922 resultados para FAMILY-STRUCTURE


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PALI (release 1.2) contains three-dimensional (3-D) structure-dependent sequence alignments as well as structure-based phylogenetic trees of homologous protein domains in various families. The data set of homologous protein structures has been derived by consulting the SCOP database (release 1.50) and the data set comprises 604 families of homologous proteins involving 2739 protein domain structures with each family made up of at least two members. Each member in a family has been structurally aligned with every other member in the same family (pairwise alignment) and all the members in the family are also aligned using simultaneous super­position (multiple alignment). The structural alignments are performed largely automatically, with manual interventions especially in the cases of distantly related proteins, using the program STAMP (version 4.2). Every family is also associated with two dendrograms, calculated using PHYLIP (version 3.5), one based on a structural dissimilarity metric defined for every pairwise alignment and the other based on similarity of topologically equivalent residues. These dendrograms enable easy comparison of sequence and structure-based relationships among the members in a family. Structure-based alignments with the details of structural and sequence similarities, superposed coordinate sets and dendrograms can be accessed conveniently using a web interface. The database can be queried for protein pairs with sequence or structural similarities falling within a specified range. Thus PALI forms a useful resource to help in analysing the relationship between sequence and structure variation at a given level of sequence similarity. PALI also contains over 653 ‘orphans’ (single member families). Using the web interface involving PSI_BLAST and PHYLIP it is possible to associate the sequence of a new protein with one of the families in PALI and generate a phylogenetic tree combining the query sequence and proteins of known 3-D structure. The database with the web interfaced search and dendrogram generation tools can be accessed at http://pa uling.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/~pali.


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Cultural inheritance can be considered as a mechanism of adaptation made possible by communication, which has reached its greatest development in humans and can allow long-term conservation or rapid change of culturally transmissible traits depending on circumstances and needs. Conservativeness/flexibility is largely modulated by mechanisms of sociocultural transmission. An analysis was carried out by testing the fit of three models to 47 cultural traits (classified in six groups) in 277 African societies. Model A (demic diffusion) is conservation over generations, as shown by correlations of cultural traits with language, used as a measure of historical connection. Model B (environmental adaptation) is measured by correlation to the natural environment. Model C (cultural diffusion) is the spread to neighbors by social contact in an epidemic-like fashion and was tested by measuring the tightness of geographic clustering of the traits. Most traits examined, in particular those affecting family structure and kinship, showed great conservation over generations, as shown by the fit of model A. They are most probably transmitted by family members. This is in agreement with the theoretical demonstration that cultural transmission in the family (vertical) is the most conservative one. Some traits show environmental effects, indicating the importance of adaptation to physical environment. Only a few of the 47 traits showed tight geographic clustering indicating that their spread to nearest neighbors follows model C, as is usually the case for transmission among unrelated people (called horizontal transmission).


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En España, el fenómeno de las adopciones internacionales irrumpe en la década de 1990. En 2004, se convirtió en el segundo país del mundo que las llevaba a cabo. Con el objetivo de incrementar el conocimiento sociológico sobre la familia adoptiva internacional española, se realizó la encuesta a través de web titulada Las familias adoptivas y sus estilos de vida. A partir de las respuestas ofrecidas por 230 madres y padres adoptivos, se dibuja el perfil sociodemográfico de sus hogares. Estos se caracterizarían por contar con progenitores con elevado nivel formativo, no adscritos a ninguna religión, que defienden políticas de izquierdas y que comparten un sistema de valores posmodernos respecto a la institución familiar. La identificación de la estructura doméstica según su tipo de alianza (biparental o monoparental) y su tipo de filiación (adoptiva o mixta) nos permite situar a la adopción contemporánea como una opción de filiación elegida y no, exclusivamente, como alternativa ante la imposibilidad de tener hijos biológicos. Adicionalmente, los resultados arrojados por la encuesta nos permiten adentrarnos en uno de los aspectos menos abordados en el estudio sociológico de la familia adoptiva: el papel de las actitudes sociales hacia la adopción y su impacto en aquella. La mayoría de los encuestados perciben el estigma social del que es objeto su familia adoptiva, pues, desde su punto de vista, la sociedad las considera como una forma de hogar menos satisfactoria que la basada en lazos biológicos.


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Objetivo principal: El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar los factores de riesgo sexual y su relación con la estructura familiar de la que forman parte los estudiantes universitarios según el grado que cursan. Metodología: Se aplicó un cuestionario a 220 alumnos de los dos títulos de grado de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Resultados principales: Los resultados muestran que el 70.1% de los estudiantes se inició en la sexualidad entre los 16-18 años. El 95.5% ha utilizado métodos anticonceptivos en su primera relación sexual. Los estudiantes de enfermería recibieron la información sexual a través de los centros educativos y los estudiantes de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE) la obtuvieron de los amigos. Conclusión principal: Se concluye que en la población universitaria siguen presentes conductas que conllevan riesgos para la salud, no encontrándose influenciados por la estructura familiar de origen. Actualmente, existe cierta disociación entre la información que reciben los estudiantes y las conductas inseguras que llevan a cabo.


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Geography and retail store locations are inherently bound together; this study links food retail changes to systemic logistics changes in an emerging market. The later include raising income and education, access to a wide range of technologies, traffic and transport difficulties, lagging retail provision, changing family structure and roles, as well as changing food culture and taste. The study incorporates demand for premium products defined by Kapferer and Bastien [2009b. The Luxury Strategy. London: Kogan Page] as comprising a broad variety of higher quality and unique or distinctive products and brands including in grocery organic ranges, healthy options, allergy free selections, and international and gourmet/specialty products through an online grocery model (n = 356) that integrates a novel view of home delivery in Istanbul. More importantly from a logistic perspective our model incorporates any products from any online vendors broadening the range beyond listed items found in any traditional online supermarkets. Data collected via phone survey and analysed via structural equation modelling suggest that the offer of online premium products significantly affects consumers’ delivery logistics expectations. We discuss logistics operations and business management implications, identifying the emerging geography of logistic models which respond to consumers’ unmet expectations using multiple sourcing and consolidation points.


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The purpose of this research was to answer the following research questions: (a) how high-achieving African-Americans maintain a “racefull” Black identity; (b) how African-American identity affects academic orientation and achievement; (c) how the school's ethnic composition affects African-American students' identity; and (d) how family structure, specifically living in female single-parent households, affects academic orientation and achievement. ^ The data were gathered in an inner-city high school in Miami, Florida. Participants were African-American adolescents, males and females, who started their first-year of high school in the fall of 1995 until their graduation in June 1999. The number of students in the sample varied from 27 students at the beginning of the project to 24 students at the time of graduation. ^ Data were gathered through intensive ethnographic field work, which involved direct participant observation of students in natural contexts; in-depth interviewing of students, peers, teachers, and families; open-ended classroom discussions on matters about the research; and focus groups. Data on demographics, levels of self-esteem and depression, hours spent doing homework, family help with school work, aspirations, and other factors were gained through a survey. ^ African-Americans in this high school developed a racefull persona and still embraced education. They did not need to be raceless to succeed. The ethnic composition of the school where these students were a minority within a minority school resulted in their developing reactive ethnicity formation. Family structure did not affect academic orientation. What made a difference in these students lives were parental support and family ties, which affected their academic orientation. ^


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The United Kingdom has among the highest rates of teenage motherhood (TM) in Western Europe. The relationship to individual social and material disadvantage is well established but the influence of area of residence is unclear. We tested for additional TM risks in deprived areas or in cities. The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study was used to identify 14,055 nulliparous females (15-18). TM risk was measured using multilevel logistic regression, adjusting for health status, religion, family structure, socio-economic status, rurality and employment-based area deprivation. Most variation in TM was driven by individual, household and socioeconomic factors with the greatest proportion of mothers in low value or social rented accommodation. Living in an area with fewer employment opportunities was associated with elevated TM risk (most vs. least deprived, ORadj = 1.98 [1.49, 2.63]), as was urban dwelling (urban vs. intermediate, ORadj = 1.42 [1.13, 1.78]). We conclude that area of residence is a significant independent risk factor for TM. Interventions should be targeted towards the most deprived and urban areas and to those in the lowest value housing.


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O presente estudo partiu de reflexões acerca dos movimentos da reforma assistencial psiquiátrica e o processo de desinstitucionalização. Apresenta-se a evolução dos espaços de loucura e da Saúde Mental até aos conceitos de comunidade terapêutica, reabilitação psicossocial e suporte social. A Saúde mental não pode ser considerada de forma restrita ao indivíduo pois reflete uma experiência grupal. Objetivo: Identificar variáveis capazes de influenciar o decurso de um processo terapêutico, em regime de comunidade terapêutica na área da Saúde Mental. Método: estudo de natureza mista, de carácter exploratório, contou com a informação relativa a 112 pacientes que estão ou estiveram incluídos no programa terapêutico de uma instituição vocacionada para intervenção em sujeitos com patologia mental severa. Foi utilizada uma grelha por nós construída de forma a obter dados relativos às variáveis idade, diagnóstico, nível de retração social, especificidades da estrutura familiar, suporte disponibilizado, grau de motivação e tipo de alta. Resultados: Os dados revelam a importância do tipo de diagnóstico, especificidades da estrutura familiar e grau de motivação para o processo terapêutico. Por meio destas variáveis podemos indiciar o sucesso ou insucesso terapêutico de um doente mental com uma probabilidade de 71,4%. Os dados sublinham ainda a importância da interação social e comportamentos da família para a motivação do doente para o tratamento. / This study was based on reflections about the movements of the psychiatric care reform and the process of deinstitutionalization. It presents the evolution of the spaces of madness and mental health to the concepts of therapeutic community, psychosocial rehabilitation and social support. The mental health can not be considered narrowly as the individual reflects a group experience. Objective: To identify variables that influence the course of a therapeutic process, on a therapeutic community in the area of Mental Health. Method: study of a mixed nature, exploratory, had information on 112 patients who are or have been included in the therapeutic program of an institution devoted to intervention in subjects with severe mental illness. We used a grid constructed by us to obtain data on age, diagnosis, level of social withdrawal, specific family structure, support available, motivation level and type of discharge. Results: The data reveal the importance of the type of diagnosis, the specific family structure and degree of motivation for the therapeutic process. By means of these variables can indicate the success or treatment failure of a mental patient with a probability of 71.4%. The data underline the importance of social interaction and behavior of the family to the patient's motivation for treatment.


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A esperança média de vida tem vindo a aumentar, resultando no envelhecimento da população mundial e, consequentemente, num aumento das populações com idades mais avançadas. Torna-se, por isso, importante estudar as especificidades do envelhecimento para que possamos trazer bem-estar e qualidade de vida a esta população que é cada vez mais numerosa, já que o envelhecimento traz mudanças a nível do corpo humano que se vão repercutir na saúde geral e na saúde oral. Os idosos apresentam, normalmente, pobres condições de saúde oral, sendo as doenças orais que mais acometem a esta população a perda dentária, a experiência de cárie, as altas taxas de prevalência de doença periodontal, a xerostomia e o pré-cancro/cancro oral. Além do envelhecimento populacional, têm sido notadas, ao longo do tempo, mudanças na estrutura familiar. Tudo isto leva a que o número de idosos institucionalizados aumente. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados, ainda não publicados, recolhidos no âmbito do projeto Sorrisos de Porta em Porta, que pertence à Mundo a Sorrir – Associação de Médicos Dentistas Portugueses. Este projeto visa a promoção de hábitos de saúde oral na população idosa e atua através da realização de ações de sensibilização subordinadas à temática da saúde oral no idoso e realização de rastreios de saúde oral aos idosos que se encontrem no âmbito de uma reposta social. Foram observados um total de 3586 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, onde 70,3% eram do género masculino. A idade média (desvio padrão) encontrada foi 81,9 (±7,5) e a maioria referiu ser autónoma nos cuidados de higiene oral, no entanto, observou-se que grande parte dos idosos não realizava a escovagem diária e mais de metade destes disse não sentir necessidade de o fazer. Observou-se também, que apenas 13,7% tinham tido a sua última consulta de Medicina Dentária nos últimos 6 meses e a maioria disse visitar o Médico Dentista por razões de dor dentária. A média (desvio padrão) obtida para o Índice CPOd foi 26,3 (±8,4), sendo a componente “Perdidos” a mais significativa. Relativamente ao Índice de Placa, a maioria apresentava um acúmulo de placa bacteriana maior de 1/3 mas menor de 2/3. Quanto ao tipo de desdentação a maior percentagem era a de idosos desdentados parciais sem prótese. Foi também realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Com este estudo concluiu-se que o estado de saúde oral dos idosos é bastante pobre consequência de uma pobre higiene oral e de falta de cuidados de saúde oral. Há uma grande necessidade de se instruir as pessoas relativamente à importância da Medicina Dentária e dos problemas que uma má saúde oral pode trazer para a saúde em geral.


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Introdução The hospitalization of a child is an experience that causes big changes in child and his family life. The parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can reduce their stress and have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectivos The aim of this study was to define what family-centered care is, to define the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs. It was also a goal to identify and understand the main differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Metodologia The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They had to involve nurses, hospitalized children between 0 and 18 years and their parents. Second part was a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. The goal was to understand different perspectives related to the parental needs of hospitalized children and nursing interventions to answer that needs. Resultados family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parent's participation is important to reduce the parental stress and it is essential for meeting the needs of the children. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. This is crucial to ensure the family's well-being, adaption to hospitalization and the child's recovery. Conclusões Nurses should collect information about the family which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children but they also need to take care of themselves. When nurses have enough information they can use it to the identification of parental needs and the planning of nursing interventions. It is important that nurses create an environment where parents feel safe and that they have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.


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Introdução The hospitalization of a child is an experience that causes big changes in child and his family life. The parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can reduce their stress and have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectivos The aim of this study was to define what family-centered care is, to define the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs. It was also a goal to identify and understand the main differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Metodologia The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They had to involve nurses, hospitalized children between 0 and 18 years and their parents. Second part was a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. The goal was to understand different perspectives related to the parental needs of hospitalized children and nursing interventions to answer that needs. Resultados family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parent's participation is important to reduce the parental stress and it is essential for meeting the needs of the children. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. This is crucial to ensure the family's well-being, adaption to hospitalization and the child's recovery. Conclusões Nurses should collect information about the family which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children but they also need to take care of themselves. When nurses have enough information they can use it to the identification of parental needs and the planning of nursing interventions. It is important that nurses create an environment where parents feel safe and that they have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.


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Con esta investigación se pretende analizar la idea de familia que tienen los niños/as en la actualidad y cómo la representan a través del dibujo infantil. El estudio ha sido realizado a partir de un muestreo realizado a niños/as de entre 4 y 6 años, extraído de tres escuelas, dos públicas y una privada en Granada (España). La investigación mantiene un carácter cualitativo. Para la realización del mismo hemos utilizado los siguientes procedimientos: recopilación de 100 dibujos, otras tantas entrevistas grabadas en audio, observación visual y notas de campo. Nos aseguramos así un seguimiento tanto del proceso creativo como de la propia opinión de los infantes. En la investigación, los niños/as mostraron plásticamente una idea de familia nuclear, de cuyos progenitores, el padre fue representado apenas participando en las tareas del hogar; mientras que la madre se representó asociada a las tareas domésticas y al cuidado de sus hijos. Sobre otras realidades familiares, en concreto la familia homosexual, carecen absolutamente de referencias.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial