925 resultados para Farm hotel


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A dynamic, three-commodity rational-expectations storage model is used to compare the impact of the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act of 1996 with a freemarket policy and with the agricultural policies that preceded the FAIR Act. Results support the hypothesis that the changes made when FAIR was enacted did not lead to permanent significant increases in the volatility of farm prices or revenues. An important finding is that the main economic impacts of the Pre-FAIR scenario, relative to the free-market regime were to transfer income to farmers and to substitute government storage for private storage in a way that did little to support prices or to stabilize farm incomes.


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Quan ens referim al procés de creació d’una empresa, fem referència al conjunt d’accions necessàries per posar en funcionament un negoci partint únicament d’una sèrie d’idees.Així, amb la nostra feina, hem volgut estudiar amb més detall la situació real en què es troba un jove emprenedor. El fet d’haver triat aquesta opció es deu a què és una de les possibilitats que se’ns presenten en finalitzar la carrera.La raó per la qual ens hem decantat pel sector serveis és, bàsicament, el pes que téactualment en el PIB. Davant de tot el ventall d’activitats econòmiques que ofereixaquest sector, hem triat l’hoteler ja que actualment es troba en creixement i, a més, al’hora de treballar, consideràvem que era un dels més interessants.Un cop decidit el tema que tractaríem, era necessari saber quins aspectes s’havien detenir en compte per portar a terme aquest procés de la forma més realista possible. Pertant, era imprescindible conèixer quins serien els tràmits legals a seguir, quin tipus d’empresa crearíem, el mètode de finançament que millor s’adaptaria al nostre projecte i els costos que caldria afrontar, entre d’altres variables.En el moment en què hem disposat d’aquesta informació, hem aprofundit en altres temes com seria el cas del màrqueting, l’assegurança, l’anàlisi de la competència i la decisió del preu que ens faria obtenir beneficis o, si més no, cobrir les despeses en els primers anys.Ara, una vegada finalitzat el treball, en el cas de voler crear una empresa d’aquestescaracterístiques, ja coneixem totes les pautes a seguir per portar-ho a terme.


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Farm/Livestock Management Demonstration Program produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship


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Farm/Livestock Management Demonstration Program produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship


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Farm/Livestock Management Demonstration Program produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship


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The successful expansion of the U.S. crop insurance program has not eliminated ad hoc disaster assistance. An alternative currently being explored by members of Congress and others in preparation of the 2007 farm bill is to simply remove the “ad hoc” part of disaster assistance programs by creating a standing program that would automatically funnel aid to hard-hit regions and crops. One form such a program could take can be found in the area yield and area revenue insurance programs currently offered by the U.S. crop insurance program. The Group Risk Plan (GRP) and Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) programs automatically trigger payments when county yields or revenues, respectively, fall below a producer-elected coverage level. The per-acre taxpayer costs of offering GRIP in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa for corn and soybeans through the crop insurance program are estimated. These results are used to determine the amount of area revenue coverage that could be offered to farmers as part of a standing farm bill disaster program. Approximately 55% of taxpayer support for GRIP flows to the crop insurance industry. A significant portion of this support comes in the form of net underwriting gains. The expected rate of return on money put at risk by private crop insurance companies under the current Standard Reinsurance Agreement is approximately 100%. Taking this industry support and adding in the taxpayer support for GRIP that flows to producers would fund a county target revenue program at the 93% coverage level.


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In spite of its relative importance in the economy of many countriesand its growing interrelationships with other sectors, agriculture has traditionally been excluded from accounting standards. Nevertheless, to support its Common Agricultural Policy, for years the European Commission has been making an effort to obtain standardized information on the financial performance and condition of farms. Through the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), every year data are gathered from a rotating sample of 60.000 professional farms across all member states. FADN data collection is not structured as an accounting cycle but as an extensive questionnaire. This questionnaire refers to assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and seems to try to obtain a "true and fair view" of the financial performance and condition of the farms it surveys. However, the definitions used in the questionnaire and the way data is aggregated often appear flawed from an accounting perspective. The objective of this paper is to contrast the accounting principles implicit in the FADN questionnaire with generally accepted accounting principles, particularly those found in the IVth Directive of the European Union, on the one hand, and those recently proposed by the International Accounting Standards Committee’s Steering Committeeon Agriculture in its Draft Statement of Principles, on the other hand. There are two reasons why this is useful. First, it allows to make suggestions how the information provided by FADN could be more in accordance with the accepted accounting framework, and become a more valuable tool for policy makers, farmers, and other stakeholders. Second, it helps assessing the suitability of FADN to become the starting point for a European accounting standard on agriculture.


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Until recently farm management made little use of accounting and agriculture has been largely excluded from the scope of accounting standards. This article examines the current use of accounting in agriculture and points theneed to establish accounting standards for agriculture. Empirical evidence shows that accounting can make a significant contribution to agricultural management and farm viability and could also be important for other agents involved in agricultural decision making. Existing literature on failureprediction models and farm viability prediction studies provide the starting point for our research, in which two dichotomous logit models were applied to subsamples of viable and unviable farms in Catalonia, Spain. The firstmodel considered only non-financial variables, while the other also considered financial ones. When accounting variables were added to the model, a significant reduction in deviance was observed.


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The historiography dedicated to tourism has emphasised how some socio-economic evolutions such as urbanisation, mechanisation of transport or the advent of leisure time in society have supported pleasure trips and therefore the development of the hotel industry. On the contrary, the research has too often neglected or at least minimised the impact of the hotel sector on a region's development. This contribution seeks to fill this gap by analysing the Geneva Lake region, one of the most important birthplaces of the European tourism. In this space not much touched by the first industrial revolution, the hotel business has in fact played the role of an economic motor, stimulating investment and employment. This dynamism provoked a domino effect on several other sectors of the economy (industry, bulding sector, banking). To please their customers, the hoteliers have not only given impulses on housing modernisation, but also to the revitalisation of transport, energy and communication networks. The necessity to remain on the state-of-the-art of technical issues, with the concern of competitiveness, has called forth an acceleration of the technology transfer and stimulated the constitution of technical know-how.


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There is a gap between the importance given to accounting and the low level of bookkeeping and accounting practice in the agricultural sector. Current general accounting rules do not adapt very well to the particularities of farming and are difficult and expensive to implement. The Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) and IASC's Proposed International Accounting Standard on Agriculture (PIASA) could be key elements to improve the use of accounting in European farms. The PIASA provides a strong conceptual framework but might need further instruments for its implementation in practice. FADN is an experienced network that has elaborated very detailed farm accounting procedures. Empirical data indicate that current FADN reports are already considered useful by farmers for different purposes. Some changes in the FADN procedures are suggested, while some aspects of FADN are worthwhile for the future IAS on agriculture.


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A motivação no âmbito organizacional está relacionada à qualidade de desempenho e esforços de seus colaboradores, constituindo a energia motriz para atingir os resultados desejados. Com a chegada da globalização, o avanço tecnológico, aumento da competitividade entre as empresas, custos de contratação, treinamentos e processo de automação industrial, a exigência do melhor desempenho de seus colaboradores está cada vez maior. Por esse motivo, as empresas estão sempre buscando alternativas que motivem seus colaboradores, com o intuito de proporcionar um melhor clima organizacional e desempenho dos seus profissionais. O presente trabalho tem por objectivo estudar a satisfação dos trabalhadores como factores essenciais de motivação e sucesso empresarial no Hotel Marine Club Beach Resort, da ilha de Boa vista. Além de se valorizar o conhecimento técnico e científico do profissional é igualmente importante ter em consideração estas condicionantes (satisfação e motivação no trabalho), que embora sejam de carácter psicológico e emocional, desempenham um papel preponderante na produtividade do trabalhador, acabando por influenciar o sucesso de qualquer empresa. Conclui-se que o grau de motivação e satisfação do hotel é bom, o ambiente organizacional também é satisfatório mas é preciso que o hotel melhora as políticas de gestão tais como, benefícios em relação a promoções, salários e valorização do colaborador para mantê-los motivados e satisfeitos no trabalho.


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This paper aims to estimate a translog stochastic frontier production function in the analysis of a panel of 150 mixed Catalan farms in the period 1989-1993, in order to attempt to measure and explain variation in technical inefficiency scores with a one-stage approach. The model uses gross value added as the output aggregate measure. Total employment, fixed capital, current assets, specific costs and overhead costs are introduced into the model as inputs. Stochasticfrontier estimates are compared with those obtained using a linear programming method using a two-stage approach. The specification of the translog stochastic frontier model appears as an appropriate representation of the data, technical change was rejected and the technical inefficiency effects were statistically significant. The mean technical efficiency in the period analyzed was estimated to be 64.0%. Farm inefficiency levels were found significantly at 5%level and positively correlated with the number of economic size units.


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O serviço é um dos sectores que tem contribuído para o crescimento da economia mundial. Em grande parte dos países, tanto nos desenvolvidos como nos em vias de desenvolvimento, o sector de serviços gera um grande número de empregos e tem uma participação maior no PIB1 em relação aos outros sectores da economia. E dentro deste sector destaca-se o turismo, que tem registado um crescimento considerável devido ás grandes transformações a nível tecnológico, tanto no que concerne ao processamento de informação, como no desenvolvimento a nível dos transportes, estabelecendo uma ligação directa entre os pontos do universo, influenciando o comportamento dos mercados, o que faz com que os prestadores de serviços sejam mais ágeis, adaptáveis e mais competitivos.


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Com a globalização dos mercados, que impõe competitividades mais agressivas, é imperativo o que os gestores utilizem meios capazes de ajudar no aperfeiçoamento das competências de modo a permitir maiores rendibilidades das organizações que dirigem. Ciente que, até o presente as empresas sustentam principalmente no sistema contabilístico, este que, muitas vezes, oferece informações escassos e limitados às tomadas de decisões, torna-se necessário investir em sistemas de medição capazes de apoiar a estratégia organizacional e que permitam excelência no planeamento e controlo e, ainda, conceber e medir indicadores de longo prazo. Com o propósito de auxiliar no aperfeiçoamento dos modelos da gestão, mais concretamente da gestão da empresa em análise, sugerimos, como objectivo deste trabalho, o estudo das ferramentas de gestão tradicional, face às novas ferramentas emergentes. Porquanto, apresentamos, como estudo de caso, a avaliação do sistema de controlo de gestão da Empresa Hoteleira MindelHotel (MH), à luz da literatura consultada, de acordo com o sistema de gestão estratégica utlizada pela empresa, de modo a poder propor eventuais melhorias. No decorrer da revisão bibliográfica, foram estudadas demais ferramentas da gestão estratégica, das quais escolhemos o Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como um instrumento habilitado a servir de base para o desenho de um sistema de controlo estratégico que visa essencialmente o alinhamento estratégico da organização. Em que após uma breve descrição do ponto de vista teórico dos conceitos, apresentamos à Empresa Hoteleira MindelHotel uma proposta para adopção, concepção e implementação do Balanced Scorecard. Durante o estudo constatou-se, por parte da direcção da empresa, uma maior consciência da importância da comunicação e divulgação da sua estratégia entre os diferentes níveis hierárquicos, o que evidencia que ela está, mesmo, disposta a apostar na sua inovação estratégica.