253 resultados para FUJITA
A natureza subjetiva da catalogação de assunto imprime certas peculiaridades nas ações dos profissionais que realizam a atividade em domínios específicos. Sendo assim, mostra-se necessária à realização de estudos que cerquem as ações dos catalogadores de assunto, ancoradas na realidade do contexto de bibliotecas universitárias, para a obtenção dos fatores influentes do saber e do fazer profissional. Portanto, analisa-se o conhecimento profissional acerca da sistematicidade do processo da catalogação de assunto em perspectiva sociocognitiva. Para tanto, aplica-se a técnica de Protocolo Verbal em Grupo com três catalogadores de assunto de distintas bibliotecas universitárias do estado de São Paulo, a fim de conhecer a realidade do processo da catalogação de assunto pela perspectiva profissional. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de instrumentos metodológicos que propiciem sustentabilidade prática à catalogação de assunto, em contexto de bibliotecas universitárias.
Este estudo apresenta uma síntese bibliográfica sobre as metodologias de avaliação que foram propostas por pesquisadores internacionais e nacionais e utilizadas por indexadores de instituições de ensino e/ou pesquisas atuantes em unidades de informação e/ou centros de documentação, bem como aquelas que foram analisadas pelas opiniões dos próprios usuários da informação registrada e disponibilizada em inúmeros sistemas de informações, com enfoques nas abordagens quantitativa, qualitativa e qualitativa/cognitiva, respectivamente.
A política de indexação deve ser constituída de estratégias que permitam o alcance dos objetivos de recuperação do sistema de informação. O indexador tem a função primordial de compreender o documento ao realizar uma análise conceitual que represente adequadamente seu conteúdo. Utilizando a leitura como evento social/protocolo verbal em grupo, nosso objetivo é contribuir com a literatura sobre política de indexação e apresentar propostas de ensino de política de indexação direcionadas a alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, além de uma experiência de educação à distância com vistas à formação do bibliotecário em serviço. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a metodologia pode ser utilizada por sistemas de informação para que se tenha acesso ao conhecimento do indexador. Conclui que o indexador deve ser o alvo de investimento dos sistemas de informação e sugere aos sistemas de informação que a experiência do indexador também seja utilizada como parâmetro para política de indexação.
The indexing automation has been discussed by researches in the area of Information Science however the discussions have not been so clear on the use of indexing software. Thus, it is necessary to know the indexing software, as well as its application in the analysis of documentary contents. To do so, it is proposed, here, to investigate both the consistency of indexing and the exhaustiveness and precision of the information retrieval, by means of comparative analysis between SISA (Sistema de Indizacion Semi-Automatico) automatic index and BIREME ( Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciencias da Saude) manual indexing. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical development of the indexing automation and the improvement of SISA. Thus, SISA application and evaluation was used based on the calculation of the consistency indexes between the two types of indexing, and the calculation of the exhaustiveness and precision indexes in information retrieval, by means of searching into BDSISA and BIREME databases, composed by descriptors taken from SISA and manual indexing respectively. The differences among the terms used in scientific papers comparing to the DeCS ones were the main difficult factor to achieve higher consistency indexes in the indexing. These differences influenced the exhaustiveness and precision indexes in the information retrieval, showing that it is necessary to improve the documentary language used by SISA software and to incorporate linguistic methods.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the consistency indexes among 30 Brazilian university libraries from the south and south-east regions through a specific mathematical formula. It was selected a sample of 30 university libraries that, according to the information in their official sites, have a collection consisted of more than 100.000 copies and allow the search into the on-line catalog. Searches were carried out in every university by means of their sites, requesting books that contained a certain word in its title and were printed in a certain year. The response was a list of available titles in the library, from which we chose at random a title and asked to visualize the complete record to verify the existence of a given subject. This procedure was repeated until we found the same title in five libraries with the chosen subjects. The result is 10 trials, each one consisting of one figure and one table showing the selected libraries, the subjects, the documentary languages ( tools) and the consistency indexes relaxed and rigid. These trials show great discrepancy between the values of consistency indexes with intervals between 73,3% to 34,4% in the relaxed index, and between 60% and 9,6% in the rigid one. It was revealed that the coincidence in determining the subjects is not too high remaining below 39%. It is concluded that the difference between the consistency indexes may be due to factors as: incompatibility among documentary languages; lack of updating of these languages so as to follow the knowledge evolution; absence of a well-defined indexing policy with guidelines clearly established. Procedures of indexing followed by indexers could contribute to the consistency index to be bigger in percentage, since there would be parameters for the indexing process.
Mario Sergio Palma, Yasuhiro Itagaki, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Hideo Naoki and Terumi Nakajima. Structural characterization of a new acylpolpaminetoxin from the venom of Brazilian garden spider Nephilengys: cruentata. Toxicon 36, 455-493, 1998.-The use of mass spectrometry, in which high-energy CID and charge remote fragmentation both of protonated and sodium-attached molecular ions was applied, afforded the structural elucidation of a new acylgolyaminetoxin with M-W= 801 da from the venom of the Brazilian garden spider Nephilengys cruentata. In spite of having the same M-W of the NPTX-2, previously described in the venom of the Joro spider Nephila clavata, neither toxins are isomers. In order to differentiate them by using the most usual nomenclature, the new toxin was named NPTX-801C and the NPTX-2 was renamed to NPTX-801E. Both toxins have as common structure the 4-hydroxyindole-3-acetyl-asparaginyl-cadaveryl moiety in their molecules and their structure may be represented in a simplified way: NPTX-801E is HO-indole-Asn-Cad-Pta-Orn-Arg and NPTX-801C is HO-indole-Asn-Cad-Gly-Put-Pta-Pta. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ce-doped and undoped LiCaAlF6 (LiCAF) single crystals 50 mm in diameter were grown by the Czochralski technique. The formation of inclusions and cracks accompanying the crystal growth was investigated. The dependence of lattice parameters on the temperature was measured for LiCAF and LiSrAlF6 single crystals. Linear thermal expansion coefficients for both these crystals were evaluated. Higher transmission properties for LiCAF single crystals were achieved in the UV and VUV wavelength regions. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Verifies the applicability to research on indexers' reading strategies of the process observing technique known as Verbal Protocol or Thinking Aloud. This interpretative-qualitative data collecting technique allows the observation of different kinds of process during the progress of different kinds of tasks. Presents a theoretical investigation into reading and into formal methodological procedures to observe reading processes. Describes details of the methodological procedures adopted in five case studies with analysis of samples of data. The project adopted three kinds of parameters for data analysis: theoretical, normative, empirical (derived from observations made in the first case study). The results are compared, and important conclusions regarding documentary reading are drawn.
A comparative evaluation was made of the use of natural language versus two specialized indexing languages, aiming to demonstrate the influence of the availability of indexing languages on the functioning of information retrieval systems. The study was conducted within the ambit of the construction of search strategies by subject in online university library catalogs. The precision ratio was calculated to determine the accuracy of each indexing language in subjectbased information retrieval. From the comparative evaluation of the use of indexing languages, it was concluded that the term specificity required by the user during retrieval was more satisfactory when the query was made through controlled languages, whose availability and simplicity is also an indispensable requisite.
The purpose of this article is to understand, by means of the analysis of the literature, the existing relations between the indexing policies and the organizational knowledge management in organizational contexts as support to the implementation of strategic actions. It also searches for identifying the essential elements for the establishment of indexing policies and which mechanisms this process is based on. As result of some inferences, an organizational knowledge management model is presented with elements related to the individuals, the organization and the external environment as well.
This paper presents the results of the longitudinal profile analysis and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the Patos River, a tributary of the Ivaí River basin, PR. The goal is identify and quantify the anomalous zones along river course concerning their genesis - activity neotectonic or/and lithological imposition. The Patos River has a length of 127 km and a relief amplitude of 660 m, The occurrence of an important knickpoint in the middle course the Patos River can be divided into two stretches. Of the 22 sections measured, 10 were considered anomalous, distributed in both upper and lower course. In the upper course, over a basaltic bedrock of the Serra Geral Formation the RDE values are lower than those in the lower course, where river flows over sedimentary rocks of the Terezina Formation. The 2 nd order anomalies are related to lithological changes, relief alignments and channel confluences - as in the case of São João River. The 1st order anomalies are linked to differences in rock resistance associated with structural control, which provides the formation of waterfalls.
The indexing policy establishes the guiding principles and criteria for the indexer when determining the subjects of the documents. This article shows how to capture the indexers' tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge using the group verbal protocol methodology to produce an indexing manual. Continuing professional education results to be a key factor in obtaining good results when formalizing the indexing policy of a library and keeping it up to date.
The relation among the concepts text, document and information is discussed, with the aim of clarifying the concept of document, with a focus in the field of economic information organization and management. A document is a medium in which information is recorded and manifested. A document is, thus, material, has a purpose, can be organized and treated for its improved dissemination, and has a specific subject and context.
In the context of university libraries, the optimization and streamlining of services and processes related to informational content indexing and retrieval are strongly influenced by the indexing policy adopted. This article is aimed at researching the indexing policy elements that are more suitable for medical university libraries. To achieve our objective, we applied three instruments: organizational culture analysis, individual verbal protocol and evaluation of indexing. Results emphasize the importance of developing an indexing policy to improve the processes and services offered by university libraries, as well as the retrieval of information by the user community. More studies are necessary in the medical area involvoving catalogers, experts, users and managers for the development of the indexing manual.