966 resultados para Family farmers
En la actualidad, la agricultura familiar ha tomado visibilidad tanto en trabajos académicos como en el diseño de políticas públicas. Si bien se reconocen características propias que la diferencian de la producción empresarial, se presentan de acuerdo al tipo de producción y el territorio donde se inserta, particularidades que permiten definirlas y analizarlas. En el caso de la producción hortiflorícola familiar que abastece de productos frescos a los grandes centros urbanos, la especificidad del sistema productivo intensivo en trabajo, las tecnologías utilizadas, las características de los productos obtenidos, su comercialización y localización, difiere sustancialmente de otros sistemas productivos del país. De acuerdo a diagnósticos elaborados por INTA (2004) y otros trabajos cualitativos en el periurbano bonaerense, las dificultades que afrontan estas unidades familiares son de carácter múltiple. Entre las más importantes se mencionan la subordinación en la cadena comercial y acceso al financiamiento. Este trabajo busca dar cuenta de un proyecto de desarrollo territorial en la región periurbana del Gran La Plata, en el cual se aborda desde una perspectiva integral aspectos de financiamiento y comercialización a productores familiares. El mismo se focaliza en 30 productores familiares de La Plata y Berazategui pertenecientes al proyecto "Banco Social" implementado desde la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la UNLP; avanzando en un análisis respecto al acceso al financiamiento y las estrategias comerciales llevadas por los productores familiares bajo estudio
Intervención y organización campesina : El caso de Copacabana en la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina)
La mayoría de los autores que trabajan la temática del desarrollo rural coinciden en que la organización de los productores es imprescindible para que los pobladores rurales puedan convertirse en actores de su propio desarrollo. Dado que la organización es una condición necesaria para el desarrollo rural, el problema consiste en establecer los caminos metodológicos más adecuados para promoverla. Situándonos en Copacabana, localidad rural serrana ubicada en el norte de la provincia de Córdoba, nos preguntamos: ¿cómo manejan las familias campesinas la tensión entre la estrategia individual y la acción colectiva para resolver sus problemas? Concluimos que, no resulta fácil que las familias campesinas realicen las inversiones sociales necesarias para establecer una organización duradera. El solo deseo por obtener los beneficios derivados de la organización no es suficiente. Se requiere además un adecuado balance entre las tendencias individualistas de sus miembros y las necesidades colectivas. Para resolver esta tensión a favor de una organización estable, se requiere generar un proceso de construcción participativa, que permita (a) que el grupo se comprometa con los objetivos inicialmente propuestos y que tenga capacidad para modificarlos; y (b) establecer reglas de acceso y mecanismos de control social claras, aceptadas y compartidas por sus integrantes. En muchos casos, este proceso puede ser favorecido por el acompañamiento de actores sociales externos
This study examines how the youth's Professional projects in new generation of family farmers are prepared and the perspective of reproduction of the familiar mode of production. The sociological task is to specify the distinctive features of the situation of the youth in family farming, seeking to identify the elements considered in the preparation of their professional projects. Qualitative data were produced by a case study of young farmers who lives in the city of Faxinal do Soturno, a municipality belonging to the fourth colony of Italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. We performed 36 interviews, consisting of open questions, adopting a semi-structured script, wich were examined by de method of content analysis. Among the results, were observed a context marked by professional projects that breaks with the succession of the family farm work. The negative ratings on agricultural work stand out, particularly on issues related to health, salubrity of work and conditions of aging in rural areas. Family and emotional issues, and also specific aspects of the juvenile condition, marked by the pursuit of autonomy and emancipation, permeate the professional projects in development and show a complex analytical framework, wich amplify the explanatory factors of migration of youth.
Since the 1970s, Brazil has gone through several changes in its economic and productive structures, which have symbiotic relationship with the organization and dynamics of the Brazilian territory. This set of economic, social and technical-scientific transformations developed in the amid the productive capital restructuring, a process that occurs on a global scale, but that effective with particularities in different places. Adopting this presuposition the present research had as main objective analyze the productive restructuring of the dairy sector in Rio Grande do Norte, highlighting its relationship with production process / organization of space and its impact on the social relations of production. The adopted methodology to elaborate of this study was based on the achievement a bibliographic review with regard to proceedings of production of space and productive restructuring, document research about the dynamics of the dairy sector in Rio Grande do Norte, as well as on regulatory instructions governing the dairy production in Brazil, we achieve parallel secondary data collection, with official organs such as IBGE, EMATER and SINDLEITE. Another important methodological resource was the realization of the field research, which enabled us to empirically understand the distinct realities lived by agents acting on milk production system in Rio Grande do Norte. The analyzes performed nevertheless evidence that the restructuring process in the dairy sector is fomented, greatly by state,that finance, encourages and normatizes the production of milk in the country. In the specific case of Rio Grande do Norte, this process is boosted by the creation of "Programa do Leite," which by constituting of an institutional market, contributes to the strengthening and expansion of industries, the detriment of the artisanal processing sector. Nevertheless family farmers continue to act in the activity, be only producing and trading fresh milk, supplying milk to processing units, mediating the production of their peers or by the craft benefiting milk in traditional cheese factories presents in the entire state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results reveal that it is a complex web of social relations of production that are established at the heart of laticinista activity in the Rio Grande Norte, these are summarily marked by relations of competition and complementarity between industrial and artisanal processing of milk
The new development strategies should operate mainly in the areas of energy efficiency and sustainable agriculture. Thus, the substitution of fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel, is increasingly on the agenda. The cultivation of oilseed plants for biodiesel production must take place in integrated systems that enable best environmental benefits and are more economically significant. The objectives of this study were to assess the morphological, anatomic, and physiological characteristics of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L., promising oilseed for biodiesel production) grown in monoculture and intercropping with cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.); and identify socioeconomic family farmers and verify their acceptance about safflower as an energy crop. The methodology used for the analysis of safflower growth in monoculture and intercropped with beans, were morphoanatomical and histochemical analyzes, made with samples of plants grown in the field in two cropping systems throughout the range of the life cycle of these plants. There were no changes in growth and anatomy of plants, even in the consortium, which is satisfactory to indicate the intercropping system for those crops and can be a good alternative for the family farmer, who may have safflower as a source of income without giving up planting their livelihood. To check the acceptance of safflower by farmers, interviews were made to family farmers by Canudos agrovila in Ceará-Mirim/RN. It was noticed that many of them accept the introduction of safflower as oil crop, although unaware of the species, and that, being more resistant to drought, safflower help in the stability of families who depend on the weather conditions for success their current crops. In general, it is concluded that safflower has features that allows it to be grown in consortium for biodiesel production combined with the production of food, such as cowpea, and can be used enabling better development for family farmers.
The proposition of this research is supported by the definition of Food Safety and Nutrition (FSN), established by the II FSN National Conference. Taking this concept as reference, the research instrument aimed to analyze strategies and actions related to FSN, developed by members of Ceará Mirim Organic Producers Association, located in Rio Grande do Norte state (Brazil), from aspects related to family feeding, as well as means of access, quantity and food culture. It was aimed to answer the following questions: Do the families benefited from Ceará Mirim Organic Producers Association have strategies that assure their FSN? If so, do these strategies originate from public policies or own actions? Do these strategies focus on family revenue? In expenses with food and proper feeding? How do these strategies articulate together and which social networks do they form? In this research, there were also approached questionings which comprise market opening through the declaration of the products as Organization of Social Control (OSC), aggregate value and participation in agroecological fairs, aiming to identify and characterize if these strategies contribute for Food Safety and Nutrition of these families. The data here analyzed were obtained from semi-structured interviews, conducted in the production sites of each farmer, and have a qualitative approach. 21 questionnaires were applied to the family farmers, in seven projects of agrarian reform settlements (Carlos Marighella, Nova Esperança II, Aliança, Marcoalhado I, Santa Águeda, Santa Luzia and União). From this study, it was concluded that most of FSN strategies result from a series of distinct public policies, which potentiate the existing strategies and create new ones, such as in the case of organic production, which is the main motivation, even for the organization of the studied group. These strategies brought improvements in feeding and caused changes in eating habits, especially in the diversification of production for own consumption. This, on the other hand, is assuring greater food autonomy and increasing marketing channels, through fairs or institutional markets. It was also verified that reciprocity relations increased after the organic production, and they are indispensable to assure food in difficult times, also contributing to incentive organic production itself, through supplies exchange.
Unfavorable climatic conditions to family farming associated to the legal difficulty of retirement for workers who work exclusively in mining are indications provided by previous papers on this topic and guiding of such joint activities in a group that we have decided to call “agromineradores”, who are located “Behind de mountain” of Princess at Parelhas, Seridó do RN. However, in addition to these aspects, the research provides comprehensive analysis and thorough examination of other factors that link these families to such labor association. The theories of Habitus, field and trajectory from Pierre Bourdieu as well as the concept of institutions from Geoffrey Hodgson are central in this paper to explain the inclusion of these part-time farmers in an institutional environment shaped by social structures that influence in the choices of individual and collective behavior and leading to the relevance of the power structures within and outside the family, along with the role of public policies directed to family farmers and miners. The data analyzed showed that there is a crystallized structure that manifests themselves for years in this field, proving the link that exists between these agents and institutions that surround them in the composition of behaviors and routinizing of practices.
The technological change is nowadays, comprehended as a playing field which involves cultural and economic processes of appreciation and depreciation of the social aspects of family unit. The exclusion of small producers from the activity is used as an argument to characterize that in the contemporary intercapitalist competition, the family ways of production take up restrict social positions of a technical progress and of a cultural and economic appreciation. The state, a coparcener of the modernization process, has its relevance as a financing agent, a technical capacitor, an infrastructure propitiator, that is, through macro and microeconomic policies which can create sustainable conditions to permit, mainly, not only the family producer to be inserted in the activity, but, above all, to remain in it. This way, this study aims to identify and analyze the family producer, through its limits and potentialities, with a thesis that this would be the main agent responsible for boosting the Brazilian milk production in quantity and quality. Therefore, results were compared obtained from a field survey with data collection via semi-structured open interviews in a sample of 108 producers effectively respondents, namely: 59 family farmers with active DAP (research focus) and 49 employers producers the municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas - MG. Technological indices were used to identify the developmental stage of the producers, thus allowing a comparative study between them. The field research covered all rural municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas – MG and, the result found that the majority of family farmers presented lower rates than technological employers producers. However, it allowed us to state also that the producer family and assisted by public policies, can be the agent of transformation of dairy farming.
En este artículo, se analizan los principales cambios que se han dado en un territorio donde se implementó una reforma agraria en los años sesenta del siglo pasado, lo que permitió el acceso a la tierra por parte de los campesinos indígenas y el inicio de un proceso de "territorialización" sobre un importante espacio rural ubicado en el cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Interesa sobre todo resaltar la estrategia campesina de ocupación de un territorio de hacienda y su transformación en un territorio de agriculturas familiares campesinas orientadas a la producción de leche y articuladas con las agroindustrias locales. Este proceso ha significado una mayor complejidad del territorio ahora liderado por una dinámica económica externa, lo que ha generado cambios importantes en las estrategias económicas, sociales y culturales de las familias indígenas.
En este artículo, se analizan los principales cambios que se han dado en un territorio donde se implementó una reforma agraria en los años sesenta del siglo pasado, lo que permitió el acceso a la tierra por parte de los campesinos indígenas y el inicio de un proceso de "territorialización" sobre un importante espacio rural ubicado en el cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Interesa sobre todo resaltar la estrategia campesina de ocupación de un territorio de hacienda y su transformación en un territorio de agriculturas familiares campesinas orientadas a la producción de leche y articuladas con las agroindustrias locales. Este proceso ha significado una mayor complejidad del territorio ahora liderado por una dinámica económica externa, lo que ha generado cambios importantes en las estrategias económicas, sociales y culturales de las familias indígenas.
En este artículo, se analizan los principales cambios que se han dado en un territorio donde se implementó una reforma agraria en los años sesenta del siglo pasado, lo que permitió el acceso a la tierra por parte de los campesinos indígenas y el inicio de un proceso de "territorialización" sobre un importante espacio rural ubicado en el cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Interesa sobre todo resaltar la estrategia campesina de ocupación de un territorio de hacienda y su transformación en un territorio de agriculturas familiares campesinas orientadas a la producción de leche y articuladas con las agroindustrias locales. Este proceso ha significado una mayor complejidad del territorio ahora liderado por una dinámica económica externa, lo que ha generado cambios importantes en las estrategias económicas, sociales y culturales de las familias indígenas.
The National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) is a public policy in Brazil for over 60 years and represents one of the most important programs of feeding and nutrition in the world. The role of family farming as a source of employment in rural areas, food provider and for ensuring much of the Brazil’s food security is constantly present at the government's and social movement’s agendas. Law 11.947 of 2009 marked its integration in the food supply for the National School Feeding Programme. Article 14 of aforementioned law highlights that a minimum of 30% (thirty percent) of the funds transferred by the National Development Fund Education (FNDE) to the Programme must be used for the purchase of food directly from family farmers or their organizations. The national school feeding policy under the responsibility of the FNDE and is subjected to agencies of internal control, such as the General Controllership of the Union (CGU), of external control, such as the Audit Courts of the Union and the of the states, and to the social control of the school feeding councils. Those funds are transferred to the implementing agencies, which are the education offices of the states, municipalities and of the Federal District. These entities must annually present their accountings to the School Feeding Councils, which analyze them and then issue a conclusive report to the FNDE, approving with or without reservations, or rejecting them. In this sense, this research aims to propose parameters that should contribute to the improvement of the social control over purchases from family farming for the National School Feeding Programme. The study was conducted by non parametric sampling alongside the managers of the implementing entities, school feeding councils and Family Farming Organizations all across Brazil, from the databases provided by FNDE and by the National Union of Cooperatives of Family Agriculture and Solidarity Economy (Unicafes). The study points out that the legal framework of PNAE seeks to ensure the participation of family farming in the food supply for the Programme, despite allowing the executing agencies to justify the non-compliance of the minimum required in a number of ways. The survey also signalizes that the school feeding councils follow the implementation of the Programme very shyly, and points out that there is room to expand and enhance the participation of these councils and organizations of family farming in the execution of PNAE. Its effectiveness requires a constant and effective process of training of the agents involved in the Programme.
This thesis deals with the insertion of family farmers market that act as market traders in the city of Chapecó, state of Santa Catarina. In order to trust, reciprocity and relations of time and space dynamics present in the practice of open-air market is analyzed. From understanding the outdoor market as an extension of the activities of farms, a form of local construction market, we need new ways to evaluate the inclusion of family farming in trade. In this regard, the importance of local markets characterized by autonomy in the food hegemonic system. To this end, it uses what the peculiarities present in the practice of street fairs, its historical development, the number of farmers who act as market participants, the number of traders in the city and its surroundings, the diversity of products offered, the marketing channel access by traders and market relations farmers who act as market participants. Finally, based on the responses of suppliers and content analysis, it was possible to show how present in the social dynamics of free trade: the trusted face to face representations, reciprocity and relations of time and space between the co-present agents in the market dynamics of family farmers fair. For the study context, these representations show how important non-economic values that help build identities that relate to the strategies of social reproduction and overcoming dominant market model.
Resumo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a efetividade do Programa Cisternas utilizando abordagens teóricas orientadas aos atores, a partir do desenvolvimento de novas práticas sociais implementadas pelos agricultores beneficiários do Programa para a convivência com o Semiárido brasileiro. Elaborou-se um estudo de caso selecionando a Comunidade Sítios Areias, localizada no município de Sobral (CE). A coleta de dados foi realizada com a aplicação de questionários às famílias beneficiadas pelo Programa. O marco teórico utilizado foi a teoria da Abordagem dos Meios de Vida para caracterizar a efetividade do programa e compreender o processo de mudança social. Constatou-se que o Programa apesar de utilizar os preceitos do paradigma de desenvolvimento sustentável para a sua implantação, não possibilitou a efetividade do programa em promover modificações das práticas sociais, não revertendo a estratégia de migração das famílias, ocasionada pelo processo de desativação dos beneficiários com a agricultura. A implementação do programa não conseguiu combater a pobreza rural, mesmo proporcionando o acesso à água as famílias. Concluiu-se que a forma de intervenção exigia uma nova dinâmica para o Semiárido, bem mais complexa do que simplesmente a construção de tecnologias sociais de captação de água. Recomenda-se políticas integradas e que contribuam para a melhoria dos meios de vida das famílias, mas que também ensejem seu protagonismo e o fortalecimento de sua autonomia frente às adversidades climáticas frequentes da região. [Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Cisterns Programe according to the Sustainable Livelihood Approach]. Abstract: This study was carried out in order to analyze the effectiveness of the Cisterns Program according to the new social practices implemented by the family farmers in order to survive and live in the adverse environment of the Brazilian semiarid. The empirical space chosen was the Municipality of Sobral (CE) and the case study was the Community Areia Branca. Data was collected on all the families benefited from the Cisterns Program. The analytical theoretical framework used was the Sustainable Livelihood Approach to characterize the effectiveness of the program and the process of social change. It was found that despite using the concepts of sustainable development paradigm in the implementation of Cisterns Program, the program was not effective in promoting social changes or to reserve the migration practice as well, which is a family strategy due to deactivation of agricultural activities. The implementation of the program failed to combat rural poverty other than providing access to water. The form of intervention in the semiarid requires a new dynamic approach, which is far more complex than simply building social technologies for water storage. In order to fight poverty in the region, it is necessary to implement integrated policies able to improve life style and bring about changes in order to empower and give autonomy to the families helping them to face the adverse climatic conditions typical of the region.
Resumo: Para execução do processo de raleamento na Caatinga é importante utilizar máquinas do tipo rotores trituradores acoplados em tratores de baixa potência, visando a diminuição de tempo e mão-de-obra dos agricultores familiares na, implantação de sistemas de exploração sustentáveis, sistemas agrossilvipastoris. Para o projeto de uma máquina que seja acessível a estes produtores, o primeiro passo é se conhecer a potência de corte necessária para a operação de raleamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar uma metodologia de ensaio para medir a potência durante o corte de uma espécie arbórea, podendo assim avaliar os parâmetros a serem utilizados futuramente no projeto da máquina. Como espécie teste, utilizou-se o eucalyptus citriodora, por ser uma madeira que apresenta resistência de corte elevada e similar ao das espécies da Caatinga. Observou-se que a metodologia proposta, ao padronizar os procedimentos, permitiu adquirir de forma rápida e precisa os valores dos parâmetros de importância no projeto de máquinas destinadas a cortar e triturar espécies arbóreas. Também a utilização dos dados obtidos por meio da aplicação da metodologia, possibilitam maior confiabilidade e precisão no projeto de máquinas destinadas a este tipo de trabalho. [Methodology for obtaining the cutting power of a forest crusher]. Abstract: For executions the thinning process in Caatinga is important to use machines as Rotors Crushers coupled in low- power tractors, aimed at decrease of time and hand labor of Family Farmers in the implementation of sustainable exploration systems, agrosylvopastoral Systems. For the project for the design of a machine that is accessible these producers, the first step is knowing the cut power needed for a thinning operation. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a test methodology to measure the power during the cutting of a tree species and can evaluate the cutting parameters used in the future in machine design. As a test species, we used the eucalyptus citriodora, as this wood has cut high resistance and similar to Species of Caatinga. It was observed that the methodology proposal, to the standardize procedures, allows to get quickly and accurately the values of importance parameters in the design of machines designed to cut and grind tree species. Also the use of data obtained through the application of the methodology , enable greater reliability and precision in machine design intended for this type of work.