952 resultados para Few Polyhedra Mutants


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We theoretically show that selection of a single quantum path in high-order harmonics generation can be realized in a few-optical-cycle regime with two-color schemes. We also demonstrate, in theory as well, the generation of spectrally smooth and ultrabroad extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum in argon gas which can produce single similar to 79 as pulses with currently available ultrafast laser sources. Our finding can be beneficial for generating isolated sub-100 as extreme ultraviolet pulses.


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We theoretically investigate carrier-envelope phase dependence of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse propagation in a polar molecule medium. Our results show that a soliton pulse can be generated during the two-photon resonant propagation of few-cycle pulse in the polar molecule medium. Moreover, the main features of the soliton pulse, such as pulse duration and intensity, depend crucially on the carrier-envelope phase of the incident pulse, which could be utilized to determine the carrier-envelope phase of a few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse from a mode-locked oscillator.


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Polyoma virus can undergo two different types of interactions with susceptible cells; one type of interaction leads to the production of new infectious virus and eventual cell death while the other leads to a neoplastically transformed cell which is able to continue to divide under conditions that inhibit the multiplication of uninfected normal cells. In order to study the viral genes involved in both of these virus-cell interactions the isolation of temperature sensitive mutants of polyoma virus was undertaken.

Two strains (TS-a, TS-b) which were temperature sensitive in their plaque forming ability at 38.5˚C, but not at 31.5˚C, were isolated from a mutagenized stock of the polyoma wild type virus (PY). TS-a was studied in further detail.

TS-a grown at 31.5˚C was found to be indistinguishable from PY in a number of physical characteristics including the heat sensitivity of the completed viral components. TS-a was inhibited in its ability to produce infectious virus in mouse cells when incubated at 38.5˚C; this inhibition could be overcome by infection with high multiplicities.

The nature of the intracellular temperature sensitive step of TS-a was analysed to some degree. It was found that this step occurs after uncoating of the infecting virus particles and about the time of new viral DNA synthesis. New infectious viral DNA does not appear to be made at the nonpermissive temperature; in contrast noninfectious capsids are made at 38.5˚C, but in amounts smaller than a full yield, such as made by TS-a at 31.5˚C or by PY at both the high and low temperature.

TS-a has also been found to be temperature sensitive in its transforming ability in vitro. Cells transformed at 31.5˚C by TS-a retain their transformed characteristics upon cultivation at 38.5˚C. Thus the temperature sensitive function seems to be important for the initiation of transformation, but not essential for the maintenance of the transformed state. TS-a also appears to be temperature sensitive in the production of tumors in newborn hamsters.


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Multi-finger caging offers a rigorous and robust approach to robot grasping. This thesis provides several novel algorithms for caging polygons and polyhedra in two and three dimensions. Caging refers to a robotic grasp that does not necessarily immobilize an object, but prevents it from escaping to infinity. The first algorithm considers caging a polygon in two dimensions using two point fingers. The second algorithm extends the first to three dimensions. The third algorithm considers caging a convex polygon in two dimensions using three point fingers, and considers robustness of this cage to variations in the relative positions of the fingers.

This thesis describes an algorithm for finding all two-finger cage formations of planar polygonal objects based on a contact-space formulation. It shows that two-finger cages have several useful properties in contact space. First, the critical points of the cage representation in the hand’s configuration space appear as critical points of the inter-finger distance function in contact space. Second, these critical points can be graphically characterized directly on the object’s boundary. Third, contact space admits a natural rectangular decomposition such that all critical points lie on the rectangle boundaries, and the sublevel sets of contact space and free space are topologically equivalent. These properties lead to a caging graph that can be readily constructed in contact space. Starting from a desired immobilizing grasp of a polygonal object, the caging graph is searched for the minimal, intermediate, and maximal caging regions surrounding the immobilizing grasp. An example constructed from real-world data illustrates and validates the method.

A second algorithm is developed for finding caging formations of a 3D polyhedron for two point fingers using a lower dimensional contact-space formulation. Results from the two-dimensional algorithm are extended to three dimension. Critical points of the inter-finger distance function are shown to be identical to the critical points of the cage. A decomposition of contact space into 4D regions having useful properties is demonstrated. A geometric analysis of the critical points of the inter-finger distance function results in a catalog of grasps in which the cages change topology, leading to a simple test to classify critical points. With these properties established, the search algorithm from the two-dimensional case may be applied to the three-dimensional problem. An implemented example demonstrates the method.

This thesis also presents a study of cages of convex polygonal objects using three point fingers. It considers a three-parameter model of the relative position of the fingers, which gives complete generality for three point fingers in the plane. It analyzes robustness of caging grasps to variations in the relative position of the fingers without breaking the cage. Using a simple decomposition of free space around the polygon, we present an algorithm which gives all caging placements of the fingers and a characterization of the robustness of these cages.


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Part I. The regions of sequence homology and non-homology between the DNA molecules of T2, T4, and T6 have been mapped by the electron microscopic heteroduplex method. The heteroduplex maps have been oriented with respect to the T4 genetic map. They show characteristic, reproducible patterns of substitution and deletion loops. All heteroduplex molecules show more than 85% homology. Some of the loop patterns in T2/T4 heteroduplexes are similar to those in T4/T6.

We find that the rII, the lysozyme and ac genes, the D region, and gene 52 are homologous in T2, T4, and T6. Genes 43 and 47 are probably homologous between T2 and T4. The region of greatest homology is that bearing the late genes. The host range region, which comprises a part of gene 37 and all of gene 38, is heterologous in T2, T4, and T6. The remainder of gene 37 is partially homologous in the T2/T4 heteroduplex (Beckendorf, Kim and Lielausis, 1972) but it is heterologous in T4/T6 and in T2/T6. Some of the tRNA genes are homologous and some are not. The internal protein genes in general seem to be non-homologous.

The molecular lengths of the T-even DNAs are the same within the limit of experimental error; their calculated molecular weights are correspondingly different due to unequal glucosylation. The size of the T2 genome is smaller than that of T4 or T6, but the terminally repetitious region in T2 is larger. There is a length distribution of the terminal repetition for any one phage DNA, indicating a variability in length of the DNA molecules packaged within the phage.

Part II. E. coli cells infected with phage strains carrying extensive deletions encompassing the gene for the phage ser-tRNA are missing the phage tRNAs normally present in wild type infected cells. By DNA-RNA hybridization we have demonstrated that the DNA complementary to the missing tRNAs is also absent in such deletion mutants. Thus the genes for these tRNAs must be clustered in the same region of the genome as the ser-tRNA gene. Physical mapping of several deletions of the ser-tRNA and lysozyme genes, by examination of heteroduplex DNA in the electron microscope, has enabled us to locate the cluster, to define its maximum size, and to order a few of the tRNA genes within it. That such deletions can be isolated indicates that the phage-specific tRNAs from this cluster are dispensable.

Part III. Genes 37 and 38 between closely related phages T2 and T4 have been compared by genetic, biochemical, and hetero-duplex studies. Homologous, partially homologous and non-homologous regions of the gene 37 have been mapped. The host range determinant which interacts with the gene 38 product is identified.

Part IV. A population of double-stranded ØX-RF DNA molecules carrying a deletion of about 9% of the wild-type DNA has been discovered in a sample cultivated under conditions where the phage lysozyme gene is nonessential. The structures of deleted monomers, dimers, and trimers have been studied by the electron microscope heteroduplex method. The dimers and trimers are shown to be head-to-tail repeats of the deleted monomers. Some interesting examples of the dynamical phenomenon of branch migration in vitro have been observed in heteroduplexes of deleted dimer and trimer strands with undeleted wild-type monomer viral strands.


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We present a nondestructive technique to predict the refractive index profiles of isotropic planar waveguides, on which a thin gold film is deposited to as the cladding. The negative dielectric constant of the metal results in significant differences of effective indices between TE and TM modes. The two polarized modes and a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with abundant information of the surface index can be used to construct the refractive index profiles of single-mode and two-mode waveguides at a fixed wavelength. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.