94 resultados para Figuration


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The LISA Path finder mission will demonstrate the technology of drag-free test masses for use as inertial references in future space-based gravitational wave detectors. To accomplish this, the Path finder spacecraft will perform drag-free flight about a test mass while measuring the acceleration of this primary test mass relative to a second reference test mass. Because the reference test mass is contained within the same spacecraft, it is necessary to apply forces on it to maintain its position and attitude relative to the spacecraft. These forces are a potential source of acceleration noise in the LISA Path finder system that are not present in the full LISA con figuration. While LISA Path finder has been designed to meet it's primary mission requirements in the presence of this noise, recent estimates suggest that the on-orbit performance may be limited by this 'suspension noise'. The drift-mode or free-flight experiments provide an opportunity to mitigate this noise source and further characterize the underlying disturbances that are of interest to the designers of LISA-like instruments. This article provides a high-level overview of these experiments and the methods under development to analyze the resulting data.


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Tendo em vista a conduta da mulher oitocentista, em Portugal, dentro de um impasse entre desejos e punições, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a identidade conflitante das personagens femininas em Eça de Queirós à luz de teorias feministas, tendo como objeto de estudo a obra O Primo Basílio (1878). Posteriormente, a partir da prosa queirosiana, traça-se um paralelo com a ideologia do “ser mulher” no mundo pós-moderno. Esta pesquisa utiliza-se como referencial teórico Bauman (2005), Beauvoir (1980), Butler (2003), Hall (2006), Moisés (2008), Reis (2007) e Saraiva & Lopes (2005). Conclui-se que diante da contradição que subjaz a figuração do feminino, urge a desconstrução das identidades fixas a fim de que se desmitifique a ideia conservadora de identidade.


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O tema da loucura na obra pessoana tem sido objecto de várias aproximações interpretativas, decorrentes da multiplicidade de textos que fazem eco do fenómeno e da sua persistência enquanto topos ao longo de praticamente toda a sua produção. Na sua acepção literal, manteve constantes interferências com a dimensão empírica do autor sobretudo quando sustentadas na contingência de certos textos basilares, os quais têm vindo a ser questionados quanto ao seu valor estritamente testemunhal. Como fenómeno desde cedo relacionado com a criação artística, a loucura surge neste estudo não apenas na representatividade da condição distintiva do sujeito criador mas ainda como figuração da contingência que envolve qualquer acto criativo que tome a linguagem na sua dimensão essencialmente metafórica e ambígua. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho pretende a abertura de várias vias de leitura do fenómeno através da análise crítica dos vocabulários relativos a diferentes âmbitos e concepções de loucura e a sua relação com o génio (capítulos I e II), focando o seu interesse no que diz respeito a alguma produção pessoana pré-heteronímica, nomeadamente Charles Robert Anon, Alexander Search (capítulo III) e Jean Seul de Méluret (capítulo IV), a que acrescentaremos o Primeiro Fausto (capítulo IV), de modo a conseguirmos estabelecer uma possível relação entre as primeiras experiências de alterização e a descoberta simultânea da irredutibilidade do discurso literário face a tentativas de literalização e de racionalização da linguagem, defendidas por outros modelos (paradigma biologista). A identificação da ambiguidade e da ironia nas suas mais variadas acepções como componentes essenciais da aprendizagem do valor contingente do processo de criação contribuirá tanto para a definição da autonomização da literatura como para a redescrição moderna do sujeito criador, paradoxalmente investido do pathos criativo anunciado no Romantismo e confrontando-se com os seus limites, que corresponderão aos da própria linguagem, situação de crise de que a figuração do louco lúcido será um dos tópicos mais produtivos. ABSTRACT: The theme of madness in the Pessoa work has been the subject of several interpretive approaches, from the multiplicity of texts that echo the phenomenon and its persistence as a topos priority over virtually all its production. ln its physiological sense, remained constant interference with the empirical dimension of the author when sustained in the contingency of certain basic texts that have been questioned as to their strictly testimonial value. As early phenomenon associated with artistic creation, the madness in this study is not only representative in the distinctive condition of the subject creator but also as the contingency figuration involving any creative act to take the language mainly in its essential metaphorical and ambiguous dimension. Accordingly, this work intends to open several analysis manners of the phenomenon through critical analysis of vocabularies for different areas and concepts of madness and its special relationship with the genius (Chapters I and II), focusing its interest in respect to some of the previous-heteronomy Pessoa production, including Charles Robert Anon, Alexander Search (Chapter III) and Jean Seul de Méluret (Chapter IV), and the Primeiro Fausto (Chapter IV), among others, to establish a possible relationship between changing early experiences and the discovery simultaneous literary discourse of irreducibility in the face of the attempts of literacy and the rationalization of language defended by other models (biologist paradigm). The identification of the ambiguity and irony in its many different meanings as essential components of learning the contingent value of the creation process which will contribute to the definition of empowerment in the literature as to the redescription of the modem subject creator that paradoxically had the creative pathos announced in Romanticism and from the confrontation with its limits, which will correspond to the language itself, the crisis situation from which the mad-lucid figuration will be one of the most productive topics.


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This writing forms part of a portfolio of works which gathers together notations and recordings made between 2012 and 2015. The writing divides into four chapters. The first chapter undertakes an examination of abstraction. From the proposition obtained therein, that it is possible to extend within abstraction beyond a correspondence between its terms and concrete manifestations, I ask in what way abstraction may be considered to function therefrom. The second chapter performs an analysis of radical music notations from the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. The central analysis identifies what is essentially an evolution of what I call ''figuration'' throughout three non-chronological phases of Christian Wolff's notations. The chapter closes by questioning what form of understanding might yet be pursued in respect of this work given (a) its nature, and (b) the nature of our inquiry. The third chapter reflects on some of the philosophical problematics raised in the preceding chapters, at the same time as it prepares for those that follow in the final chapter. The final chapter is a record of the development of my thought appertaining to my compositional work. It sets out two case studies (prepared piano and postcard notations) before proceeding to a selected set of commentaries. Finally, the notion of the functioning of written and acoustical ''marks'' developed in the preceding commentaries is generalised as I develop an aesthetics of scriptural experience.