889 resultados para First Academic Year


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate changes in body weight, BMI, body composition, and fat distribution among freshman women during their 1st year of college. Research Methods and Procedures: Freshman women during the 2004 to 2005 academic year were recruited to participate. The initial baseline visit occurred within the first 6 weeks of the fall 2004 semester, with the follow-up visit occurring during the last 6 weeks of the spring 2005 semester. At each visit, height, weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences, and body composition (by DXA) were obtained. Results: One hundred thirty-seven participants completed both the fall and spring visits. Significant (p < 0.0001) increases between the fall and spring visits were observed for body weight (58.6 vs. 59.6 kg), BMI (21.9 vs. 22.3), percentage body fat (28.9 vs. 29.7), total fat mass (16.9 vs. 17.7 kg), fat-free mass (38.1 vs. 38.4 kg), waist circumference (69.4 vs. 70.3 cm), and hip circumference (97.4 vs. 98.6 cm), with no significant difference observed in the waist-to-hip ratio (0.71 vs. 0.71; p = 0.78). Discussion: Although statistically significant, changes in body weight, body composition, and fat mass were modest for women during their freshman year of college. These results do not support the purported freshman 15 weight gain publicized in the popular media.


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Once again this publication is produced to celebrate and promote good teaching and learning support and to offer encouragement to those imaginative and innovative staff who continue to wish to challenge students to learn to maximum effect. It is hoped that others will pick up some good ideas from the articles contained in this volume. We had changed our editorial approach in drawing together the articles for this 2005/6 edition (our third) of the ABS Good Practice Guide. Firstly we have expanded our contributors beyond ABS academics. This year?s articles have also been written by staff from other areas of the University, a PhD student, a post-doctoral researcher and staff working in learning support. We see this as an acknowledgement that the learning environment involves a range of people in the process of student support. We have also expanded the maximum length of the articles from two to five pages, in order to allow greater reflection on the issues. The themes of the papers cluster around issues relating to diversity (widening participation and internationalisation of the student body), imaginative use of new technology (electronic reading on BlackboardTM ) and reflective practitioners, (reflection on rigour and relevance; on how best to train students in research ethics, relevance in the curriculum and the creativity of the teaching process) Discussion of efforts to train the HE teachers of the future looks forward to the next academic year when the Higher Education Academy?s professional standards will be introduced across the sector. In the last volume we mentioned the launch of the School?s Research Centre in Higher Education Learning and Management (HELM). Since then HELM has stimulated a lot of activity across the School (and University) particularly linking research and teaching. A list of the HELM seminars is listed as an appendix to this publication. Further details can be obtained from Catherine Foster (c.s.foster@aston.ac.uk) who coordinates the HELM seminars. HELM has also won its first independent grant from the EU Leonardo programme to look at the effect of business education on employment. In its annual report to the ABS Research Committee HELM listed for 2004 and 2005, 11 refereed journal articles, 4 book chapters, 3 published conference papers, 18 conference papers, one official reports and £72,500 of grant money produced in this research area across the School. I hope that this shows that reflection on learning is live and well in ABS. May I thank the contributors for taking time out of their busy schedules to write the articles and to Julie Green, the Quality Manager, for putting our diverse approaches into a coherent and publishable form.


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Purpose. The prevalence of myopia is known to vary with age, ethnicity, level of education, and socioeconomic status, with a high prevalence reported in university students and in people from East Asian countries. This study determines the prevalence of ametropia in a mixed ethnicity U.K. university student population and compares associated ocular biometric measures. Methods. Refractive error and related ocular component data were collected on 373 first-year U.K. undergraduate students (mean age = 19.55 years ± 2.99, range = 17-30 years) at the start of the academic year at Aston University, Birmingham, and the University of Bradford, West Yorkshire. The ethnic variation of the students was as follows: white 38.9%, British Asian 58.2%, Chinese 2.1%, and black 0.8%. Noncycloplegic refractive error was measured with an infrared open-field autorefractor, the Shin-Nippon NVision-K 5001 (Shin Nippon, Ryusyo Industrial Co. Ltd, Osaka, Japan). Myopia was defined as a mean spherical equivalent (MSE) less than or equal to -0.50 D. Hyperopia was defined as an MSE greater than or equal to +0.50 D. Axial length, corneal curvature, and anterior chamber depth were measured using the Zeiss IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss, Jena, GmBH). Results. The analysis was carried out only for white and British Asian groups. The overall distribution of refractive error exhibited leptokurtosis, and prevalence levels were similar for white and British Asian (the predominant ethnic group) students across each ametropic group: myopia (50% vs. 53.4%), hyperopia (18.8% vs. 17.3%), and emmetropia (31.2% vs. 29.3%). There were no significant differences in the distribution of ametropia and biometric components between white and British Asian samples. Conclusion. The absence of a significant difference in refractive error and ocular components between white and British Asian students exposed to the same educational system is of interest. However, it is clear that a further study incorporating formal epidemiologic methods of analysis is required to address adequately the recent proposal that juvenile myopia develops principally from myopiagenic environments and is relatively independent of ethnicity.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of effective clinical and theory instructors as perceived by LPN/RN versus generic students in an associate degree nursing program.^ Data were collected from 508 students during the 1996-7 academic year from three NLN accredited associate degree nursing programs. The researcher developed instrument consisted of three parts: (a) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Clinical Instructor Rating Scale, (b) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Theory Instructor Rating Scale, and (c) Demographic Data Sheet. The items were listed under five major categories identified in the review of the literature: (a) interpersonal relationships, (b) personality traits, (c) teaching practices, (d) knowledge and experience, and (e) evaluation procedures. The instrument was administered to LPN/RN students in their first semester and to generic students in the third semester of an associate degree nursing program.^ Data was analyzed using a one factor mutivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Further t tests were carried out to explore for possible differences between type of student and by group. Crosstabulations of the demographic data were analyzed.^ There were no significant differences found between the LPN/RN versus generic students on their perceptions of either effective theory or effective clinical instructor characteristics. There were significant differences between groups on several of the individual items. There was no significant interaction between group and ethnicity or group and age on the five major categories for either of the two instruments. There was a significant main effect of ethnicity on several of the individual items.^ The differences between the means and standard deviations on both instruments were small, suggesting that all of the characteristics listed for effective theory and clinical instructors were important to both groups of students. Effective teaching behaviors, as indicated on the survey instruments, should be taught to students in graduate teacher education programs. These behaviors should also be discussed by faculty coordinators supervising adjunct faculty. Nursing educators in associate degree nursing programs should understand theories of adult learning and implement instructional strategies to enhance minority student success. ^


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To explore the relationship between memory and early school performance, we used graph theory to investigate memory reports from 76 children aged 6–8 years. The reports comprised autobiographical memories of events days to years past, and memories of novel images reported immediately after encoding. We also measured intelligence quotient (IQ) and theory of mind (ToM). Reading and Mathematics were assessed before classes began (December 2013), around the time of report collection (June 2014), and at the end of the academic year (December 2014). IQ and ToM correlated positively with word diversity and word-to-word connectivity, and negatively with word recurrence. Connectivity correlated positively with Reading in June 2014 as well as December 2014, even after adjusting for IQ and ToM. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating a link between the structure of children’s memories and their cognitive or academic performance.


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To explore the relationship between memory and early school performance, we used graph theory to investigate memory reports from 76 children aged 6–8 years. The reports comprised autobiographical memories of events days to years past, and memories of novel images reported immediately after encoding. We also measured intelligence quotient (IQ) and theory of mind (ToM). Reading and Mathematics were assessed before classes began (December 2013), around the time of report collection (June 2014), and at the end of the academic year (December 2014). IQ and ToM correlated positively with word diversity and word-to-word connectivity, and negatively with word recurrence. Connectivity correlated positively with Reading in June 2014 as well as December 2014, even after adjusting for IQ and ToM. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating a link between the structure of children’s memories and their cognitive or academic performance.


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A presente investigação examina o papel da inteligêncial emocional (IE) no desempenho académico, numa amostra de 111 estudantes em frequência do ensino universitário português. No presente trabalho faz-se uma revisão bibliográfica do tema da IE e dos factores contributivos para o desempenho académico, bem como uma breve visita a outros trabalhos desenvolvidos nesta área de investigação. Para medição da IE assumiu-se o modelo misto, tendo-se avaliado as seguintes seis dimensões: 1) auto-encorajamento (uso das emoções); 2) compreensão das emoções próprias; 3) autocontrolo perante as críticas; 4)compreensão das emoções dos outros; 5) empatia e contágio emocional; 6) autocontrolo emocional (regulação das emoções). O desempenho académico foi calculado a partir das médias das classificações obtidas pelos estudantes no final do primeiro semestre do ano lectivo 2009/2010. Os resultados evidenciam que os alunos com melhores desempenhos académicos denotam níveis superiores de inteligência emocional, se bem que não foram encontradas associações significativas entre a IE e o desempenho académico, sugerindo a necessidade de mais estudos com vista ao aprofundamento desta jovem e controversa área de pesquisa. / The research investigates the role of emotional intelligence (EI)in academic achivement in a sample of 111 students that attend Portuguese universities. In this work we review the issue of EI and the factors that contibute to academic achievement, at the same time making a brief visit to other works done on this area. In order to measure EI, the mixed model was used, evaluating through the following six dimensions: 1) self-encouragement (use of emotions); 2) understanding of self emotions; 3) self-control in response to criticism; 4) understanding of emotions in others; 5) empathy and emotional contagion; 6) emotional self-control (regulation of emotions). Academic achievement was evaluated by the average of the grades obtained by the students at the end of the first semester of the academic year 2009/2010. The results show that students with better academic outcomes demonstrate higher emotional intelligence, though there were no significative associations between EI and academic achievement, suggesting the need for further studies in order to deepen this young and controversial area of research.


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Academic literature has increasingly recognized the value of non-traditional higher education learning environments that emphasize action-orientated experiential learning for the study of entrepreneurship (Gibb, 2002; Jones & English, 2004). Many entrepreneurship educators have accordingly adopted approaches based on Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning cycle to develop a dynamic, holistic model of an experience-based learning process. Jones and Iredale (2010) suggested that entrepreneurship education requires experiential learning styles and creative problem solving to effectively engage students. Support has also been expressed for learning-by-doing activities in group or network contexts (Rasmussen and Sorheim, 2006), and for student-led approaches (Fiet, 2001). This study will build on previous works by exploring the use of experiential learning in an applied setting to develop entrepreneurial attitudes and traits in students. Based on the above literature, a British higher education institution (HEI) implemented a new, entrepreneurially-focused curriculum during the 2013/14 academic year designed to support and develop students’ entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. The approach actively involved students in small scale entrepreneurship activities by providing scaffolded opportunities for students to design and enact their own entrepreneurial concepts. Students were provided with the necessary resources and training to run small entrepreneurial ventures in three different working environments. During the course of the year, three applied entrepreneurial opportunities were provided for students, increasing in complexity, length, and profitability as the year progressed. For the first undertaking, the class was divided into small groups, and each group was given a time slot and venue to run a pop-up shop in a busy commercial shopping centre. Each group of students was supported by lectures and dedicated class time for group work, while receiving a set of objectives and recommended resources. For the second venture, groups of students were given the opportunity to utilize an on-campus bar/club for an evening and were asked to organize and run a profitable event, acting as an outside promoter. Students were supported with lectures and seminars, and groups were given a £250 budget to develop, plan, and market their unique event. The final event was optional and required initiative on the part of the students. Students were given the opportunity to develop and put forward business plans to be judged by the HEI and the supporting organizations, which selected the winning plan. The authors of the winning business plan received a £2000 budget and a six-week lease to a commercial retail unit within a shopping centre to run their business. Students received additional academic support upon request from the instructor, and one of the supporting organizations provided a training course offering advice on creating a budget and a business plan. Data from students taking part in each of the events was collected, in order to ascertain the learning benefits of the experiential learning, along with the successes and difficulties they faced. These responses have been collected and analyzed and will be presented at the conference along with the instructor’s conclusions and recommendations for the use of such programs in higher educations.


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É amplamente reconhecida a relevância crescente da leitura no século XXI, enquanto requisito fundamental para um exercício de cidadania responsável e crítico. Por outro lado, tal como acontece com outros aspetos da vida social, a investigação reconhece a influência exercida pelas representações sociais sobre a nossa compreensão do caráter multifacetado das práticas de leitura. Tal peso assume particular relevo no que diz respeito aos estudantes do Ensino Superior, nomeadamente aos futuros profissionais da Educação, pela sua responsabilidade acrescida na formação de leitores autónomos e críticos, privilegiando a sua motivação para a leitura e o seu desempenho em compreensão na leitura. No entanto, em Portugal, poucos estudos focam as representações sobre a leitura destes estudantes e sua influência em práticas educativas futuras. Nesse sentido, realizámos um estudo cujos objetivos de investigação foram: i) Identificar e caracterizar as representações de estudantes a frequentar um primeiro ciclo de estudos de Bolonha sobre: a sua motivação para a leitura; o seu desempenho em compreensão na leitura; os fatores que os influenciariam; as competências em leitura do seu futuro público; estratégias didáticas orientadas para a motivação para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura no seu futuro público; ii) determinar a influência das representações sobre estes aspetos nas suas práticas futuras relacionadas com a motivação para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura; iii) conceber, implementar e avaliar um plano de formação em Didática do Português, visando a promoção da competência didática dos estudantes, orientada para a motivação do seu futuro público para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura. Neste estudo, participaram 53 estudantes, inscritos na unidade curricular de Iniciação à Leitura e à Escrita, integrada no 3.º ano do plano de estudos da Licenciatura em Educação Básica da Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, no 1.º semestre do ano letivo de 2012/2013. Foram objeto de uma intervenção didática, integrada no módulo programático consagrado à leitura, que durou quatro semanas. Face aos objetivos traçados, optámos por uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico o estudo de caso único. Foram utilizados vários instrumentos de recolha de dados: para os relativos às representações, usámos um questionário, uma reflexão escrita individual e duas fichas de trabalho; para os relacionados com o desempenho, recorremos a um relatório escrito de um trabalho prático de planificação e fundamentação de atividades, com uma componente individual e outra realizada em grupo. Todos os dados recolhidos foram objeto de análise de conteúdo, complementada por uma análise estatística descritiva (frequências absolutas e relativas). O nosso estudo permitiu-nos concluir que as representações sobre a leitura destes estudantes podem ser encaradas como um constructo multifacetado e complexo, no qual assume centralidade o conhecimento, associado à valorização da leitura em contexto escolar, sendo relegada para segundo plano uma dimensão mais afetiva da leitura. Tais representações seriam influenciadas por múltiplos fatores. No que respeita à motivação para a leitura, tais fatores incluiriam o género, o estatuto sociocultural, as práticas de literacia familiar e académica, os hábitos de leitura, o gosto pela leitura e preferências de leitura. O desempenho em compreensão na leitura, de caráter multidimensional, seria influenciado pelas estratégias que os estudantes mobilizariam durante a leitura, pela sua atitude de persistência quando confrontados com dificuldades e pela facilidade com que leriam com fins informativos, académicos e recreativos. Concluímos igualmente que tais representações sobre a leitura se repercutiriam nas práticas educativas futuras dos estudantes relacionadas com a motivação para a leitura e com o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura. A intervenção didática realizada teria concorrido para os dotar de algumas competências didáticas relacionadas com o ensino explícito da compreensão na leitura e fazer evoluir as representações, contribuindo também para algumas alterações ao seu perfil de leitor, em termos de motivação e de desempenho. Inferimos que tal evolução se repercutiu no modo como encaravam as suas futuras práticas educativas, no que se referia à competência didática para a motivação para a leitura e desenvolvimento de competências em compreensão na leitura no seu futuro público. Da investigação realizada decorrem algumas sugestões pedagógicodidáticas com vista a contribuir para o aprofundamento das representações sobre a leitura dos estudantes futuros profissionais da Educação e sua influência em práticas educativas.


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.


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Este estudo tem como objectivo investigar o papel que as representações, construídas por alunos do 1.o ano de escolaridade, desempenham na resolução de problemas de Matemática. Mais concretamente, a presente investigação procura responder às seguintes questões: Que representações preferenciais utilizam os alunos para resolver problemas? De que forma é que as diferentes representações são influenciadas pelas estratégias de resolução de problemas utilizadas pelos alunos? Que papéis têm os diferentes tipos de representação na resolução dos problemas? Nesta investigação assume-se que a resolução de problemas constitui uma actividade muito importante na aprendizagem da Matemática no 1.o Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os problemas devem ser variados, apelar a estratégias diversificadas de resolução e permitir diferentes representações por parte dos alunos. As representações cativas, icónicas e simbólicas constituem importantes ferramentas para os alunos organizarem, registarem e comunicarem as suas ideias matemáticas, nomeadamente no âmbito da resolução de problemas, servindo igualmente de apoio à compreensão de conceitos e relações matemáticas. A metodologia de investigação segue uma abordagem interpretativa tomando por design o estudo de caso. Trata-se simultaneamente de uma investigação sobre a própria prática, correspondendo os quatro estudos de caso a quatro alunos da turma de 1.0 ano de escolaridade da investigadora. A recolha de dados teve lugar durante o ano lectivo 2007/2008 e recorreu à observação, à análise de documentos, a diários, a registos áudio/vídeo e ainda a conversas com os alunos. A análise de dados que, numa primeira fase, acompanhou a recolha de dados, teve como base o problema e as questões da investigação bem como o referencial teórico que serviu de suporte à investigação. Com base no referencial teórico e durante o início do processo de análise, foram definidas as categorias de análise principais, sujeitas posteriormente a um processo de adequação e refinamento no decorrer da análise e tratamento dos dados recolhidos -com vista à construção dos casos em estudo. Os resultados desta investigação apontam as representações do tipo icónico e as do tipo simbólico como as representações preferenciais dos alunos, embora sejam utilizadas de formas diferentes, com funções distintas e em contextos diversos. Os elementos simbólicos apoiam-se frequentemente em elementos icónicos, sendo estes últimos que ajudam os alunos a descompactar o problema e a interpretá-lo. Nas representações icónicas enfatiza-se o papel do diagrama, o qual constitui uma preciosa ferramenta de apoio ao raciocínio matemático. Conclui-se ainda que enquanto as representações activas dão mais apoio a estratégias de resolução que envolvem simulação, as representações icónicas e simbólicas são utilizadas com estratégias diversificadas. As representações construídas, com papéis e funções diferentes entre si, e que desempenham um papel crucial na correcta interpretação e resolução dos problemas, parecem estar directamente relacionadas com as caraterísticas da tarefa proposta no que diz respeito às estruturas matemáticas envolvidas. ABSTRACT; The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of the representations constructed by 1st grade students in mathematical problem solving. More specifically, this research is oriented by the following questions: Which representations are preferably used by students to solve problems? ln which way the strategies adopted by the students in problem solving influence those distinct representations? What is the role of the distinct types of representation in the problems solving process? ln this research it is assumed that the resolution of problems is a very important activity in the Mathematics learning at the first cycle of basic education. The problems must be varied, appealing to diverse strategies of resolution and allow students to construct distinct representations. The active, iconic and symbolic representations are important tools for students to organize, to record and to communicate their mathematical ideas, particularly in problem solving context, as well as supporting the understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships. The adopted research methodology follows an interpretative approach, and was developed in the context of the researcher classroom, originating four case studies corresponding to four 1 st grade students of the researcher's class. Data collection was carried out during the academic year of 2007/2008 and was based on observation, analysis of documents, diaries, audio and video records and informal conversations with students. The initial data analysis was based on the problems and issues of research, as well in the theoretical framework that supports it. The main categories of analysis were defined based on the theoretical framework, and were subjected to a process of adaptation and refining during data processing and analysis aiming the -case studies construction. The results show that student's preferential representations are the iconic and the symbolic, although these types of representations are used in different ways, with different functions and in different contexts. The symbolic elements are often supported by iconic elements, the latter helping students to unpack the problem and interpret it. ln the iconic representations the role of the diagrams is emphasized, consisting in a valuable tool to support the mathematical reasoning. One can also conclude that while the active representations give more support to the resolution strategies involving simulation, the iconic and symbolic representations are preferably used with different strategies. The representations constructed with distinct roles and functions, are crucial in the proper interpretation and resolution of problems, and seem to be directly related to the characteristics of the proposed task with regard to the mathematical structures involved.


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Elaborado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação pré-escolar, o presente relatório pretende dar a conhecer os aspetos inerentes à prática desenvolvida no ano letivo de 2014/2015 na instituição CoopBerço de Évora, diretamente relacionados com a dimensão investigativa dessa prática. Esta investigação foi realizada tendo em conta as necessidades e os interesses das crianças, conciliados com um foco no desenvolvimento da orientação espacial. A presente investigação teve como objetivos desenvolver a minha competência de preparar e conduzir situações que promovam o desenvolvimento da orientação espacial das crianças, nomeadamente nos espaços do Jardim-de-infância; desenvolver a minha competência de identificar situações reais adequadas para explorar a orientação espacial com as crianças; identificar situações a explorar para aproveitar a curiosidade e interesses das crianças; e refletir sobre as observações realizadas com base nos desempenhos das crianças e identificar como melhorar a prática. Estes objetivos foram definidos com a finalidade de tornar possível promover o desenvolvimento da orientação espacial das crianças no contexto de creche e jardim-de-infância, o que se torna fundamental desde os primeiros anos. A investigação apoiou-se na recolha e análise de dados relativos ao trabalho realizado no âmbito da orientação espacial, trabalho realizado com fundamentação teórica. Em ambos os contextos, foi desenvolvida uma sequência de tarefas promotoras de aspetos fundamentais da orientação espacial, como tomar um ponto de vista, conseguir localizar e ler e interpretar mapas. Este estudo permite concluir que a orientação espacial pode começar a ser desenvolvida nas primeiras idades, sendo crucial a organização do espaço que rodeia as crianças, assim como o proporcionar-lhes momentos de exploração, discussão em grupo e investigação para que possam consolidar noções espaciais que já dominam e fazerm novas aquisições. O educador tem um papel crucial na ampliação da capacidade de orientação espacial das crianças, sendo importante promover situações diversas que recorram à posição no espaço das crianças, localização, à tomada de um ponto de vista e à leitura de mapas; cSupervised Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education: Developing Spatial Orientation Abstract: This report focus on the supervised teaching practice of the Master on Preschool Education and intends to describe the investigative dimension of the practises developed in the academic year of 2014/2015 in the CoopBerço de Évora. This research was conducted taking into account the needs and interests of the children in what concerns the development of their spatial orientation. This research aimed to develop my competence of preparing and conducting situations that promote the development of spatial orientation of the children; to develop my competence of identifying suitable real situations to explore the spatial orientation with the children; to identify situations that take advantage of the curiosity and interests of children; and to reflect on the children's performance and, at last, to identify how to improve my practice as educator. These objectives were defined in order to make possible to promote the development of spatial orientation of children in the context of nursery school and kindergarten, considering that these development is fundamental since the early years of childwood. The research is based on the collection and analysis of data relating to the work concerning the development of spatial orientation. The work with the children was intentionally prepared with the elaboration of a sequence of tasks devoted to promote the development of fundamental aspects of spatial orientation, such as taking a point of view, being able to locate and reading and interpreting maps. This study shows that the spatial orientation can start to be developed at early ages. The organization of the space surrounding the children is crucial as well is to provide children with moments of exploration, group discussion and investigation so they can use and exploit the spatial notions that already know. The teacher plays a crucial role in expanding the spatial orientation ability of the children. It is important to prepare and conduct diverse situations making use of the position in the space, location, making a point of view and map reading.


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O relatório aqui presente foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar da Escola Superior de Educação do Porto no ano letivo 2014/2015 nas valências de creche e pré-escolar. A prática pedagógica Supervisionada decorreu na XXXX e teve como objetivo permitir o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais da formanda de acordo com o perfil de desempenho definido para o efeito no Decreto - Lei nº241/2001. O presente relatório tem como objetivo efetuar a articulação entre a teoria e a prática, refletindo sobre a mesma. Desta forma, o presente relatório está organizado em três grandes capítulos: o primeiro em que a mestranda fundamenta teoricamente as suas opções pedagógicas, o segundo em que procede à caracterização do grupo e da metodologia de investigação-ação utilizada pela mestranda durante a sua prática e, o terceiro capitulo em que são abordadas algumas das propostas realizadas nos dois contextos de estágio, assim como os resultados obtidos pelas mesmas. É preciso ressalvar que este relatório apresenta o resultado de um trabalho colaborativo entre a mestranda e o seu par pedagógico e as educadoras cooperantes. Apresenta também o trabalho colaborativo com o par pedagógico que realizou a sua prática na XXXX juntamente com a mestranda. Este relatório termina com uma reflexão da formanda sobre as potencialidades e os constrangimentos sentidos no âmbito da prática pedagógica.


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Education in entrepreneurship is a relatively new addition to the curriculum of institutions of higher education in Portugal. Forty-one percent of the current courses were first offered in 2003 or 2004. This recent awakening to the importance of entrepreneurship education is both reactive to the needs of the market as well as pro-active through the interests of professors. As the developing phenomenon of entrepreneurship education grows there is an urgent need to better understand and develop this area through academic research. Pedagogy, course content, the use of technology as well as other parallel initiatives related to entrepreneurship education in Portugal are the primary focus of this national survey of academic year 2004/2005. The majority (76.5%) of professors surveyed stated that their university has plans to create an entrepreneurship/innovation center. However, it is believed that roles and activities that a “center” must have to be effective are, as of yet, not well-defined in the Portuguese context. In developing future initiatives, Portugal could benefit by looking at models from other countries that have well-developed entrepreneurship educational offerings and support structures. Findings indicate that current course pedagogy in Portugal relies heavily on business plan creation and theoretical lectures and seldom makes use of computer business simulations, role-playing or internships. In addition, greater use of the Internet as a method for disseminating information to students and entrepreneurs could help “market” entrepreneurship education better and improve the perception of those students not currently taking an entrepreneurship course.