639 resultados para Fano Partitions
This paper presents the characterization of high voltage (HV) electric power consumers based on a data clustering approach. The typical load profiles (TLP) are obtained selecting the best partition of a power consumption database among a pool of data partitions produced by several clustering algorithms. The choice of the best partition is supported using several cluster validity indices. The proposed data-mining (DM) based methodology, that includes all steps presented in the process of knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), presents an automatic data treatment application in order to preprocess the initial database in an automatic way, allowing time saving and better accuracy during this phase. These methods are intended to be used in a smart grid environment to extract useful knowledge about customers’ consumption behavior. To validate our approach, a case study with a real database of 185 HV consumers was used.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
In this paper, we propose the Distributed using Optimal Priority Assignment (DOPA) heuristic that finds a feasible partitioning and priority assignment for distributed applications based on the linear transactional model. DOPA partitions the tasks and messages in the distributed system, and makes use of the Optimal Priority Assignment (OPA) algorithm known as Audsley’s algorithm, to find the priorities for that partition. The experimental results show how the use of the OPA algorithm increases in average the number of schedulable tasks and messages in a distributed system when compared to the use of Deadline Monotonic (DM) usually favoured in other works. Afterwards, we extend these results to the assignment of Parallel/Distributed applications and present a second heuristic named Parallel-DOPA (P-DOPA). In that case, we show how the partitioning process can be simplified by using the Distributed Stretch Transformation (DST), a parallel transaction transformation algorithm introduced in [1].
Nos dias de hoje, os sistemas de tempo real crescem em importância e complexidade. Mediante a passagem do ambiente uniprocessador para multiprocessador, o trabalho realizado no primeiro não é completamente aplicável no segundo, dado que o nível de complexidade difere, principalmente devido à existência de múltiplos processadores no sistema. Cedo percebeu-se, que a complexidade do problema não cresce linearmente com a adição destes. Na verdade, esta complexidade apresenta-se como uma barreira ao avanço científico nesta área que, para já, se mantém desconhecida, e isto testemunha-se, essencialmente no caso de escalonamento de tarefas. A passagem para este novo ambiente, quer se trate de sistemas de tempo real ou não, promete gerar a oportunidade de realizar trabalho que no primeiro caso nunca seria possível, criando assim, novas garantias de desempenho, menos gastos monetários e menores consumos de energia. Este último fator, apresentou-se desde cedo, como, talvez, a maior barreira de desenvolvimento de novos processadores na área uniprocessador, dado que, à medida que novos eram lançados para o mercado, ao mesmo tempo que ofereciam maior performance, foram levando ao conhecimento de um limite de geração de calor que obrigou ao surgimento da área multiprocessador. No futuro, espera-se que o número de processadores num determinado chip venha a aumentar, e como é óbvio, novas técnicas de exploração das suas inerentes vantagens têm de ser desenvolvidas, e a área relacionada com os algoritmos de escalonamento não é exceção. Ao longo dos anos, diferentes categorias de algoritmos multiprocessador para dar resposta a este problema têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos, destacando-se principalmente estes: globais, particionados e semi-particionados. A perspectiva global, supõe a existência de uma fila global que é acessível por todos os processadores disponíveis. Este fato torna disponível a migração de tarefas, isto é, é possível parar a execução de uma tarefa e resumir a sua execução num processador distinto. Num dado instante, num grupo de tarefas, m, as tarefas de maior prioridade são selecionadas para execução. Este tipo promete limites de utilização altos, a custo elevado de preempções/migrações de tarefas. Em contraste, os algoritmos particionados, colocam as tarefas em partições, e estas, são atribuídas a um dos processadores disponíveis, isto é, para cada processador, é atribuída uma partição. Por essa razão, a migração de tarefas não é possível, acabando por fazer com que o limite de utilização não seja tão alto quando comparado com o caso anterior, mas o número de preempções de tarefas decresce significativamente. O esquema semi-particionado, é uma resposta de caráter hibrido entre os casos anteriores, pois existem tarefas que são particionadas, para serem executadas exclusivamente por um grupo de processadores, e outras que são atribuídas a apenas um processador. Com isto, resulta uma solução que é capaz de distribuir o trabalho a ser realizado de uma forma mais eficiente e balanceada. Infelizmente, para todos estes casos, existe uma discrepância entre a teoria e a prática, pois acaba-se por se assumir conceitos que não são aplicáveis na vida real. Para dar resposta a este problema, é necessário implementar estes algoritmos de escalonamento em sistemas operativos reais e averiguar a sua aplicabilidade, para caso isso não aconteça, as alterações necessárias sejam feitas, quer a nível teórico quer a nível prá
SUMMARY In this study, the bioactivity of Talinum paniculatum was evaluated, a plant widely used in folk medicine. The extract from the T. paniculatum leaves (LE) was obtained by percolation with ethanol-water and then subjecting it to liquid-liquid partitions, yielding hexane (HX), ethyl acetate (EtOAc), butanol (BuOH), and aqueous (Aq) fractions. Screening for antimicrobial activity of the LE and its fractions was evaluated in vitro through broth microdilution method, against thirteen pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, and the antimycobacterial activity was performed through agar diffusion assay. The cytotoxic concentrations (CC90) for LE, HX, and EtOAc were obtained on BHK-21 cells by using MTT reduction assay. The LE showed activity against Serratia marcescens and Staphylococcus aureus, with Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values of 250 and 500 µg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, HX demonstrated outstanding activity against Micrococcus luteus and Candida albicans with a MIC of 31.2 µg/mL in both cases. The MIC for EtOAc also was 31.2 µg/mL against Escherichia coli. Conversely, BuOH and Aq were inactive against all tested microorganisms and LE proved inactive against Mycobacterium tuberculosisand Mycobacterium bovisas well. Campesterol, stigmasterol, and sitosterol were the proposed structures as main compounds present in the EF and HX/EtOAc fractions, evidenced by mass spectrometry. Therefore, LE, HX, and EtOAc from T. paniculatumshowed potential as possible sources of antimicrobial compounds, mainly HX, for presenting low toxicity on BHK-21 cells with excellent Selectivity Index (SI = CC90/MIC) of 17.72 against C. albicans.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular Medicine
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Egéria was a 4th century A.D. nun who undertook a long journey from her homeland, the roman province of Gallaecia, to the Near East. Her itinerary, which described the segment between Mount Sinai and Constantinople, revealed the enthusiasm which graced her original decision to embark on the journey, and the determination with which she faced every stage. She kept a Diary throughout her journey. Probably, it constitutes one of the first known Travel Diaries. Her reports describe her observations and the splendor of the Christian cult sites. Her text is affectionately dedicated to her fellow nuns that remained in the West of the Empire, keeping their uniting bond strong. Our study aims to search all references to visited sites in Egéria’s text, as the information contained therein serves as a precious descriptor of their locations, spatial organization and environment. Egéria visits unique, historical sites, which will influence her writing style. She is, in fact, a pilgrim to a recently created historical site, The Holy Land. Egéria lived during a fundamental historical and artistic Framework, that of the architectural forms of expression of the First Christianity. Her words can be translated into images, as a partitions script, a visualization of lights and ambiences, and a testimonial of places that no longer exist. We hope to see, in Egéria’s written work, the images she observed, for her words are images. We expect a complementary approach among the research methods given by Archeology, composed by Architecture and explained by the sensible text from Egéria’s journey - a religious and artistic journey written from a powerful feminine point of view.
This paper presents and discusses the results of the serviciability and use condition tests carried on an innovative solution for partitions, designated AdjustMembrane developed within a research project. The proposed system is a modular non-loadbearing wall, tensioned between the pavements and ceiling slabs, which are used as anchoring elements. It allows several advantages, related with the weight reduction to achieve a good sustainable performance, such as the reduction of construction costs, energy, and materials, and it is easy to recycle and to reuse, allowing self-construction. Apart from a general presentation of the partition technology, this paper presents and discusses the results of experimental tests carried out. From the results obtained, it is possible to conclude that the solution fulfils the requirements for this typology of wall in terms of resistance to horizontal loads induced by soft and hard body impacts.
Large scale distributed data stores rely on optimistic replication to scale and remain highly available in the face of net work partitions. Managing data without coordination results in eventually consistent data stores that allow for concurrent data updates. These systems often use anti-entropy mechanisms (like Merkle Trees) to detect and repair divergent data versions across nodes. However, in practice hash-based data structures are too expensive for large amounts of data and create too many false conflicts. Another aspect of eventual consistency is detecting write conflicts. Logical clocks are often used to track data causality, necessary to detect causally concurrent writes on the same key. However, there is a nonnegligible metadata overhead per key, which also keeps growing with time, proportional with the node churn rate. Another challenge is deleting keys while respecting causality: while the values can be deleted, perkey metadata cannot be permanently removed without coordination. Weintroduceanewcausalitymanagementframeworkforeventuallyconsistentdatastores,thatleveragesnodelogicalclocks(BitmappedVersion Vectors) and a new key logical clock (Dotted Causal Container) to provides advantages on multiple fronts: 1) a new efficient and lightweight anti-entropy mechanism; 2) greatly reduced per-key causality metadata size; 3) accurate key deletes without permanent metadata.
We give a case-free proof that the lattice of noncrossing partitions associated to any finite real reflection group is EL-shellable. Shellability of these lattices was open for the groups of type Dn and those of exceptional type and rank at least three.
PURPOSE: To introduce a new k-space traversal strategy for segmented three-dimensional echo planar imaging (3D EPI) that encodes two partitions per radiofrequency excitation, effectively reducing the number excitations used to acquire a 3D EPI dataset by half. METHODS: The strategy was evaluated in the context of functional MRI applications for: image quality compared with segmented 3D EPI, temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) (the ability to detect resting state networks compared with multislice two-dimensional (2D) EPI and segmented 3D EPI, and temporal resolution (the ability to separate cardiac- and respiration-related fluctuations from the desired blood oxygen level-dependent signal of interest). RESULTS: Whole brain images with a nominal voxel size of 2 mm isotropic could be acquired with a temporal resolution under half a second using traditional parallel imaging acceleration up to 4× in the partition-encode direction and using novel data acquisition speed-up of 2× with a 32-channel coil. With 8× data acquisition speed-up in the partition-encode direction, 3D reduced excitations (RE)-EPI produced acceptable image quality without introduction of noticeable additional artifacts. Due to increased tSNR and better characterization of physiological fluctuations, the new strategy allowed detection of more resting state networks compared with multislice 2D-EPI and segmented 3D EPI. CONCLUSION: 3D RE-EPI resulted in significant increases in temporal resolution for whole brain acquisitions and in improved physiological noise characterization compared with 2D-EPI and segmented 3D EPI. Magn Reson Med 72:786-792, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We prove rigidity and vanishing theorems for several holomorphic Euler characteristics on complex contact manifolds admitting holomorphic circle actions preserving the contact structure. Such vanishings are reminiscent of those of LeBrun and Salamon on Fano contact manifolds but under a symmetry assumption instead of a curvature condition.
The amalgamation operation is frequently used to reduce the number of parts of compositional data but it is a non-linear operation in the simplex with the usual geometry,the Aitchison geometry. The concept of balances between groups, a particular coordinate system designed over binary partitions of the parts, could be an alternative to theamalgamation in some cases. In this work we discuss the proper application of bothconcepts using a real data set corresponding to behavioral measures of pregnant sows
In this paper, an information theoretic framework for image segmentation is presented. This approach is based on the information channel that goes from the image intensity histogram to the regions of the partitioned image. It allows us to define a new family of segmentation methods which maximize the mutual information of the channel. Firstly, a greedy top-down algorithm which partitions an image into homogeneous regions is introduced. Secondly, a histogram quantization algorithm which clusters color bins in a greedy bottom-up way is defined. Finally, the resulting regions in the partitioning algorithm can optionally be merged using the quantized histogram