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The geological map shows the border area between the polyphase (late Mesoproterozoic and Cambrian) deformed Sivorg Terrane and the Kottas Terrane where a pervasive Cambrian tectonometamorphic overprints is lacking. Geological revision mapping was carried out during the Antarctic Expedition 2000/01 of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. Topographic data were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (height differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m. Published by Geologisches Institut der RWTH Aachen & Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Bremen.


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Underwater georeferenced photo-transect survey was conducted on September 23 - 27, 2007 at different sections of the reef flat, reef crest and reef slope in Heron Reef. For this survey a snorkeler or diver swam over the bottom while taking photos of the benthos at a set height using a standard digital camera and towing a surface float GPS which was logging its track every five seconds. A standard digital compact camera was placed in an underwater housing and fitted with a 16 mm lens which provided a 1.0 m x 1.0 m footprint, at 0.5 m height above the benthos. Horizontal distance between photos was estimated by three fin kicks of the survey diver/snorkeler, which corresponded to a surface distance of approximately 2.0 - 4.0 m. The GPS was placed in a dry-bag and logged its position as it floated at the surface while being towed by the photographer. A total of 3,586 benthic photos were taken. A floating GPS setup connected to the swimmer/diver by a line enabled recording of coordinates of each benthic. Approximation of coordinates of each benthic photo was done based on the photo timestamp and GPS coordinate time stamp, using GPS Photo Link Software (www.geospatialexperts.com). Coordinates of each photo were interpolated by finding the gps coordinates that were logged at a set time before and after the photo was captured. Benthic or substrate cover data was derived from each photo by randomly placing 24 points over each image using the Coral Point Count excel program (Kohler and Gill, 2006). Each point was then assigned to 1 out of 80 cover types, which represented the benthic feature beneath it. Benthic cover composition summary of each photo scores was generated automatically using CPCE program. The resulting benthic cover data of each photo was linked to gps coordinates, saved as an ArcMap point shapefile, and projected to Universal Transverse Mercator WGS84 Zone 56 South.


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Interpretation of ice-core records requires accurate knowledge of the past and present surface topography and stress-strain fields. The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) drilling site (0.0684° E and 75.0025° S, 2891.7 m) in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, is located in the immediate vicinity of a transient and splitting ice divide. A digital elevation model is determined from the combination of kinematic GPS measurements with the GLAS12 data sets from the ICESat satellite. Based on a network of stakes, surveyed with static GPS, the velocity field around the EDML drilling site is calculated. The annual mean velocity magnitude of 12 survey points amounts to 0.74 m/a. Flow directions mainly vary according to their distance from the ice divide. Surface strain rates are determined from a pentagon-shaped stake network with one center point, close to the drilling site. The strain field is characterised by along flow compression, lateral dilatation, and vertical layer thinning.


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In this paper, a new digital elevation model (DEM) is derived for the ice sheet in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. It is based on differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from the European Remote Sensing 1/2 (ERS-1/2) satellites, in combination with ICESat's Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS). A DEM mosaic is compiled out of 116 scenes from the ERS-1 ice phase in 1994 and the ERS-1/2 tandem mission between 1996 and 1997 with the GLAS data acquired in 2003 that served as ground control. Using three different SAR processors, uncertainties in phase stability and baseline model, resulting in height errors of up to 20 m, are exemplified. Atmospheric influences at the same order of magnitude are demonstrated, and corresponding scenes are excluded. For validation of the DEM mosaic, covering an area of about 130,000 km**2 on a 50-m grid, independent ICESat heights (2004-2007), ground-based kinematic GPS (2005), and airborne laser scanner data (ALS, 2007) are used. Excluding small areas with low phase coherence, the DEM differs in mean and standard deviation by 0.5 +/- 10.1, 1.1 +/- 6.4, and 3.1 +/- 4.0 m from ICESat, GPS, and ALS, respectively. The excluded data points may deviate by more than 50 m. In order to suppress the spatially variable noise below a 5-m threshold, 18% of the DEM area is selectively averaged to a final product at varying horizontal spatial resolution. Apart from mountainous areas, the new DEM outperforms other currently available DEMs and may serve as a benchmark for future elevation models such as from the TanDEM-X mission to spatially monitor ice sheet elevation.


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Orbital forcing does not only exert direct insolation effects, but also alters climate indirectly through feedback mechanisms that modify atmosphere and ocean dynamics and meridional heat and moisture transfers. We investigate the regional effects of these changes by detailed analysis of atmosphere and ocean circulation and heat transports in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-biosphere general circulation model (ECHAM5/JSBACH/MPI-OM). We perform long term quasi equilibrium simulations under pre-industrial, mid-Holocene (6000 years before present - yBP), and Eemian (125 000 yBP) orbital boundary conditions. Compared to pre-industrial climate, Eemian and Holocene temperatures show generally warmer conditions at higher and cooler conditions at lower latitudes. Changes in sea-ice cover, ocean heat transports, and atmospheric circulation patterns lead to pronounced regional heterogeneity. Over Europe, the warming is most pronounced over the north-eastern part in accordance with recent reconstructions for the Holocene. We attribute this warming to enhanced ocean circulation in the Nordic Seas and enhanced ocean-atmosphere heat flux over the Barents Shelf in conduction with retreat of sea ice and intensified winter storm tracks over northern Europe.


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Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.


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We report the northernmost and deepest known occurrence of deep-water pycnodontine oysters, based on two surveys along the French Atlantic continental margin to the La Chapelle continental slope (2006) and the Guilvinec Canyon (2008). The combined use of multibeam bathymetry, seismic profiling, CTD casts and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) made it possible to describe the physical habitat and to assess the oceanographic control for the recently described species Neopycnodonte zibrowii. These oysters have been observed in vivo in depths from 540 to 846 m, colonizing overhanging banks or escarpments protruding from steep canyon flanks. Especially in the Bay of Biscay, such physical habitats may only be observed within canyons, where they are created by both long-term turbiditic and contouritic processes. Frequent observations of sand ripples on the seabed indicate the presence of a steady, but enhanced bottom current of about 40 cm/s. The occurrence of oysters also coincides with the interface between the Eastern North Atlantic Water and the Mediterranean Outflow Water. A combination of this water mass mixing, internal tide generation and a strong primary surface productivity may generate an enhanced nutrient flux, which is funnelled through the canyon. When the ideal environmental conditions are met, up to 100 individuals per m² may be observed. These deep-water oysters require a vertical habitat, which is often incompatible with the requirements of other sessile organisms, and are only sparsely distributed along the continental margins. The discovery of these giant oyster banks illustrates the rich biodiversity of deep-sea canyons and their underestimation as true ecosystem hotspots.


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Based on data from R/V Polarstern multibeam sonar surveys between 1984 and 1997 a high resolution bathymetry has been generated for the central Fram Strait. The area ensonified covers approx. 36,500 sqkm between 78°N-80°N and 0°E-7.5°E. Basic outcome of the investigation is a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with 100 m grid spacing which was utilized for contouring and generation of a new series of bathymetric charts (AWI BCFS).


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Eine scheinbar ganz normale Familie an einem ganz normalen Abend - bis der Sohn beginnt, die Wände mit Graffiti zu verzieren. Die Eltern fallen ein in einen Rausch der Verwüstung. Aber wie kann man nur sein eigenes Zuhause zerstören?


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The global aerosol/climate model ECHAM5-HAM is used in order to investigate the dust cycle for four interglacial and one glacial climate conditions. The 20-year time-slices are the pre-industrial control (CTRL), mid-Holocene (6000 years BP), last glacial inception (115000 years BP), Eemian (126000 years BP) and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (21000 years BP) time intervals. The study is focused on the Antarctic region. The model is able to reproduce the magnitude order of dust deposition globally for the pre-industial and LGM climates. Correlation coefficient of the natural logarithm of the observed and modeled values is 0.78 for the CTRL and 0.81 for the LGM. For the pre-industrial simulation the model overestimates observed values in Antarctica by a factor of about 2-3 due to overestimation of the Australian dust source and too high wet deposition in the Antarctica interior. In the LGM, the model underestimates dust deposition in eastern Antarctica by a factor of about 4-5 due to underestimation of the South American dust source. More records are needed to validate dust deposition for the past interglacial time-slices. The modeled results show that dust deposition in Antarctica in the past interglacial time-slices is higher than in the CTRL simulation. The largest increase of dust deposition in Antarctica is simulated for the LGM, showing about 10-fold increase compared to CTRL.


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We experimentally and numerically investigated the generation of plumes from a local heat source (LHS) and studied the interaction of these plumes with cellular convective motion (CCM) in a rectangular cavity filled with silicon oil at a Prandtl number (Pr) of approximately two thousand. The LHS is generated using a 0.2-W green laser beam. A roll-type CCM is generated by vertically heating one side of the cavity. The CCM may lead to the formation of an unusual spiral convective plume that resembles a vertical Archimedes spiral. A similar plume is obtained in a direct numerical simulation. We discuss the physical mechanism for the formation of a spiral plume and the application of the results to mantle convection problems. We also estimate the Reynolds (Re) and Rayleigh (Ra) numbers and apply self-similarity theory to convection in the Earth's mantle. Spiral plumes can be used to interpret mantle tomography results over the last decade.


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Ein interdisziplinäres und interaktives Medienprojekt von und für junge Menschen zum Thema "Regionale Klimaänderungen". Der Klimawandel ist eines der wichtigsten Zukunftsthemen und Handlungsfelder unserer Zivilgesellschaft, mit weltweiter Relevanz und regionalen Auswirkungen. Die jungen Menschen heute sind diejenigen, die in Zukunft von den Folgen der Klimaveränderungen besonders stark betroffen sein werden. Sie sind aber auch gleichzeitig gefordert zu erkennen, dass wir andere Lebensstile finden und Vermeidungs- und Anpassungsstrategien jetzt auf den Weg bringen müssen, da diese Maßnahmen nur sehr langfristig wirken. Es liegt noch zu wenig im Erfahrungs- und Erlebenshorizont vieler junger Menschen, Maßnahmen zu Klimaschutz und -anpassung als wichtige Bausteine für die eigene Zukunft zu begreifen und aktiv als Thema anzunehmen. Daher bedarf es einer frühen und intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit dieser gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung als Teil der eigenen Lebenswirklichkeit. Zielgruppe des Medienprojektes war hier die heranwachsende Generation im Ausbildungsalter (16-30 Jahre). Die Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM (Regionale Klimaänderungen) und die DEKRA Hochschule Berlin haben sich 2013 gemeinsam auf den Weg gemacht, den Prozess der Auseinandersetzung und der Bewusstseinsbildung für die Bedeutung dieses Themas für junge Menschen in einem gemeinsamen interdisziplinären Projekt anzustoßen (www.reklim-medienprojekt.de). Gewählt für die Umsetzung dieses Projektes wurde die internationale REKLIM Konferenz "Our Climate - Our Future, Regional Perspectives on a global Challenge", die vom 6. - 9. Oktober 2014 in Berlin stattfand. Das ins Leben gerufene Medienprojekt zu dieser wissenschaftlichen Konferenz vereinte die Expertisen beider Projektpartner, um das Thema "Regionale Klimaänderungen" von jungen Menschen für junge Menschen zu adressieren und sie in ihrer eigenen Sprache und Mediennutzung zu erreichen. Insgesamt konnten mehr als 80 Studierende aus den Studiengängen Fernsehen und Film, Journalismus und Medienmanagement der DEKRA Hochschule Berlin in diesem einzigartigen Projekt in die Wissenschaftskonferenz eingebunden werden. Mit selbst konzipierten und produzierten Medienprodukten (u.a. einem Blog, mehreren Dokumentarfilmen, Viralen Videos sowie täglichen Berichterstattungen) für die Öffentlichkeit sollten die regionalen Aspekte des Klimawandels, die in der Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM wissenschaftlich erarbeitet werden, der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden. Den Studierenden kam dabei die wichtige Rolle zu, die wissenschaftlichen Inhalte in eine filmkünstlerische, journalistische und junge Sprache zu transformieren, mit unvoreingenommener Perspektive auf die Probleme zu schauen und die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dabei gleichsam mit einzubinden. So ist in dem Projekt ein wichtiger Dialog- und Lernprozess zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen entstanden. Darüber hinaus bot die Zusammenarbeit für die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des REKLIM-Verbunds und der beteiligten Zentren eine einmalige Chance, eine mediale Öffentlichkeit herzustellen, die es in dieser Form vermutlich für eine derartige Konferenz noch nicht gegeben hat. Für die Studierenden der DEKRA Hochschule bedeutete das Medienprojekt wichtige Erfahrungen in der projektbezogenen Arbeit mit einem externen Partner zu einem gesellschaftsrelevanten Thema zu sammeln. Das REKLIM-Medienprojekt verfolgt die Ziele: - in einem interdisziplinären und interaktiven Projekt junge Menschen zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Klimawandel und zur Bewusstseinsbildung für die Bedeutung der regionalen Klimaänderungen anzuregen, - durch die von den Studierenden entwickelten Medienprodukte eine Verbindung zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu ermöglichen, - einen Dialogprozess zwischen Wissenschaftler/-innen und Studierenden zu initiieren, - wissenschaftliche Inhalte über künstlerische und mediale Transferprozesse anschaulich und ansprechend einer breiten Öffentlichkeit, insbesondere jungen Menschen, näherzubringen, um sie für das Thema Klimawandel und seine regionalen Auswirkungen zu sensibilisieren, - einen Dialog- und Lernprozess zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen anzuregen.