953 resultados para Field Theories in Lower Dimensions


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Two versions of the threshold contact process ordinary and conservative - are studied on a square lattice. In the first, particles are created on active sites, those having at least two nearest neighbor sites occupied, and are annihilated spontaneously. In the conservative version, a particle jumps from its site to an active site. Mean-field analysis suggests the existence of a first-order phase transition, which is confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. In the thermodynamic limit, the two versions are found to give the same results. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is shown that the correct mathematical implementation of symmetry in the geometric formulation of classical field theory leads naturally beyond the concept of Lie groups and their actions on manifolds, out into the realm of Lie group bundles and, more generally, of Lie groupoids and their actions on fiber bundles. This applies not only to local symmetries, which lie at the heart of gauge theories, but is already true even for global symmetries when one allows for fields that are sections of bundles with (possibly) non-trivial topology or, even when these are topologically trivial, in the absence of a preferred trivialization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we employ renormalization group methods to study the general behavior of field theories possessing anisotropic scaling in the spacetime variables. The Lorentz symmetry breaking that accompanies these models are either soft, if no higher spatial derivative is present, or it may have a more complex structure if higher spatial derivatives are also included. Both situations are discussed in models with only scalar fields and also in models with fermions as a Yukawa-like model.


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In questa tesi il Gruppo di Rinormalizzazione non-perturbativo (FRG) viene applicato ad una particolare classe di modelli rilevanti in Gravit`a quantistica, conosciuti come Tensorial Group Field Theories (TGFT). Le TGFT sono teorie di campo quantistiche definite sulla variet`a di un gruppo G. In ogni dimensione esse possono essere espanse in grafici di Feynman duali a com- plessi simpliciali casuali e sono caratterizzate da interazioni che implementano una non-localit`a combinatoriale. Le TGFT aspirano a generare uno spaziotempo in un contesto background independent e precisamente ad ottenere una descrizione con- tinua della sua geometria attraverso meccanismi fisici come le transizioni di fase. Tra i metodi che meglio affrontano il problema di estrarre le transizioni di fase e un associato limite del continuo, uno dei pi` u efficaci `e il Gruppo di Rinormalizzazione non-perturbativo. In questo elaborato ci concentriamo su TGFT definite sulla variet`a di un gruppo non-compatto (G = R) e studiamo il loro flusso di Rinormalizzazione. Identifichiamo con successo punti fissi del flusso di tipo IR, e una superficie critica che suggerisce la presenza di transizioni di fase in regime Infrarosso. Ci`o spinge ad uno stu- dio per approfondire la comprensione di queste transizioni di fase e della fisica continua che vi `e associata. Affrontiamo inoltre il problema delle divergenze Infrarosse, tramite un processo di regolarizzazione che definisce il limite termodinamico appropriato per le TGFT. Infine, applichiamo i metodi precedentementi sviluppati ad un modello dotato di proiezione sull’insieme dei campi gauge invarianti. L’analisi, simile a quella applicata al modello precedente, conduce nuovamente all’identificazione di punti fissi (sia IR che UV) e di una superficie critica. La presenza di transizioni di fasi `e, dunque, evidente ancora una volta ed `e possibile confrontare il risultato col modello senza proiezione sulla dinamica gauge invariante.


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We present a novel approach to the inference of spectral functions from Euclidean time correlator data that makes close contact with modern Bayesian concepts. Our method differs significantly from the maximum entropy method (MEM). A new set of axioms is postulated for the prior probability, leading to an improved expression, which is devoid of the asymptotically flat directions present in the Shanon-Jaynes entropy. Hyperparameters are integrated out explicitly, liberating us from the Gaussian approximations underlying the evidence approach of the maximum entropy method. We present a realistic test of our method in the context of the nonperturbative extraction of the heavy quark potential. Based on hard-thermal-loop correlator mock data, we establish firm requirements in the number of data points and their accuracy for a successful extraction of the potential from lattice QCD. Finally we reinvestigate quenched lattice QCD correlators from a previous study and provide an improved potential estimation at T2.33TC.


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Abstract Claystones are considered worldwide as barrier materials for nuclear waste repositories. In the Mont Terri underground research laboratory (URL), a nearly 4-year diffusion and retention (DR) experiment has been performed in Opalinus Clay. It aimed at (1) obtaining data at larger space and time scales than in laboratory experiments and (2) under relevant in situ conditions with respect to pore water chemistry and mechanical stress, (3) quantifying the anisotropy of in situ diffusion, and (4) exploring possible effects of a borehole-disturbed zone. The experiment included two tracer injection intervals in a borehole perpendicular to bedding, through which traced artificial pore water (APW) was circulated, and a pressure monitoring interval. The APW was spiked with neutral tracers (HTO, HDO, H2O-18), anions (Br, I, SeO4), and cations (Na-22, Ba-133, Sr-85, Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152, stable Cs, and stable Eu). Most tracers were added at the beginning, some were added at a later stage. The hydraulic pressure in the injection intervals was adjusted according to the measured value in the pressure monitoring interval to ensure transport by diffusion only. Concentration time-series in the APW within the borehole intervals were obtained, as well as 2D concentration distributions in the rock at the end of the experiment after overcoring and subsampling which resulted in �250 samples and �1300 analyses. As expected, HTO diffused the furthest into the rock, followed by the anions (Br, I, SeO4) and by the cationic sorbing tracers (Na-22, Ba-133, Cs, Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152). The diffusion of SeO4 was slower than that of Br or I, approximately proportional to the ratio of their diffusion coefficients in water. Ba-133 diffused only into �0.1 m during the �4 a. Stable Cs, added at a higher concentration than Cs-137, diffused further into the rock than Cs-137, consistent with a non-linear sorption behavior. The rock properties (e.g., water contents) were rather homogeneous at the centimeter scale, with no evidence of a borehole-disturbed zone. In situ anisotropy ratios for diffusion, derived for the first time directly from field data, are larger for HTO and Na-22 (�5) than for anions (�3�4 for Br and I). The lower ionic strength of the pore water at this location (�0.22 M) as compared to locations of earlier experiments in the Mont Terri URL (�0.39 M) had no notable effect on the anion accessible pore fraction for Cl, Br, and I: the value of 0.55 is within the range of earlier data. Detailed transport simulations involving different codes will be presented in a companion paper.


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In this work, a new two-dimensional analytic optics design method is presented that enables the coupling of three ray sets with two lens profiles. This method is particularly promising for optical systems designed for wide field of view and with clearly separated optical surfaces. However, this coupling can only be achieved if different ray sets will use different portions of the second lens profile. Based on a very basic example of a single thick lens, the Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces design method in two dimensions (SMS2D) will help to provide a better understanding of the practical implications on the design process by an increased lens thickness and a wider field of view. Fermat?s principle is used to deduce a set of functional differential equations fully describing the entire optical system. The transformation of these functional differential equations into an algebraic linear system of equations allows the successive calculation of the Taylor series coefficients up to an arbitrary order. The evaluation of the solution space reveals the wide range of possible lens configurations covered by this analytic design method. Ray tracing analysis for calculated 20th order Taylor polynomials demonstrate excellent performance and the versatility of this new analytical optics design concept.


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The determination of the three-dimensional layout of galaxies is critical to our understanding of the evolution of galaxies and the structures in which they lie, to our determination of the fundamental parameters of cosmology, and to our understanding of both the past and future histories of the universe at large. The mapping of the large scale structure in the universe via the determination of galaxy red shifts (Doppler shifts) is a rapidly growing industry thanks to technological developments in detectors and spectrometers at radio and optical wavelengths. First-order application of the red shift-distance relation (Hubble’s law) allows the analysis of the large-scale distribution of galaxies on scales of hundreds of megaparsecs. Locally, the large-scale structure is very complex but the overall topology is not yet clear. Comparison of the observed red shifts with ones expected on the basis of other distance estimates allows mapping of the gravitational field and the underlying total density distribution. The next decade holds great promise for our understanding of the character of large-scale structure and its origin.


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We present a microcanonical Monte Carlo simulation of the site-diluted Potts model in three dimensions with eight internal states, partly carried out on the citizen supercomputer Ibercivis. Upon dilution, the pure model’s first-order transition becomes of the second order at a tricritical point. We compute accurately the critical exponents at the tricritical point. As expected from the Cardy-Jacobsen conjecture, they are compatible with their random field Ising model counterpart. The conclusion is further reinforced by comparison with older data for the Potts model with four states.


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The annual Young Academics network of the Association of European School of Planning (AESOP YA) conference, entitled Differences and Connections, was held for the first time in a Southern Italian city, Palermo, Italy, during 23–26 March 2015. The call for papers attracted a wide range of authors within the field of planning and other related fields. Forty-five contributions by young academic scholars, representing 19 countries, were selected by the conference scientific committee to critically explore the themes of the conference.


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The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the application of methods of differential geometry to the constraint analysis of relativistic high spin field theories. As a starting point the coordinate dependent descriptions of the Lagrangian and Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithms are reviewed for general second order systems. These two algorithms are then respectively employed to analyse the constraint structure of the massive spin-1 Proca field from the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian viewpoints. As an example of a coupled field theoretic system the constraint analysis of the massive Rarita-Schwinger spin-3/2 field coupled to an external electromagnetic field is then reviewed in terms of the coordinate dependent Dirac-Bergmann algorithm for first order systems. The standard Velo-Zwanziger and Johnson-Sudarshan inconsistencies that this coupled system seemingly suffers from are then discussed in light of this full constraint analysis and it is found that both these pathologies degenerate to a field-induced loss of degrees of freedom. A description of the geometrical version of the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm developed by Gotay, Nester and Hinds begins the geometrical examination of high spin field theories. This geometric constraint algorithm is then applied to the free Proca field and to two Proca field couplings; the first of which is the minimal coupling to an external electromagnetic field whilst the second is the coupling to an external symmetric tensor field. The onset of acausality in this latter coupled case is then considered in relation to the geometric constraint algorithm.


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The purpose of this thesis is twofold: to examine the validity of the rotating-field and cross-field theories of the single-phase induction motor when applied to a cage rotor machine; and to examine the extent to which skin effect is likely to modify the characteristics of a cage rotor machine. A mathematical analysis is presented for a single-phase induction motor in which the rotor parameters are modified by skin effect. Although this is based on the usual type of ideal machine, a new form of model rotor allows approximations for skin effect phenomena to be included as an integral part of the analysis. Performance equations appropriate to the rotating-field and cross-field theories are deduced, and the corresponding explanations for the steady-state mode of operation are critically examined. The evaluation of the winding currents and developed torque is simplified by the introduction of new dimensionless factors which are functions of the resistance/reactance ratios of the rotor and the speed. Tables of the factors are included for selected numerical values of the parameter ratios, and these are used to deduce typical operating characteristics for both cage and wound rotor machines. It is shown that a qualitative explanation of the mode of operation of a cage rotor machine is obtained from either theory; but the operating characteristics must be deduced from the performance equations of the rotating-field theory, because of the restrictions on the values of the rotor parameters imposed by skin effect.


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Current reform initiatives recommend that geometry instruction include the study of three-dimensional geometric objects and provide students with opportunities to use spatial skills in problem-solving tasks. Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP) is a dynamic and interactive computer program that enables the user to investigate and explore geometric concepts and manipulate geometric structures. Research using GSP as an instructional tool has focused primarily on teaching and learning two-dimensional geometry. This study explored the effect of a GSP based instructional environment on students' geometric thinking and three-dimensional spatial ability as they used GSP to learn three-dimensional geometry. For 10 weeks, 18 tenth-grade students from an urban school district used GSP to construct and analyze dynamic, two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects in a classroom environment that encouraged exploration, discussion, conjecture, and verification. The data were collected primarily from participant observations and clinical interviews and analyzed using qualitative methods of analysis. In addition, pretest and posttest measures of three-dimensional spatial ability and van Hiele level of geometric thinking were obtained. Spatial ability measures were analyzed using standard t-test analysis. ^ The data from this study indicate that GSP is a viable tool to teach students about three-dimensional geometric objects. A comparison of students' pretest and posttest van Hiele levels showed an improvement in geometric thinking, especially for students on lower levels of the van Hiele theory. Evidence at the p < .05 level indicated that students' spatial ability improved significantly. Specifically, the GSP dynamic, visual environment supported students' visualization and reasoning processes as students attempted to solve challenging tasks about three-dimensional geometric objects. The GSP instructional activities also provided students with an experiential base and an intuitive understanding about three-dimensional objects from which more formal work in geometry could be pursued. This study demonstrates that by designing appropriate GSP based instructional environments, it is possible to help students improve their spatial skills, develop more coherent and accurate intuitions about three-dimensional geometric objects, and progress through the levels of geometric thinking proposed by van Hiele. ^


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In this thesis we study aspects of (0,2) superconformal field theories (SCFTs), which are suitable for compactification of the heterotic string. In the first part, we study a class of (2,2) SCFTs obtained by fibering a Landau-Ginzburg (LG) orbifold CFT over a compact K\"ahler base manifold. While such models are naturally obtained as phases in a gauged linear sigma model (GLSM), our construction is independent of such an embedding. We discuss the general properties of such theories and present a technique to study the massless spectrum of the associated heterotic compactification. We test the validity of our method by applying it to hybrid phases of GLSMs and comparing spectra among the phases. In the second part, we turn to the study of the role of accidental symmetries in two-dimensional (0,2) SCFTs obtained by RG flow from (0,2) LG theories. These accidental symmetries are ubiquitous, and, unlike in the case of (2,2) theories, their identification is key to correctly identifying the IR fixed point and its properties. We develop a number of tools that help to identify such accidental symmetries in the context of (0,2) LG models and provide a conjecture for a toric structure of the SCFT moduli space in a large class of models. In the final part, we study the stability of heterotic compactifications described by (0,2) GLSMs with respect to worldsheet instanton corrections to the space-time superpotential following the work of Beasley and Witten. We show that generic models elude the vanishing theorem proved there, and may not determine supersymmetric heterotic vacua. We then construct a subclass of GLSMs for which a vanishing theorem holds.