978 resultados para Fish consumption
Includes bibliography.
Um método quantitativo para se estimar o consumo alimentar e o aporte energético das diferentes categorias alimentares é apresentado através da reconstrução das presas ingeridas com base em estruturas corporais não digeríveis. Para tal, o presente estudo estabelece, através do exame dos conteúdos estomacais de 1.086 exemplares dissecados de Macrodon ancylodon (Bloch & Schneider, 1801), Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889) e Stellifer naso (Jordan, 1889), as equações das relações funcionais entre o peso das presas e estruturas corporais. Com as categorias reconstruídas foi possível quantificar o alimento ingerido pelos espécimes. Os resultados indicaram que existe uma marcada diferença, tanto na composição das categorias alimentares, bem como no aporte energético acompanhando o desenvolvimento ontogênico do predador.
We report the concentrations of 28 PAHs, 15 oxygenated PAHs (OPAHs) and 11 trace metals/metalloids (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn) in muscle and gut + gill tissues of demersal fishes (Drapane africana, Cynoglossus senegalensis and Pomadasys peroteti) from three locations along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea (Ghana). The concentrations of ∑ 28PAHs in muscle tissues averaged 192 ng g− 1 dw (range: 71–481 ng g− 1 dw) and were not statistically different between locations. The concentrations of ∑ 28 PAHs were higher in guts + gills than in muscles. The PAH composition pattern was dominated by low molecular weight compounds (naphthalene, alkyl-naphthalenes and phenanthrene). All fish tissues had benzo[a]pyrene concentrations lower than the EU limit for food safety. Excess cancer risk from consumption of some fish was higher than the guideline value of 1 × 10− 6. The concentrations of ∑ 15 OPAHs in fish muscles averaged 422 ng g− 1 dw (range: 28–1715 ng g− 1dw). The ∑ 15 OPAHs/∑ 16 US-EPA PAHs concentration ratio was > 1 in 68% of the fish muscles and 100% of guts + gills. The log-transformed concentrations of PAHs and OPAHs in muscles, guts + gills were significantly (p < 0.05) correlated with their octanol–water partitioning coefficients, strongly suggesting that equilibrium partitioning from water/sediment into fish tissue was the main mechanism of bioaccumulation. The trace metal concentrations in the fish tissues were in the medium range when compared to fish from other parts of the world. The concentrations of some trace metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) were higher in guts + gills than in muscle tissues. The target hazard quotients for metals were < 1 and did not indicate a danger to the local population. We conclude that the health risk arising from the consumption of the studied fish (due to their PAHs and trace metals content) is minimal.
Mechanisms responsive to hypercapnia (elevated CO2 concentrations) and shaping branchial energy turnover were investigated in isolated perfused gills of two Antarctic Notothenioids (Gobionotothen gibberifrons, Notothenia coriiceps). Branchial oxygen consumption was measured under normo- versus hypercapnic conditions (10,000 ppm CO2) at high extracellular pH values. The fractional costs of ion regulation, protein and RNA synthesis in the energy budgets were determined using specific inhibitors. Overall gill energy turnover was maintained under pH compensated hypercapnia in both Antarctic species as well as in a temperate zoarcid (Zoarces viviparus). However, fractional energy consumption by the examined processes rose drastically in G. gibberifrons (100-180%), and to a lesser extent in N. coriiceps gills (7-56%). In conclusion, high CO2 concentrations under conditions of compensated acidosis induce cost increments in epithelial processes, however, at maintained overall rates of branchial energy turnover.
Soft corals of the family Xeniidae are particularly abundant in Red Sea coral reefs. Their success may be partly due to a strong defense mechanism against fish predation. To test this, we conducted field and aquarium experiments in which we assessed the antifeeding effect of secondary metabolites of 2 common xeniid species, Ovabunda crenata and Heteroxenia ghardaqensis. In the field experiment, the metabolites of both investigated species reduced feeding on experimental food pellets in the natural population of Red Sea reef fishes by 86 and 92% for O. crenata and H. ghardaqensis, respectively. In the aquarium experiment, natural concentration of crude extract reduced feeding on experimental food pellets in the common reef fish Thalassoma lunare (moon wrasse) by 83 and 85%, respectively. Moon wrasse feeding was even reduced at extract concentrations as low as 12.5% of the natural concentration in living soft coral tissues. To assess the potential of a structural anti-feeding defence, sclerites of O. crenata were extracted and mixed into food pellets at natural, doubled and reduced concentration without and in combination with crude extract at 25% of natural concentration, and tested in an aquarium experiment. The sclerites did not show any effect on the feeding behavior of the moon wrasse indicating that sclerites provide structural support rather than antifeeding defense. H. ghardaqensis lacks sclerites. We conclude that the conspicuous abundance of xeniid soft coral species in the Red Sea is likely a consequence of a strong chemical defence, rather than physical defences, against potential predators.
Aquaponics is the science of integrating intensive fish aquaculture with plant production in recirculating water systems. Although ion waste production by fish cannot satisfy all plant requirements, less is known about the relationship between total feed provided for fish and the production of milliequivalents (mEq) of different macronutrients for plants, especially for nutrient flow hydroponics used for strawberry production in Spain. That knowledge is essential to consider the amount of macronutrients available in aquaculture systems so that farmers can estimate how much nutrient needs to be supplemented in the waste water from fish, to produce viable plant growth. In the present experiment, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) were grown in a small-scale recirculating system at two different densities while growth and feed consumption were noted every week for five weeks. At the same time points, water samples were taken to measure pH, EC25, HCO3 – , Cl – , NH4 + , NO2 – , NO3 – , H2PO4 – , SO4 2– , Na + , K+ , Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ build up. The total increase in mEq of each ion per kg of feed provided to the fish was highest for NO3 - , followed, in decreasing order, by Ca 2+ , H2PO4 – , K+ , Mg 2+ and SO4 2– . The total amount of feed required per mEq ranged from 1.61- 13.1 kg for the four most abundant ions (NO3 – , Ca 2+ , H2PO4 – and K+ ) at a density of 2 kg fish m–3 , suggesting that it would be rather easy to maintain small populations of fish to reduce the cost of hydroponic solution supplementation for strawberries.
Los peces son animales, donde en la mayoría de los casos, son considerados como nadadores muy eficientes y con una alta capacidad de maniobra. En general los peces se caracterizan por su capacidad de maniobra, locomoción silencioso, giros y partidas rápidas y viajes de larga distancia. Los estudios han identificado varios tipos de locomoción que los peces usan para generar maniobras y natación constante. A bajas velocidades la mayoría de los peces utilizan sus aletas pares y / o impares para su locomoción, que ofrecen una mayor maniobrabilidad y mejor eficiencia de propulsión. A altas velocidades la locomoción implica el cuerpo y / o aleta caudal porque esto puede lograr un mayor empuje y aceleración. Estas características pueden inspirar el diseo y fabricación de una piel muy flexible, una aleta caudal mórfica y una espina dorsal no articulada con una gran capacidad de maniobra. Esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de un novedoso pez robot bio-inspirado y biomimético llamado BR3, inspirado en la capacidad de maniobra y nado constante de los peces vertebrados. Inspirado por la morfología de los peces Micropterus salmoides o también conocido como lubina negra, el robot BR3 utiliza su fundamento biológico para desarrollar modelos y métodos matemáticos precisos que permiten imitar la locomoción de los peces reales. Los peces Largemouth Bass pueden lograr un nivel increíble de maniobrabilidad y eficacia de la propulsión mediante la combinación de los movimientos ondulatorios y aletas morficas. Para imitar la locomoción de los peces reales en una contraparte artificial se necesita del análisis de tecnologías de actuación alternativos, como arreglos de fibras musculares en lugar de servo actuadores o motores DC estándar, así como un material flexible que proporciona una estructura continua sin juntas. Las aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMAs) proveen la posibilidad de construir robots livianos, que no emiten ruido, sin motores, sin juntas y sin engranajes. Asi es como un pez robot submarino se ha desarrollado y cuyos movimientos son generados mediante SMAs. Estos actuadores son los adecuados para doblar la espina dorsal continua del pez robot, que a su vez provoca un cambio en la curvatura del cuerpo. Este tipo de arreglo estructural está inspirado en los músculos rojos del pescado, que son usados principalmente durante la natación constante para la flexión de una estructura flexible pero casi incompresible como lo es la espina dorsal de pescado. Del mismo modo la aleta caudal se basa en SMAs y se modifica para llevar a cabo el trabajo necesario. La estructura flexible proporciona empuje y permite que el BR3 nade. Por otro lado la aleta caudal mórfica proporciona movimientos de balanceo y guiada. Motivado por la versatilidad del BR3 para imitar todos los modos de natación (anguilliforme, carangiforme, subcarangiforme y tunniforme) se propone un controlador de doblado y velocidad. La ley de control de doblado y velocidad incorpora la información del ángulo de curvatura y de la frecuencia para producir el modo de natación deseado y a su vez controlar la velocidad de natación. Así mismo de acuerdo con el hecho biológico de la influencia de la forma de la aleta caudal en la maniobrabilidad durante la natación constante se propone un control de actitud. Esta novedoso robot pescado es el primero de su tipo en incorporar sólo SMAs para doblar una estructura flexible continua y sin juntas y engranajes para producir empuje e imitar todos los modos de natación, así como la aleta caudal que es capaz de cambiar su forma. Este novedoso diseo mecatrónico presenta un futuro muy prometedor para el diseo de vehículos submarinos capaces de modificar su forma y nadar mas eficientemente. La nueva metodología de control propuesto en esta tesis proporcionan una forma totalmente nueva de control de robots basados en SMAs, haciéndolos energéticamente más eficientes y la incorporación de una aleta caudal mórfica permite realizar maniobras más eficientemente. En su conjunto, el proyecto BR3 consta de cinco grandes etapas de desarrollo: • Estudio y análisis biológico del nado de los peces con el propósito de definir criterios de diseño y control. • Formulación de modelos matemáticos que describan la: i) cinemática del cuerpo, ii) dinámica, iii) hidrodinámica iv) análisis de los modos de vibración y v) actuación usando SMA. Estos modelos permiten estimar la influencia de modular la aleta caudal y el doblado del cuerpo en la producción de fuerzas de empuje y fuerzas de rotación necesarias en las maniobras y optimización del consumo de energía. • Diseño y fabricación de BR3: i) estructura esquelética de la columna vertebral y el cuerpo, ii) mecanismo de actuación basado en SMAs para el cuerpo y la aleta caudal, iii) piel artificial, iv) electrónica embebida y v) fusión sensorial. Está dirigido a desarrollar la plataforma de pez robot BR3 que permite probar los métodos propuestos. • Controlador de nado: compuesto por: i) control de las SMA (modulación de la forma de la aleta caudal y regulación de la actitud) y ii) control de nado continuo (modulación de la velocidad y doblado). Está dirigido a la formulación de los métodos de control adecuados que permiten la modulación adecuada de la aleta caudal y el cuerpo del BR3. • Experimentos: está dirigido a la cuantificación de los efectos de: i) la correcta modulación de la aleta caudal en la producción de rotación y su efecto hidrodinámico durante la maniobra, ii) doblado del cuerpo para la producción de empuje y iii) efecto de la flexibilidad de la piel en la habilidad para doblarse del BR3. También tiene como objetivo demostrar y validar la hipótesis de mejora en la eficiencia de la natación y las maniobras gracias a los nuevos métodos de control presentados en esta tesis. A lo largo del desarrollo de cada una de las cinco etapas, se irán presentando los retos, problemáticas y soluciones a abordar. Los experimentos en canales de agua estarán orientados a discutir y demostrar cómo la aleta caudal y el cuerpo pueden afectar considerablemente la dinámica / hidrodinámica de natación / maniobras y cómo tomar ventaja de la modulación de curvatura que la aleta caudal mórfica y el cuerpo permiten para cambiar correctamente la geometría de la aleta caudal y del cuerpo durante la natación constante y maniobras. ABSTRACT Fishes are animals where in most cases are considered as highly manoeuvrable and effortless swimmers. In general fishes are characterized for his manoeuvring skills, noiseless locomotion, rapid turning, fast starting and long distance cruising. Studies have identified several types of locomotion that fish use to generate maneuvering and steady swimming. At low speeds most fishes uses median and/or paired fins for its locomotion, offering greater maneuverability and better propulsive efficiency At high speeds the locomotion involves the body and/or caudal fin because this can achieve greater thrust and accelerations. This can inspire the design and fabrication of a highly deformable soft artificial skins, morphing caudal fins and non articulated backbone with a significant maneuverability capacity. This thesis presents the development of a novel bio-inspired and biomimetic fishlike robot (BR3) inspired by the maneuverability and steady swimming ability of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii, bony fishes). Inspired by the morphology of the Largemouth Bass fish, the BR3 uses its biological foundation to develop accurate mathematical models and methods allowing to mimic fish locomotion. The Largemouth Bass fishes can achieve an amazing level of maneuverability and propulsive efficiency by combining undulatory movements and morphing fins. To mimic the locomotion of the real fishes on an artificial counterpart needs the analysis of alternative actuation technologies more likely muscle fiber arrays instead of standard servomotor actuators as well as a bendable material that provides a continuous structure without joins. The Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) provide the possibility of building lightweight, joint-less, noise-less, motor-less and gear-less robots. Thus a swimming underwater fish-like robot has been developed whose movements are generated using SMAs. These actuators are suitable for bending the continuous backbone of the fish, which in turn causes a change in the curvature of the body. This type of structural arrangement is inspired by fish red muscles, which are mainly recruited during steady swimming for the bending of a flexible but nearly incompressible structure such as the fishbone. Likewise the caudal fin is based on SMAs and is customized to provide the necessary work out. The bendable structure provides thrust and allows the BR3 to swim. On the other hand the morphing caudal fin provides roll and yaw movements. Motivated by the versatility of the BR3 to mimic all the swimming modes (anguilliform, caranguiform, subcaranguiform and thunniform) a bending-speed controller is proposed. The bending-speed control law incorporates bend angle and frequency information to produce desired swimming mode and swimming speed. Likewise according to the biological fact about the influence of caudal fin shape in the maneuverability during steady swimming an attitude control is proposed. This novel fish robot is the first of its kind to incorporate only SMAs to bend a flexible continuous structure without joints and gears to produce thrust and mimic all the swimming modes as well as the caudal fin to be morphing. This novel mechatronic design is a promising way to design more efficient swimming/morphing underwater vehicles. The novel control methodology proposed in this thesis provide a totally new way of controlling robots based on SMAs, making them more energy efficient and the incorporation of a morphing caudal fin allows to perform more efficient maneuvers. As a whole, the BR3 project consists of five major stages of development: • Study and analysis of biological fish swimming data reported in specialized literature aimed at defining design and control criteria. • Formulation of mathematical models for: i) body kinematics, ii) dynamics, iii) hydrodynamics, iv) free vibration analysis and v) SMA muscle-like actuation. It is aimed at modelling the e ects of modulating caudal fin and body bend into the production of thrust forces for swimming, rotational forces for maneuvering and energy consumption optimisation. • Bio-inspired design and fabrication of: i) skeletal structure of backbone and body, ii) SMA muscle-like mechanisms for the body and caudal fin, iii) the artificial skin, iv) electronics onboard and v) sensor fusion. It is aimed at developing the fish-like platform (BR3) that allows for testing the methods proposed. • The swimming controller: i) control of SMA-muscles (morphing-caudal fin modulation and attitude regulation) and ii) steady swimming control (bend modulation and speed modulation). It is aimed at formulating the proper control methods that allow for the proper modulation of BR3’s caudal fin and body. • Experiments: it is aimed at quantifying the effects of: i) properly caudal fin modulation into hydrodynamics and rotation production for maneuvering, ii) body bending into thrust generation and iii) skin flexibility into BR3 bending ability. It is also aimed at demonstrating and validating the hypothesis of improving swimming and maneuvering efficiency thanks to the novel control methods presented in this thesis. This thesis introduces the challenges and methods to address these stages. Waterchannel experiments will be oriented to discuss and demonstrate how the caudal fin and body can considerably affect the dynamics/hydrodynamics of swimming/maneuvering and how to take advantage of bend modulation that the morphing-caudal fin and body enable to properly change caudal fin and body’ geometry during steady swimming and maneuvering.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects, if any, of sublethal concentrations of suspended materials on the fish in estuarine systems. Experimental sediment suspensions reproduced the concentrations frequently found during flooding and at dredging sites and dredged-material disposal sites. The suspensions were of natural sediment, obtained from the Patuxent River estuary, Maryland, or commercially available Fuller's earth. Fish were collected in the Patuxent River estuary and transported to the laboratory. The selected fish species inhabited ecologically different sections of the estuary; therefore, the overall reactions of each species were unique. Seven species of estuarine fish were exposed to Fuller's earth and natural sediment suspensions for timed periods and hematological changes were noted. The effects of various concentrations of Fuller's earth suspensions on white perch gill tissue were determined. Oxygen consumption rates of striped bass, white perch, and toadfish were measured in filtered Patuxent River water and compared to consumption rates in filtered river water suspensions of Fuller's earth or Patuxent River sediment. Fish showed signs of stress in response to suspended sediments in most of the experiments. Results indicate that sublethal concentrations of suspended solids can affect estuarine fish.
Cymothoid isopods Anilocra apogonae are regular ectoparasites of the cardinal fish Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus on the Great Barrier Reef. To determine whether this large isopod, attached to the head of the fish, affects the physiology and behaviour of its host, we conducted morphological measurements to obtain a condition index and several laboratory experiments on fish with and without isopods. The condition index did not vary between parasitised and non-parasitised wild fish. However, we found that parasitised fish lost more weight than unparasitised fish when fed a low food ration. Parasitised fish also had a higher rate of oxygen consumption than non-parasitised fish. When maintaining body posture in calm water, parasitised fish had an elevated pectoral fin beat frequency, probably because the isopod attaches asymmetrically, causing an asymmetrical weight balance for which the fish needs to compensate. Moreover, the sustained aerobic swimming speed as well as the swimming endurance at high water speeds were reduced in parasitised fish, possibly because of the drag from the parasite. The results suggest that parasites can have significant effects on fish even if this is not revealed by their body condition index in the wild. The metabolic effects found imply that parasitised fish may have to spend more time foraging to compensate for their higher metabolism. This could expose them to a higher risk of being eaten, a situation made worse by an impaired swimming ability that may reduce their capacity to escape a predator.
Weight loss in advanced cancer patients is refractory to conventional nutritional support. This may be due to metabolic changes mediated by proinflammatory cytokines, hormones, and tumor-derived products. We previously showed that a nutritional supplement enriched with fish oil will reverse weight loss in patients with pancreatic cancer cachexia. The present study examines the effect of this supplement on a number of mediators thought to play a role in cancer cachexia. Twenty weight-losing patients with pancreatic cancer were asked to consume a nutritional supplement providing 600 kcal and 2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid per day. At baseline and after 3 wk, patients were weighed and samples were collected to measure serum concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6 and its soluble receptor tumor necrosis factor receptors I and II, cortisol, insulin, and leptin, peripheral blood mononuclear cell production of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor, and urinary excretion of proteolysis inducing factor. After 3 wk of consumption of the fish oil-enriched nutritional supplement, there was a significant fall in production of IL-6 (from median 16.5 to 13.7 ng/ml, P = 0.015), a rise in serum insulin concentration (from 3.3 to 5.0 mU/l, P = 0.0064), a fall in the cortisol-to-insulin ratio (P = 0.0084), and a fall in the proportion of patients excreting proteolysis inducing factor (from 88% to 40%, P = 0.008). These changes occurred in association with weight gain (median 1 kg, P = 0.024). Various mediators of catabolism in cachexia are modulated by administration of a fish oil-enriched nutritional supplement in pancreatic cancer patients. This may account for the reversal of weight loss in patients consuming this supplement.
This thesis provides the first detailed study of maximal oxygen consumption of turbot on a fish farm over a range of fish sizes and temperatures. Also provided is a study of the diets used in turbot farming and the development of a diet that contains no fresh fish. A detailed study of previous research on flatfish nutrition, identified fresh fish, sprat in particular, as the optimum diet for turbot farming. A series of experiments was undertaken that confirmed this and also identified one possible explanation for the optimum performance of sprat, as a function of high non-protein energy ratios in sprat. This factor was exploited in the production of a diet containing no fresh fish and which produced superior results to diets containing fresh fish; the optimum level of lipid in the diet was determined as 18%. The study of oxygen consumption was on fully-fed fish so that maximum demand could be quantified. Continuous monitoring of tank water oxygen levels enabled the calculation of the Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) effect in turbot and the relation of it to dietary energy. Variation of SDA with the dietary energy profile was identified as a contributing factor to differential fish growth on various diets. Finally, the implications of this work to fish farming were considered. Economic appraisal and comparison of the diets routinely used in turbot farming identified that the diet developed as a result of this work, ie the diet containing no fresh fish protein, was more cost effective on the basis of the production of one tonne of turbot. The study of oxygen consumption enables water supply to be calculated for any fish size between 1g and 1000g between the temperatures of 7® C and 16® C. The quantification of SDA enables correct adjustment of oxygen flows according to the feeding status of the fish.
Small fishes in seasonally flooded environments such as the Everglades are capable of spreading into newly flooded areas and building up substantial biomass. Passive drift cannot account for the rapidity of observed population expansions. To test the ‘reaction–diffusion’ mechanism for spread of the fish, we estimated their diffusion coefficient and applied a reaction–diffusion model. This mechanism was also too weak to account for the spatial dynamics. Two other hypotheses were tested through modeling. The first—the ‘refuge mechanism’—hypothesizes that small remnant populations of small fishes survive the dry season in small permanent bodies of water (refugia), sites where the water level is otherwise below the surface. The second mechanism, which we call the ‘dynamic ideal free distribution mechanism’ is that consumption by the fish creates a prey density gradient and that fish taxis along this gradient can lead to rapid population expansion in space. We examined the two alternatives and concluded that although refugia may play an important role in recolonization by the fish population during reflooding, only the second, taxis in the direction of the flooding front, seems capable of matching empirical observations. This study has important implications for management of wetlands, as fish biomass is an essential support of higher trophic levels.
Mercury concentrations ([Hg]) in Arctic food fish often exceed guidelines for human subsistence consumption. Previous research on two food fish species, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), indicates that anadromous fish have lower [Hg] than nonanadromous fish, but there have been no intraregional comparisons. Also, no comparisons of [Hg] among anadromous (sea-run), resident (marine access but do not migrate), and landlocked (no marine access) life history types of Arctic char and lake trout have been published. Using intraregional data from 10 lakes in the West Kitikmeot area of Nunavut, Canada, we found that [Hg] varied significantly among species and life history types. Differences among species-life history types were best explained by age-at-size and C:N ratios (indicator of lipid); [Hg] was significantly and negatively related to both. At a standardized fork length of 500 mm, lake trout had significantly higher [Hg] (mean 0.17 µg/g wet wt) than Arctic char (0.09 µg/g). Anadromous and resident Arctic char had significantly lower [Hg] (each 0.04 µg/g) than landlocked Arctic char (0.19 µg/g). Anadromous lake trout had significantly lower [Hg] (0.12 µg/g) than resident lake trout (0.18 µg/g), but no significant difference in [Hg] was seen between landlocked lake trout (0.21 µg/g) and other life history types. Our results are relevant to human health assessments and consumption guidance and will inform models of Hg accumulation in Arctic fish.