946 resultados para Forrageiras nativas


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Objetivou-se nesse estudo avaliar o papel atenuador da espermidina exógena sobre a germinação, vigor de sementes e crescimento de plântulas de cultivares das forrageiras alfafa, guandu e labe-labe submetidas ao estresse salino. A semeadura foi realizada em caixas de plástico tipo gerbox forradas com papel de filtro umedecidos com soluções salinas nas concentrações de 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 120 mM de NaCl contendo 0 ou 0,5 mM de espermidina. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x 6 x 2 (forrageiras x salinidade x espermidina) com cinco repetições de 25 sementes. As avaliações da germinação foram realizadas no quarto e décimo dias, juntamente com o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), avaliado até o nono dia após a semeadura. Determinou-se a concentração salina que reduz em 50% a germinação e a massa seca da parte aérea e raiz no décimo dia após a semeadura. A aplicação de espermidina exógena proporcionou maior acúmulo de massa seca das raízes de labe-labe cv. Rongai, além de ter possibilitado a germinação de 50% das sementes de guandu cv. Caqui até a concentração salina de 72,09 mM de NaCl, assim como maior IVG nas sementes das leguminosas alfafa cv. Crioula e labe-labe cv. Rongai.


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O experimento foi conduzido na UNESP - Jaboticabal com o objetivo de obter informações sobre o rendimento de matéria seca (RMS) e composição química das forrageiras de inverno, aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), em plantio direto sob palhada de área com milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum.) ou híbrido sorgo sudão (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf) submetidas a pastejo. A forragem foi rebaixada por vacas da raça Holandês. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas, sendo analisado nas parcelas as espécies forrageiras e nas sub-parcelas as épocas de pastejo, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos testados foram: AS: Aveia Preta sobre palhada de sorgo; AM: Aveia preta sobre palhada de milheto; TS: Triticale sobre palhada de sorgo; e, TM: Triticale sobre palhada de milheto. As pastagens apresentaram RMS semelhantes e, em relação às épocas de avaliação observou-se menor rendimento no segundo corte. Foram observados maiores teores de PB e de FDA na forragem colhida no primeiro corte e de hemicelulose no segundo corte, enquanto os valores de FDN não foram diferentes. A forragem de triticale apresentou menor conteúdo de PB e maiores teores de constituintes da parede celular.


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A greenhouse investigation was carried out to study the effects of liming on the dry matter (DM) production of the grasses Brachiaria brizantha (Hoscht.) Stapf. cv. Marandu, Andropogon gayanus Kunth cv. Planaltina and Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Aruana, cultivated on a Dark-Red Latosol, medium texture. The liming levels were obtained through the addition of carbonates in a Ca:Mg ratio of 4:1, necessary to increase the degree of base saturation (V%) to the following values; 4% (control), 20%, 36%, 52%, 68% and 84%. During the experimental period (180 days), four cuts were done to determine the DM production. The results indicated that the DM production was increased (P<0,05) with the liming-levels increased to the three grasses. Panicum maximum cv. Aruana yielded the lower DM quantity, but it presented a better response to liming. The inverse was observed in relation to A. gayanus. The data allowed to conclude that the DM production increased by liming and when the V% level was lower than 50%, it will be increased to 70% for establishment.


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The objective was to study the physical attributes of an Oxisol under fallow or planted with tropical grasses under grazing. The experiment was conducted under the experimental design of randomized blocks in split-plot 2 x 5, being five types of use of soil (Brachiaria ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Aries, Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG5, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaca and fallow) and two evaluation periods (after the first and after the second grazing), with four replications. We evaluated the characteristics of soil bulk density, total porosity, microporosity and macroporosity, after the first and second grazing, and soil resistance to penetration after the second grazing. In layer of 0.00 to 0.10 m, the macroporosity was affected by the interaction between types of use and evaluation periods, while the microporosity and total porosity were reduced and the density was increased from first to second evaluation time. In the subsurface layer (0.10-0.20 m), there were significant effect only of evaluation time, on the macroporosity, total porosity and density. The porosity were reduced, while the density increased from first to second evaluation time. No significant effects of types of use of soil on penetration resistance in all layers studied. The maintenance of an Oxisol under fallow or cultivation with tropical grasses subjected to grazing cattle causes a reduction in total porosity and increased density of surface soil layers (0 to 0.10 m) and subsurface (0.10 - 0.20 m), without promoting changes on resistance to penetration mechanics.


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Intercropping of trees and annual crops could be an important alternative for promoting forest restoration in small farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the intercropping of cassava (Manihot sculenta Crantz) with native trees for restoration of natural forest in riparian areas in the western São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six replications for comparing two restoration systems: pure afforestation and afforestation intercropped with cassava. It was evaluated the variables related to seedling development (height, crown diameter, crown cover, and height/crown diameter ratio), mortality and the economic impact were assessed for using cassava. No differences were found between treatments for any dendrometrical variable and mortality. Economic impact of the intercroppoing treatment was positive because costs for establishment of intercropped system were partially reduced by the income from the cassava crop, which covered 32% of total costs. Cassava income made final costs 19% lesser than restoration in the pure afforestation system.


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The objective was to evaluate the leaf area index of six different grasses. The experiment was installed at the Instituto Federal de Tecnologia e Educacao of Uberaba, using a randomized block design with split plots in time. The plots were sown: Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes, Cynodon dactylon hb. Tifton and the plots, ten seasons of evaluation in 10 x 6 factorial arrangement with four replications. Rates of leaf area of each forage at different times of year were evaluated. Compared to other forage species, Panicum maximum had a higher leaf area index when subjected to periodic fertilization and irrigation. Only in the late fall Brachiaria Xaraes IAF had increased, but did not differ significantly from the others.


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Bioassays were carried out to identify and characterize the allelopathic potential effects of forage legumes leucena (Leucaena leucocephala), mineirão (Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão) and calopogônio (Calopogonium mucunoides) on germination and radicle elongation of the pasture weeds desmódio (Desmodium adscendens), guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia) and assa-peixe (Vernonia polyanthes). Aqueous seeds and shoot extracts were prepared in a concentration of 10% (w/v). The pH and osmotic potential were measured in each extract. The effects of the osmotic potential on the results were calculated considering the regression equations adjusted to the variations of osmotic potential in each parameter and the osmotic potential of the extracts. The results showed that the pH did not constitute in a source of variation of the results. The donor species indicated allelopathic potential that varied in function of donor and receiver species and part of the donor plant. The aqueous shoot extract of mineirão and calopogônio showed inhibition potential higher than the extract from seeds, while for leucena the effects more evident were obtained with the extract from seeds. Comparatively, the radicle elongation was a more sensitive indicator than germination to the effects of the extracts.The receiver species assa-peixe was the less sensitive to the effects of the extract.


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The objective if this work was a survey of medicinal plants plus commonly cultivated in quintais in Amazon State, Brazil. The work was carried out in five counties at the Solimões/Amazonas and Negro Rivers, by questionnaires, interviews and collections of botanical materials, using the literature to define the geographic origins. It was showed 105 species of medicinal plants, with average of 13 per house. The Amazonian plants, in general wood plants, meaning 10,9 percent of the total of species that was survey, with predominance of the American continent plants out of Amazonian (38,2 per cent). The major group was herbaceous or shrubs exotic plants, aromatics. In general, the peoples unknown the origin of the species of medicinal plants that use day after day.


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The knowledge of interaction between infective larvae setting and the type of grass is important to epidemiological studies and the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of three species of forage grasses on pasture characteristics and the vertical distribution of infective larvae (L3) of gastrointestinal nematodes of woolless sheep on the grasses during the rainy season. Sixty non-periparturients ewes were used, naturally infected, equally distributed on 2ha paddocks sowed with Tanzania, star, and gamba grasses, managed under continuous grazing system, from October 2003 to March 2004, at Santa Bárbara farm, Barreiras-Bahia-Brazil. Data of three samples between December 2003 and March 2004 were analyzed by SAS, using split-plot design, with 10 replications. Infective larvae of Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were observed on forage in all stratus of vertical layer of the grasses without a defined pattern. Pastures with different characteristics under continuous grazing system had good conditions for developing infective larvae of sheep.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated chewing in the laboratory on the survival of seeds of four tropical forage legumes (butterfly pea, Clitorea ternatea; estilosantes, Stylosanthes capitata/S. macrocephala 'Campo Grande; archer, Macrotyloma axillare and perennial soybean, Neonotonia wightii) submitted to different periods of acid enzymatic digestion in vitro. Three trials were conducted to observe the percentage of destroyed seeds by the mastication; to compare the germination of the seeds (intact seeds, simulated mastication, scarification with sandpaper, mastication and scarification with sandpaper). And, finally the seeds were incubated at 39oC with hydrochloric acid and pepsin for: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours. The percentages of not destroyed seeds in mastication (archer, 91,5; perennial soybean, 88.0; butterfly pea, 82.1, and estilo, 81.1), associated with the beneficial effects of scarification on germination (64.7, 60.0, 92.0 e 87.3%, respectively) and the effects of time of acid-enzymatic digestion (75% higher if they stay 24 hours in HCl + pepsin) associated to the hard and not permeable coats of legume seeds, allow a high potential for resistance, and to pass intact through the digestive tract of cattle, being able to germinate when defecated in the pastures. However, estilo should not be included in the feeding of cattle for this purpose, because it do not resists the acid-enzyme digestion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)