866 resultados para Fast track
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ein wesentliches Problem der elektiven Colonchirurgie ist die postoperative Darmträgheit. Sie wird von verschieden Faktoren wie der Manipulation am Darm, Ausschüttung von inflamatorischen Substanzen und durch perioperativ notwendige Medikamente wie morphinhaltige Analgetika ausgelöst und aufrechterhalten. Sie führt zu körperlichem Unwohlsein, einem geblähten Abdomen und gegebenenfalls zu Schmerzen. Die Patienten leiden unter Übelkeit und Erbrechen, fühlen sich müde, abgeschlagen und haben einen höheren Schmerzmittelverbrauch. Hierdurch wird die Motivation zur Mobilisation herabgesetzt und führt zu längerem Aufenthalt im Krankenbett, wodurch wiederum die Darmträgheit gefördert, die Rekonvaleszenz verlängert und die Patientenzufriedenheit gemindert wird. Eine längere Immobilisation steigert die Komplikationshäufigkeit, vor allem für thrombo-embolische Ereignisse.rnrnDurch die Einführung des Periduralkatheters (PDK) und der laparoskopischen Operationstechnik in die Colonchirurgie sind die Voraussetzungen zur Frühmobilisation verbessert worden.rnDeshalb und durch den wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Druck zu kürzeren Rekonvaleszenzzeiten und zur Optimierung der Bettenauslastung, sind in den letzten Jahren eine Vielzahl von Konzepten zur beschleunigten postoperativen Rekonvaleszenz erarbeitet worden, die unter dem Schlagwort „Fast Track“ bekannt geworden sind.rnWesentliche Punkte sind hierbei die längst mögliche Erhaltung des körpereigenen Gleichgewichts durch Verzicht auf Darmsäuberung und längere präoperative Nüchternheit. Intraoperativ werden flüssigkeitsrestriktive Infusionsschemata genutzt und auf eine Minimierung der intravenösen Dosierung von morphinhaltigen Analgetika geachtet. Postoperativ gehören die Frühmobilisation sowie die „Frühenterale –Ernährung“ zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen.rnDie Implementierung eines solchen Konzeptes als Standard in den laufenden Betrieb ist sehr aufwendig und teuer. Die individuelle Verträglichkeit der „Frühenteralen – Ernährung“ ist sehr unterschiedlich und wird oft von den Patienten aufgrund der postoperativen Darmträgheit nicht gut toleriert.rnrnEin neuer Ansatz hierfür ist das sogenannte „sham feeding“, also das Vortäuschen von Nahrungsaufnahme durch Kaugummikauen, das helfen soll die Paralyse des Darms postoperativ schneller, komplikationsärmer, sicherer und kostengünstiger zu beheben.rnrnZiel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Effekte von Kaugummikauen sowie der Kombination von Kaugummikauen und Verwendung eines PDK in Hinblick auf postoperative Rekonvaleszenz, Darmtätigkeit und Patientenzufriedenheit bei unseren Patienten zu vergleichen, um einen Benefit des „sham feedings“ aufzuzeigen. Gleichzeitig sollten alle Einflußgrößen wie Mobilisation, Kostverträglichkeit, Schmerzmittelbedarf und Komplikationen mit erfasst werden, um die jeweilige Effektivität jeweils besser beurteilen zu können.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit soll die Frage beantworten, ob Patienten mit colonresizierenden Eingriffen postoperativ von „sham feeding“ durch kaugummikauen profitieren und ob dies standardmäßig genutzt werden sollte.rn
Welcome from Dean Patricia Starck The Face of Health Care Leading Technology School of Nursing Collaborates to Initiate Texas Medical Center’s First Digital Repository Nursing Research, A Growing Field Nursing in the Wake of the Storm Profile: Huaping Liu, RN, PhD, Dean and Associate Professor, School of Nursing at Peking Union Medical College Newsbrief: Planning for the Future with a New Doctor of Nursing Practice Program in Fall 2006 Newsbrief: Fast Track Nursing Program Gives Students a Speedy Start Profile: Susan Bankston, RN, BSN, Psychiatric Nursing, Currently enrolled in the MSN to DSN track Newsbrief: University of Texas Health Services Reports Outstanding Achievements in FY’05 Student Grants Newsbrief: New Degree Program Develops Leadership and Business Skills for Today’s Nurses Profile: Pamela Klauer Triolo, PhD, RN, FAAN Clinical Professor of Nursing Director, Nursing Leadership and Administration in Health Systems Newsbrief: Successful Luncheon Completes $1 Million Endowment UT School of Nursing Building Recognized as Blending Form and Function Faculty Scholarship Endowed Faculty Positions
Greeting Consortium on Aging Biobank at School of Nursing PARTNERS Luncheon/ "Ralph Thomas knows the value of investing in the future..." UTHealth, HCC Partnering for more Bachelor's Degree Nurses in Texas/ New Pacesetters Program Fast-Track PhD Program/ AccPhD scholars took many routes to same commitment Profiles and Newsbriefs McCombs School's MBA Program/ Keeping in Touch with Alumni Faculty Publications Faculty Research Endowed Faculty Positions
A synthetic peptide (sPIF) analogous to the mammalian embryo-derived PreImplantation Factor (PIF) enables neuroprotection in rodent models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and perinatal brain injury. The protective effects have been attributed, in part, to sPIF's ability to inhibit the biogenesis of microRNA let-7, which is released from injured cells during central nervous system (CNS) damage and induces neuronal death. Here, we uncover another novel mechanism of sPIF-mediated neuroprotection. Using a clinically relevant rat newborn brain injury model, we demonstrate that sPIF, when subcutaneously administrated, is able to reduce cell death, reverse neuronal loss and restore proper cortical architecture. We show, both in vivo and in vitro, that sPIF activates cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase (PKA) and calcium-dependent protein kinase (PKC) signaling, leading to increased phosphorylation of major neuroprotective substrates GAP-43, BAD and CREB. Phosphorylated CREB in turn facilitates expression of Gap43, Bdnf and Bcl2 known to have important roles in regulating neuronal growth, survival and remodeling. As is the case in sPIF-mediated let-7 repression, we provide evidence that sPIF-mediated PKA/PKC activation is dependent on TLR4 expression. Thus, we propose that sPIF imparts neuroprotection via multiple mechanisms at multiple levels downstream of TLR4. Given the recent FDA fast-track approval of sPIF for clinical trials, its potential clinical application for treating other CNS diseases can be envisioned.
Embryonic-maternal interaction from the earliest stages of gestation has a key, sustained role in neurologic development, persisting into adulthood. Early adverse events may be detrimental in adulthood. Protective factors present during gestation could significantly impact post-natal therapy. The role of PreImplantation Factor (PIF) within this context is herein examined. Secreted by viable early embryos, PIF establishes effective embryonic-maternal communication and exerts essential trophic and protective roles by reducing oxidative stress and protein misfolding and by blunting the nocive let-7 microRNA related pathway. PIF's effects on systemic immunity lead to comprehensive immune modulation, not immune suppression. We examine PIF's role in protecting embryos from adverse maternal environment, which can lead to neurological disorders that may only manifest post-nataly: Synthetic PIF successfully translates endogenous PIF features in both pregnant and non-pregnant clinically relevant models. Specifically PIF has neuroprotective effects in neonatal prematurity. In adult relapsing-remitting neuroinflammation, PIF reverses advanced paralysis while promoting neurogenesis. PIF reversed Mycobacterium smegmatis induced brain infection. In graft-vs.-host disease, PIF reduced skin ulceration, liver inflammation and colon ulceration while maintaining beneficial anti-cancer, graft-vs.-leukemia effect. Clinical-grade PIF has high-safety profile even at supraphysiological doses. The FDA awarded Fast-Track designation, and university-sponsored clinical trials for autoimmune disorder are ongoing. Altogether, PIF properties point to its determining regulatory role in immunity, inflammation and transplant acceptance. Specific plans for using PIF for the treatment of complex neurological disorders (ie. traumatic brain injury, progressive paralysis), including neuroprotection from newborn to adult, are presented.
CONTEXT Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) programs are multimodal care pathways that aim to decrease intra-operative blood loss, decrease postoperative complications, and reduce recovery times. OBJECTIVE To overview the use and key elements of ERAS pathways, and define needs for future clinical trials. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION A comprehensive systematic MEDLINE search was performed for English language reports published before May 2015 using the terms "postoperative period," "postoperative care," "enhanced recovery after surgery," "enhanced recovery," "accelerated recovery," "fast track recovery," "recovery program," "recovery pathway", "ERAS," and "urology" or "cystectomy" or "urologic surgery." EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS We identified 18 eligible articles. Patient counseling, physical conditioning, avoiding excessive alcohol and smoking, and good nutrition appeared to protect against postoperative complications. Fasting from solid food for only 6h and perioperative liquid-carbohydrate loading up to 2h prior to surgery appeared to be safe and reduced recovery times. Restricted, balanced, and goal-directed fluid replacement is effective when individualized, depending on patient morbidity and surgical procedure. Decreased intraoperative blood loss may be achieved by several measures. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, antibiotic prophylaxis, and thermoregulation were found to help reduce postsurgical complications, as was a multimodal approach to postoperative nausea, vomiting, and analgesia. Chewing gum, prokinetic agents, oral laxatives, and an early resumption to normal diet appear to aid faster return to normal bowel function. Further studies should compare anesthetic protocols, refine analgesia, and evaluate the importance of robot-assisted surgery and the need/timing for drains and catheters. CONCLUSIONS ERAS regimens are multidisciplinary, multimodal pathways that optimize postoperative recovery. PATIENT SUMMARY This review provides an overview of the use and key elements of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery programs, which are multimodal, multidisciplinary care pathways that aim to optimize postoperative recovery. Additional conclusions include identifying effective procedures within Enhanced Recovery after Surgery programs and defining needs for future clinical trials.
The oceans absorb and store a significant portion of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, but large uncertainties remain in the quantification of this sink. An improved assessment of the present and future oceanic carbon sink is therefore necessary to provide recommendations for long-term global carbon cycle and climate policies. The formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is a unique fast track for transporting anthropogenic CO2 into the ocean's interior, making the deep waters rich in anthropogenic carbon. Thus the Atlantic is presently estimated to hold 38% of the oceanic anthropogenic CO2 inventory, although its volume makes up only 25% of the world ocean. Here we analyze the inventory change of anthropogenic CO2 in the Atlantic between 1997 and 2003 and its relationship to NADW formation. For the whole region between 20°S and 65°N the inventory amounts to 32.5 ± 9.5 Petagram carbon (Pg C) in 1997 and increases up to 36.0 ± 10.5 Pg C in 2003. This result is quite similar to earlier studies. Moreover, the overall increase of anthropogenic carbon is in close agreement with the expected change due to rising atmospheric CO2 levels of 1.69% a?1. On the other hand, when considering the subpolar region only, the results demonstrate that the recent weakening in the formation of Labrador Sea Water, a component of NADW, has already led to a decrease of the anthropogenic carbon inventory in this water mass. As a consequence, the overall inventory for the total water column in the western subpolar North Atlantic increased only by 2% between 1997 and 2003, much less than the 11% that would be expected from the increase in atmospheric CO2 levels.
When we look to perform a work for developing a framework to create a business and take it correctly, there are always some persons looking as a challenge those bases and finding a mistake. The way to work in these situations is not a matter of law, is a matter of devoting time to identify these situations. It is always said that the evil goes a step ahead. The business ethics have been altered for quite time by some would-be entrepreneurs. These people have learned to play with business ethics to show your business as prosperous as something that is sought to highlight and adulterate their results quickly. Once the company reaches an international dimension, many companies take on global responsibility and, in these cases where you can see if the objective has been to obtain a rapid capital increase or growth is in line with its proportions. A business ethics is based on establishing a strong base so that interest is encouraged from an early time. Good staff, organizational level should be achieved and not only at the company but, out of the company too. Thus, you can create a secure base to convince potential investors and employees about the business. There are no freeways in business ethics and all fast track can be or a genius or leads to failure. We must find where these jumps are occurring, such errors or corrections to business ethics and their rules. Thus we can differentiate a company or an entrepreneur who is working correctly from the cloaking. Starting from the basics of business ethics and studying the different levels from the personal to the prospect that the company shows in the world. Lets see where these changes are occurring and how we can fight against them and anticipate the market to possible cases of fraud or strange movements seeking to attract the unwary
Con inequívoca constancia, la educación ha sido considerada un sector prioritario de la cooperación española, hecho que queda confirmado en los tres Planes Directores hasta ahora aprobados. Acorde con su importancia, en 2007 se aprobó la Estrategia de Educación para la Cooperación Española, un documento que pretendía sentar las bases estratégicas del trabajo en el sector. Adicionalmente, España se incorporó a la Fast Track Initiative (FTI): sin duda, la iniciativa internacional más relevante en materia educativa. Ahora bien, aunque la importancia otorgada a la educación en el seno de la política española de cooperación parece poco cuestionable, la elevada dispersión sectorial de nuestra ayuda limita la eficacia de semejante definición.
How much does European citizenship cost in the EU? This was the question that has raised so much controversy over the Maltese citizenship-for-sale programme. The outright selling of Maltese nationality to rich foreigners led to unprecedented responses by the European Parliament and European Commission. This paper examines the affair and its relevance for current and future configurations of citizenship of the EU. It studies the extent to which member states are still free to lay down the grounds for the acquisition and loss of nationality without any EU supervision and accountability. It provides a comparative overview of member state schemes and the exact price for buying citizenship and a residency permit in the EU. It is argued that the EU’s intervention on the Maltese citizenship-for-sale affair constitutes a legal precedent for assessing the lawfulness of passport-for-sale or golden migration programmes in other EU member states. The affair has also revealed the increasing relevance of a set of European and international legal principles limiting member states’ discretion over citizenship matters and providing a supranational constellation of accountability venues scrutinising the impact of their decisions over citizenship of the Union. The Maltese citizenship-for-sale affair has placed at the forefront the EU general principle of sincere cooperation in nationality matters. Member states’ actions in the citizenship domain cannot negatively affect in substance the concept and freedoms of European citizenship. That notwithstanding, the European institutions’ insistence on the need for Maltese nationality law to require a ‘genuine link’ in the form of an effective residence criteria for any rich applicants to benefit from the fast-track naturalisation poses a fundamental dilemma from the angle of Union citizenship: what is this genuine link really about? And what is precisely ‘habitual’, ‘effective’ or ‘functional’ residence? It is argued that by supporting the ‘real connections’ as the most relevant standard, the European institutions may be paradoxically fuelling nationalistic misuses by member states of the ‘genuine link’ as a way to justify restrictive integration policies on the acquisition of nationality.
The political landscape in Greece is confused and volatile at the moment; the right and extreme- right-wing parties are accorded a disproportionately large place in political debate, while the radical left-wing SYRIZA party is attempting to maintain a ‘leftist’ profile and demonstrate its capacity to govern through a strategy of image normalisation. These tensions make it very difficult for the Greek government to stick to the EU’s tough reform agenda. The governing coalition is trying to conceal the social effects of implementing structural policy reforms, even postponing some measures to avoid bearing their political cost. At the same time, it is adopting a very rushed, and thus quite worrying, attitude towards a fast-track growth agenda, without taking into consideration the conditions for sustainable economic development.
This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.
Introduction: We have adapted the existing , optometry diabetic retinopathy screening pathway and software , so that it can be used for wet AMD fast track referral. Purpose: To compare the conventional, optometry wet AMD fast track referral service using FAX transmission, with a teleophthalmology service using colour fundus photography transmitted to a central retinal grading centre. Method: 40 optometry practices involved in diabetic retinopathy screening were enrolled and had modified computer software installed. Referrals were made by conventional fast track FAX to the macular clinic, and patients were photographed by the optometrist and images transmitted to a central grading centre Results of the two pathways were compared in terms of 1)speed of diagnosis and 2)sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis of wet AMD. Results: Over a ten month period, 62 consecutive patients were referred. The mean time for conventional pathway was 20.8 days (range 3-34),and for new teleophthalmology pathway was 6.9 days (range 1-13). Sensitivity of technician grading of images was 96%, Specificity 53%, and consultant ophthalmologist was sensitivity 96%, specificiity 87%. The technician showed a learning effect with specificity increasing from 30.7% for first 31 patient cohort, to 70.6% for the second cohort. One patient had images that could not be graded. Conclusion: Rapid referral of wet AMD cases by optometrists using modified diabetic retinopathy screening software, allows fast and accurate diagnosis, and may reduce unnecessary referrals. Retinal grading technicians can be trained to grade wet AMD images.