515 resultados para Foley


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We present results based on mid-infrared (3.6-30 mm) observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the nearby Type IIP supernova 2005af. We report the first ever detection of the SiO molecule in a Type IIP supernova. Together with the detection of the CO fundamental, this is an exciting finding as it may signal the onset of dust condensation in the ejecta. From a wealth of fine-structure lines we provide abundance estimates for stable Ni, Ar, and Ne that, via spectral synthesis, may be used to constrain nucleosynthesis models.


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Antibiotics have been the cornerstone of the clinical management of bacterial infections since their discovery in the early part of the last century. Eight decades later, their widespread, often indiscriminate use, has resulted in an overall reduction in their effectiveness, with reports of multidrug-resistant bacteria now commonplace. Increasing reliance on indwelling medical devices, which are inherently susceptible to biofilm-mediated infections, has contributed to unacceptably high rates of nosocomial infections, placing a strain on healthcare budgets. This study investigates the use of lytic bacteriophages in the treatment and prevention of biofilms of bacterial species commonly associated with infections of indwelling urological devices and catheter-associated urinary tract infections. The use of lytic bacteriophages against established biofilms of Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli is described, whereby biofilm populations have been reduced successfully by three to four log cycles (99.9-99.99% removal). The prevention of biofilm formation on Foley catheter biomaterials following impregnation of hydrogel-coated catheter sections with a lytic bacteriophage has also been investigated. This has revealed an approximate 90% reduction in both P. mirabilis and E. coli biofilm formation on bacteriophage-treated catheters when compared with untreated controls.


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We present mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of a Type II-plateau supernova, SN 2004dj, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, spanning 106--1393d after explosion. MIR photometry plus optical/near-IR observations are also reported. An early-time MIR excess is attributed to emission from non-silicate dust formed within a cool dense shell (CDS). Most of the CDS dust condensed between 50d and 165d, reaching a mass of $0.3x^(-5)Msun. Throughout the observations much of the longer wavelength (>10microns) part of the continuum is explained as an IR echo from interstellar dust. The MIR excess strengthened at later times. We show that this was due to thermal emission from warm, non-silicate dust formed in the ejecta. Using optical/near-IR line-profiles and the MIR continua, we show that the dust was distributed as a disk whose radius appeared to be slowly shrinking. The disk radius may correspond to a grain destruction zone caused by a reverse shock which also heated the dust. The dust-disk lay nearly face-on, had high opacities in the optical/near-IR regions, but remained optically thin in the MIR over much of the period studied. Assuming a uniform dust density, the ejecta dust mass by 996d was 0.5+/-0.1 x 10^(-4)Msun, and exceeded 10^(-4)Msun by 1393d. For a dust density rising toward the center the limit is higher. Nevertheless, this study suggests that the amount of freshly-synthesized dust in the SN 2004dj ejecta is consistent with that found from previous studies, and adds further weight to the claim that such events could not have been major contributors to the cosmic dust budget.


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A set of 57 synthetic peptides encompassing the entire triple-helical domain of human collagen III was used to locate binding sites for the collagen-binding integrin alpha(2)beta(1). The capacity of the peptides to support Mg2+-dependent binding of several integrin preparations was examined. Wild-type integrins (recombinant alpha(2) I-domain, alpha(2)beta(1) purified from platelet membranes, and recombinant soluble alpha(2)beta(1) expressed as an alpha(2)-Fos/beta(1)-Jun heterodimer) bound well to only three peptides, two containing GXX'GER motifs (GROGER and GMOGER, where O is hydroxyproline) and one containing two adjacent GXX'GEN motifs (GLKGEN and GLOGEN). Two mutant alpha(2) I-domains were tested: the inactive T221A mutant, which recognized no peptides, and the constitutively active E318W mutant, which bound a larger subset of peptides. Adhesion of activated human platelets to GER-containing peptides was greater than that of resting platelets, and HT1080 cells bound well to more of the peptides compared with platelets. Binding of cells and recombinant proteins was abolished by anti-alpha(2) monoclonal antibody 6F1 and by chelation of Mg2+. We describe two novel high affinity integrin-binding motifs in human collagen III (GROGER and GLOGEN) and a third motif (GLKGEN) that displays intermediate activity. Each motif was verified using shorter synthetic peptides.


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We present mid-infrared (5.2-15.2 mu m) spectra of the Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) 2003hv and 2005df observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. These are the first observed mid-infrared spectra of thermonuclear supernovae, and show strong emission from fine-structure lines of Ni, Co, S, and Ar. The detection of Ni emission in SN 2005df 135 days after the explosion provides direct observational evidence of high-density nuclear burning forming a significant amount of stable Ni in a SN Ia. The SN 2005df Ar lines also exhibit a two-pronged emission profile, implying that the Ar emission deviates significantly from spherical symmetry. The spectrum of SN 2003hv also shows signs of asymmetry, exhibiting blueshifted [Co (III)], which matches the blueshift of [Fe (II)] lines in nearly coeval near-infrared spectra. Finally, local thermodynamic equilibrium abundance estimates for the yield of radioactive Ni-56 give M-56Ni approximate to 0.5 M-circle dot, for SN 2003hv, but only M-56Ni approximate to 0.13-0.22 M-circle dot for the apparently subluminous SN 2005df, supporting the notion that the luminosity of SNe Ia is primarily a function of the radioactive 56Ni yield. The observed emission-line profiles in the SN 2005df spectrum indicate a chemically stratified ejecta structure, which matches the predictions of delayed detonation (DD) models, but is entirely incompatible with current three-dimensional deflagration models. Furthermore, the degree that this layering persists to the innermost regions of the supernova is difficult to explain even in a DD scenario, where the innermost ejecta are still the product of deflagration burning. Thus, while these results are roughly consistent with a delayed detonation, it is clear that a key piece of physics is still missing from our understanding of the earliest phases of SN Ia explosions.


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We present optical and infrared observations of the unusual Type Ia supernova (SN) 2004eo. The light curves and spectra closely resemble those of the prototypical SN 1992A, and the luminosity at maximum (M-B = -19.08) is close to the average for a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia). However, the ejected Ni-56 mass derived by modelling the bolometric light curve (about 0.45M(circle dot)) lies near the lower limit of the Ni-56 mass distribution observed in normal SNe Ia. Accordingly, SN 2004eo shows a relatively rapid post-maximum decline in the light curve [Delta m(15)(B)(true) = 1.46], small expansion velocities in the ejecta and a depth ratio Si II lambda 5972/ Si II lambda 6355 similar to that of SN 1992A. The physical properties of SN 2004eo cause it to fall very close to the boundary between the faint, low-velocity gradient and high-velocity gradient subgroups proposed by Benetti et al. Similar behaviour is seen in a few other SNe Ia. Thus, there may in fact exist a few SNe Ia with intermediate physical properties.


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Optical and near-infrared (near-IR) observations of the Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) 2004aw are presented, obtained from -3 to +413 d with respect to the B-band maximum. The photometric evolution is characterized by a comparatively slow post-maximum decline of the light curves. The peaks in redder bands are significantly delayed relative to the bluer bands, the I-band maximum occurring 8.4 d later than that in B. With an absolute peak magnitude of -18.02 in the V band the SN can be considered fairly bright, but not exceptional. This also holds for the U through I bolometric light curve, where SN 2004aw has a position intermediate between SNe 2002ap and 1998bw. Spectroscopically SN 2004aw provides a link between a normal SN Ic like SN 1994I and the group of broad-lined SNe Ic. The spectral evolution is rather slow, with a spectrum at day +64 being still predominantly photospheric. The shape of the nebular [O-I] lambda lambda 6300, 6364 line indicates a highly aspherical explosion. Helium cannot be unambiguously identified in the spectra, even in the near-IR. Using an analytical description of the light-curve peak we find that the total mass of the ejecta in SN 2004aw is 3.5-8.0 M-circle dot, significantly larger than that in SN 1994I, although not as large as in SN 1998bw. The same model suggests that about 0.3 M-circle dot of Ni-56 has been synthesized in the explosion. No connection to a GRB can be firmly established.


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Wind power generation differs from conventional thermal generation due to the stochastic nature of wind. Thus wind power forecasting plays a key role in dealing with the challenges of balancing supply and demand in any electricity system, given the uncertainty associated with the wind farm power output. Accurate wind power forecasting reduces the need for additional balancing energy and reserve power to integrate wind power. Wind power forecasting tools enable better dispatch, scheduling and unit commitment of thermal generators, hydro plant and energy storage plant and more competitive market trading as wind power ramps up and down on the grid. This paper presents an in-depth review of the current methods and advances in wind power forecasting and prediction. Firstly, numerical wind prediction methods from global to local scales, ensemble forecasting, upscaling and downscaling processes are discussed. Next the statistical and machine learning approach methods are detailed. Then the techniques used for benchmarking and uncertainty analysis of forecasts are overviewed, and the performance of various approaches over different forecast time horizons is examined. Finally, current research activities, challenges and potential future developments are appraised. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Renewable energy is generally accepted as an important component of future electricity grids. In late 2008, the Government of the Republic of Ireland set a target of 10% of all vehicles in its transport fleet be powered by electricity by 2020. This paper examines the potential contributions Electric Vehicles (EVs) can make to facilitate increased electricity generation from variable renewable sources such as wind generation in the Republic of Ireland. It also presents an overview of the technical and economic issues associated with this target.


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Recent cold winters and prolonged periods of low wind speeds have prompted concerns about the increasing penetration of wind generation in the Irish and other northern European power systems. On the combined Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland system there was in excess of 1.5 GW of installed wind power in January 2010. As the penetration of these variable, non-dispatchable generators increases, power systems are becoming more sensitive to weather events on the supply side as well as on the demand side. In the temperate climate of Ireland, sensitivity of supply to weather is mainly due to wind variability while demand sensitivity is driven by space heating or cooling loads. The interplay of these two weather-driven effects is of particular concern if demand spikes driven by low temperatures coincide with periods of low winds. In December 2009 and January 2010 Ireland experienced a prolonged spell of unusually cold conditions. During much of this time, wind generation output was low due to low wind speeds. The impacts of this event are presented as a case study of the effects of weather extremes on power systems with high penetrations of variable renewable generation.


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The international introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) will see a change in private passenger car usage, operation and management. There are many stakeholders, but currently it appears that the automotive industry is focused on EV manufacture, governments and policy makers have highlighted the potential environmental and job creation opportunities while the electricity sector is preparing for an additional electrical load on the grid system. If the deployment of EVs is to be successful the introduction of international EV standards, universal charging hardware infrastructure, associated universal peripherals and user-friendly software on public and private property is necessary. The focus of this paper is to establish the state-of-the-art in EV charging infrastructure, which includes a review of existing and proposed international standards, best practice and guidelines under consideration or recommendation.


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Electric vehicles (EV) do not emit tailpipe exhaust fumes in the same manner as internal combustion engine vehicles. Optimal benefits can only be achieved, if EVS are deployed effectively, so that the tailpipe emissions are not substituted by additional emissions in the electricity sector. This paper examines the potential contributions that Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles can make in reducing carbon dioxide. The paper presents the results of the generation expansion model for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland built using the dynamic programming based long term generation expansion planning tool called the Wien Automatic System Planning IV tool. The model optimizes power dispatch using hourly electricity demand curves for each year up to 2020, while incorporating generator characteristics and certain operational requirements such as energy not served and loss of load probability while satisfying constraints on environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance costs. In order to simulate the effect of PHEV, two distinct charging scenarios are applied based on a peak tariff and an off peak tariff. The importance and influence of the charging regime on the amount of energy used and gaseous emissions displaced is determined and discussed.