138 resultados para Follower
A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carried out. An update lagrangian formulation is used. The structural analysis efficiency in terms of computer time and accuracy, has been improved when load stiffness matrices have been introduced. In this way the follower forces characteristics such as their intensity and direction changes can be well represented. A sensitivity study of different involved variables on the final deformed pipeline shape is carried out.
In this article, a model for the determination of displacements, strains, and stresses of a submarine pipeline during its construction is presented. Typically, polyethylene outfall pipelines are the ones treated by this model. The process is carried out from an initial floating situation to the final laying position on the seabed. The following control variables are considered in the laying process: the axial load in the pipe, the flooded inner length, and the distance of the control barge from the coast. External loads such as self-weight, dead loads, and forces due to currents and small waves are also taken into account.This paper describes both the conceptual framework for the proposed model and its practical application in a real engineering situation. The authors also consider how the model might be used as a tool to study how sensitive the behavior of the pipeline is to small changes in the values of the control variables. A detailed description of the actions is considered, especially the ones related to the marine environment such as buoyancy, current, and sea waves. The structural behavior of the pipeline is simulated in the framework of a geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis. The pipeline is assumed to be a two-dimensional Navier_Bernoulli beam. In the nonlinear analysis an updated Lagrangian formulation is used, and special care is taken regarding the numerical aspects of sea bed contact, follower forces due to external water pressures, and dynamic actions. The paper concludes by describing the implementation of the proposed techniques, using the ANSYS computer program with a number of subroutines developed by the authors. This implementation permits simulation of the two-dimensional structural pipe behavior of the whole construction process. A sensitivity analysis of the bending moments, axial forces, and stresses for different values of the control variables is carried out. Using the techniques described, the engineer may optimize the construction steps in the pipe laying process
Podemos definir la sociedad como un sistema complejo que emerge de la cooperación y coordinación de billones de individuos y centenares de países. En este sentido no vivimos en una isla sino que estamos integrados en redes sociales que influyen en nuestro comportamiento. En esta tesis doctoral, presentamos un modelo analítico y una serie de estudios empíricos en los que analizamos distintos procesos sociales dinámicos desde una perspectiva de la teoría de redes complejas. En primer lugar, introducimos un modelo para explorar el impacto que las redes sociales en las que vivimos inmersos tienen en la actividad económica que transcurre sobre ellas, y mas concretamente en hasta qué punto la estructura de estas redes puede limitar la meritocracia de una sociedad. Como concepto contrario a meritocracia, en esta tesis, introducimos el término topocracia. Definimos un sistema como topocrático cuando la influencia o el poder y los ingresos de los individuos vienen principalmente determinados por la posición que ocupan en la red. Nuestro modelo es perfectamente meritocrático para redes completamente conectadas (todos los nodos están enlazados con el resto de nodos). Sin embargo nuestro modelo predice una transición hacia la topocracia a medida que disminuye la densidad de la red, siendo las redes poco densascomo las de la sociedad- topocráticas. En este modelo, los individuos por un lado producen y venden contenidos, pero por otro lado también distribuyen los contenidos producidos por otros individuos mediando entre comprador y vendedor. La producción y distribución de contenidos definen dos medios por los que los individuos reciben ingresos. El primero de ellos es meritocrático, ya que los individuos ingresan de acuerdo a lo que producen. Por el contrario el segundo es topocrático, ya que los individuos son compensados de acuerdo al número de cadenas mas cortas de la red que pasan a través de ellos. En esta tesis resolvemos el modelo computacional y analíticamente. Los resultados indican que un sistema es meritocrático solamente si la conectividad media de los individuos es mayor que una raíz del número de individuos que hay en el sistema. Por tanto, a la luz de nuestros resultados la estructura de la red social puede representar una limitación para la meritocracia de una sociedad. En la segunda parte de esta tesis se presentan una serie de estudios empíricos en los que se analizan datos extraídos de la red social Twitter para caracterizar y modelar el comportamiento humano. En particular, nos centramos en analizar conversaciones políticas, como las que tienen lugar durante campañas electorales. Nuestros resultados indican que la atención colectiva está distribuida de una forma muy heterogénea, con una minoría de cuentas extremadamente influyente. Además, la capacidad de los individuos para diseminar información en Twitter está limitada por la estructura y la posición que ocupan en la red de seguidores. Por tanto, de acuerdo a nuestras observaciones las redes sociales de Internet no posibilitan que la mayoría sea escuchada por la mayoría. De hecho, nuestros resultados implican que Twitter es topocrático, ya que únicamente una minoría de cuentas ubicadas en posiciones privilegiadas en la red de seguidores consiguen que sus mensajes se expandan por toda la red social. En conversaciones políticas, esta minoría de cuentas influyentes se compone principalmente de políticos y medios de comunicación. Los políticos son los mas mencionados ya que la gente les dirige y se refiere a ellos en sus tweets. Mientras que los medios de comunicación son las fuentes desde las que la gente propaga información. En un mundo en el que los datos personales quedan registrados y son cada día mas abundantes y precisos, los resultados del modelo presentado en esta tesis pueden ser usados para fomentar medidas que promuevan la meritocracia. Además, los resultados de los estudios empíricos sobre Twitter que se presentan en la segunda parte de esta tesis son de vital importancia para entender la nueva "sociedad digital" que emerge. En concreto hemos presentado resultados relevantes que caracterizan el comportamiento humano en Internet y que pueden ser usados para crear futuros modelos. Abstract Society can be defined as a complex system that emerges from the cooperation and coordination of billions of individuals and hundreds of countries. Thus, we do not live in social vacuum and the social networks in which we are embedded inevitably shapes our behavior. Here, we present an analytical model and several empirical studies in which we analyze dynamical social systems through a network science perspective. First, we introduce a model to explore how the structure of the social networks underlying society can limit the meritocracy of the economies. Conversely to meritocracy, in this work we introduce the term topocracy. We say that a system is topocratic if the compensation and power available to an individual is determined primarily by her position in a network. Our model is perfectly meritocratic for fully connected networks but becomes topocratic for sparse networks-like the ones in society. In the model, individuals produce and sell content, but also distribute the content produced by others when they belong to the shortest path connecting a buyer and a seller. The production and distribution of content defines two channels of compensation: a meritocratic channel, where individuals are compensated for the content they produce, and a topocratic channel, where individual compensation is based on the number of shortest paths that go through them in the network. We solve the model analytically and show that the distribution of payoffs is meritocratic only if the average degree of the nodes is larger than a root of the total number of nodes. Hence, in the light of our model, the sparsity and structure of networks represents a fundamental constraint to the meritocracy of societies. Next, we present several empirical studies that use data gathered from Twitter to analyze online human behavioral patterns. In particular, we focus on political conversations such as electoral campaigns. We found that the collective attention is highly heterogeneously distributed, as there is a minority of extremely influential accounts. In fact, the ability of individuals to propagate messages or ideas through the platform is constrained by the structure of the follower network underlying the social media and the position they occupy on it. Hence, although people have argued that social media can allow more voices to be heard, our results suggest that Twitter is highly topocratic, as only the minority of well positioned users are widely heard. This minority of influential accounts belong mostly to politicians and traditional media. Politicians tend to be the most mentioned, while media are the sources of information from which people propagate messages. We also propose a methodology to study and measure the emergence of political polarization from social interactions. To this end, we first propose a model to estimate opinions in which a minority of influential individuals propagate their opinions through a social network. The result of the model is an opinion probability density function. Next, we propose an index to quantify the extent to which the resulting distribution is polarized. Finally, we illustrate our methodology by applying it to Twitter data. In a world where personal data is increasingly available, the results of the analytical model introduced in this work can be used to enhance meritocracy and promote policies that help to build more meritocratic societies. Moreover, the results obtained in the latter part, where we have analyzed Twitter, are key to understand the new data-driven society that is emerging. In particular, we have presented relevant information that can be used to benchmark future models for online communication systems or can be used as empirical rules characterizing our online behavior.
The extension of DROMO formulation to relative motion is evaluated. The orbit of the follower spacecraft can be constructed through differences on the elements defining the orbit of the leader spacecraft. Assuming that the differences are small, the problemis linearized. Typical linearized solutions to relativemotion determine the relative state of the follower spacecraft at a certain time step. Because of the form of DROMO formulation, the performance of a frozen-anomaly transformation is explored. In this case, the relative state is computed for a certain value of the anomaly, equal for leader and follower. Since the time for leader and follower do not coincide, the implicit time delay needs to be corrected to recover the physical sense of the solution. When determining the relative orbit, numerical testing shows significant error reductions compared to previous linearized solutions.
Se describe someramente el procedimiento de colocación por fondeo de una tubería de polietileno en un emisario submarino. El problema estructural se plantea en grandes movimientos pero con material elástico y deformaciones pequeñas. Se estudian las distintas acciones actuales: peso propio, inundación del tubo, oleaje, corriente marina, tiro de arrastre y modificaciones del esquema estructural. Algunas de las acciones anteriores son de persecución (follower forces) y por lo tanto, generalmente no son conservativas. Por otra parte, se establecen las pertinentes condiciones de contorno, algunas no lineales con carácter unilateral como es la representada por la existencia del fondo marino. Se determinan los esfuerzos y movimientos en las distintas etapas de un proceso de inmersión del emisario, desde su posición inicial de flotación hasta su colocación en el fondo del mar. El modelo presentado se aplica al estudio de unos casos simples de colocación del emisario en el lecho marino.
In this article, a model for the determination of displacements, deformations and tensions of a submarine pipeline during the construction is presented. The process is carried out from an initial floating situation to the final laying position on the seabed. The existence of currents and small waves are also considered. Firstly, this technique, usually applied to polyethylene pipelines, is described in this paper as well as some real world examples, as well as the variables that can be modified to control the behavior of the structure. A detailed description of the actions in this process is considered, specially the ones related to marine environment, as Archimedes force, current and sea waves. The behavior of the pipeline is modeled with a non linear elasto dynamic model where geometric non linearities are taken into account. A 3-D beam model, without cross section deformation effects, is developed. Special care is taken in the numerical analysis, developed within an updated lagrangian formulation framework, with the sea bed contact, the follower forces due to the external water pressures and the dynamic actions. Finally, some subroutines are implemented into ANSYS to simulate the two dimensional case, where the whole construction process is achieved. With this software, a sensibility analysis of the bending moments, axial forces and stresses obtained with different values of the control variables in order to optimize the construction steps. These control variables are, the axial load in the pipe, the inundated inner length and the distance of the control barge from the coast.
The optimal design of a vertical cantilever beam is presented in this paper. The beam is assumed immersed in an elastic Winkler soil and subjected to several loads: a point force at the tip section, its self weight and a uniform distributed load along its length. lbe optimal design problem is to find the beam of a given length and minimum volume, such that the resultant compressive stresses are admisible. This prohlem is analyzed according to linear elasticity theory and within different alternative structural models: column, Navier-Bernoulli beam-column, Timoshenko beamcolumn (i.e. with shear strain) under conservative loads, typically, constant direction loads. Results obtained in each case are compared, in order to evaluate the sensitivity of model on the numerical results. The beam optimal design is described by the section distribution layout (area, second moment, shear area etc.) along the beam span and the corresponding beam total volume. Other situations, some of them very interesting from a theoretical point of view, with follower loads (Beck and Leipholz problems) are also discussed, leaving for future work numerical details and results.
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a relação entre a Liderança Transformacional, a Conversão do Conhecimento e a Eficácia Organizacional. Foram considerados como pressupostos teóricos conceitos consolidados sobre os temas desta relação, além de recentes pesquisas já realizadas em outros países e contextos organizacionais. Com base nisto identificou-se potencial estudo de um modelo que relacionasse estes três conceitos. Para tal considera-se que as organizações que buscam atingir Vantagem Competitiva e incorporam a Knowledge-Based View possam conquistar diferenciação frente a seus concorrentes. Nesse contexto o conhecimento ganha maior destaque e papel protagonista nestas organizações. Dessa forma criar conhecimento através de seus colaboradores, passa a ser um dos desafios dessas organizações ao passo que sugere melhoria de seus indicadores Econômicos, Sociais, Sistêmicos e Políticos, o que se define por Eficácia Organizacional. Portanto os modos de conversão do conhecimento nas organizações, demonstram relevância, uma vez que se cria e se converte conhecimentos através da interação entre o conhecimento existente de seus colaboradores. Essa conversão do conhecimento ou modelo SECI possui quatro modos que são a Socialização, Externalização, Combinação e Internalização. Nessa perspectiva a liderança nas organizações apresenta-se como um elemento capaz de influenciar seus colaboradores, propiciando maior dinâmica ao modelo SECI de conversão do conhecimento. Se identifica então na liderança do tipo Transformacional, características que possam influenciar colaboradores e entende-se que esta relação entre a Liderança Transformacional e a Conversão do Conhecimento possa ter influência positiva nos indicadores da Eficácia Organizacional. Dessa forma esta pesquisa buscou analisar um modelo que explorasse essa relação entre a liderança do tipo Transformacional, a Conversão do Conhecimento (SECI) e a Eficácia Organizacional. Esta pesquisa teve o caráter quantitativo com coleta de dados através do método survey, obtendo um total de 230 respondentes válidos de diferentes organizações. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi composto por afirmativas relativas ao modelo de relação pesquisado com um total de 44 itens. O perfil de respondentes concentrou-se entre 30 e 39 anos de idade, com a predominância de organizações privadas e de departamentos de TI/Telecom, Docência e Recursos Humanos respectivamente. O tratamento dos dados foi através da Análise Fatorial Exploratória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais via Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Como resultado da análise desta pesquisa, as hipóteses puderam ser confirmadas, concluindo que a Liderança Transformacional apresenta influência positiva nos modos de Conversão do Conhecimento e que; a Conversão do Conhecimento influencia positivamente na Eficácia Organizacional. Ainda, concluiu-se que a percepção entre os respondentes não apresenta resultado diferente sobre o modelo desta pesquisa entre quem possui ou não função de liderança.
Title from caption.
Follower of Mino da Fiesole; 1 ft. 7 31/64 in.x 1 ft. 3 3/4 in.x 7 1/4 in.; stucco, polychromed
This article reviews empirical research on the role of follower self-conception in leader-ship effectiveness. and specifies an agenda for future research in this area. The review shows that several aspects of follower self-conception (i.e., self-construal, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-consistency) may be affected by leadership. and may mediate the effects of leadership on follower behavior. There also is consistent evidence that follower self-construal moderates the impact of leadership on follower attitudes and behavior. Two key themes for future research are defined. First, future research should focus on the development of theory about the role of relational self-construal in the leadership process. Second, it seems particularly valuable to develop theory about the interplay of different aspects of follower self-conception in leadership effectiveness. including the interactive effects of these aspects of self Working backwards from these theoretical models of follower self-conception, specific leader behavior relevant to these aspects of self should then be identified. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Microscopic traffic-simulation tools are increasingly being applied to evaluate the impacts of a wide variety of intelligent transport, systems (ITS) applications and other dynamic problems that are difficult to solve using traditional analytical models. The accuracy of a traffic-simulation system depends highly on the quality of the traffic-flow model at its core, with the two main critical components being the car-following and lane-changing models. This paper presents findings from a comparative evaluation of car-following behavior in a number of traffic simulators [advanced interactive microscopic simulator for urban and nonurban networks (AIMSUN), parallel microscopic simulation (PARAMICS), and Verkehr in Statiten-simulation (VISSIM)]. The car-following algorithms used in these simulators have been developed from a variety of theoretical backgrounds and are reported to have been calibrated on a number of different data sets. Very few independent studies have attempted to evaluate the performance of the underlying algorithms based on the same data set. The results reported in this study are based on a car-following experiment that used instrumented vehicles to record the speed and relative distance between follower and leader vehicles on a one-lane road. The experiment was replicated in each tool and the simulated car-following behavior was compared to the field data using a number of error tests. The results showed lower error values for the Gipps-based models implemented in AIMSUN and similar error values for the psychophysical spacing models used in VISSIM and PARAMICS. A qualitative drift and goal-seeking behavior test, which essentially shows how the distance headway between leader and follower vehicles should oscillate around a stable distance, also confirmed the findings.
Researchers in leadership effectiveness are paying increasing attention to the role of follower self-concept and identity as a mediator and moderator of the effectiveness of leadership. In this introductory article, we provide a short outline of this rapidly growing field of research, briefly introduce the articles presented in this special issue on leadership, self, and identity, and highlight key themes for future research that we feel emerge from these studies. These themes include greater attention to the dynamic interplay between leaders and followers, the incorporation of theories of fairness, and the role of leader self-concept. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Taiwan is embarking on a new phase in its approach to building its national innovative capacity, through building the infrastructure for a biotechnology industry. Rather than acting as a “fast follower” of trends developed elsewhere, Taiwan is seeking to evolve the elements of a national innovation system, including upgrading the role of universities in providing fundamental R&D, in providing incubators for new, knowledge-based firms, in developing new funding models, and in establishing new biotech-focused science parks. This paper reviews the progress achieved to date, and the prospects for this new phase in Taiwan’s transition from imitation to innovation
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a utilização do gênero literário do gloriar-se pelo apóstolo Paulo, demonstrando como esta ferramenta foi fundamental para que ele se posicionasse de maneira inovadora e radical frente às acusações sofridas da comunidade cristã em corinto. A comunidade sob a influência de pregadores itinerantes, autointitulados apóstolos, procuraram desonrar o apóstolo em sua ausência. Sendo uma comunidade cristã primitiva no mediterrâneo do I século, o bem mais valioso era a Honra, esta deveria ser defendida acima de tudo. Para tanto, o apóstolo se utiliza do ato de gloriar, como um gênero literário de sua época, bem como de outros recursos da retórica na realização de sua defesa. Ao fazê-lo, o apóstolo resignifica o ato de gloriar, as características de um verdadeiro apóstolo, bem como trata do sofrimento como algo inerente ao fiel seguidor de Cristo. Desta maneira, o apóstolo além de defender-se expõe uma nova proposta no entendimento e vivência nas relações sociais, que deveriam passar pelo ato da renúncia ao status; constituindo uma comunidade igualitária.