956 resultados para Factor-kappa-b


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The promyelocytic leukemia protein PML is a growth suppressor essential for induction of apoptosis by diverse apoptotic stimuli. The mechanism by which PML regulates cell death remains unclear. In this study we found that ectopic expression of PML potentiates cell death in the TNFα-resistant tumor line U2OS and significantly sensitized these cells to apoptosis induced by TNFα in a p53-independent manner. Our study demonstrated that both PML and PML/TNFα-induced cell death are associated with DNA fragmentation, activation of caspase-3, -7, -8, and degradation of DFF/ICAD. Furthermore, we found that PML-induced and PML/TNFα-induced cell death could be blocked by the caspase-8 inhibitors crmA and c-FLIP, but not by Bcl-2, the inhibitor of mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway. These findings indicate that this cell death event is initiated through the death receptor-dependent apoptosis pathway. Our study further showed that PML recruits NF-kappa B (NF-κB) to the PML nuclear body, blocks NF-κB binding to its cognate enhancer, and represses its transactivation function with the C-terminal region. Therefore PML inhibits the NF-κB survival pathway. Overexpression of NF-κB rescued cell death induced by PML and PML/TNFκ. These results imply that PML is a functional repressor of NF-κB. This notion was further supported by the finding that the PML−/− mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) are more resistant than the wild-type MEFs to TNFκ-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, our studies convincingly demonstrated that PML potentiates cell death through inhibition of the NF-κB survival pathway. Activation of NF-κB frequently occurs during oncogenesis. Our study here suggests that a loss of PML function enhances the NF-κB survival pathway and this event may contribute to tumorigenesis. ^


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Activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) is controlled by proteolysis of its inhibitory subunit (IκB) via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Signal-induced phosphorylation of IκBα by a large multisubunit complex containing IκB kinases is a prerequisite for ubiquitination. Here, we show that FWD1 (a mouse homologue of Slimb/βTrCP), a member of the F-box/WD40-repeat proteins, is associated specifically with IκBα only when IκBα is phosphorylated. The introduction of FWD1 into cells significantly promotes ubiquitination and degradation of IκBα in concert with IκB kinases, resulting in nuclear translocation of NF-κB. In addition, FWD1 strikingly evoked the ubiquitination of IκBα in the in vitro system. In contrast, a dominant-negative form of FWD1 inhibits the ubiquitination, leading to stabilization of IκBα. These results suggest that the substrate-specific degradation of IκBα is mediated by a Skp1/Cull 1/F-box protein (SCF) FWD1 ubiquitin-ligase complex and that FWD1 serves as an intracellular receptor for phosphorylated IκBα. Skp1/Cullin/F-box protein FWD1 might play a critical role in transcriptional regulation of NF-κB through control of IκB protein stability.


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Alternative pre-mRNA splicing patterns can change an extracellular stimulus, but the signaling pathways leading to these changes are still poorly characterized. Here, we describe a tyrosine-phosphorylated nuclear protein, YT521-B, and show that it interacts with the nuclear transcriptosomal component scaffold attachment factor B, and the 68-kDa Src substrate associated during mitosis, Sam68. Northern blot analysis demonstrated ubiquitous expression, but detailed RNA in situ analysis revealed cell type specificity in the brain. YT521-B protein is localized in the nucleoplasm and concentrated in 5–20 large nuclear dots. Deletion analysis demonstrated that the formation of these dots depends on the presence of the amino-terminal glutamic acid-rich domain and the carboxyl-terminal glutamic acid/arginine-rich region. We show that the latter comprises an important protein–protein interaction domain. The Src family kinase p59fyn-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Sam68 negatively regulates its association with YT521-B, and overexpression of p59fyn dissolves nuclear dots containing YT521-B. In vivo splicing assays demonstrated that YT521-B modulates alternative splice site selection in a concentration-dependent manner. Together, our data indicate that YT521-B and Sam68 may be part of a signal transduction pathway that influences splice site selection.


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We show that the binding of Rel p50 and p52 homodimers at sites within the transcriptional initiation region of HIV-1 provides for their ability to interact with other proteins that bind the initiator. The binding of one such protein, the initiator protein TFII-I, to the initiation region of HIV-1 is augmented in the presence of Rel p50 and Rel p52 homodimers. Consistent with this, in vitro Rel homodimers potentiate HIV-1 transcription in a manner dependent upon TFII-I. The findings suggest that Rel dimers may regulate HIV-1 transcription in two ways. First, through binding at the kappa B enhancer sites at (-104 to -80), NF-kappa B p50:p65 participates in classical transcriptional activation. Second, Rel dimers such as p50 or p52 might bind at initiator sequences to regulate the de novo binding of components of certain preinitiation complexes. These findings, and the existence of Rel binding sites at the initiators of other genes, suggest roles for Rel proteins in early events determining transcriptional control.


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Signals emanating from CD40 play crucial roles in B-cell function. To identify molecules that transduce CD40 signalings, we have used the yeast two-hybrid system to done cDNAs encoding proteins that bind the cytoplasmic tail of CD40. A cDNA encoding a putative signal transducer protein, designated TRAF5, has been molecularly cloned. TRAF5 has a tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) domain in its carboxyl terminus and is most homologous to TRAF3, also known as CRAF1, CD40bp, or LAP-1, a previously identified CD40-associated factor. The amino terminus has a RING finger domain, a cluster of zinc fingers and a coiled-coil domain, which are also present in other members of the TRAF family protein except for TRAF1. In vitro binding assays revealed that TRAF5 associates with the cytoplasmic tail of CD40, but not with the cytoplasmic tail of tumor receptor factor receptor type 2, which associates with TRAF2. Based on analysis of the association between TRAF5 and various CD40 mutants, residues 230-269 of CD40 are required for the association with TRAF5. In contrast to TRAF3, overexpression of TRAF5 activates transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B. Furthermore, amino-terminally truncated forms of TRAF5 suppress the CD40-mediated induction of CD23 expression, as is the case with TRAF3. These results suggest that TRAF5 and TRAF3 could be involved in both common and distinct signaling pathways emanating from CD40.


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Anergy is a major mechanism to ensure antigen-specific tolerance in T lymphocytes in the adult. In vivo, anergy has mainly been studied at the cellular level. In this study, we used the T-cell-activating superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) to investigate molecular mechanisms of T-lymphocyte anergy in vivo. Injection of SEA to adult mice activates CD4+ T cells expressing certain T-cell receptor (TCR) variable region beta-chain families and induces strong and rapid production of interleukin 2 (IL-2). In contrast, repeated injections of SEA cause CD4+ T-cell deletion and anergy in the remaining CD4+ T cells, characterized by reduced expression of IL-2 at mRNA and protein levels. We analyzed expression of AP-1, NF-kappa B, NF-AT, and octamer binding transcription factors, which are known to be involved in the regulation of IL-2 gene promoter activity. Large amounts of AP-1 and NF-kappa B and significant quantities of NF-AT were induced in SEA-activated CD4+ spleen T cells, whereas Oct-1 and Oct-2 DNA binding activity was similar in both resting and activated T cells. In contrast, anergic CD4+ T cells contained severely reduced levels of AP-1 and Fos/Jun-containing NF-AT complexes but expressed significant amounts of NF-kappa B and Oct binding proteins after SEA stimulation. Resolution of the NF-kappa B complex demonstrated predominant expression of p50-p65 heterodimers in activated CD4+ T cells, while anergic cells mainly expressed the transcriptionally inactive p50 homodimer. These alterations of transcription factors are likely to be responsible for repression of IL-2 in anergic T cells.


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The nuclear translocation of NF-kappa B follows the degradation of its inhibitor, I kappa B alpha, an event coupled with stimulation-dependent inhibitor phosphorylation. Prevention of the stimulation-dependent phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha, either by treating cells with various reagents or by mutagenesis of certain putative I kappa B alpha phosphorylation sites, abolishes the inducible degradation of I kappa B alpha. Yet, the mechanism coupling the stimulation-induced phosphorylation with the degradation has not been resolved. Recent reports suggest a role for the proteasome in I kappa B alpha degradation, but the mode of substrate recognition and the involvement of ubiquitin conjugation as a targeting signal have not been addressed. We show that of the two forms of I kappa B alpha recovered from stimulated cells in a complex with RelA and p50, only the newly phosphorylated form, pI kappa B alpha, is a substrate for an in vitro reconstituted ubiquitin-proteasome system. Proteolysis requires ATP, ubiquitin, a specific ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, and other ubiquitin-proteasome components. In vivo, inducible I kappa B alpha degradation requires a functional ubiquitin-activating enzyme and is associated with the appearance of high molecular weight adducts of I kappa B alpha. Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation may, therefore, constitute an integral step of a signal transduction process.


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The NF-kappa B/Rel proteins are sequestered in the cytoplasm in association with the phosphorylated form of I kappa B alpha. Upon induction with a wide variety of agents, the activity of NF-kappa B/Rel proteins is preceded by the rapid degradation of I kappa B alpha protein. We report the identification and partial purification of a cellular kinase from unstimulated or stimulated murine cells, which specifically phosphorylates the C terminus of I kappa B alpha. There are several consensus sites for casein kinase II (CKII) in the C-terminal region of I kappa B alpha. Additionally, the activity of the cellular kinase is blocked by antibodies against the alpha subunit of CKII. No phosphorylation of the C-terminal region of I kappa B alpha can be detected if the five possible serine and threonine residues that can be phosphorylated by CKII are mutated to alanine. A two-dimensional tryptic phosphopeptide map of I kappa B alpha from unstimulated cells was identical to that obtained by in vitro phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha with the partially purified cellular kinase. We propose that constitutive phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha is carried out by CKII.


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Paradoxically, while peripheral self-tolerance exists for constitutively presented somatic self Ag, self-peptide recognized in the context of MHC class II has been shown to sensitize T cells for subsequent activation. We have shown that MHC class II(+)CD86(+)CD40(-) DC, which can be generated from bone marrow in the presence of an NF-kappaB inhibitor, and which constitutively populate peripheral tissues and lymphoid organs in naive animals, can induce Ag-specific tolerance. In this study, we show that CD40(-) human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC), generated in the presence of an NF-kappaB inhibitor, signal phosphorylation of TCRzeta, but little proliferation or IFN-gamma in vitro. Proliferation is arrested in the G(1)/G(0) phase of the cell cycle. Surprisingly, responding T cells are neither anergic nor regulatory, but are sensitized for subsequent IFN-gamma production. The data indicate that signaling through NF-kappaB determines the capacity of DC to stimulate T cell proliferation. Functionally, NF-kappaB(-)CD40(-)class II+ DC may either tolerize or sensitize T cells. Thus, while CD40(-) DC appear to prime or prepare T cells, the data imply that signals derived from other cells drive the generation either of Ag-specific regulatory or effector cells in vivo.


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Glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx) is a cytosolic enzyme that regulates diverse cellular function by removal of GSH adducts from S-glutathionylated proteins including signaling molecules and transcription factors. Glrx is up-regulated during inflammation and diabetes. Glrx overexpression inhibits VEGF-induced endothelial cell (EC) migration. The aim was to investigate the role of up-regulated Glrx in EC angiogenic capacities and in vivo revascularization in the setting of hind limb ischemia. Glrx overexpressing EC from Glrx transgenic mice (TG) showed impaired migration and network formation and secreted higher level of soluble VEGF receptor 1 (sFlt), an antagonizing factor to VEGF. After hind limb ischemia surgery Glrx TG mice demonstrated impaired blood flow recovery, associated with lower capillary density and poorer limb motor function compared to wild type littermates. There were also higher levels of anti-angiogenic sFlt expression in the muscle and plasma of Glrx TG mice after surgery. Non-canonical Wnt5a is known to induce sFlt. Wnt5a was highly expressed in ischemic muscles and EC from Glrx TG mice, and exogenous Wnt5a induced sFlt expression and inhibited network formation in human microvascular EC. Adenoviral Glrx-induced sFlt in EC was inhibited by a competitive Wnt5a inhibitor. Furthermore, Glrx overexpression removed GSH adducts on p65 in ischemic muscle and EC, and enhanced nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activity which was responsible for Wnt5a-sFlt induction. Taken together, up-regulated Glrx induces sFlt in EC via NF-kB -dependent Wnt5a, resulting in attenuated revascularization in hind limb ischemia. The Glrx-induced sFlt may be a part of mechanism of redox regulated VEGF signaling.


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Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), a key regulatory enzyme of the prostaglandin/eicosanoid pathway, is an important target for anti-inflammatory therapy. It is highly induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines in a Nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB)-dependent manner. However, the mechanisms determining the amplitude and dynamics of this important pro-inflammatory event are poorly understood. Furthermore, there is significant difference between human and mouse COX2 expression in response to the inflammatory stimulus tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). Here, we report the presence of a molecular logic AND gate composed of two NFκB response elements (NREs) which controls the expression of human COX2 in a switch-like manner. Combining quantitative kinetic modeling and thermostatistical analysis followed by experimental validation in iterative cycles, we show that the human COX2 expression machinery regulated by NFκB displays features of a logic AND gate. We propose that this provides a digital, noise-filtering mechanism for a tighter control of expression in response to TNFα, such that a threshold level of NFκB activation is required before the promoter becomes active and initiates transcription. This NFκB-regulated AND gate is absent in the mouse COX2 promoter, most likely contributing to its differential graded response in promoter activity and protein expression to TNFα. Our data suggest that the NFκB-regulated AND gate acts as a novel mechanism for controlling the expression of human COX2 to TNFα, and its absence in the mouse COX2 provides the foundation for further studies on understanding species-specific differential gene regulation.


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Osteocytes, known to act as the main regulators of bone homeostasis, have become a major focus in the field of bone research. Bioactive ceramics have been widely used for bone regeneration. However, there are few studies about the interaction of osteocytes with bioceramics. The effects of osteocytes on the in vitro and in vivo osteogenesis of bioceramics are also unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of osteocytes on the b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) stimulated osteogenesis. It was found that osteocytes responded to the b-TCP stimulation, leading to the release of Wnt (wingless-related MMTV integration site), which enhanced osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells via Wnt signaling pathway. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand, an osteoclast inducer, was also upregulated, indicating that osteocytes would also participated in activation of osteoclasts, which played a major role in the degradation process of b-TCP and new bone remodeling. In vivo studies further demonstrated that when the material was completely embedded by newly formed bone, the only cell contacting with the material was osteocyte. However, the material would eventually be degraded and replaced by the new bone, requiring the participation of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, which were demonstrated by using immunostaining in this study. As the only cell contacting with the material, osteocytes probably acted in a regulatory role to regulate the surrounding osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteocytes were also found to participate in the maturation of osteoblasts and the mineralization process of biomaterials, by upregulating E11 (podoplanin) and dentin matrix protein 1 expression. These findings indicated that osteocytes involved in bone biomaterial-mediated osteogenesis and biomaterial degradation, providing valuable insights into the mechanism of material-stimulated osteogenesis, and a novel strategy to optimize the evaluating system for the biological properties of biomaterials.