggesting enhanced lipolysis. Hence, β-adrenergic signalling is essential for the resistance to obesity and cold, but not for the lipolytic response to fasting.


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Biodiesel is an alternative fuel, renewable, biodegradable and nontoxic. The transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fat with alcohol is most common form of production of this fuel. The procedure for production of biodiesel occurs most commonly through the transesterification reaction in which catalysts are used to accelerate and increase their income and may be basic, acid or enzyme. The use of homogeneous catalysis requires specific conditions and purification steps of the reaction products (alkyl ester and glycerol) and removal of the catalyst at the end of the reaction. As an alternative to improve the yield of the transesterification reaction, minimize the cost of production is that many studies are being conducted with the application of heterogeneous catalysis. The use of nano-structured materials as catalysts in the production of biodiesel is a biofuel alternative for a similar to mineral diesel. Although slower, can esterify transesterified triglycerides and free fatty acids and suffer little influence of water, which may be present in the raw material. This study aimed at the synthesis, characterization and application of nano-structured materials as catalysts in the transesterification reaction of soybean oil to produce biodiesel by ethylic route. The type material containing SBA-15 mesoporous lanthanum embedded within rightly Si / La = 50 was used catalyst. Solid samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption and desorption. For the transesterification process, we used a molar ratio of 20:1 alcohol and oil with 0.250 g of catalyst at 60°C and times of 6 hours of reaction. It was determined the content of ethyl esters by H-NMR analysis and gas chromatography. It was found that the variable of conversion obtained was 80%, showing a good catalytic activity LaSBA-15 in the transesterification of vegetable oils via ethylic route


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Arginine was hypothesized to be a model compound in the present study on molecular forms of indispensable amino acid (IAA) dietary supplementation. Juvenile South American pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) were fed diets containing arginine in a protein base (casein-wheat gluten or casein-gelatin), or the casein-wheat gluten base supplemented with dipeptide or free arginine at two levels (5 and 10 g kg(-1)). Growth and protein efficiency ratios were significantly affected by diets, but not by arginine molecular form. Three free dispensable amino acids (DAA) and four IAA in plasma were affected by diet, but plasma arginine concentrations did not differ. Plasma urea concentrations, being very low in the pacu, and hepatic arginase activities, were not affected by diet (P = 0.10-0.11), but together with plasma ornithine, mirrored the growth data. Molecular form of arginine supplementation, free or dipeptide, significantly changed several free IAA (Phe, Leu, Ile, His) and urea, with a higher mean plasma concentration in dipeptide fed fish. The dietary treatments, or molecular form of the arginine supplementation, did not change proximate composition, except that calcium levels decreased with higher dietary arginine supplementation level. The present study indicates that dipeptides can provide IAA to pacu, and that arginine supplemented in this form is utilized as efficiently as in free form.


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P>A 36-day trial was conducted to determine the effects of repetitive periods of food restriction and refeeding on growth and energy metabolism in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). A total 264 juvenile fish (36.9 +/- 2.8 g) were fed with the experimental diet for 36 days using three regimes: (i) feeding daily to satiation (FD); (ii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding the same amount offered to the control groups for the next 3 days (NF/R controlled); and (iii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding to apparent satiation for the next 3 days (NF/R at satiation). The treatments were distributed into four tanks each. WG and SGR were higher in FD group. Fish refed showed hyperphagia just up to the second day of refeeding. The worst feed conversion rate and the lowest protein efficiency ratio were found in fish NF/R controlled. The lowest values of visceral fat somatic index were found in both fasted fish groups, particularly in NF/R at satiation. The LL and glycogen concentrations, and the hepatosomatic index were all elevated in both feed restricted fish. Muscle lipid showed a tendency to decrease after the cycle of fasting and refeeding. Plasma free fatty acids and glucose levels were elevated in fish subjected to feeding restrictions while serum triglycerides levels were reduced. Triiodothyronine levels were significantly depressed in fish from the NF/R-controlled group and remained at the same levels as the control fish in fish NF/R at satiation. Results indicated that fish subjected to cyclic periods of 3-day satiation or controlled feeding after 3-days of fasting were unable to achieve the final body weight of fish fed to satiation after 36 days.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as modificações químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais do leite caprino pasteurizado e congelado durante armazenamento por 90 dias. Foram realizadas análises para caracterização química da matéria prima utilizada nos experimentos (gordura, acidez Dornic, densidade, extrato seco total, pH e ácidos graxos livres-AGL) e caracterização microbiológica (contagem total, psicrotróficos, coliformes totais e fecais). Utilizou-se pasteurização lenta a 63°±1°C por 30 minutos para as amostras de leite seguido de armazenamento em freezer à temperatura de -18°C±1°C. Nos tempos 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias de congelamento foram efetuadas análises químicas (pH, acidez e AGL), microbiológicas (contagem total, psicrotróficos e coliformes) e sensoriais (sabor e aroma característico, sabor e odor estranho e aparência geral). Também, realizou-se análise sensorial do leite nos tempos zero e com 90 dias de armazenamento, após descongelamento e homogeneização em liquidificador por dois minutos. Foi observado que o congelamento prolongado do leite pasteurizado não alterou significativamente suas características químicas e microbiológicas. Apenas a acidez apresentou decréscimo significativo. No entanto, a qualidade do leite do ponto de vista sensorial apresentou modificações significativas, com perdas de sabor e aroma característicos e declínio acentuado da aparência geral durante o armazenamento. A homogeneização do leite em liquidificador, após o descongelamento melhorou a aparência geral e a aceitação do produto pela equipe de provadores.


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as alterações bioquímicas hepáticas decorrentes da administração de uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética em ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 ratos (Wistar) com 90 dias de idade divididos em dois grupos, grupo-controle constituída por ratos eutróficos alimentados com dieta comercial para roedores e grupo-dieta constituída por ratos submetidos a uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética semi purificada feita com 35% de gordura sendo 31% de origem animal a qual possui 39% de gordura saturada e 4% de origem vegetal (óleo de soja). Os animais do grupo-controle foram mantidos com dieta comercial Purina® e o grupo-dieta com uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética constituída por 35% de gordura. Após 60 dias de administração de uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética, analisou-se massa corporal, sensibilidade à insulina, concentração sérica de glicose, insulina e ácidos graxos livres e medida do nível de triglicerídeos, lipídeos totais e atividade lipogênica hepática. RESULTADOS: O grupo-dieta apresentou maior massa corporal e resistência à insulina. No sangue não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos para os níveis de glicose. Foi evidenciada maior concentração de insulina e de ácidos graxos livres no soro para o grupo-dieta. No fígado o nível de lipídeos totais, triglicerídeos e taxa lipo-gênica foram superiores às do grupo-controle. CONCLUSÃO: Portanto, nossos achados demonstram que dois meses de ingestão de dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética por ratos adultos eleva o peso corporal, ácidos graxos livres hepáticos, diminui a sensibilidade à insulina, demostrando sinais típicos de doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A fritura é uma operação importante por ser um processo de preparação rápida de alimentos e por conferir aos produtos fritos características únicas de odor e sabor. Na temperatura de fritura o óleo interage com o ar, água e componentes dos alimentos que estão sendo fritos gerando compostos responsáveis por odores desagradáveis e degradações em óleos utilizados por longos períodos. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar os níveis de alteração dos óleos e gorduras utilizadas nos processos de fritura de restaurantes, lanchonetes, bares e pastelarias da cidade de São José do Rio Preto-SP. Os métodos analíticos aplicados para a avaliação da alteração em 60 amostras de óleos e gorduras incluíram a determinação de compostos polares totais (%), ácidos graxos livres (%, expressos em ácido oléico) e índice de peróxidos (meq/kg). Foram estabelecidos como limite de alteração 25% para compostos polares, 1% para ácidos graxos livres e 15meq/kg para índice de peróxidos. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, observou-se que das 60 amostras analisadas, 30% apresentaram valores de compostos polares superiores ao limite estabelecido para descartar os óleos e gorduras de fritura. Já, para ácidos graxos livres e índice de peróxidos, 18,3% e 8,3% das amostras, respectivamente, apresentaram valores acima do estabelecido para o descarte. Os elevados níveis de compostos polares totais encontrados (57,4%) em um número significativo de amostras demonstraram a necessidade de melhorar a qualidade dos óleos e gorduras de fritura neste setor de alimentação.


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Obesity is an increasing problem in several countries, leading to health problems. Physical exercise, in turn, can be used effectively by itself or in combination with dietary restriction to trigger weight loss. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of aerobic exercise training on lipid profile of obese male Wistar rats in order to verify if this model may be of value for the study of exercise in obesity. Obesity was induced by MSG administration (4mg/g, each other day, from birth to 14 days old) After 14 from drug administration, the rats were separated into two groups: MSG-S (sedentary) and MSG-T (exercise trained). Exercise training consisted in 1h/day, 5 days/week, with an overload of 5% bw, for 10 weeks. Rats of the same age and strain, receiving saline at birth, were used as control (C), and subdivided into two groups: C-S and C-T. At the end of the experimental period, MSG-T and C-T rats showed similar blood lactate and muscle glycogen responses to exercise training and acute exercise. MSG-S rats showed significantly higher carcass fat, serum triacylglycerol, serum insulin and liver total fat than C-S rats. On the other hand, MSG-T rats had lower carcass fat, serum triacylglycerol and liver total fat than MSG-S rats. There were no statistical differences in food intake and serum free fatty acids among the groups studied. These data indicate that this model may be of value for the study of exercise effects on tissue and circulating lipid profile in obesity.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA