953 resultados para Forage crops. Feed crops, Includes sileage, grasses, hay, legumes etc


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was begun during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program include desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communication and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy-coordinative body; administrative staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 79 pages.)


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was started by a proposal made during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program are desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communications and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy coordinative body; administrative staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 108 pages.)


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was started by a proposal made during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program are desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communications and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy coordinative body; administration staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 98 pages.)


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was started by a proposal made during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program are desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communications and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy coordinative body;' administration staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations.(PDF file contains 37 pages.)


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It was the objective of this study to compare the suitability of different extractants for predicting the availability of sulfur (S) in natural grassland in a sulfur response trial on three different soil types in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. For soil analysis, seven different extractants have been employed. The inorganic SO4-S concentration was determined by ion chromatography. Additionally, in the Ca(H-2-PO4)(2) extract the total soluble S was determined employing turbidimetry. Weak salt solutions (0.15% CaCl2, Ca(H2PO4)(2), and KH2PO4) extracted similar amounts Of SO4-S. Extraction with 0.025 M KCl provided the lowest SO4-S values. Deionized water dissolved significantly more SO4-S in the control plots than most weak salt extractants. The concentration of soluble organic S decreased in the control plots after 100 days of plant growth, indicating that the organic S pool contributed significantly to the S nutrition of the forage crops. Significant relationships among the SO4-S in the soil determined in different extracts and crop yield, sulfur content in the forage, and total sulfur uptake were only found for the Ca(H2PO4)(2) extract. In general, the correlation coefficients proved to be unsatisfactory for field experimentation.


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Growing corn mixed with forage crops can be an alternative for pasture and Mulch production during relatively dry winters in tropical areas, making no-till feasible in some regions. However, little is known about nutrient dynamics in this cropping system. The objective of the present work was to evaluate K dynamics in a production system in which corn was either grown as a sole crop or mixed with Brachiaria brizantha. In the second year of the experiment, nitrogen rates ranging from 0 to 200 kg ha(-1) were applied to the system. Dry matter yields and potassium contents in the soil, as well as residues and plants were determined at corn planting and harvest. Potassium balance in the system was calculated. Corn grain yield in mixed crop responded up to 200 kg ha(-1) N. The introduction of brachiaria in the system resulted in higher amounts of straw on the soil Surface and higher K recycling. Soil exchangeable K balance showed an excess K for both N rates only in the mixed system, however, when non-exchangeable K was also included in calculations, excess K was found in both mixed and sole corn systems. Large amounts of non-exchangeable K were taken up in the system involving brachiaria, which showed a considerable capacity in recycling K, increasing its contents in the surface soil layer. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O conjunto de tecnologias aplicadas ao sistema de produção agrícola tem como características principais a verticalização da produtividade, diminuição de custos, melhoria nas características físicas, químicas e biológicas do solo para proporcionarem o crescimento sustentável do meio de produção. Desta forma, o trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a variabilidade e as correlações lineares e especiais entre os atributos da planta e do solo, visando selecionar um indicador da qualidade física do solo de boa representatividade para produção de forragem. No ano agrícola de 2006, na Fazenda Bonança, município de Pereira Barreto (SP), foram analisados a produtividade de forragem do milho outonal (FDM) em sistema plantio direto irrigado e os atributos físicos do solo, num Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. O objetivo foi estudar a variabilidade e as correlações lineares e espaciais entre os atributos da planta e os do solo, visando selecionar um indicador da qualidade física do solo de boa representatividade para a produtividade da forragem. Foi instalada a malha geoestatística, para coleta de dados do solo e planta, contendo 125 pontos amostrais, numa área de 2.500 m². Os atributos estudados, além de não terem variado aleatoriamente, apresentaram variabilidade dos dados entre baixa e muito alta e seguiram padrões espaciais bem definidos, com alcances entre 7,8 e 38,0 m. Por outro lado, a correlação linear entre os atributos da planta com o do solo foi baixa e extremamente significativa. Os pares Massa Seca de forragem versus Microporosidade e Diâmetro do colmo versus Densidade do Solo foram melhor correlacionados na camada de 0-0.10m, enquanto os outros pares - Massa Seca de Forragem versus Macroporosidade - e Porosidade Total - apresentaram correlação inversa para a mesma camada. Entretanto, do ponto de vista espacial, houve uma alta correlação inversa entre Massa Seca de Forragem com Microporosidade, de modo que a microporosidade na camada de 0-0.10m pode ser considerada um bom indicador de qualidade física do solo, tendo em vista a produção de forragem de milho.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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In tropical regions there is rapid decomposition of plant material deposited on the soil, and the ability to recycle nutrients through this decomposition is one of the most important aspects of cover crops. The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield and nutrient release from forage crops intercropped with maize for silage, and soybean in succession. The study was conducted in the experimental area of Universidade Estadual Paulista, Ilha Solteira campus, Brazil. The experiment consisted of maize for silage intercropped with four forage species (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, Urochloa ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, and Panicum maximum cv. Aries) sown in three modalities: in the maize row, together with fertilizer; broadcast at maize sowing; and broadcast in the V4 stage of maize, in a randomized block design in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement with four replications. The evaluation of nutrient release was performed during the soybean cropping that followed the intercropping by the litter bag method at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after sowing of soybean. Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania showed higher dry matter yield when sown by broadcasting at maize sowing. Sowing of forages in the maize row, and through broadcasting at maize sowing led to greater dry matter yield for straw formation. Intercropping of maize with forages in the autumn is an alternative for increasing the amount of straw and cycling of macronutrients in a no-till system. Potassium was the nutrient with the greatest accumulation in the forage straws (up to 150 kg ha(-1)), with 100 % release at 90 days after sowing soybean. The forage straws are thus an excellent alternative for cycling of this nutrient. Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania sown by broadcasting at the time of maize sowing showed greater phosphorus cycling (13 kg ha(-1)). Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania broadcast in the V4 stage of maize is the option with least potential for straw production and nutrient cycling, while the other options (forages and sowing modalities) have higher potential for use, at the criteria of machine availability for setting up intercropping with corn.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rising costs of petroleum fuels and increased awareness of the adverse effects of greenhouse gases have spurred interest in renewable fuels and other ‘green’ products. Recent legislation has set goals of approximately 20 billion gallons of renewable fuel produced from non-corn starch sources by the year 2022. These driving forces have increased interest in dedicated bioenergy crops. Among perennial grasses, which have received an exceptional amount of attention as dedicated energy crops, one stands out: Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus).


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Rising costs of petroleum fuels and increased awareness of the adverse effects of greenhouse gases have spurred interest in renewable fuels and other ‘green’ products. Recent legislation has set goals of approximately 20 billion gallons of renewable fuel produced from non-corn starch sources by the year 2022. These driving forces have increased interest in dedicated bioenergy crops. Among perennial grasses, which have received an exceptional amount of attention as dedicated energy crops, one stands out: Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus).


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Thermal imaging has been used to evaluate the response to drought and warm temperatures in a collection of Brachypodium distachyon lines adapted to varied environmental conditions. Thermographic records were able to separate lines from contrasting rainfall regimes. Genotypes from dryer environments showed warmer leaves under water deficit, which suggested that decreased evapotranspiration was related to a more intense stomatal closure. When irrigated and under high temperature conditions, drought-adapted lines showed cooler leaves than lines from wetter zones. The consistent, inverse thermographic response of lines to water stress and heat validates the reliability of this method to assess drought tolerance in this model cereal. It additionally supports the hypothesis that stomatal-based mechanisms are involved in natural variation for drought tolerance in Brachypodium. The study further suggests that these mechanisms are not constitutive but likely related to a more efficient closing response to avoid dehydration in adapted genotypes. Higher leaf temperature under water deficit seems a dependable criterion of drought tolerance, not only in B. distachyon but also in the main cereal crops and related grasses where thermography can facilitate high-throughput preliminary screening of tolerant materials.