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The quality of a thermoelectric material is judged by the size of its temperature de- pendent thermoeletric-figure-of-merit (zT ). Superionic materials, particularly Zn4Sb3 and Cu2Se, are of current interest for the high zT and low thermal conductivity of their disordered, superionic phase. In this work it is reported that the super-ionic materials Ag2Se, Cu2Se and Cu1.97Ag0.03Se show enhanced zT in their ordered, normal ion-conducting phases. The zT of Ag2Se is increased by 30% in its ordered phase as compared to its disordered phase, as measured just below and above its first order phase transition. The zT ’s of Cu2Se and Cu1.97Ag0.03Se both increase by more than 100% over a 30 K temperatures range just below their super-ionic phase transitions. The peak zT of Cu2Se is 0.7 at 406 K and of Cu1.97Ag0.03Se is 1.0 at 400 K. In all three materials these enhancements are due to anomalous increases in their Seebeck coefficients, beyond that predicted by carrier concentration measurements and band structure modeling. As the Seebeck coefficient is the entropy transported per carrier, this suggests that there is an additional quantity of entropy co-transported with charge carriers. Such co-transport has been previously observed via co-transport of vibrational entropy in bipolaron conductors and spin-state entropy in NaxCo2O4. The correlation of the temperature profile of the increases in each material with the nature of their phase transitions indicates that the entropy is associated with the thermodynamcis of ion-ordering. This suggests a new mechanism by which high thermoelectric performance may be understood and engineered.


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I. The 3.7 Å Crystal Structure of Horse Heart Ferricytochrome C.

The crystal structure of horse heart ferricytochrome c has been determined to a resolution of 3.7 Å using the multiple isomorphous replacement technique. Two isomorphous derivatives were used in the analysis, leading to a map with a mean figure of merit of 0.458. The quality of the resulting map was extremely high, even though the derivative data did not appear to be of high quality.

Although it was impossible to fit the known amino acid sequence to the calculated structure in an unambiguous way, many important features of the molecule could still be determined from the 3.7 Å electron density map. Among these was the fact that cytochrome c contains little or no α-helix. The polypeptide chain appears to be wound about the heme group in such a way as to form a loosely packed hydrophobic core in the molecule.

The heme group is located in a cleft on the molecule with one edge exposed to the solvent. The fifth coordinating ligand is His 18 and the sixth coordinating ligand is probably neither His 26 nor His 33.

The high resolution analysis of cytochrome c is now in progress and should be completed within the next year.

II. The Application of the Karle-Hauptman Tangent Formula to Protein Phasing.

The Karle-Hauptman tangent formula has been shown to be applicable to the refinement of previously determined protein phases. Tests were made with both the cytochrome c data from Part I and a theoretical structure based on the myoglobin molecule. The refinement process was found to be highly dependent upon the manner in which the tangent formula was applied. Iterative procedures did not work well, at least at low resolution.

The tangent formula worked very well in selecting the true phase from the two possible phase choices resulting from a single isomorphous replacement phase analysis. The only restriction on this application is that the heavy atoms form a non-centric cluster in the unit cell.

Pages 156 through 284 in this Thesis consist of previously published papers relating to the above two sections. References to these papers can be found on page 155.


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A partir da leitura do livro Mínimos, Múltiplos e Comuns de João Gilberto Noll, este trabalho busca empreender um estudo sobre as relações entre a escrita do artista e tempo na figura dos instantes ficcionais, observando a questão do microrrelato e da exigência fragmentária (cf.P. Lacoue-Labarthe e Jean-Luc Nancy), na perspectiva do inacabado/unidade, o que projeta uma hipótese de conjunto constelar para a escrita de João Gilberto Noll. Inicialmente realiza-se uma reflexão de alguns temas importantes na fortuna crítica sobre o escritor, com a intenção de saber como estes reverberam na sua escrita para, em seguida, tratar do fragmento e suas perspectivas estéticas de inacabamento e de totalidade, com relação ao tempo e como dessas questões surge a metáfora crítica do instante ficcional. As leituras críticas usadas como operadores nortearam-se a partir das noções de fragmento (romântico), e de Acontecimento, relacionadas ao par conceitual Cronos/Aiôn deleuziano


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Em Vinte e zinco, o escritor moçambicano Mia Couto, recorrendo ao universo telúrico de seu país, tenta recuperar, ficcionalmente, um período cronológico que perpassa dias imediatamente anteriores e posteriores à Revolução dos Cravos em Portugal, quando se deu a queda do regime salazarista, no 25 de Abril de 1974, iniciando a narrativa em 19 de Abril e concluindo-a no dia 30. O escritor vale-se de recursos lúdicos inerentes à produção ficcional, somados às possibilidades estéticas oferecidas ao longo do processo de resgate sociocultural dos valores da terra. Assim, conta uma história em que elementos do maravilhoso são legíveis como comuns à realidade quotidiana. A narrativa apresenta a função da Casa dos Castro os integrantes da família e suas relações com África e das demais personagens que transitam ao seu redor seja na figura de negros, seja na de alguns brancos, estes, assimilados ao avesso ou não. Essas personagens juntas mesmo que estejam, em determinados momentos, em lados opostos caminham, como representação da dualidade colonial, em direção à apoteótica cena insólita em que se dão a ascensão do Napolo e a tempestade que cai ao final, manchando a terra às vésperas do 25 de Abril. Mia Couto, em um universo cercado de mitos, crenças e tradições, torna visível o invisível, espelhando, no plano da diegese, a realidade desse cenário, e recupera, pela via das trocas culturais ao longo dos séculos, estratégias de construção narrativa ficcional desenvolvidas nas literaturas latino-americanas a fim de representar Moçambique em sua obra. Assim, apropria-se dos preceitos do Real Maravilhoso, em sua vertente africana aqui chamada de Real Animismo miacoutiano para apresentar essa mestiçagem cultural com imagens plurivalentes do real


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The spectroscopic properties of (Y0.92-xLa0.08Ndx)(2)O-3 transparent ceramics were investigated. According to three intensity parameters (Omega(2),Omega(4),Omega(6)) fitted by the Judd-Ofelt theory, the spectroscopic quality parameter (X-Nd), branching ratio (beta(J,J')), and quantum efficiency (eta) of Nd3+ were determined. It was found that X-Nd of the host, owing to the additive La2O3, was decreased from 1.6 to 0.46; thus beta(J,11/2) was increased from 46% to 56.82%. A figure of merit of the specimens was discussed and compared with Nd:YAG transparent ceramic. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Lima Barreto aborda o intelectual do seu tempo a partir do seu ideal de arte social, e dentro deste ideal de arte o intelectual é aquele que mantém articulação com o saber, e faz disto um benefício para a coletividade (OAKLEY, 2011). Portanto, este trabalho aborda as figurações da intelectualidade no Brasil utilizando a idealização de arte e intelectual de Lima Barreto em nossas análises sobre a figura do intelectual. Inevitavelmente ao tratar da temática do intelectual não poderíamos deixar de abordar a própria figura de Lima Barreto como intelectual em seu tempo. Assim sendo, busca-se compreender Lima Barreto como intelectual preterido por seus contemporâneos, bem como não engajado em lutas de classes sociais, distante de qualquer categoria de intelectual orgânico de Gramsci. Com isto infere-se que Lima Barreto não fazia parte da elite intelectual da Belle Époque, e nem era porta-voz do subúrbio. Ele foi um escritor e intelectual militante somente de uma causa: a arte como ferramenta para comunhão entre os homens. Escolhemos o gênero crônica por ela ser algo diário, escrita de observador e gênero onde Lima pode explorar a sua escrita irônica e sarcástica sobre diversos temas, em especial o intelectual (SÁ, 2005). Portanto, as crônicas de Lima Barreto podem nos oferecer uma melhor representação dessas figurações do intelectual, seja na política, imprensa ou literatura. Lima Barreto vai construir seu ideal de arte e intelectual dentro da sociedade Belle Époque, sociedade essa que abrigava um trabalho de elaboração da literatura em que a forma era mais importante do que o conteúdo e fomentava a política de modernização do país numa clara imitação dos modos e costumes europeus em nossa literatura. Ao contrário disto, Lima Barreto defendia que o importante, para o intelectual, era o trato com o conteúdo, ser contemporâneo, uma relação verdadeira com a inteligência e que sua escrita estivesse a serviço do bem comum. Evidente que a literatura idealizada por Lima Barreto era utópica, mas militante, e é por isso que ele, Lima Barreto, é um intelectual de resistência


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O presente trabalho propõe apresentar o tipo de sociabilidade maçônica idealizada por Hipólito José da Costa, redator do Correio Braziliense (1808-1822), pioneiro da imprensa brasileira, apesar de não ser um reconhecimento unânime. Dessa forma será enfatizado à trajetória de vida de Hipólito e as muitas memórias construídas por seus biógrafos, que trazem à luz as dubiedades que cercam a figura do redator luso-brasileiro. Algumas interpretações que abordam as inúmeras facetas de Hipólito estarão presentes neste estudo, sobretudo, a sua faceta maçônica. Assim, com o objetivo de analisar a sociabilidade maçônica defendida e propagada por Hipólito da Costa, tomarei como base o discurso do redator registrado não só no Correio, mas também no Diário da minha viagem para Filadélfia, na Narrativa da Perseguição e nas Cartas sobre a Framaçonaria, obras que revelam a concepção de Maçonaria adotada por Hipólito: uma sociedade de homens virtuosos, cujo fim é fazer bem às famílias consternadas.


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Rio del Rio Hortega (1882-1945) discovered microglia and oligodendrocytes (OLGs), and after Ramon y Cajal, was the most prominent figure of the Spanish school of neurology. He began his scientific career with Nicolas Achucarro from whom he learned the use of metallic impregnation techniques suitable to study non-neuronal cells. Later on, he joined Cajal's laboratory. and Subsequently, he created his own group, where he continued to develop other innovative modifications of silver staining methods that revolutionized the study of glial cells a century ago. He was also interested in neuropathology and became a leading authority on Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. In parallel to this clinical activity, del Rio Hortega rendered the first systematic description of a major polymorphism present in a subtype of macroglial cells that he named as oligodendroglia and later OLGs. He established their ectodermal origin and suggested that they built the myelin sheath of CNS axons, just as Schwann cells did in the periphery. Notably, he also suggested the trophic role of OLGs for neuronal functionality, an idea that has been substantiated in the last few years. Del Rio Hortega became internationally recognized and established an important neurohistological school with outstanding pupils from Spain and abroad, which nearly disappeared after his exile due to the Spanish civil war. Yet, the difficulty of metal impregnation methods and their variability in results, delayed for some decades the confirmation of his great insights into oligodendrocyte biology until the development of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. This review aims at summarizing the pioneer and essential contributions of del Rio Hortega to the current knowledge of oligodendrocyte structure and function, and to provide a hint of the scientific personality of this extraordinary and insufficiently recognized man.


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Diante da recorrência da criação de personagens-escritores nas obras brasileiras de ficção publicadas a partir dos anos 1990, foi escolhida a produção de Daniel Galera como estudo de caso. O personagem-escritor foi observado como estratégia para discutir questões relativas à cena literária contemporânea. Foi delimitado como corpus dessa pesquisa o blog criado durante a estada de Daniel Galera em Buenos Aires, ao participar do projeto Amores Expressos, e o romance Cordilheira (2008), escrito como fruto dessa experiência. Tendo em vista a trajetória de sua carreira em constante relação com a internet, foi analisada a construção do escritor-personagem no blog hospedado no site do projeto, em contraponto à figura do personagem-escritor no romance. Para tanto, foram utilizados textos sobre a autoficção, a performance e a autoria. Na comparação dos textos de ambos os suportes, foram evidenciadas semelhanças e diferenças nas problematizações a respeito da formação do autor. Foi investigada a inserção de trechos do blog no romance como estratégia que oferece complexidade nos espelhamentos das imagens e enriquece os efeitos de leitura do romance


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This paper records the results of investigations of plankton, benthic fauna and fish fauna carried out between 1957 and 1963. The standing crop of net plankton in the lake was found to be 249.6 Kg/ha. This plankton is not being fully utilized by the fish fauna in the lake. Stocking the lake with a plankton feeder like Chanos chanos (Forskal) is recommended. The figure of 24.37 Kg/ha obtained for the standing crop of bottom fauna in the lake was comparatively low. This indicates that the bottom fauna is being fully utilized by the fish. The introduction and establishment of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) had not wiped out a single indigenous species of fish from the lake that produces about 2,000 lbs. of fish per acre per year. This can be increased by the introduction of a plankton feeder (Chanos chanos), and by further exploitation of existing stock.


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During a re-examination of museum specimens of Triplophysa species, some specimens that had been collected from the Jialonghe River in Yunnan Province, China, in April 1975, were identified as a new species. Triplophysa parvus n. sp. can be distinguished


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AlGaN/GaN heterostructures have been irradiated by neutrons with different influences and characterized by means of temperature-dependent Hall measurements and Micro-Raman scattering techniques. It is found that the carrier mobility of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is very sensitive to neutrons. At a low influence of 6.13 x 10(15) cm(-2), the carrier mobility drops sharply, while the sheet carrier density remains the same as that of an unirradiated sample. Moreover, even for a fluence of up to 3.66 x 10(16) cm(-2), the sheet carrier density shows only a slight drop. We attribute the degradation of the figure-of-merit (product of n(s) x mu) of 2DEG to the defects induced by neutron irradiation. Raman measurements show that neutron irradiation does not yield obvious change to the strain state of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures, which proves that degradation of sheet carrier density has no relation to strain relaxation in the present study. The increase of the product of n(s) x mu of 2DEG during rapid thermal annealing processes at relatively high temperature has been attributed to the activation of Ge-Ga transmuted from Ga and the recovery of displaced defects.


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The tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) thin films were prepared by reactive thermal evaporation on the glass substrates. The effects of substrate temperatures (T-s) on the grain preferred orientation, the electrical and optical properties of ITO films were studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicated that the preferred orientation of film changes from (222) to (400) as T, > 200 degrees C. It can be explained by that the low-index crystallographic planes are easier to be formed when the adatoms have high surface mobility. The Hall measurements indicated that both the concentration and mobility of carrier increase with increasing T,,,. The grain orientation of film does not influence the transmissivity and the carrier concentration, but enhances the carrier mobility. The transmissivity of ITO films is over 90% in the visible wavelength region (except that of the film deposited at 125 degrees C). A minimum resistivity of 5 X 10-4 Omega cm is achieved for the (400) preferred orientation film. Thus, the highest figure of merit of 3.5 x 10(-2) square/Omega is obtained for the film with (400) preferred orientation. The correlation between the preferred orientation and electrical and optical properties are discussed.


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Microtwins in the 3C-SiC films grown on Si(0 0 1) by atmosphere pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) were investigated in detail using X-ray four-circle diffractometry. The Phi scan shows that 3C-SiC films can grow on Si substrates epitaxially and epitaxial relationship is revealed as (0 0 1)(3C) (SiC)parallel to (0 0 1)(Si),[1 1 1](3C-SiC)parallel to [1 1 1](Si). Other diffraction peaks at about 15.8 degrees in x emerged in the pole figures of the (I 1 1) 3C-SiC. We performed the pole figure of (1 0 (1) over bar 0)h-SiC and the reciprocal space mapping from the (1 1 1) reciprocal lattice point of base SiC to the (0 0 2) point of microtwin for the first time, indicating that the diffraction peaks at 15.8 degrees in x result from not hexagonal SiC but microtwins of 3C-SiC, and twin inclusions are estimated to be around 1%. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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This thesis contributes to the understanding of the processes involved in the formation and transformation of identities. It achieves this goal by establishing the critical importance of ‘background’ and ‘liminality’ in the shaping of identity. Drawing mainly from the work of cultural anthropology and philosophical hermeneutics a theoretical framework is constructed from which transformative experiences can be analysed. The particular experience at the heart of this study is the phenomenon of conversion and the dynamics involved in the construction of that process. Establishing the axial age as the horizon from which the process of conversion emerged will be the main theme of the first part of the study. Identifying the ‘birth’ of conversion allows a deeper understanding of the historical dynamics that make up the process. From these fundamental dynamics a theoretical framework is constructed in order to analyse the conversion process. Applying this theoretical framework to a number of case-studies will be the central focus of this study. The transformative experiences of Saint Augustine, the fourteenth century nun Margaret Ebner, the communist revolutionary Karl Marx and the literary figure of Arthur Koestler will provide the material onto which the theoretical framework can be applied. A synthesis of the Judaic religious and the Greek philosophical traditions will be the main findings for the shaping of Augustine’s conversion experience. The dissolution of political order coupled with the institutionalisation of the conversion process will illuminate the mystical experiences of Margaret Ebner at a time when empathetic conversion reached its fullest expression. The final case-studies examine two modern ‘conversions’ that seem to have an ideological rather than a religious basis to them. On closer examination it will be found that the German tradition of Biblical Criticism played a most influential role in the ‘conversion’ of Marx and mythology the best medium to understand the experiences of Koestler. The main ideas emerging from this study highlight the fluidity of identity and the important role of ‘background’ in its transformation. The theoretical framework, as constructed for this study, is found to be a useful methodological tool that can offer insights into experiences, such as conversion, that otherwise would remain hidden from our enquiries.