Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To evaluate the effect of a fluoride dentifrice containing sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP) on enamel demineralization in situ. This double-blind and cross-over study consisted of 3 phases (7 days each) in which 12 volunteers wore intraoral appliances containing four enamel bovine blocks. Specimens were treated (3×/day) with placebo (no F or HMP), 1100ppm F (1100F) and 1100F plus HMP1% (1100F-HMP1%) toothpastes, and the cariogenic challenge was performed using a 30% sucrose solution (6×/day). Final surface hardness, the percentage of surface hardness loss (%SH), the integrated loss of subsurface hardness (ΔKHN), as well as enamel calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and firmly-bound fluoride (F) were determined. Also, biofilm formed on the blocks were analyzed for F, Ca, P and insoluble extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) concentrations. Data were submitted 1-way ANOVA, followed by Student-Newman-Keuls' test (p<0.05). 1100F-HMP1% promoted the lowest %SH and ΔKHN among all groups (p<0.001). The addition of HMP1% to 1100F did not enhance enamel F uptake, but significantly increased enamel Ca concentrations (p<0.001). Similar EPS concentrations were seen for 1100F-HMP1% and 1100F groups (p>0.05). All the groups were supersaturated with respect to HA. However, only 1100F-HMP1% group was supersaturated with respect to CaF2 (p<0.05). The ionic activities of F(-), CaF(+) and HF(0) for the 1100F-HMP1% group were the highest among all groups (p<0.001). The addition of HMP1% to a conventional toothpaste significantly reduces enamel demineralization in situ when compared to 1100F. This dentifrice could be a viable alternative to patients at high risk of caries.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The in vitro stability of cocaine in horse blood, sheep vitreous humour (VH) and homogenised deer muscle is described. The stability of cocaine in horse blood was of interest because many toxicology laboratories utilise horse blood for the preparation of calibration and check standards and the latter are typically stored during routine use. The storage stability of cocaine in human VH and muscle has not been previously reported. In the absence of blank human VH and muscle, cocaine stability under varying conditions was demonstrated in animal tissues. Blood and VH were stored with and without addition of NaF at room temperature (RT), 4 degrees C and -18 degrees C for 84 days. Muscle homogenates were prepared in water, water/2% NaF, and phosphate buffer (pH 6.0)/2% NaF, and stored for 31 days at RT, 4 degrees C and -18 degrees C. Cocaine stability in human muscle obtained from cocaine positive forensic cases was assessed following storage at -18 degrees C for 13 months. Cocaine and benzoylecgonine (BZE) were extracted using SPE and quantified by GC-MS/MS. Cocaine was stable for 7 days in refrigerated (4 degrees C) horse blood fortified with 1 and 2% NaF. In the absence of NaF, cocaine was not detectable by day 7 in blood stored at RT and 4 degrees C and had declined by 81% following storage at -18 degrees C. At 4 degrees C the rate of cocaine degradation in blood preserved with 2% NaF was significantly slower than with 1% NaF. The stability of cocaine in horse blood appeared to be less than that reported for human blood, probably attributable to the presence of carboxylesterase in horse plasma. Cocaine stored in VH at -18 degrees C was essentially stable for the study period whereas at 4 degrees C concentrations decreased by >50% in preserved and unpreserved VH stored for longer than 14 days. Fluoride did not significantly affect cocaine stability in VH. The stability of cocaine in muscle tissue homogenates significantly exceeded that in blood and VH at every temperature. In preserved and unpreserved samples stored at 4 degrees C and below, cocaine loss did not exceed 2%. The increased stability of cocaine in muscle was attributed to the low initial pH of post-mortem muscle. In tissue from one human case stored for 13 months at -18 degrees C the muscle cocaine concentration declined by only 15% (range: 5-22%). These findings promote the use of human muscle as a toxicological specimen in which cocaine may be detected for longer compared with blood or VH. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of fluoride, which is present in different oral hygiene products, deserve more investigation because little is known about their impact on the surface of titanium, which is largely used in Implantology. This study evaluated the surface of commercially pure titanium (cpTi) after exposure to different concentrations of sodium fluoride (NaF). The hypothesis tested in this study was that different concentrations of NaF applied at different time intervals can affect the titanium surface in different ways. The treatments resulted in the following groups: GA (control): immersion in distilled water; GB: immersion in 0.05% NaF for 3 min daily; GC: immersion in 0.2% NaF for 3 min daily; GD: immersion in 0.05% NaF for 3 min every 2 weeks; and GE: immersion in 0.2% NaF for 3 min every 2 weeks. The experiment lasted 60 days. Roughness was measured initially and every 15 days subsequently up to 60 days. After 60 days, corrosion analysis and anodic polarization were done. The samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The roughness data were analyzed by ANOVA and there was no significant difference among groups and among time intervals. The corrosion data (i corr) were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test, and significant differences were found between GA and GC, GB and GC, GC and GD, GC and GE. SEM micrographs showed that the titanium surface exposed to NaF presented corrosion that varied with the different concentrations. This study suggests that the use of 0.05% NaF solution on cpTi is safe, whereas the 0.2% NaF solution should be carefully evaluated with regard to its daily use.
This study evaluated the influence of fluoride on cell viability and activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) -2 and -9 secreted by preosteoblasts. Preosteoblasts (MC3T3-E1 murine cell line) were cultured in MEM medium supplement with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and nucleosides/ribonucleosides without ascorbic acid. Adherent cells were treated with different concentrations of F (as sodium fluoride-NaF) in medium (5 x 10-6 M, 10-5 M, 10-4 M and 10-3 M) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h at 37ºC, 5% CO2. Control cells were cultivated in MEM only. After each period, preosteoblast viability was assessed by MTT assay. MMP-2 and -9 activities were performed by gel zymography. Also, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was quantified by colorimetry in all experimental groups. It was shown that cultured cells with the highest dose of F (10-3 M) for 96 h decreased preosteoblast viability while lower doses of F did not alter it, when compared to untreated cells. No differences were observed in ALP activity among groups. Moreover, compared to control, the treatment of cells with F at low dose slightly increased MMP-2 and -9 activities after 24 h. It was concluded that F modulates preosteoblast viability in a dose-dependent manner and also may regulate extracellular matrix remodeling.
Eight DSDP/ODP cores were analyzed for major ion concentrations and d37Cl values of water-soluble chloride (d37Clwsc) and structurally bound chloride (d37Clsbc) in serpentinized ultramafic rocks. This diverse set of cores spans a wide range in age, temperature of serpentinization, tectonic setting, and geographic location of drilled serpentinized oceanic crust. Three of the cores were sampled at closely spaced intervals to investigate downhole variation in Cl concentration and chlorine isotope composition. The average total Cl content of all 86 samples is 0.26±0.16 wt.% (0.19±0.10 wt.% as water-soluble Cl (Xwsc) and 0.09±0.09 wt.% as structurally bound Cl (Xsbc)). Structurally bound Cl concentration nearly doubles with depth in all cores; there is no consistent trend in water-soluble Cl content among the cores. Chlorine isotope fractionation between the structurally bound Cl**- site and the water-soluble Cl**- site varies from -1.08? to +1.16?, averaging to +0.21?. Samples with negative fractionations may be related to reequilibration of the water-soluble chloride with seawater post-serpentinite formation. Six of the cores have positive bulk d37Cl values (+0.05? to +0.36?); the other two cores (173-1068A (Leg-Hole) and 84-570) have negative bulk d37Cl values (-1.26? and -0.54?). The cores with negative d37Cl values also have variable Cl**-/SO4**2- ratios, in contrast to all other cores. The isotopically positive cores (153-920D and 147-895E) show no isotopic variation with depth; the isotopically negative core (173-1068A) decreases by ~1? with depth for both the water-soluble and structurally bound Cl fractions. Non-zero bulk d37Cl values indicate Cl in serpentinites was incorporated during original hydration and is not an artifact of seawater infiltration during drilling. Cores with positive d37Cl values are most likely explained by open system fractionation during hydrothermal alteration, with preferential incorporation of 37Cl from seawater into the serpentinite and loss of residual light Cl back to the ocean. Fluid / rock ratios were probably low as evidenced by the presence of water-soluble salts. The two isotopically negative cores are characterized by a thick overlying sedimentary package that was in place prior to serpentinization. We believe the low d37Cl values of these cores are a result of hydration of ultramafic rock by infiltrating aqueous pore fluids from the overlying sediments. The resulting serpentinites inherit the characteristic negative d37Cl values of the pore waters. Chlorine stable isotopes can be used to identify the source of the serpentinizing fluid and ultimately discern chemical and tectonic processes involved in serpentinization.
Sr isotope analyses have been conducted on anhydrite samples from the TAG (Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse) active hydrothermal mound (26°08?N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) that have previously been shown to exhibit two distinct patterns of REE behavior when normalized to TAG end-member hydrothermal fluid. Despite differences in REE patterns, the Sr isotope data indicate that all the anhydrites precipitated from fluids with a similar range of hydrothermal fluid and seawater components, and all but one were seawater-dominated (52%-75%). Speciation calculations using the EQ3/6 software package for geochemical modeling of aqueous systems suggest that the REE complexation behavior in different fluid mixing scenarios can explain the variations in the REE patterns. Anhydrites that exhibit relatively flat REE patterns [(La_bs)/(Yb_bs) = 0.8-2.0; subscript bs indicates normalization to end-member black smoker hydrothermal fluid] and a small or no Eu anomaly [(Eu_bs)/(Eu*_bs) = 0.8-2.0] are inferred to have precipitated from mixes of end-member hydrothermal fluid and cold seawater. REE complexes with hard ligands (e.g., fluoride and chloride) are less stable at low temperatures and trivalent Eu has an ionic radius similar to that of Ca2+ and the other REE, and so they behave coherently. In contrast, anhydrites that exhibit slight LREE-depletion [(La_bs)/(Yb_bs) = 0.4-1.4] and a distinct negative anomaly [(Eu_bs)/(Eu*_bs) = 0.2-0.8] are inferred to have precipitated from mixes of end-member hydrothermal fluid and conductively heated seawater. The LREE depletion results from the presence of very stable LREE chloro-complexes that effectively limit the availability of the LREE for partitioning into anhydrite. Above 250°C, Eu is present only in divalent form as chloride complexes, and discrimination against Eu2+ is likely due to both the mismatch in ionic radii between Eu2+ and Ca2+, and the strong chloro-complexation of divalent Eu which promotes stability in the fluid and inhibits partitioning of Eu2+ into precipitating anhydrite. These variations in REE behavior attest to rapid fluctuations in thermal regime, fluid flow and mixing in the subsurface of the TAG mound that give rise to heterogeneity in the formation conditions of individual anhydrite crystals.