944 resultados para FAST CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY
The first direct voltammetric response from a molybdenum enzyme under non-turnover conditions is reported. Cyclic voltammetry of dimethylsulfoxide reductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus reveals a reversible Mo-VI/V response at + 161 mV followed by a reversible Mo-V/IV response at -102 mV versus NHE at pH 8. The higher potential couple exhibits a pH dependence consistent with protonation upon reduction to the Mo-V state and we have determined the pK(a) for this semi-reduced species to be 9.0. The lower potential couple is pH independent within the range 5 < pH < 10. The optical spectrum of the Mo chromophore has been investigated with spectroelectrochemistry. At high potential, in its resting state, the enzyme exhibits a spectrum characteristic of the Mo-VI form. This changes significantly following bulk electrolysis (-400 mV versus NHE) at an optically transparent, indium-doped tin oxide working electrode, where a single visible electronic maximum at 632 nm is observed, which is comparable with spectra reported previously for the dithionite-reduced enzyme. This two-electron process is chemically reversible by reoxidizing the enzyme at the electrode in the absence of mediators or promoters. The activity of the enzyme has been established by observation of a catalytic current in the presence of DMSO at pH 8, where a sigmoidal (steady state) voltammogram is seen. Electronic supplementary material to this paper (Fig. S 1) can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00775-002-0374-y.
A mudança no mercado global do petróleo nos últimos anos, com o declínio das reservas de óleo leve, têm forçado a busca por novos campos petrolíferos em ambientes mais remotos, como nos campos localizados na camada pré-sal, e a exploração de óleos pesados que possuem elevado teor de ácidos naftênicos. Isso acarreta em grandes desafios para a previsão do desempenho de materiais frente às novas condições ambientais em que estão inseridos. No presente trabalho, o comportamento da corrosão do aço carbono AISI 1010 e do aço inoxidável AISI 316L foi estudado em soluções aquosas com elevado teor de cloreto e em solução de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico a fim de ter melhor entendimento da ação dessas espécies no processo de corrosão e simular a corrosão pela água de produção na indústria petrolífera. Foram aplicadas as técnicas de potencial de circuito aberto, polarização potenciodinâmica, voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, espectroscopia Raman, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia de força atômica, usadas, em cada caso, de acordo com a conveniência. O aumento da [Cl-] na faixa de 1,2–2,8 mol.L-1 não altera os processos catódicos e anódicos perto do Ecorr para os aços AISI 1010 e AISI 316L. Em condições de sobrepotenciais afastados do Ecorr, o aumento de [Cl-] aumenta os processos oxidativos de corrosão, o que é expresso pelas maiores densidades de corrente e carga anódica e aumento da perda de massa sofrida pelos eletrodos de ambos os aços. Portanto, os danos da corrosão são mais intensos quando se aumenta a [Cl-]. O aço AISI 1010 é ativo nas soluções de NaCl e a corrosão se propaga livremente de forma uniforme. Para o aço AISI 316L, uma ampla faixa de passividade pode ser vista nas soluções de NaCl; no Epit ocorre a ruptura do filme passivo e o crescimento de pites estáveis. Após 24 h de imersão em soluções de sulfato de sódio (branco) e de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico ocorre crescimento de filme de óxido e as fases α-Fe2O3, Fe3O4 e δ-FeO(OH) foram identificadas nos espécimes de aço AISI 1010 e Fe3O4 foi identificado nos defeitos do filme prévio presente na superfície do aço AISI 316L. Os filmes formados em solução de ácido ciclopentanóico possuem menor resistência à polarização, maior rugosidade e maior taxa de corrosão quando comparado aos filmes crescidos na solução branco, para ambos os aços. A presença do ácido naftênico muda a forma como a reação de corrosão se procede e contribui para o aumento da corrosão. A corrosão naftênica foi mais pronunciada no aço carbono porque a presença dos elementos de liga no aço inox reduzem o número de sítios ativos ricos em Fe e tornam menos oportuna a ligação do Fe com o naftenato.
The tris(1-pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate lithium salt Li(Tpms) [Tpms = SO3C(pz)(3)-] reacts with [Mo(CO)(6)] in NCMe heated at reflux to yield Li[Mo(Tpms)(CO)(3)] (1), which, upon crystallization from thf, forms the coordination polymer [Mo(Tpms)(CO)(2)(mu-CO)Li(thf)(2)](n) (2). Reaction of 1 with I-2, HBF4 or AgBF4 yields [Mo(Tpms)I(CO)(3)] (3), (Mo(Tpms)-H(CO)(3)] (5) or (Mo(Tpms)O-2](2)(mu-O) (7), respectively. The high-oxidation-state dinuclear complexes [{Mo(Tpms)O(mu-O)}(2)] (4) and [{Mo(tpms)OCl)(2)](mu-O) (6) are formed upon exposure to air of solutions of 3 and 5, respectively. Compounds 1-7, which appear to be the first tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate complexes of molybdenum to be reported, were characterized by IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy, ESI-MS, elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry and, in the cases of Li(Tpms) and compounds 2, 4.2CH(3)CN, 6.6CHCl(3) and 7, by X-ray diffraction analyses. Li(Tpms) forms a 1D polymeric structure (i.e., [Li(tpms)](n)} with Tpms as a tetradentate N2O2 chelating ligand that bridges two Li cations with distorted tetrahedral coordination. Compound 2 is a 1D coordination polymer in which Tpms acts as a bridging tetradentate N3O ligand and each Li(thf)(2)(+) moiety is coordinated by one bridging CO ligand and by the sulfonyl group of a contiguous monomeric unit. In 4, 6 and 7, the Tpms ligand is a tridentate chelator either in the NNO (in 4) or in the NNN (in 6 and 7) fashion. Complexes 1, 3 and 5 exhibit, by cyclic voltammetry, a single-electron oxidation at oxidation potential values that indicate that the Tpms ligand has an electron-donor character weaker than that of cyclopentadienyl.
The dioxovanadium(V) complexes [VO2(3,5-Me(2)Hpz)(3)][BF4] (1) (pz = pyrazolyl), [VO2{SO3C(pz)(3)}] (2), [VO2{HB(3,5-Me(2)pz)(3)}] (3) and [VO2{HC(pz)(3)}][BF4] (4), bearing pyrazole or scorpionate ligands, were obtained by reaction of triethyl vanadate [VO(OEt)(3)] with hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)methane [HC(3,5-Me(2)pz)(3)] or 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (3,5-Me(2)Hpz; 1), lithium tris(1-pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate {Li[SO3C(pz)(3)], 2}, potassium hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)borate {K[HB(3,5-Me(2)pz)(3)], 3} and hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)methane [HC(pz)(3), 4], respectively. Treatment of [VO(OEt)(3)] with potassium hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)borate {K[HB(pz)(3)]} led to the mixed eta(3)-tris(pyrazolyl)borate and eta(2)-bis(pyrazolyl)borate oxovanadium(IV) complex [VO{HB(pz)(3)}{H2B(pz)(2)}, 5]. The compounds were characterized by elemental analyses, IR, NMR and EPR spectroscopy, FAB and ESI mass spectrometry, cyclic voltammetry and, for 5, also by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. All complexes exhibit catalytic activity in the single-pot carboxylation [in trifluoroacetic acid/potassium peroxodisulfate (CF3COOH/K2S2O8)] of gaseous alkanes (methane and ethane) to carboxylic acids (yields up to 40%. TONs up to 157) and in the peroxidative oxidation [in water/acetonitrile (H2O/NCMe)] of liquid alkanes (cyclohexane and cyclopentane) to the corresponding alcohols and ketones (yields up to 24%, TONs up to 117), under mild conditions.
The reactions of [ReCl2{eta(2)-N2C(O)Ph}(PPh3)(2)](1) with 2-aminopyrimidine (H(2)Npyrm), 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and tetraethylthiuram disulfide (tds), in MeOH upon reflux, lead to the new eta(1)-(benzoyldiazenido)-rhenium(III) complexes [ReCl{eta(1)-N2C(O)Ph}(HNpyrm)(PPh3)(2)](2)and [ReCl2{eta(1)-N2C(O)Ph}(bpy)(PPh3)] (3), and the known oxo(diethyldithiocarbamato)dirhenium(v)complex [Re2O2(mu O){Et2NC(S)S}(4)](4), respectively. The Et2NC(S)S ligands in 4 result from S-S bond rupture of tds molecules. The obtained compounds have been characterized by IR, H-1, P-31{H-1} and C-13{H-1} NMR spectroscopies, FAB(+)-MS, elemental and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (for 2 and 4)analyses. Complex 2 represents the first structurally characterized Re compound derived from 2-aminopyrimidine. Besides, the redox behaviour of 2-4 in CH2Cl2 solution has been studied by cyclic voltammetry, and the Lever electrochemical ligand parameter (E-L)has been estimated, for the first time, for HNpyrm. The electrochemical results are discussed in terms of electronic properties of the Re centres and the ligands.
Co-deposition of nickel and cobalt was carried out on austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates by imposing a square waveform current in the cathodic region. The innovative procedure applied in this work allows creating a stable, fully developed, and open porous three-dimensional (3D) dendritic structure, which can be used as electrode for redox supercapacitors. This study investigates in detail the influence of the applied current density on the morphology, mass, and chemical composition of the deposited Ni-Co films and the resulting 3D porous network dendritic structure. The morphology and the physicochemical composition were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (W). The electrochemical behavior of the materials was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results highlight the mechanism involved in the coelectrodeposition process and how the lower limit current density tailors the film composition and morphology, as well as its electrochemical activity.
Novel [Ru(L)(Tpms)]Cl and [Ru(L)(Tpms(Ph))]Cl complexes (L = p-cymene, benzene, or hexamethylbenzene, Tpms = tris(pyrazolyl)-methanesulfonate, Tpms(Ph) = tris(3-phenylpyrazoly)methanesulfonate) have been prepared by reaction of [Ru(L)(mu-Cl)(2)](2) with Li[Tpms] and Li[Tpms(Ph)], respectively. [Ru(p-cymene)(Tpms)]BF4 has been synthesized through a metathetic reaction of [Ru(p-cymene)(Tpms)]Cl with AgBF4. [RuCl(cod)(Tpms)] (cod = 1,5-cyclooctadiene) and [RuCl(cod)(Tpms(Ph))] are also reported, being obtained by reaction of [RuCl2(cod)(MeCN)(2)] with Li[Tpms] and Li[Tpms(Ph)], respectively. The structures of the complexes and the coordination modes of the ligands have been established by IR, NMR, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (for [RuL(Tpms)]X (L = p-cymene or HMB, X = Cl; L = p-cymene, X = BF4)) studies. Electrochemical studies showed that each complex undergoes a single-electron R-II -> R-III oxidation at a potential measured by cyclic voltammetry, allowing to compare the electron-donor characters of the tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate and arene ligands, and to estimate, for the first time, the values of the Lever E-L ligand parameter for Tmps(Ph), HMB, and cod.
The organotin(IV) compounds [Me2Sn(L)(2)] (1), [Et(2)sn(L)(2)] (2), [(Bu2Sn)-Bu-n(L)(2)] (3), [(n)Oct(2)Sn(L)(2)] (4), [Ph2Sn(L)(2)] (5), and [PhOSnL](6) (6) have been synthesized from the reactions of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (HL) with the corresponding diorganotin(IV) oxide or dichloride. They were characterized by IR and multinuclear NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, and, for 2, 3, 4 and 6, single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. While 1-5 are mononuclear diorganotin (IV) compounds, the X-ray diffraction of 6 discloses a hexameric drumlike structure with a prismatic Sn6O6 core. All these complexes undergo irreversible reductions and were screened for their in vitro antitumor activities toward HL-60, BGC-823, Bel-7402, and KB human cancer cell lines. Within the mononuclear compounds, the most active ones (3, 5) are easiest to reduce (least cathodic reduction potentials), while the least active ones (1, 4) are the most difficult to reduce. Structural rearrangements (i.e., Sn-O bond cleavages and trans-to-cis isomerization) induced by reduction, which eventually can favor the bioactivity, are disclosed by theoretical/electrochemical studies.
Trends between the Hammett's sigma(p) and related normal sigma(n)(p), inductive sigma(I), resonance sigma(R), negative sigma(-)(p) and positive sigma(+)(p) polar conjugation and Taft's sigma(o)(p) substituent constants and the N-H center dot center dot center dot O distance, delta(N-H) NMR chemical shift, oxidation potential (E-p/2(ox), measured in this study by cyclic voltammetry (CV)) and thermodynamic parameters (pK, Delta G(0), Delta H-0 and Delta S-0) of the dissociation process of unsubstituted 3-(phenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4-dione (HL1) and its para-substituted chloro (HL2), carboxy (HL3), fluoro (HL4) and nitro (HL5) derivatives were recognized. The best fits were found for sigma(p) and/or sigma(-)(p) in the cases of d(N center dot center dot center dot O), delta(N-H) and E-p/2(ox), showing the importance of resonance and conjugation effects in such properties, whereas for the above thermodynamic properties the inductive effects (sigma(I)) are dominant. HL2 exists in the hydrazo form in DMSO solution and in the solid state and contains an intramolecular H-bond with the N center dot center dot center dot O distance of 2.588(3)angstrom. It was also established that the dissociation process of HL1-5 is non-spontaneous, endothermic and entropically unfavourable, and that the increase in the inductive effect (sigma(I)) of para-substitutents (-H < -Cl < -COOH < -F < -NO2) leads to the corresponding growth of the N center dot center dot center dot O distance and decrease of the pK and of the changes of Gibbs free energy, of enthalpy and of entropy for the HL1-5 acid dissociation process. The electrochemical behaviour of HL1-5 was interpreted using theoretical calculations at the DFT/HF hybrid level, namely in terms of HOMO and LUMO compositions, and of reactivities induced by anodic and cathodic electron-transfers. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mononuclear manganese(II) [Mn(kappa O-HL)(2)(CH3OH)(4)] (4), nickel(II) [Ni(kappa O-2, kappa N-L)(H2O)(3)] (5), cadmium(II) [Cd(kappa O-2-HL)(2)(CH3OH)(3)] (7), tetranuclear zinc(II) [Zn-4(mu-OH)(2)(1 kappa O:2 kappa O-HL)(4)(kappa O-HL)(2)(H2O)(4)] (6) and polynuclear aqua sodium(I) [Na(H2O)(2)(mu-H2O)(2)](n)(HL)(n) (2) and magnesium(II) [Mg(OH)(H2O)(mu-H2O)(2)](n)(-HL)(n) (3) complexes were synthesized using 3-(2-carboxyphenyl-hydrazone)pentane-2,4-dione (H2L, 1) as a ligand precursor. The complexes were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR (for 2, 3, 6 and 7) spectroscopies. Mono- or dianionic deprotonated derivatives of H2L display different coordination modes and lead to topologies and nuclearities of the complexes depending on metal ions and conditions used for the syntheses. Extensive intermolecular H-bonds form supramolecular arrangements in 1D chains (4 and 6), 1D chains of the organic anion and 2D networks of the metal-aqua aggregates (2 and 3), 2D networks (7) or even 3D frameworks (5). Electrochemical studies, by cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis, show ligand centred redox processes as corroborated by theoretical DFT calculations in terms of LUMO and HOMO compositions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A series of new ruthenium(II) complexes of the general formula [Ru(eta(5)-C5H5)(PP)(L)][PF6] (PP = DPPE or 2PPh(3), L = 4-butoxybenzonitrile or N-(3-cyanophenyl)formamide) and the binuclear iron(II) complex [Fe(eta(5)-C5H5)(PP)(mu-L)(PP)(eta(5)-C5H5)Fe][PF6](2) (L = (E)-2-(3-(4-nitrophenyl)allylidene)malononitrile, that has been also newly synthesized) have been prepared and studied to evaluate their potential in the second harmonic generation property. All the new compounds were fully characterized by NMR, IR and UV-Vis spectroscopies and their electrochemistry behaviour was studied by cyclic voltammetry. Quadratic hyperpolarizabilities (beta) of three of the complexes have been determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) measurements at fundamental wavelength of 1500 nm and the calculated static beta(0) values are found to fall in the range 65-212 x 10(-30) esu. Compound presenting beta(0) = 212 x 10(-30) esu has revealed to be 1.2 times more efficient than urea standard in the second harmonic generation (SHG) property, measured in the solid state by Kurtz powder technique, using a Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm). (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ruthenium(II)-cymene complexes [Ru(eta(6)-cymene)(bha)Cl] with substituted halogenobenzohydroxamato (bha) ligands (substituents = 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 2,4-F-2, 3,4-F-2, 2,5-F-2, 2,6-F-2) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis, and density functional theory (DFT) studies. The compositions of their frontier molecular orbitals (MOs) were established by DFT calculations, and the oxidation and reduction potentials are shown to follow the orders of the estimated vertical ionization potential and electron affinity, respectively. The electrochemical E-L Lever parameter is estimated for the first time for the various bha ligands, which can thus be ordered according to their electron-donor character. All complexes exhibit very strong protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitory activity, even much higher than that of genistein, the clinically used PTK inhibitory drug. The complex containing the 2,4-difluorobenzohydroxamato ligand is the most active one, and the dependences of the PTK activity of the complexes and of their redox potentials on the ring substituents are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Celiac disease is a gluten-induced autoimmune enteropathy characterized by the presence of tissue tranglutaminase (tTG) autoantibodies. A disposable electrochemical immunosensor (EI) for the detection of IgA and IgG type anti-tTG autoantibodies in real patient’s samples is presented. Screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCE) nanostructurized with carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles were used as the transducer surface. This transducer exhibits the excellent characteristics of carbon–metal nanoparticle hybrid conjugation and led to the amplification of the immunological interaction. The immunosensing strategy consisted of the immobilization of tTG on the nanostructured electrode surface followed by the electrochemical detection of the autoantibodies present in the samples using an alkaline phosphatase (AP) labelled anti-human IgA or IgG antibody. The analytical signal was based on the anodic redissolution of enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The results obtained were corroborated with a commercial ELISA kit indicating that the electrochemical immunosensor is a trustful analytical screening tool.
The relentless discovery of cancer biomarkers demands improved methods for their detection. In this work, we developed protein imprinted polymer on three-dimensional gold nanoelectrode ensemble (GNEE) to detect epithelial ovarian cancer antigen-125 (CA 125), a protein biomarker associated with ovarian cancer. CA 125 is the standard tumor marker used to follow women during or after treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. The template protein CA 125 was initially incorporated into the thin-film coating and, upon extraction of protein from the accessible surfaces on the thin film, imprints for CA 125 were formed. The fabrication and analysis of the CA 125 imprinted GNEE was done by using cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The surfaces of the very thin, protein imprinted sites on GNEE are utilized for immunospecific capture of CA 125 molecules, and the mass of bound on the electrode surface can be detected as a reduction in the faradic current from the redox marker. Under optimal conditions, the developed sensor showed good increments at the studied concentration range of 0.5–400 U mL−1. The lowest detection limit was found to be 0.5 U mL−1. Spiked human blood serum and unknown real serum samples were analyzed. The presence of non-specific proteins in the serum did not significantly affect the sensitivity of our assay. Molecular imprinting using synthetic polymers and nanomaterials provides an alternative approach to the trace detection of biomarker proteins.
Antibodies against gliadin are used to detect celiac disease (CD) in patients. An electrochemical immunosensor for the voltammetric detection of human anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) IgA and AGA IgG in real serum samples is proposed. The transducer surface consists of screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with a carbon nanotube/gold nanoparticle hybrid system, which provides a very useful surface for the amplification of the immunological interactions. The immunosensing strategy is based on the immobilization of gliadin, the antigen for the autoantibodies of interest, onto the nanostructured surface. The antigen–antibody interaction is recorded using alkaline phosphatase labeled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions (3-IP/Ag+) was used as the substrate. The analytical signal is based on the anodic redissolution of the enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical behavior of this immunosensor was carefully evaluated assessing aspects as sensitivity, non-specific binding and matrix effects, and repeatability and reproducibility. The results were supported with a commercial ELISA test.