984 resultados para Film growth
An ultrathin composite film containing both polyoxometalate anion [PMo12O40](3-) ( PMo12) and a planar binuclear phthalocyanine, bi-CoPc, has been prepared by the electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly method. UV-vis measurements revealed regular film growth with each four-layer {PMo12/bi-CoPc/PSS/PAH} adsorption. The lm structure was characterized by small-angle X-ray reflectivity measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectra, and AFM images. The nanothick film shows a third-order nonlinear optical response of chi((3)) = 4.21 x 10(-12) esu. Experimental investigations also indicate that the combination of polyoxometalate anions [PMo12O40](3-) with the phthalocyanine bi-CoPc in multilayer films can enhance the third-order NLO susceptibility and modify the third-order NLO absorption of bi-CoPc.
Ultrathin multilayer films of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and a polyoxotungstoeuropate cluster K-13[Eu(SiW11O39)(2)] (Eu(SiW11)(2)) have been prepared by the layer-by-layer self-assembly method. The Eu(SiW11)(2)/PAH multilayer films have been characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectra and atomic force microscopy (AFM). UV-Vis measurements reveal regular film growth with each Eu(SiW11)(2) adsorption. The photoluminescent behavior of the film at room temperature was to show the characteristic Eu3+ emission pattern of D-5(o) --> F-7(J). The occurrence of photoluminescent activity confirms the potential for creating luminescent multilayers with polyoxometalates.
The combination of electrochemistry with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has been used to characterize the growth of polyaniline (PAn) on a gold electrode surface during potential cycling. Potential-modulated SPR characteristics of the PAn film were also revealed. The potential switch between the oxidized and reduced states of PAn can lead to a large change of SPR response due to the variation in the imaginary part of the dielectric constant of PAn film resulting from the transition of the film in conductivity. The redox transition of the PAn film during potential cycling is very profitable to the SPR measurements. Two modes of SPR measurement, SPR angular scan (R-theta) and the time evolution of the reflectivity change at a fixed angle (R-t), were displayed to study the growth process of the PAn film. The angle shift of the resonance minimum recorded at each cathodic limit of cyclic potential scanning allows for the unambiguous measurement of the film growth. During cyclic potential scanning, the R-t curve was repeatedly modulated with the direction of the potential ramp as a result of the redox switch of the PAn film, and the amplitude of potential-modulated reflectivity change was well correlated with the cyclic number. The time differential of the R-t curve permits continuous monitoring of the film growth process. These results illustrate that the combined technique is suitable for studying the electropolymerization process of a conducting polymer.
The assembly of alternating DNA and positively charged poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) (PDDA) multilayer films by electrostatic layer-by-layer adsorption has been studied. The real-time surface plasmon resonance (BIAcore) technique was used to characterize and monitor the formation of multilayer films in solution in real time continuously. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and UV-vis absorbance measurements were also used to study the film assembly, and linear film growth was observed. All the results indicate that the uniform multilayer can be obtained on the poly(ethylenimine)- (PEI-) coated substrate surface. The kinetics of the adsorption of DNA on PDDA surface was also studied by the real-time BIAcore technique; the observed rate constant was calculated using a Langmuir model (k(obs) = (1.28 +/- 0.08) x 10(-2) s(-1).
Epitaxial crystallization of syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) on 2-quinoxalinol (2-Quin) yields, in the lower part of the crystallization range, the less common and metastable form II based on the packing of isochiral helices, rather than the stable antichiral form I. The contact plane is (110)(II). Form II exits only as a thin layer (< 50 nm) near the substrate surface. During further growth away from the surface, a transition takes place to the disordered form I, observed in "conventional" thin film growth. The epitaxial relationship rests only partly on dimensional matching with the chain axis repeat distance (which would be valid for both forms I and II) and on interchain distances. Whereas a better dimensional match would be achieved with form I, selection of the isochiral form II results from better correspondence of the surface topographies of the deposit (110)(II) sPP and substrate 2-Quin (001) contact faces.
The structures of single crystals of syndiotactic poly(butene-1) in form I, produced by thin-film growth, are studied by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Bright-field electron microscopy observation shows that the single crystal exhibits a regular rectangular shape with the long axis along its crystallographic b-axis. Electron diffraction results indicate an isochiral C-centered packing of a-fold helical chains in an orthorhombic unit cell corresponding to the C222(1) space group, according to the model proposed in the literature. The differences with the polymorphic behavior of syndiotactic polypropylene concerning the formation and the stability of the isochiral mode of packing are outlined.
Ultrathin multilayer films of a polybasic lanthanide heteropoly tungstate-molybdate complex and a cationic polymer of quaternized poly(4-vinylpyridine) partially complexed with osmium bis(2,2'-bipyridine) have been fabricated on a gold electrode precoated with a cysteamine self-assembled monolayer. The multilayer films have been characterized by optical spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray diffraction, and electrochemical methods (cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance). Especially, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is developed to monitor the layer deposition processes. It provides important information such as double-layer capacitance and charge-transfer resistance. All obtained results reveal regular film growth with each layer adsorption. (C) 2001 The Electrochemical Society.
The irreversible capacity loss of the carbon electrode in lithium-ion batteries at the first cycle is caused mostly by surface film growth. We inspected an unknown irreversible capacity loss (UICL) of the natural graphite electrodes. The charge/discharge behavior of graphite and meso-phase carbon microbeads heat-treated at 2800 degrees C (MCMB28) as the materials of the carbon anode in the lithium-ion battery were compared. It was found that the capacity loss of the natural graphite electrode in the first cycle is caused not only by surface film growth, but also by irreversible lithium-ion intercalation on the new formed surface at the potential range of lithium intercalation, while the capacity loss of the MCMB28 electrode is mainly originated from surface film growth. The reason for the difference of their irreversible capacity losses of these two kinds of carbon material was explained in relation to their structural characteristics. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science S.A.
There are several factors which make the investigation and understanding of nanoscale ferroelectrics particularly timely and important. Firstly, there is a market pressure, primarily from the electronics industry, to integrate ferroelectrics into devices with progressive decreases in size and increases in morphological complexity. This is perhaps best illustrated through the roadmaps for product development in FeRAM (Ferroelectric Randorn Access Memory) where the need for increases in bit density will require a move from 2D planar capacitor structures to 3D trenched capacitors in the next few years. Secondly, there is opportunity for novel exploration, as it is only relatively recently that developments in thin film growth of complex oxides, self-assembly techniques and high-resolution 'top-down' patterning have converged to allow the fabrication of isolated and well-defined ferroelectric nanoshapes, the properties of which are not known. Thirdly, there is an expectation that the behaviour of small scale ferroelectrics will be different from bulk, as this group of functional materials is highly sensitive to boundary/surface conditions, which are expected to dominate the overall response when sizes are reduced into the nanoscale regime. This feature article attempts to introduce some of the current areas of discovery and debate surrounding studies on ferroelectrics at the nanoscale. The focus is directed primarily at the search for novel size-related properties and behaviour which are not necessarily observed in bulk.
Nanostructure and molecular orientation play a crucial role in determining the functionality of organic thin films. In practical devices, such as organic solar cells consisting of donor-acceptor mixtures, crystallinity is poor and these qualities cannot be readily determined by conventional diffraction techniques, while common microscopy only reveals surface morphology. Using a simple nondestructive technique, namely, continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, which exploits the well-understood angular dependence of the g-factor and hyperfine tensors, we show that in the solar cell blend of C-60 and copper phthalocyanine (CuPc)-for which X-ray diffraction gives no information-the CuPc, and by implication the C-60, molecules form nanoclusters, with the planes of the CuPc molecules oriented perpendicular to the film surface. This information demonstrates that the current nanostructure in CuPc:C-60 solar cells is far from optimal and suggests that their efficiency could be considerably increased by alternative film growth algorithms.
Photo-oxidation of amorphous GeS2 films illuminated by band-gap radiation drastically alters the growth mode and reactivity of subsequently deposited Ag. In the former case (monolayer/simultaneous multilayer growth) the Ag reacts with both Ge and S sites. In the latter case (Stranski-Krastanov growth) Ge sites are selectively oxidized and film growth proceeds by Ag nucleation at the unoxidized S sites. The behaviour is very different from that reported earlier for Zn deposition on GeS2, where photo-oxidation results in very large changes in metal sticking probability. XPS, XAES and EXAFS data provide the basis for understanding both this phenomenon and the very different photodiffusion behaviour of Zn and Ag in GeS2.
O objectivo deste trabalho é a produção de novos eléctrodos modificados com polioxotungstatos (POMs) do tipo Keggin, incluindo POMs lacunares e substituídos por metais de transição. A preparação e caracterização dos polioxotungstatos encontram-se descritas no Capítulo 2. No Capítulo 3 descreve-se a produção de eléctrodos de carbono vítreo funcionalizados com sais híbridos de tetra-n-butilamónio de vários silicotungstatos pelo método de evaporação da gota. As propriedades electroquímicas dos polioxotungstatos imobilizados foram comparadas com as das espécies solúveis correspondentes. A morfologia dos depósitos foi avaliada por microscopia óptica e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento. No capítulo 4 descreve-se a preparação de novos eléctrodos compósitos de carbono e poli(hexilmetacrilato) com fosfotungstatos. Os estudos electroquímicos revelaram que as principais características dos POMs são mantidas e que os processos de redução são controlados por difusão, dependendo da difusão dos protões da solução. O Capítulo 5 descreve a construção de filmes em multicamadas ultrafinos contendo POMs e polietilenimina, preparados pelo método de auto-montagem camada-sobre-camada em eléctrodos de carbono vítreo. Os filmes em multicamada foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento e foi usada a espectroscopia de absorção de UV-Vis em placas de quartzo para monitorar o crescimento de filme. Os resultados voltamétricos revelaram que os processos de redução dos POM são confinados à superfície. Alguns destes eléctrodos modificados revelaram propriedades electrocatalíticas relativamente à redução dos aniões nitrito, bromato e/ou iodato. A espectroscopia de impedância electroquímica também foi usada na caracterização destes filmes e os resultados revelaram que a resistência à transferência de carga aumenta com o aumento do número de bicamadas para ambas as espécies redox, indicando que a espessura do filme tem um efeito importante sobre a cinética de reacções de transferência de carga. No capítulo 6 descreve-se a síntese de filmes híbridos orgânicos/inorgânicos compostos por poli(3,4-etilenodioxitiofeno) (PEDOT) e por silicotungstatos do tipo Keggin através da polimerização electroquímica, em condições aquosas, na superfície de electrodos de carbono vítreo. A voltametria cíclica revelou que as características principais dos POMs são mantidas nos filmes. Verificou-se que estes filmes são muito estáveis, possivelmente devido a fortes interacções electrostáticas entre os POMs aniónicos e o polímero positivamente carregado. A espectroscopia de impedância electroquímica foi também utilizada e os resultados mostraram que a resistência de transferência de carga aumenta com o aumento do pH e para valores de potenciais mais elevados. O capítulo 7 apresenta as conclusões finais e possíveis trabalhos futuros.
The process of depositing thin films by the use of pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has become a more widely used technique for the growth of substances in a thin film form. Pulsed laser deposition allows for the stoichiometric film growth of the target which is of great significance in the deposition of High Temperature Superconducting materials. We will describe a system designed using an excimer laser and vaccum chamber in which thin films and superlattices of YBa2Cuj07_i, PrBa2Cu307_i, and YBajCujOr-j/ PrBajCusOr-^ were deposited on SrTiOs. Results of resistivity measurements using the four probe technique will be shown.
En lien avec l’avancée rapide de la réduction de la taille des motifs en microfabrication, des processus physiques négligeables à plus grande échelle deviennent dominants lorsque cette taille s’approche de l’échelle nanométrique. L’identification et une meilleure compréhension de ces différents processus sont essentielles pour améliorer le contrôle des procédés et poursuivre la «nanométrisation» des composantes électroniques. Un simulateur cellulaire à l’échelle du motif en deux dimensions s’appuyant sur les méthodes Monte-Carlo a été développé pour étudier l’évolution du profil lors de procédés de microfabrication. Le domaine de gravure est discrétisé en cellules carrées représentant la géométrie initiale du système masque-substrat. On insère les particules neutres et ioniques à l’interface du domaine de simulation en prenant compte des fonctions de distribution en énergie et en angle respectives de chacune des espèces. Le transport des particules est effectué jusqu’à la surface en tenant compte des probabilités de réflexion des ions énergétiques sur les parois ou de la réémission des particules neutres. Le modèle d’interaction particule-surface tient compte des différents mécanismes de gravure sèche telle que la pulvérisation, la gravure chimique réactive et la gravure réactive ionique. Le transport des produits de gravure est pris en compte ainsi que le dépôt menant à la croissance d’une couche mince. La validité du simulateur est vérifiée par comparaison entre les profils simulés et les observations expérimentales issues de la gravure par pulvérisation du platine par une source de plasma d’argon.
Swift heavy ion induced changes in microstructure and surface morphology of vapor deposited Fe–Ni based metallic glass thin films have been investigated by using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Ion beam irradiation was carried out at room temperature with 103 MeV Au9+ beam with fluences ranging from 3 1011 to 3 1013 ions/cm2. The atomic force microscopy images were subjected to power spectral density analysis and roughness analysis using an image analysis software. Clusters were found in the image of as-deposited samples, which indicates that the film growth is dominated by the island growth mode. As-deposited films were amorphous as evidenced from X-ray diffraction; however, high resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements revealed a short range atomic order in the samples with crystallites of size around 3 nm embedded in an amorphous matrix. X-ray diffraction pattern of the as-deposited films after irradiation does not show any appreciable changes, indicating that the passage of swift heavy ions stabilizes the short range atomic ordering, or even creates further amorphization. The crystallinity of the as-deposited Fe–Ni based films was improved by thermal annealing, and diffraction results indicated that ion beam irradiation on annealed samples results in grain fragmentation. On bombarding annealed films, the surface roughness of the films decreased initially, then, at higher fluences it increased. The observed change in surface morphology of the irradiated films is attributed to the interplay between ion induced sputtering, volume diffusion and surface diffusion