823 resultados para Forced vital capacity
Shrinking lung syndrome (SLS) is an uncommon feature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) characterized by dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, diaphragmatic elevation, restrictive ventilatory defect and reduced respiratory muscle strength as measured by volitional tests. We report the case of a 28-year-old woman with overlapping features of SLE and Sjögren syndrome who developed severe SLS while receiving corticosteroids and azathioprine for severe polyarthritis. She was treated with a combination of rituximab and cyclophosphamide, which led to a dramatic improvement in her clinical condition and respiratory function tests. The increase in vital capacity was one of the highest among 35 published cases of SLS. Thus, restoring a near-normal lung function is an achievable goal in SLS, and the use of rituximab, with or without concomitant cyclophosphamide, certainly deserves further study in this setting.
BACKGROUND The randomized placebo-controlled IFIGENIA-trial demonstrated that therapy with high-dose N-acetylcysteine (NAC) given for one year, added to prednisone and azathioprine, significantly ameliorates (i.e. slows down) disease progression in terms of vital capacity (VC) (+9%) and diffusing capacity (DLco) (+24%) in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). To better understand the clinical implications of these findings we performed additional, explorative analyses of the IFGENIA data set. METHODS We analysed effects of NAC on VC, DLco, a composite physiologic index (CPI), and mortality in the 155 study-patients. RESULTS In trial completers the functional indices did not change significantly with NAC, whereas most indices deteriorated with placebo; in non-completers the majority of indices worsened but decline was generally less pronounced in most indices with NAC than with placebo. Most categorical analyses of VC, DLco and CPI also showed favourable changes with NAC. The effects of NAC on VC, DLco and CPI were significantly better if the baseline CPI was 50 points or lower. CONCLUSION This descriptive analysis confirms and extends the favourable effects of NAC on lung function in IPF and emphasizes the usefulness of VC, DLco, and the CPI for the evaluation of a therapeutic effect. Most importantly, less progressed disease as indicated by a CPI of 50 points or lower at baseline was more responsive to therapy in this study.
This study analyses characteristics of lung injuries produced by alveolar overdistension in three animal species. Mechanical ventilation at normal tidal volume (10 mL/Kg) and high tidal volume (50 mL/Kg) was applied for 30 min in each species. Data were gathered on wet/dry weight ratio, histological score, and area of alveolar collapse. Five out of six rabbits with high tidal volume developed tension pneumothorax, and the rabbit results were therefore not included in the histological analysis. Lungs from the pigs and rats showed minimal histological lesions. Pigs ventilated with high tidal volume had significantly greater oedema, higher neutrophil infiltration, and higher percentage area of alveolar collapse than rats ventilated with high tidal volume. We conclude that rabbits are not an appropriate species for in vivo studies of alveolar overdistension due to their fragility. Although some histological lesions are observed in pigs and rats, the lesions do not appear to be relevant.
BACKGROUND: Pioglitazone, an oral anti-diabetic that stimulates the PPAR-gamma transcription factor, increased survival of mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a phase II, double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trial of pioglitazone in ALS patients under riluzole. 219 patients were randomly assigned to receive 45 mg/day of pioglitazone or placebo (one: one allocation ratio). The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included incidence of non-invasive ventilation and tracheotomy, and slopes of ALS-FRS, slow vital capacity, and quality of life as assessed using EUROQoL EQ-5D. The study was conducted under a two-stage group sequential test, allowing to stop for futility or superiority after interim analysis. Shortly after interim analysis, 30 patients under pioglitazone and 24 patients under placebo had died. The trial was stopped for futility; the hazard ratio for primary endpoint was 1.21 (95% CI: 0.71-2.07, p = 0.48). Secondary endpoints were not modified by pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Pioglitazone has no beneficial effects on the survival of ALS patients as add-on therapy to riluzole. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00690118.
The aim of this study was to test the short-term effects of using hypoxic rooms before a simulated running event. Thirteen subjects (29 +/- 4 years) lived in a hypoxic dormitory (1,800 m) for either 2 nights (n = 6) or 2 days + nights (n = 7) before performing a 1,500-m treadmill test. Performance, expired gases, and muscle electrical activity were recorded and compared with a control session performed 1 week before or after the altitude session (random order). Arterial blood samples were collected before and after altitude exposure. Arterial pH and hemoglobin concentration increased (p < 0.05) and PCO2 decreased (p < 0.05) upon exiting the room. However, these parameters returned (p < 0.05) to basal levels within a few hours. During exercise, mean ventilation (VE) was higher (p < 0.05) after 2 nights or days + nights of moderate altitude exposure (113.0 +/- 27.2 L.min) than in the control run (108.6 +/- 27.8 L.min), without any modification in performance (360 +/- 45 vs. 360 +/- 42 seconds, respectively) or muscle electrical activity. This elevated VE during the run after the hypoxic exposure was probably because of the subsistence effects of the hypoxic ventilatory response. However, from a practical point of view, although the use of a normobaric simulating altitude chamber exposure induced some hematological adaptations, these disappeared within a few hours and failed to provide any benefit during the subsequent 1,500-m run.
Respiratory muscle weakness may induce dyspnoea, secretion retention and respiratory failure. Assessing respiratory muscle strength is mandatory in neuromuscular diseases and in case of unexplained dyspnoea. A step by step approach is recommended, starting with simple volitional tests. Using spirometry, respiratory muscle weakness may be suspected on the basis of an abnormal flow-volume loop or a fall of supine vital capacity. When normal, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures against a near complete occlusion exclude significant muscle weakness, but low values are more difficult to interpret. Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure is a useful alternative because it is easy and it eliminates the problem of air leaks around the mouthpiece in patients with neuromuscular disorders. The strength available for coughing is easily assessed by measuring peak cough flow. In most cases, these simple non invasive tests are sufficient to confirm or to eliminate significant respiratory muscle weakness and help the timely introduction of ventilatory support or assisted cough techniques. In a minority of patients, a more complete evaluation is necessary using non volitional tests like cervical magnetic stimulation of phrenic nerves.
Lung hyperinflation up to vital capacity is used to re-expand collapsed lung areas and to improve gas exchange during general anesthesia. However, it may induce inflammation in normal lungs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a lung hyperinflation maneuver (LHM) on plasma cytokine release in 10 healthy subjects (age: 26.1 ± 1.2 years, BMI: 23.8 ± 3.6 kg/m²). LHM was performed applying continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) with a face mask, increased by 3-cmH2O steps up to 20 cmH2O every 5 breaths. At CPAP 20 cmH2O, an inspiratory pressure of 20 cmH2O above CPAP was applied, reaching an airway pressure of 40 cmH2O for 10 breaths. CPAP was then decreased stepwise. Blood samples were collected before and 2 and 12 h after LHM. TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-12 were measured by flow cytometry. Lung hyperinflation significantly increased (P < 0.05) all measured cytokines (TNF-α: 1.2 ± 3.8 vs 6.4 ± 8.6 pg/mL; IL-1β: 4.9 ± 15.6 vs 22.4 ± 28.4 pg/mL; IL-6: 1.4 ± 3.3 vs 6.5 ± 5.6 pg/mL; IL-8: 13.2 ± 8.8 vs 33.4 ± 26.4 pg/mL; IL-10: 3.3 ± 3.3 vs 7.7 ± 6.5 pg/mL, and IL-12: 3.1 ± 7.9 vs 9 ± 11.4 pg/mL), which returned to basal levels 12 h later. A significant correlation was found between changes in pro- (IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines (r = 0.89, P = 0.004). LHM-induced lung stretching was associated with an early inflammatory response in healthy spontaneously breathing subjects.
Brown (1973) a proposé la « longueur moyenne des énoncés » (LME) comme indice standard du développement langagier. La LME se calcule selon le nombre moyen de morphèmes dans 100 énoncés de parole spontanée. L’hypothèse sous-jacente à cet indice est que la complexité syntaxique croît avec le nombre de morphèmes dans les énoncés. Selon Brown, l’indice permet d’estimer le développement d’une « compétence grammaticale » jusqu’à environ quatre morphèmes. Certains auteurs ont toutefois critiqué le manque de fiabilité de la LME et la limite de quatre morphèmes. Des rapports démontrent des variations de la LME avec l’âge, ce qui suggère que des facteurs comme la croissance des capacités respiratoires peuvent influencer l’indice de Brown. La présente étude fait état de ces problèmes et examine comment la LME et certaines mesures de diversité lexicale varient selon le développement des capacités respiratoires. On a calculé la LME et la diversité lexicale dans la parole spontanée de 50 locuteurs mâles âgés de 5 à 27 ans. On a également mesuré, au moyen d’un pneumotachographe, la capacité vitale (CV) des locuteurs. Les résultats démontrent que la LME et des mesures de diversité lexicale corrèlent fortement avec la croissance de la CV. Ainsi, la croissance des fonctions respiratoires contraint le développement morphosyntaxique et lexical. Notre discussion fait valoir la nécessité de réévaluer l’indice de la LME et la conception « linguistique » du développement langagier comme une compétence mentale qui émerge séparément de la croissance des structures de performance.
TEMA: medidas da dinâmica respiratória são freqüentemente utilizadas na clínica fonoaudiológica, mas poucos são os dados científicos destas na população infantil. OBJETIVO: estudar a dinâmica respiratória entre crianças que respiram pelo modo nasal. MÉTODO: o estudo foi realizado com uma amostra aleatória estratificada de 106 crianças respiradoras nasais de escolas da cidade de Marília / SP, entre quatro e dez anos de ambos os sexos. Foram realizadas as medidas de capacidade vital (CV), nas posições em pé e sentada, com e sem oclusão nasal; de tempo máximo de fonação (TMF) de vogais e consoantes sustentadas, além de fala em seqüência com a contagem de números. RESULTADOS: a medida média da CV na posição em pé com e sem oclusão nasal foi 1515,56 ml e 1538,67 ml respectivamente e na posição sentada, 1524 ml e 1539,15 ml respectivamente; o TMF das vogais em segundos foi: /a/ = 8,32 , /i/ = 8,61 e /u/ 8,42; o de consoantes foi: /s/ = 6,64 e /z/ = 7,65 e o de seqüência de números foi de 7,76 segundos. Resultados: observou-se que o tempo médio destas medidas aumentou progressivamente conforme as faixas etárias. Tanto para o TMF das vogais como, para o das consoantes, houve diferença estatística significante (p < 0,05) nas idades mais distantes, ou seja, entre quatro e dez anos, quatro e nove, e quatro e oito anos. em faixas etárias consecutivas não houve diferença estatística significante nos valores de CV. Houve forte associação entre a CV e o crescimento físico da criança. CONCLUSÃO: esse estudo mostrou medidas de dinâmica respiratória em crianças que podem ser úteis no diagnóstico e terapia fonoaudiológica. Outras pesquisas deveriam ser desenvolvidas para adicionais informações sobre o assunto.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: In the last years cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) reduced dramatically mortality modifying prognosis, but, at the same time, increased morbidity in this patient population. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems are strictly anatomically and functionally connected, so that alterations of pulmonary hemodynamic conditions modify respiratory function. While very short-term alterations of respiratory mechanics after surgery were investigated by many authors, not as much works focused on long-term changes. In these subjects rest respiratory function may be limited by several factor: CHD itself (fetal pulmonary perfusion influences vascular and alveolar development), extracorporeal circulation (CEC), thoracotomy and/or sternotomy, rib and sternal contusions, pleural adhesions and pleural fibrosis, secondary to surgical injury. Moreover inflammatory cascade, triggered by CEC, can cause endothelial damage and compromise gas exchange. Aims: The project was conceived to 1) determine severity of respiratory functional impairement in different CHD undergone to surgical correction/palliation; 2) identify the most and the least CHD involved by pulmonary impairement; 3) find a correlation between a specific hemodynamic condition and functional anomaly, and 4) between rest respiratory function and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Materials and methods: We studied 113 subjects with CHD undergone to surgery, and distinguished by group in accord to pulmonary blood flow (group 0: 28 pts with normal pulmonary flow; group 1: 22 pts with increased flow; group 2: 43 pts with decreased flow; group 3: 20 pts with total cavo-pulmonary anastomosis-TCPC) followed by the Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Unit, and we compare them to 37 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. In Pediatric Pulmonology Unit all pts performed respiratory function tests (static and dynamic volumes, flow/volume curve, airway resistances-raw- and conductance-gaw-, lung diffusion of CO-DLCO- and DLCO/alveolar volume), and CHD pts the same day had cardiopulmonary test. They all were examined and had allergological tests, and respiratory medical history. Results: restrictive pattern (measured on total lung capacity-TLC- and vital capacity-VC) was in all CHD groups, and up to 45% in group 2 and 3. Comparing all groups, we found a significant difference in TLC between healthy and group 2 (p=0.001) and 3 (p=0.004), and in VC between group 2 and healthy (p=0.001) and group 1(p=0.034). Inspiratory capacity (IC) was decreased in group 2 related to healthy (p<0.001) and group 1 (p=0.037). We showed a direct correlation between TLC and VC with age at surgery (p=0.01) and inverse with number of surgical interventions (p=0.03). Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio, Gaw and increased Raw were mostly present in group 3. DLCO was impaired in all groups, but up to 80% in group 3 and 50% in group 2; when corrected for alveolar volume (DLCO/VA) reduction persisted in group 3 (20%), 2 (6.2%) and 0 (7.1%). Exercise test was impaired in all groups: VO2max and VE markedly reduced in all but especially in group 3, and VE/VCO2 slope, marker of ventilatory response to exercise, is increased (<36) in 62.5% of group 3, where other pts had anyway value>32. Comparing group 3 and 2, the most involved categories, we found difference in VO2max and VE/VCO2 slope (respectively p=0.02 and p<0.0001). We evidenced correlation between rest and exercise tests, especially in group 0 (between VO2max and FVC, FEV1, VC, IC; inverse relation between VE/VCO2slope and FVC, FEV1 and VC), but also in group 1 (VO2max and IC), group 2 (VO2max and FVC and FEV1); never in group 3. Discussion: According with literature, we found a frequent impairment of rest pulmonary function in all groups, but especially in group 2 and 3. Restrictive pattern was the most frequent alteration probably due to compromised pulmonary (vascular and alveolar) development secondary to hypoperfusion in fetal and pre-surgery (and pre-TCPC)life. Parenchymal fibrosis, pleural adhesions and thoracic deformities can add further limitation, as showed by the correlation between group 3 and number of surgical intervention. Exercise tests were limited, particularly in group 3 (complex anatomy and lost of chronotropic response), and we found correlations between rest and exercise tests in all but group 3. We speculate that in this patients hemodynamic exceeds respiratory contribution, though markedly decreased.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by an uncontrolled accumulation and activation of lung fibroblasts. A modulation of fibroblast activation has been observed in various systems with octreotide, a synthetic somatostatin analog with strong affinity for the somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst2). One aim of our study was to evaluate the expression of somatostatin receptors in the lungs of patients with IPF. A second aim was to evaluate the relationship between 111In-octreotide uptake and the effect of pulmonary fibrosis as assessed by lung function tests and parameters and by radiologic findings. METHODS: We investigated 11 patients with IPF, 6 patients with pulmonary fibrosis associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc), and 19 patients with disease not of the lung (control patients). The expression of somatostatin receptors was evaluated in vivo using 111In-octreotide scintigraphy. We evaluated the relationship between 111In-octreotide uptake and the activity of pulmonary fibrosis as assessed by lung function tests, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cellularity, and high-resolution CT (HRCT) of the chest. Planar images and thoracic SPECT (24 h) were performed after injection of 222 MBq of 111In-octreotide. Lung uptake was quantified using the lung-to-background ratio (L/B). In addition, the expression of sst2 was evaluated in vitro, in frozen lung-tissue samples using autoradiography, and in human cultures of lung fibroblasts using a ligand-binding assay. RESULTS: Compared with lung uptake in control patients (median L/B, 1.25; range, 1.14-1.49), lung uptake was increased in all 11 IPF patients (median L/B, 2.63; range, 1.59-3.13; P < 0.001) and in 4 of 6 SSc patients (median L/B, 1.68; range, 1.42-2.16). The L/B was lower in SSc patients than in IPF patients (P = 0.011). Increased uptake correlated with the alteration of lung function (carbon monoxide diffusing capacity [rho = -0.655; P = 0.038], diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide and alveolar volume ratio [rho = -0.627; P = 0.047], vital capacity [rho = -0.609; P = 0.054], and total lung capacity [rho = -0.598; P = 0.058]) and with the intensity of alveolitis (total BAL cellularity [rho = 0.756; P = 0.045], neutrophil counts [rho = 0.738; P = 0.05]), and HRCT fibrosis score (rho = 0.673; P = 0.007). Autoradiography suggested that vascular structures were a prominent binding site. Lung fibroblasts expressed somatostatin receptors in vitro as measured by binding assay. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary results identified an increased expression of sst2 in (mainly idiopathic) pulmonary fibrosis. Lung uptake correlates with the alteration of lung function and with the intensity of alveolitis.
We applied predicted vital capacity to chest size matching between donor and recipient in lung transplantation to 15 single-lung transplant recipients with pulmonary fibrosis and to 20 double-lung transplant recipients with emphysema or non-emphysema. The predicted vital capacity of the donor was significantly correlated with the predicted vital capacity of the recipient both in double-lung transplantation (r = 0.79, p = 0.001) and single-lung transplantation (r = 0.71, p = 0.003). In double-lung transplantation, the post-transplant vital capacity was correlated with the predicted vital capacity of the recipient (r = 0.74, p = 0.002). Emphysema patients and non-emphysema patients contributed equally to this correlation. In left single lung transplantation, there was a weak correlation between the post-transplant vital capacity and the predicted vital capacity of the donor in the allograft (r = 0.57, p = 0.1095). In right single lung transplantation, the post-transplant vital capacity of the allograft tended to be correlated with the predicted vital capacity of recipient (r = 0.77, p = 0.0735). We concluded that donors were actually selected based on the comparison of predicted vital capacity between donor and recipient. In double-lung transplantation, the post-transplant vital capacity was limited by the recipient's normal thoracic volume and was not influenced by underlying pulmonary disease. In single-lung transplantation with pulmonary fibrosis, the allograft transplanted in the left chest could expand to its own size, and the allograft transplanted in the right chest could expand to the recipient's normal thoracic volume as in double-lung transplantation.